Cardiac Surgery: Operative Technique

Cardiac tumors

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Cardiac arrhythmia

Pacemaker insertion Permanent pacing systems require the implantation of pacing electrodes in contact with the myocardium and the placement of a pulse generator in the body. There are a number of options for accomplishing these tasks. In certain circumstances it…

Lung transplantation

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Heart-lung transplantation

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Special procedures in cardiac transplantation

Left thoracotomy In contemporary practice, cardiac transplantation is occasionally undertaken in patients who have undergone previous cardiac procedures that render reentry by midsternal incision impractical or inadvisable. Prior sternal wound infection is an obvious case in which a midline incision…

Cardiac transplantation

Improved means of controlling tissue rejection have made transplantation of the human heart a useful clinical procedure that is widely applied in cardiovascular centers throughout the world. Cooperative organizations for the sharing of facilities and long-distance transportation of cryopreserved tissue…

Bypass of superior vena cava

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Aortic aneurysm

Aneurysm of the aorta in one of its segments or in its entirety may require replacement of the aorta. The need for operation is determined by the size of the aneurysm and the accompanying risk of rupture, occlusion of the…

Ventricular aneurysm

Anterior left ventricular aneurysm One of the most common sequelae of severe transmural myocardial infarction is development of an aneurysm of the left ventricle. Acquired ventricular septal defect occurs as a consequence of myocardial infarction with necrosis of the septal…

Coronary artery bypass graft

Coronary artery bypass graft operations are effective in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Although these operations have become quite standard, there seems to be an infinite variety of presentations of atherosclerotic disease and combinations of operations to revascularize the…