Habif's Clinical Dermatology

Corticosteroids (Topical)

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Dermatologic Surgical Procedures

Punch biopsy, shave biopsy, electrodesiccation and curettage (ED&C), blunt dissection, and simple excision and suture closure are the basic techniques that should be learned by physicians who treat skin disease. One should be familiar with the more sophisticated techniques, such…

Cutaneous Manifestations of Internal Disease

Certain cutaneous diseases are frequently associated with internal disease. The skin disease itself may be inconsequential, but its presence should prompt investigation of possible related internal disorders. A selected group of such diseases is discussed in this chapter. Pigmentary skin…

Nail Diseases

See pages 963–964 for photos of the most common nail disorders. Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy The nail unit consists of several components ( Fig. 25.1 ). The nail plate is hard, translucent, dead keratin. The nail fold includes the skin…

Hair Diseases

Physicians are frequently confronted with hair-related problems. Most complaints are from patients with early-onset pattern baldness. The physician must be able to recognize this normal, inherited hair loss pattern so that detailed and expensive evaluations can be avoided. Other patients…

Vascular Tumors and Malformations

Congenital Vascular Lesions A number of different congenital vascular lesions occur in the skin. The two major categories are vascular tumors (growths) and vascular malformations. Many represent developmental malformations and do not appear to be genetically determined, although the genetic…

Nevi and Malignant Melanoma

Melanocytic Nevi Nevi, or moles, are benign tumors composed of nevus cells that are derived from melanocytes. Many myths surround moles, for example, that hairs should not be plucked from moles or that moles should not be removed or disturbed.…

Premalignant and Malignant Nonmelanoma Skin Tumors

Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common invasive malignant cutaneous neoplasm found in humans. The most common presenting complaint is a bleeding or scabbing sore that heals and recurs. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to regard…

Benign Skin Tumors

Seborrheic Keratosis Seborrheic keratosis (SK) and nevi are the most common benign cutaneous neoplasms. SKs are of unknown origin and have no malignant potential. In recent years, somatic mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 ( FGFR3 ) gene…