Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology

Parkinsonism and Other Movement Disorders

Movement disorders in older adults can be broadly classified into the akinetic-rigid hypokinetic conditions, in which voluntary movement is reduced, and hyperkinetic conditions, in which excess involuntary movements called dyskinesias are present ( Box 64-1 ). Dyskinesias can be further…

Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System

This chapter focuses on the consequences of aging on autonomic cardiovascular control. The neurobiology of aging and the effects of aging on gastrointestinal and urinary tract function are detailed in other sections in this book. The chapter first provides a…

Long-Term Stroke Care

Stroke is an ancient disease, recognized since the time of Hippocrates, when the term apoplexy was used to describe someone being suddenly struck down. The lay term stroke emerged in the seventeenth century, and this term has only more recently…

Stroke : Epidemiology and Pathology

Stroke Epidemiology This chapter is concerned with the study of patterns and risk factors associated with stroke and the pathologic changes observed in stroke. The major types of stroke are ischemic stroke (due to cerebral vessel occlusion) and hemorrhagic stroke…

Headache and Facial Pain

Introduction Worldwide, headache disorders are one of the most prevalent medical complaints. This will continue because of the changing demographic of aging populations and because people experience headaches more commonly in their later years. Headaches are often more severe in…


Introduction Epileptic seizures are typically short lived and transitory but nonetheless have the potential for considerable disability because of the unpredictable nature of attacks, the risk of injury they bring, and neurologic impairment from repeated seizures and adverse effects of…

Intellectual Disability in Older Adults

Definition and Causes Intellectual disability (ID) is the current term used to describe what in the United Kingdom has been known as learning disability and in the United States as mental retardation. The World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases…

Mental Illness in Older Adults

Introduction Mental illness is common in older adults, and those who have a concurrent physical illness are particularly vulnerable. Although these conditions tend to be underdetected and undertreated, their outcome with appropriate management is often excellent. This chapter reviews the…


Introduction Delirium represents an acute disorder of consciousness. Serially time-ordered, organized, and with reflective awareness of self and the environment, consciousness also represents an experience of graded complexity and quality. It follows that disturbance of consciousness as part of delirium…