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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Answers Chapter 1 Q1. Answer: c – Puborectalis Laterally, the muscle sheets of the iliococcygeus and ischiococcygeus are oblique The medial fibres of the puborectalis are inserted into the upper part of the perineal body and the succeeding fibres turn…
Answers Chapter 2 Q1. Answer: e – When it has been more than 12 months since her last period Explanation: Menopause can only be diagnosed retrospectively, which is 12 months after the last menstrual period. Symptoms of hot flushes, mood…
Introduction Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are commonly used as part of medical school assessments. They allow assessment of clinical performance and important skills which are difficult to assess in written examinations. These include key domains such as clinical skills,…
Introduction This is a selection of single best answer (SBA) questions from across this book. This style of questions is increasingly favoured over the traditional multiple choice questions (MCQs) for examinations. The answers and accompanying explanations can be found in…
Introduction This is a selection of single best answer (SBA) questions from across this book. This style of questions is increasingly favoured over the traditional multiple choice questions (MCQs) for examinations. The answers and accompanying explanations can be found in…
Introduction Health care practitioners’ priority is the provision of the highest standard of care within the constraints of the resources available to them: no obstetrician or gynaecologist goes to work with the intention of providing substandard care and causing harm…
General Advice This chapter is a practical guide to common clinical scenarios you are likely to encounter when working in obstetrics and gynaecology as a medical student or a junior doctor. Obstetrics and gynaecology is a unique specialty with its…
Introduction Good-quality neonatal care is extremely important and can have major implications for the rest of a baby’s life. Those born prematurely need skilled intensive support. Those born with presumed hypoxia need resuscitation, prompt assessment and appropriate subsequent care. The…
Introduction Pregnancy is associated with substantial physiological changes. These primarily comprise adaptations that facilitate fetal growth and development as well as providing the woman with the resources required to carry the pregnancy to term and survive the process of labour.…
Introduction Imaging plays an important role in both obstetrics and gynaecology. Ultrasound is extremely valuable at all stages of pregnancy: early in pregnancy for viability and establishing gestation; mid-pregnancy to look for fetal abnormality; and later in pregnancy for growth,…