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Atlas References Netter: 42, 53–54, 83–85 McMinn: 38–41 Gray's Atlas: 503–506 Before You Begin Review the superficial anatomy of the face: Glabella Root of nose, dorsum of nose Tip of nose Ala Columella nasi Philtrum Mental protuberance Modiolus Vermillion border…
Atlas References Netter: 8, 9, 31, 32, 35, 38–41, 141–142 McMinn: 28–37 Gray's Atlas: 536, 539–551 Before You Begin Palpate the following landmarks on your neck or the cadaver: Mental protuberance Hyoid bone Laryngeal prominence (“Adam's apple”) Cricoid cartilage Jugular…
Trochanteric Bursitis Injection Gray's Anatomy for Students: 296-299 Netter: 481, 482, 494 Clinical Application Introduce local anesthetic using an intrabursal injection to relieve pain of inflamed trochanteric bursa. Anatomic Landmarks ( Figs. VII.1 and VII.2 ) Skin Subcutaneous tissue Iliotibial…
Atlas References Netter: 516–528 McMinn: 344–354 Gray's Atlas: 350–363 Before You Begin Identify and palpate the calcaneus , the lateral longitudinal arch , and the five metatarsal heads ( Fig. 19.1 ). Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue o Make a longitudinal…
Atlas References Netter: 495–514 McMinn: 328–343 Gray's Atlas: 318–329, 339–347 Before You Begin Identify the great and small (lesser) saphenous veins and the saphenous and sural nerves, from the previous dissection of the thigh and leg in Chapter 17 .…
Atlas References Netter: 480–485, 490–491 McMinn: 320–327 Gray's Atlas: 299, 300, 306–317 Before You Begin Palpate the following bony landmarks on the cadaver or on yourself: Anterior superior iliac spine Pubic tubercle Pubic symphysis Greater trochanter of femur Medial and…
Atlas References Netter: 492–494 McMinn: 316–319 Gray's Atlas: 301–303, 307, 314, 315 Before You Begin Typically, you will not need to make additional skin incisions if you continue the dissection on the same cadaver on which you performed the dissection…
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Atlas References Netter: 358–365, 377, 378, 387, 389, 393, 395, 486–489 McMinn: 276–279 Gray's Atlas: 255–263, 266, 267, 270 Before You Begin Dissection of the male and female pelvis is discussed separately in this chapter. Dissection Tip To best dissect…
Atlas References Netter: 333–357, 366, 369, 380–385, 388, 390–392 McMinn: 261–275 Gray's Atlas: 212–254, 264–265 Several techniques are used for dissection of the pelvis. This chapter describes the traditional midline hemipelvectomy. Midline Hemipelvectomy (Male) o Identify the rectosigmoid junction and…