Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists

Patient and Family Support Groups

The following organizations provide patients and their families with educational, legal, medical, and personal assistance. Some of them also provide educational materials for physicians. General Resources American Academy of Neurology Neurology: Official Journal of the American Academy of Neurology…

Traumatic Brain Injury

Following the classification of the American Academy of Neurology, one of many neurologists distinguish mild traumatic brain injury (TBI ) from severe TBI . They define mild TBI as “a trauma-induced alteration in mental status that may or may not…

Neurotransmitters and Drug Abuse

Neurologists have traditionally attributed neurologic symptoms and signs to lesions in particular areas of the central nervous system (CNS) or peripheral nervous system (PNS), and have used imaging studies, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to…

Lumbar Puncture and Imaging Studies

Lumbar Puncture Neurologists often obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by performing a lumbar puncture (LP), one of the oldest neurologic tests still in use. Analysis of CSF can be very helpful, if not diagnostic, in many situations. When patients have at…