GI/Liver Secrets Plus

Small Bowel and Colon Pathology

Small Intestine 1. What are the morphologic features of celiac disease? The normal duodenal mucosa has numerous fingerlike projections, or villi, as shown in Figure 59-1 A, whereas in celiac disease the normal villous architecture is lost (blunted villi and…

Ischemic Bowel Disease

1. What is ischemic bowel disease? Ischemic bowel disease is caused by tissue hypoxia and ischemic injury of the small or large intestine as a result of a persistent decrease in mesenteric blood flow, decreased oxygen content of red blood…

Chronic Diarrhea

1. Define chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea is defined as an increase in the frequency and fluidity of stools. For most patients, diarrhea means the passage of loose stools. Although loose stools are often accompanied by an increase in the frequency of…