Paller and Mancini – Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology

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Abuse and factitial disorders

Child abuse Child abuse is a broad term used to describe a spectrum of nonaccidental trauma inflicted upon children. Kempe et al. are generally credited with emphasizing the prevalence and importance of this entity when they coined the term battered…

Skin signs of other systemic diseases

Primary immunodeficiency disorders Recurrent infections, including those involving the skin, raise the possibility that a child has an immune deficiency. The most common cause of immunodeficiency in children is acquired immunodeficiency resulting from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (see Chapter…

Inborn errors of metabolism

The inborn disorders of metabolism are a group of primarily autosomal recessive hereditary disorders that result in metabolic and clinical defects. (More comprehensive discussion of some of these topics is covered elsewhere: disorders of tyrosine metabolism [Richner–Hanhart syndrome], Gaucher syndrome,…

Endocrine disorders and the skin

Endocrinologic diseases often display cutaneous features that may provide diagnostic clues, and patients with these disorders may be more susceptible to a variety of mucocutaneous problems. Some of these conditions and their therapy, where applicable, are reviewed here. A thorough…

Collagen vascular disorders

The connective tissue (collagen vascular, rheumatic) disorders represent a group of diseases characterized by inflammatory changes of the connective tissue of skin, muscle, joints, and viscera. Among these, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), morphea, eosinophilic…

Vasculitic disorders

The term vasculitis refers to inflammation of blood vessels, a finding that can be seen in association with a variety of clinical manifestations and as either a primary or secondary phenomenon. Along with vessel inflammation there is deposition of fibrinoid…

Urticarias and other hypersensitivity disorders

The hypersensitivity syndromes are a group of disorders mediated by immunologic or hypersensitivity reactions to foreign proteins such as food or drugs or to infectious agents, immunizations, and malignancies. Although diagnosis of these disorders is often relatively easy, difficulties commonly…

Photosensitivity and photoreactions

Sunlight emits a wide spectrum of radiation energy, extending from radio waves through infrared, visible, and ultraviolet (UV) light to X-rays. , The wavelength range of visible light is 400 to 800 nm and is relatively harmless, except for individuals…

Infestations, bites, and stings

Parasites are a fascinating and important cause of skin disease in children. They produce their effects in various ways: mechanical trauma from bites or stings, injection of pharmacologically active substances that induce local or systemic effects, allergic reactions in a…