
Novel Therapeutic Targets in Neuroblastoma

Introduction Neuroblastoma, a tumor of the sympathetic nervous system, is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children. There is broad heterogeneity in the disease course, which can be predicted by clinical staging, tumor histology, and underlying genomic changes. Treatment…

Current Pharmacotherapy for Neuroblastoma

Introduction The specifics of treatment of neuroblastoma depend critically on the stage and prognostic features of the tumor, the age of the patient , and, increasingly, the transcriptome of the tumor cells . Children whose neuroblastomas are single, primary tumors…

Advances in the Surgical Treatment of Neuroblastoma

Introduction The initial diagnosis of neuroblastoma requires close collaboration among the surgical oncologist, pediatric oncologist, and pathologist, especially in the assessment of MYCN amplification, histopathology, and DNA index (ploidy) . The surgeon has a vital role in neuroblastoma management. Specifically,…

Immunotherapy for Neuroblastoma

Acknowledgments We thank Joe Olechnowicz for editorial assistance. Introduction Standard care for patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (NB) currently consists of aggressive multimodal therapy including high-dose chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy . Immunotherapy utilizes mechanisms of action that are not cross-reactive with…

Molecular Imaging in Neuroblastoma

Disclosure No funding received from any organization for this study. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. Neuroblastoma tumors are usually detected in a symptomatic child. Sometimes, it may be noticed incidentally. If child is symptomatic and…