Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction The laboratory mouse has long been used as a biomedical tool. Over the past 50 years, the mouse has transformed into the standard model to study and compare their pathophysiology and genetics to a wide variety of human skin…
Introduction Connective tissue tumors presenting primarily in the skin are relatively common. Because the majority of such lesions are benign and clinically nondistinctive they are sometimes neglected by clinicians. However, histologically they constitute a complex group of tumors showing various…
Although a wide variety of cysts may present in the skin, usually these turn out to be epidermoid (infundibular), trichilemmal, or glandular in nature ( Table 34.1 ). It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a structure is a…
Apocrine nevus Clinical features Apocrine nevus as defined by an excess of normal apocrine glands (apocrine hamartoma, hamartomatous apocrine gland hyperplasia) is a very rare and clinically heterogeneous condition. Most often it presents with a fleshy axillary swelling. Erythematous or…
Ectopic sebaceous glands Clinical features Sebaceous glands are normally found in association with a hair follicle. However, at several mucosal sites, they may develop independently, presenting as small 1- to 3-mm yellow to white papules (Fordyce spots), which can be…
Hair nevi Clinical features Localized variations of hair growth or hair follicle numbers are more easily appreciated clinically than histologically. Increased growth of terminal hairs may be seen over a spina bifida defect and also occurs in hairy congenital melanocytic…
Cutaneous Metastases Secondary involvement of the integument by a malignant tumor may represent a metastatic phenomenon (such as following vascular or lymphatic emboli) or occur as a direct consequence of contiguous spread through tissue spaces or lymphatic and vascular channels…
Classification of lymphomas The classification of lymphomas and hematopoietic neoplasms has undergone radical changes in philosophy and diagnostic criteria since the early days of Lukes and Collins, Rappaport, and the subsequent Updated Kiel classification and the Working Formulation. The majority…
Introduction This chapter is based on the author's previous publications on this topic. Management of patients with primary melanoma in vertical growth phase who have no evidence of regional nodal metastases on palpation or ultrasound has been controversial for many…
Introduction Anatomy and histology of the conjunctiva The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that covers the surface of the eyeball and posterior aspect of the eyelid that functions to protect the eye and allow the eyelids to move smoothly over…