Atlas of Pain Management Injection Techniques

Injection Technique for Cervical Strain

Indications and Clinical Considerations The muscles of the posterior neck are particularly susceptible to the development of acute and chronic pain symptomatology after acute flexion, extension, or lateral bending injuries to the neck or repeated microtrauma secondary to pressure from…

Injection Technique for Trapezius Syndrome

Indications and Clinical Considerations The muscles of the posterior neck are particularly susceptible to the development of myofascial pain syndrome. Flexion–extension injuries to the neck or repeated microtrauma secondary to pressure from purse straps, backpacks, or laptop computer cases may…

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block via the Transnasal Approach

Indications and Clinical Considerations Sphenopalatine ganglion block may be used in the treatment of acute migraine headache, acute cluster headache, and a variety of facial neuralgias, including Sluder, Vail, and Gardner syndromes ( Fig. 18.1 ). This technique is also…

Trigeminal Nerve Block via the Coronoid Notch

Indications and Clinical Considerations Trigeminal neuralgia is an episodic pain that affects the areas of the face supplied by the trigeminal nerve. The pain is unilateral in 97% of cases reported. When it does occur bilaterally, it is in the…

Omohyoid Muscle Injection for Omohyoid Syndrome

Indications and Clinical Considerations Omohyoid syndrome is caused by trauma to the fibers of the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle. The syndrome is seen most often in patients who have recently experienced a bout of intense vomiting or sustained…

Greater Auricular Nerve Block

Indications and Clinical Considerations Greater auricular nerve block is useful in diagnosing and treating painful conditions subserved by the greater auricular nerve, including greater auricular neuralgia, red ear syndrome, and pain secondary to acute herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia (…

Auriculotemporal Nerve Block for Frey Syndrome

Indications and Clinical Considerations Frey syndrome is a constellation of symptoms, including unilateral hyperhidrosis and flushing of the malar region and pinna of the ear, that occurs when eating or drinking anything that stimulates the parotid gland to produce saliva…

Nasociliary Nerve Block for Charlin Syndrome

Indications and Clinical Considerations Nasociliary nerve block is useful in diagnosing and treating Charlin syndrome, which is also known as nasociliary neuralgia . Although, as with most headache syndromes, the exact cause of the pain from Charlin syndrome is unknown,…

Stylohyoid Ligament Injection

Indications and Clinical Considerations Hyoid syndrome is caused by calcification and inflammation of the attachment of the stylohyoid ligament to the hyoid bone. Tendinitis of the other muscular attachments to the hyoid bone also may contribute to this painful condition.…

Styloid Process Injection for Eagle Syndrome

Indications and Clinical Considerations Eagle syndrome (also known as stylohyoid syndrome ) is caused by pressure on the internal carotid artery and surrounding structures, including branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve, by an abnormally elongated styloid process or a calcified stylohyoid…