Emergency Surgery of the Hand

Surgical Treatment of Hand Infections

Because of their frequency and severity, hand infections are a surgical emergency. Despite being apparently benign, they should not be underestimated; they are the source of significant sequelae if treatment is not adequate and fast. Regular monitoring of the patient…


The application of a dressing marks the end of surgery and is in itself an art form. The dressing is the only part of surgery that the patient can visualize and immediately appreciate. For the patient it is the immediate…

The Tissue Bank

Multidigit injuries are common. An amputated finger that is not replantable becomes a privileged donor site for harvesting tissue for the reconstruction of neighboring fingers. This is a unique opportunity that must be seized at the time of the emergent…

Hand Replantations

Although the replantation of a hand is certainly spectacular, it may seem less demanding technically than a digital replantation. There are, however, many problems that remain to be solved, given the possibility of muscle ischemia, technical choices related to osteosynthesis…

Digital Replantations

Komatsu and Tamai performed the first successful replantation of a fully severed thumb in 1965. Since then, the field of digital replantation has evolved considerably. There has been extensive progress in terms of the development of suture materials, microsurgical instruments…

Nerve Injuries

Open nerve injuries must be viewed as genuine surgical emergencies. In other words, they should be operated on within the initial hours following the accident. First, it is in an emergency setting that the surgeon encounters the best conditions to…

Nail Trauma

Anatomy and Physiology Physiology Although the nail no longer has a defensive role in humans, it nevertheless retains an important function. It is the only rigid element stabilizing the distal pulp of the fingers beyond the distal phalanx tuft. It…

Temporary Amputations and Permanent Amputations

Whatever the level of mutilation and finger concerned, carrying out a digital amputation is a significant surgical procedure with functional consequences. We speak of “temporary” amputation when a subsequent reconstruction is planned. This is most often a microsurgical reconstruction by…

Injuries of the Extensor Apparatus

Extensor apparatus injuries are too often underestimated, especially in the fingers. Although a cursory clinical examination may give the impression of integrity, it is only a few weeks later that deformity in the digital chain (boutonnière, swan neck, etc.) appears,…

Flexor Tendon Injuries

Flexor tendon injuries in the hand are common and surgically challenging. Verdan and Michon sent shock waves through the scientific community in the 1960s when they recommended primary repair, which to this day remains the standard treatment for these injuries.…