Orbital Imaging

Optic nerve glioma

Key points Definition: Optic nerve glioma (ONG) is a type of juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (grade 1 astrocytoma) that occurs more commonly in children and young adults. Synonym: Optic pathway glioma (OPG). Classic clue: Sausage-shaped diffuse fusiform enlargement and “kinking” of…

Orbital cavernous hemangioma

Key points Definition: Orbital cavernous hemangioma is a benign, slow-growing, vascular lesion manifesting as painless, progressive proptosis. Synonyms: Ocular cavernous hemangioma, orbital cavernous malformation, orbital cavmal. Classic clue: Well-circumscribed, enhancing intraconal mass in adult patients. Usual imaging appearance Computed tomography…

Retinal detachment

Key points Definition: Retinal detachment (RD) is a condition in which the inner retinal layer peels away from the middle choroidal layer of the globe permitting fluid to accumulate in what was previously only a “potential space.” It is a…

Ocular prosthesis

Key points Definition: An ocular prosthesis (OP) is a device that replaces the native eye after enucleation, evisceration, or exenteration. Also known as: glass eye, artificial eye. Classic clue: The patient usually visits the radiology department for neuro computed tomography…

Phthisis bulbi

Key points Definition: Phthisis bulbi (PB) is a generic descriptive term for the ocular globe’s “end-stage” appearance after wasting away, becoming anatomically disfigured, and shrunken as a result of a range of possible prior insults. Also known as: end-stage eye,…

Ruptured globe

Key points Definition: Ruptured globe (RG) occurs when the integrity of the eye is breeched by blunt or penetrating trauma causing full-thickness corneal or scleral breech. This is an ophthalmologic emergency. Synonym: Shattered globe. Classic clue: A man in his…

Ocular lens displacement

Key points Definition: Ocular lens displacement (OLD) refers to the malposition of the lens relative to its normal location as a result of disruption of the zonular fibers, which normally connect the lens to the ciliary body. Synonyms: Lens luxation,…

Anterior chamber perforation

Key points Definition: Anterior chamber perforation causes loss of aqueous humor resulting in flattening or obliteration of the space between the lens and cornea. Classic clue: The patient presents with potentially penetrating eye trauma, and is found to have a…

Orbital floor mesh

Key points Definition: Blowout orbital floor fractures can be repaired using titanium mesh, which gives a characteristic recognizable imaging appearance on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Classic clue: The patient presents for CT or MRI for his…

Orbital exenteration

Key points Definition: Orbital exenteration (OE) is a radical surgical procedure involving removal of the entire orbital contents and periorbital structures. It is usually performed to treat primary orbital or periorbital malignancies that invade the orbit. Classic clue: A middle-aged…