Perioperative Quality Improvement

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Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and Perioperative Medicine

Key Points Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) are well positioned within the perioperative care model to provide high-quality care throughout the surgical continuum. Many areas of practice within the profession of nurse anesthesia, including background, training, and personal care delivery,…

Nursing and Perioperative Quality Improvement

Key Points Evidence-based medicine, quality improvement (QI), and clinical research are three cornerstones of perioperative nursing. Nurse education and empowerment is crucial to ensure best practice. Multidisciplinary teamwork is essential for optimal patient care. Communication is key among all perioperative…

Provider Resilience and Caring for the Carer

Key Points Resilience is needed, both individually and for an organization. To improve staff resilience, promote a culture of wellness in the organization and include executive buy-in. Developing data on risk of burnout in staff, using validated inventories, can help.…

A Case Study: National Emergency Laparotomy Audit

Key Points The National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) collects perioperative data on patients undergoing emergency bowel surgery (emergency laparotomy) from 179 hospitals across England and Wales (2020 figures). Data are used nationally, providing real time hospital-level benchmarked performance reports and…