Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia

Cardiovascular Pharmacology of Anesthetics

KEY POINTS 1. Isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane decrease myocardial contractility, delay left ventricular (LV) relaxation, and attenuate early LV filling, but do not affect LV compliance. 2. Volatile anesthetics dilate arteriolar resistance and venous capacitance vessels, but do not alter…

Coronary Physiology

Key Points 1. The coronary circulation is composed of several types of blood vessels, each with different structure and function, including the superficial conductive arteries, prearterioles, arterioles (resistance vessels), capillaries, and veins. 2. The major determinants of coronary blood flow…

Cardiac Physiology

Key Points 1. The cartilaginous skeleton, myocardial fiber orientation, valves, blood supply, and conduction system of the heart determine its mechanical capabilities and limitations. 2. The cardiac myocyte is engineered for contraction and relaxation, not protein synthesis. 3. Laplace’s law…

The Cardiorespiratory Effects of COVID-19

Key Points 1. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to have a devastating impact on virtually all aspects of human life, from the healthcare system to the economy, social relations, and mental health. 2. Key mechanisms that may have a…

Cardiology Consultation and Assessment of Cardiac Risk 1

Key Points 1. Perioperative cardiac morbidity is multifactorial, and understanding the predictive risk factors helps define the risk for individual patients. 2. Assessment of myocardial injury is based on the integration of information from myocardial imaging, electrocardiography, and serum biomarkers.…