Gray's Anatomy

Thorax: overview and surface anatomy

The thorax is the upper part of the trunk. It consists of an external musculoskeletal cage, the thoracic wall and an internal cavity that contains the heart, lungs, oesophagus, trachea and main bronchi, thymus, vagus and phrenic nerves, sympathetic trunks…

Instability of the shoulder – a neurological disease

This commentary addresses glenohumeral instability (GHI), although the analysis of stability and its perturbation, and the system of classification described, is applicable to all articulations in which the experience of symptomatic abnormal motion (the clinical syndrome of instability) is reported…

Nerve biomechanics

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Wrist and hand

Skin and Soft Tissues Skin Dorsal skin versus palmar skin The dorsal skin is thin, mobile and frequently hirsute over the proximal phalanges and the ulnar aspect of the dorsum of the hand. The skin of the palm and the…

Elbow and forearm

Skin and Soft Tissues Skin Cutaneous vascular supply The skin of the elbow and forearm receives its blood supply from muscle perforators, fasciocutaneous networks and direct cutaneous vessels. The skin of the anterolateral cubital fossa is supplied by muscle perforators…

Shoulder girdle and arm

The upper limb is differentiated to achieve the complex patterns of stereotactic, non-stereotactic and gestural movements (each with a distinct neurological basis) that enable hand function. The combined movements of the shoulder and elbow bring objects in the hand into…

Spinal cord and spinal nerves: gross anatomy

The gross anatomy of the structures that lie within the vertebral canal and their extensions through the intervertebral foramina, the spinal nerve or radicular (‘root’) canals, is described in this chapter. The internal organization of the spinal cord is described…


Most clinical disorders of the back present as low back pain with or without associated lower limb pain, weakness or numbness, and so, historically, most attention has been paid to the anatomy of the lower (lumbosacral) back. In this Section,…