Imaging in Gastroenterology

Toxic Megacolon

KEY FACTS Terminology Acute transmural fulminant colitis with colonic dilation and systemic toxicity You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member. Log in here

Ulcerative Colitis

KEY FACTS You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member. Log in here

Neutropenic Enterocolitis (Typhlitis)

KEY FACTS Terminology Life-threatening, necrotizing enterocolitis occurring primarily in severely neutropenic patients Imaging Best imaging tool: CECT with multiplanar reformations Massive mural thickening of cecal ± ascending colon wall – Other segments of colon and small bowel can be affected…

Infectious Colitis

KEY FACTS Terminology Colonic inflammation due to bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections Imaging Best imaging tool: CECT with multiplanar reformations Mucosal hyperenhancement, marked submucosal edema, ascites Multiple air-fluid levels, inflamed pericolonic fat Ultrasound findings Symmetric wall thickening and submucosal…

Colon: Imaging Approach and Differential Diagnosis

Embryology and Congenital Malformations The ascending and transverse colon, along with the small intestine, are part of the embryologic midgut, which undergoes marked elongation beginning in the 6th week of fetal development. To accommodate this increased length, the midgut herniates…

Small Bowel Carcinoma

KEY FACTS Terminology Primary adenocarcinoma of small intestine (excluding duodenum) You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member. Log in here

Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes

KEY FACTS Terminology Spectrum of hereditary and nonhereditary polyposis syndromes characterized by gastrointestinal (GI) tract polyps and other associated lesions Imaging CT enterography is best imaging tool (multiplanar, contrast enhanced) Best diagnostic clue Cluster of small filling defects in small…

Small Intestine Transplantation

KEY FACTS Terminology Isolated small bowel transplant (SB Tx) is primarily for "short gut syndrome" Multivisceral Tx (liver, ± pancreas, ± part of stomach) Usually for liver failure due to chronic total parenteral nutrition (TPN) Donor bowel has copious lymphoid…

Radiation Enteritis and Colitis

KEY FACTS Terminology Damage of small bowel or colonic mucosa and wall due to therapeutic or excessive irradiation You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a…