
Gastric emptying scintigraphy

Introduction Gastric motility is important for the proper processing and gastric emptying (GE) of an ingested meal . The gastric motility responses to an ingested meal involve actions of several different regions of the stomach. These include initial proximal gastric…

Autonomic neuropathies and gastroparesis

Abbreviations AAG Autonomic autoimmune ganglionopathy ANS Autonomic nervous system ATTR Transthyretin amyloid COMPASS composite autonomic symptom score EDS Ehlers-Danlos syndrome HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus POTS Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome TTR Transthyretin Introduction The autonomic nervous system (ANS) consist of the…

Gastroparesis and the brain-gut axis

Introduction Gastroparesis causes impairment in quality of life with deleterious impacts on health. Complicating our understanding of the condition is the combination of different insults which can provoke the disorder. No matter the etiology, it is likely that virtually all…

Sensory dysfunction in gastroparesis

Gastroparesis occurs commonly as a complication of long-standing diabetes, but the in the largest group of patients no cause can be established and these are referred to as idiopathic gastroparesis patients. While delayed gastric emptying is a defining feature of…

Cellular pathogenesis of gastroparesis

Abbreviations Ano-1 anoctamin-1 BH4 tetrahydrobiopterin BMP-2 bone morphogenetic protein-2 BMPR BMP receptor ChAT choline acetyltransferase CSF-1 colony stimulating fator-1 CX3CR1 CX3C chemokine receptor 1 DG diabetic gastroparesis DM diabetes mellitus ENS enteric nervous system GI gastrointestinal HO-1 heme oxygenase 1…

Clinical presentations of gastroparesis

Introduction Gastroparesis is a chronic gastric motility disorder, characterized by delays in the emptying of food contents from the stomach into the small bowel in the absence of a mechanical obstruction . The most frequently reported symptoms of gastroparesis include…

Epidemiology of gastroparesis

Introduction – the challenge Gastroparesis is commonly defined on the basis of the combination of symptoms and delayed gastric emptying, in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Therein lies a major challenge to attempts to provide accurate data on the incidence…