Non-Operating Room Anesthesia

Development of Future Systems

Anesthetizing patients is a complex business. The number of tasks to perform on a daily basis has increased dramatically, and the number of locations in which they are performed also has risen. Effectively monitoring a patient, charting the patient’s progress,…

Anesthesia and Competitive Strategies

Sedation for medical procedures performed outside the operating room has been traditionally provided by proceduralists and their proxies. However, as these procedures have steadily increased in both number and complexity, anesthesiologists have been increasingly asked to provide care in non–operating…

Anesthesia Concerns in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Environment

Providing anesthesia in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment differs from that in the operating room. The static magnetic field necessitates that all monitors, devices, and machines be nonferrous. The gradient magnetic field can interfere with electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing and…

Pediatric Anesthesia in the Radiology Suite

The pediatric patient population presents unique challenges to its anesthesia providers. These challenges are multiplied when administering an anesthetic in a non-—operating room anesthesia (NORA) location. Evidence indicates that NORA procedures have an increased risk for patients, especially with regard…

Adult Anesthesia in the Radiology Suite

One of the driving forces in the genesis of the field of interventional radiology was its minimally invasive nature. As catheters and stents replaced the physiologically taxing “open” procedure, patients were able to have an intervention they may not otherwise…

Anesthesia in the Bronchoscopy Suite

An increasing number of pulmonary disorders are amenable to flexible or rigid bronchoscopic diagnostic or therapeutic intervention. New techniques such as endobronchial ultrasound, electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy, and treatment of central airway obstruction, including tumor debulking and placement of airway stents,…