Imaging in Gastroenterology

Esophageal Carcinoma

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Fibrovascular Polyp

KEY FACTS Terminology Rare, benign, tumor-like lesion of esophagus Originates within cervical esophageal wall but presents as intraluminal polyp or mass You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If…

Esophagectomy: Ivor Lewis and Other Procedures

KEY FACTS Terminology Surgical resection of a portion of esophagus and replacement by a conduit formed by another portion of alimentary tube Imaging Many surgical options for surgical excision of esophagus Transthoracic esophagectomy: Usually performed through right intercostal approach (Ivor…

Boerhaave Syndrome

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Intramural Esophageal Pseudodiverticulosis

KEY FACTS Terminology Rare, benign disorder characterized by esophageal diverticulosis-like outpouchings Characterized by dilation of excretory ducts of deep mucous glands You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If…