
Current Medical Management of Glaucoma

Definition Medical management of glaucoma is the lowering of intraocular pressure using eyedrops and/or systemic medications. Key Features Medications for the treatment of glaucoma (currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration) include: Chronic treatment: Prostaglandin analogues (increase outflow):…

When to Treat Glaucoma

Definition Patients should be treated when glaucomatous damage is detected or progressing, or if there is a high risk that such damage will occur. Key Features Multiple factors must be considered when deciding whether the patient is to be treated…

Congenital Glaucoma

Definition Glaucoma in children less than 2 years of age can be subdivided into (1) primary congenital glaucoma, which is the result of isolated, abnormal development of the anterior chamber angle structures, and (2) secondary congenital glaucoma, either following infantile…

Malignant Glaucoma

Definition Aqueous misdirection, or malignant glaucoma, is a rare form of glaucoma that typically occurs postoperatively in patients with primary angle closure and is characterized by elevated intraocular pressure with a diffusely shallow or flat anterior chamber despite a patent…