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Cricothyrotomy Gray's Anatomy for Students: 536, 541, 543 Netter: 78, 83 Clinical Application Procedure creates an emergent airway through the cricothyroid membrane. Anatomic Landmarks ( Figs. VIII.1 and VIII.2 ) Palpation of midline structures Hyoid cartilage Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage…
Atlas References Netter: 75, 76, 79, 80, 86–88, 147, 148 McMinn: 45, 47 Gray's Atlas: 553–555, 565 Before You Begin Place the cadaver in the supine position, and identify the following landmarks in the postcraniotomy skull ( Fig. 29.1 ):…
Atlas References Netter: 89–93 McMinn: 48–50 Gray's Atlas: 558–562 Before You Begin The larynx occupies the space between the epiglottis superiorly and the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage. Inspection Technique 1 o The inspection begins by examining the larynx…
Atlas References Netter: 65–72, 77, 81–86 McMinn: 46, 52 Gray's Atlas: 552–557, 572–582 Dissection Steps o Identify the borders of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx on the cadaver ( Fig. 27.1 ). o The tensor veli palatini and the levator…
Atlas References Netter: 45–52, 61, 142 McMinn: 58, 59, 73 Gray's Atlas: 566–571 Dissection Steps o Exposure of the contents of the nasal cavity requires a midsagittal transection through the head ( Fig. 26.1 ). Dissection Tip Electric saws are…
Atlas References Netter: 105–110 McMinn: 60–61 Gray's Atlas: 520–525 Before You Begin Identify the following bones in your atlas, text, and on a skull: Petrous part of temporal bone Squamous part of temporal bone Petrosquamous fissure (at junction of petrous…
Atlas References Netter: 94–104 McMinn: 54–57 Gray's Atlas: 508–519 Before You Begin Remove all soft tissues with a scalpel and expose the frontal and temporal bones. Reflect the temporalis muscle as laterally as possible. Osteotomy of Orbital Roof o With…
Atlas References Netter: 111–126, 149–158 McMinn: 51–53, 62–72 Gray's Atlas: 490–502 Before You Begin The skin of the face has been previously removed (see Chapter 21 ). Dissection Steps o Continue the removal of the facial skin toward the occipital…
Atlas References Netter: 9, 10, 55–62, 64, 81–84 McMinn: 42, 44, 76 Gray's Atlas: 507, 527–533 Before You Begin The infratemporal fossa dissection requires the use of an electric saw or a hammer and chisel. Make sure that you wear…