Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient

Hormone Treatment for the Adult Transgender Patient

Introduction Transgender medicine is a developing field of medicine that spans multiple subspecialties. Transgender individuals are defined as those whose gender identity differs from the assigned sex recorded for them at birth based on external sexual characteristics. Gender identity includes…

Disorders of Sexual Development

Introduction Disorders of sexual development (DSD)―a less derogatory term than intersex―are a heterogenous group of conditions characterized by aberrant chromosomal, gonadal, and/or anatomic sex with widely varying genotypic and phenotypic manifestations. Sexual differentiation comprises three successive steps: (1) genotypic events…

An Introduction to Gender Diversity

Introduction Transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming individuals have been a part of all cultures historically, yet the emergence of, and advocacy for, transgender individuals in the Western world have become prominent only in recent decades. The majority of clinical experience…