Gattuso's Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology

Eye and Orbit

Adult Ocular Lesions External Lesions Malignant Melanoma of the Conjunctiva Clinical Features † Deceased Usually pigmented (may be amelanotic), nodular, elevated lesion with vascularity, anywhere on conjunctiva Usually mobile, but may be fixed to sclera Indistinct edges More common in…

Central Nervous System

Diffuse Astrocytic Tumors Diffuse Astrocytomas of Each Grade are Now Divided Into One of Two Diagnostic Categories Based Upon the Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH Gene Mutation Status (IDH Mutant or IDH Wildtype). if the Testing is Not Available or Cannot be…

Heart, Pericardium, and Blood Vessels

Heart Cardiomyopathy Clinical Features Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Myocardial disease characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy in the absence of systemic hypertension, aortic valve stenosis, or overt infiltrative diseases Associated with normal systolic function and diastolic dysfunction; systolic dynamic obstruction of the left…

Soft Tissue

Nodular Fasciitis Clinical Features Primarily affects young adults aged 20 to 40 years; occasionally seen in children Presents as a rapidly growing solitary mass; may be painful Inconsistently associated with recognized previous trauma (10% to 15%) Can involve any site;…

Bones and Joints

Osteoid Tumors Osteoma Clinical Features Male predominance (2:1 to 3:1) Age ranges from second decade to elderly, with most cases occurring in fourth and fifth decades Occurs most commonly in skull bones, including mandible, maxilla, frontal sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, paranasal…


Non-Neoplastic Diseases Involving the Splenic White Pulp Reactive Follicular Hyperplasia With Germinal Center Formation Clinical Features Occurs at any age; more common in children and younger adults Caused by a variety of both acute and chronic immunologic stimuli (e.g., bacterial…

Lymph Nodes

Normal Lymph Node Histopathology A lymph node contains a cortex, a paracortex, a medulla, sinuses, a hilum, and a fibrous capsule The cortex is a B-cell area, which contains primary (nonstimulated) lymphoid follicles composed of small mature lymphocytes and secondary…


Subareolar Abscess Clinical Features Develops in lactating and nonlactating breasts, usually in nonlactating breasts Found in women of any age, typically during reproductive years Can be seen after reduction mammoplasty May resemble inflammatory carcinoma clinically May present as a painful,…

Female Reproductive System

Vulva Inflammatory dermatologic diseases that affect hair-bearing skin elsewhere on the body may also occur on the vulva (see Chapter 2 ). A selected group of disorders are addressed here primarily because of the frequency with which they are seen…

Male Genitourinary System

Prostate Gland Acute and Chronic Prostatitis Clinical Features Clinical classification of acute and chronic prostatitis Acute bacterial prostatitis Chronic bacterial prostatitis Chronic abacterial prostatitis Prostate is swollen and tender on palpation Often refractory to antibiotic therapy because the prostate is…