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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Steven Harvey for his work on previous editions of this chapter. Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. Chronic otitis media is a formidable challenge to the otologist. Competent management…
Historical Context of Otoendoscopy While Mer et al. and Nomura et al. reported passing fiberoptic and rigid endoscopes through tympanic membrane perforations in 1967 and 1982, respectively, endoscopic and endoscope-assisted otologic surgery did not catch on until the 1990s through the reports…
Acknowledgment James Sheehy, MD (deceased), was the primary author for earlier versions of this chapter. His previous contributions to this work include the dominant surgical philosophy contained in the current version. Elimination of the disease and restoration of function are…
Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. There are two approaches to mastoidectomy in patients with cholesteatoma and chronic otitis media. The canal wall-up (also known as intact canal wall) technique is discussed in detail in…
Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. Mastoidectomy can be performed in two ways in cases of cholesteatoma. The canal wall-down technique is discussed in Chapter 17 . This chapter addresses the canal wall-up, or intact…
Definition and Clinical Significance Infections of the mastoid or middle ear may spread beyond the confines of the pneumatized spaces of the temporal bone. When this occurs, the patient is at risk for significant morbidity or mortality. While these complications…
Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. The primary goal in the surgical management of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma is the creation of a dry, safe ear through removal of disease and alteration of anatomy…
Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. Reconstruction of the middle ear sound-transformer mechanism has continued to evolve since the pioneering efforts of Wullstein and Zöllner in the 1950s. Despite improvements in materials and refinements in…
Please access Videos to view the corresponding videos for this chapter. Since the fundamental principles of tympanoplasty were introduced by Wullstein and Zollner, there has been great diversity in the accepted surgical techniques used for repair of the tympanic membrane.…
Rationale for Endoscopic Approach This chapter will review the preoperative work-up, indications, surgical technique, and postoperative care of tympanoplasty using an endoscopic approach for the repair of a tympanic membrane perforations. When compared to the traditional microscopic approaches for middle…