Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Indications and Clinical Considerations The rotator interval approach to intra-articular injection of the glenohumeral joint is useful in patients with conditions that would preclude a posterior approach (e.g., tumor, localized infection, scapular fractures, other anatomic abnormalities). Other advantages of glenohumeral…
Indications and Clinical Considerations The posterior approach to intra-articular injection of the glenohumeral joint is useful in patients with conditions that would preclude an anterior approach (e.g., subclavian venous access ports and lines, pacemaker pulse generators, tumor, other anatomic abnormalities).…
Indications and Clinical Considerations The shoulder joint is susceptible to the development of arthritis from a variety of conditions that all have the ability to damage the joint cartilage. Osteoarthritis of the joint is the most common form of arthritis…
Indications and Clinical Considerations Injection of the cervicothoracic bursae can serve as both a diagnostic and a therapeutic maneuver in patients thought to be suffering from cervicothoracic bursitis. Cervicothoracic interspinous bursitis is an uncommon cause of pain in the lower…
Indications and Clinical Considerations The splenius cervicis is susceptible to developing myofascial pain syndrome. Flexion–extension and lateral motion stretch injuries to the neck and upper back or repeated microtrauma secondary to jobs that require working overhead or looking to 1…
Indications and Clinical Considerations Migraine headache is defined as a periodic unilateral headache that may begin in childhood but almost always develops before the age 30 years. Attacks may occur with a variable frequency ranging from every few days to…
Indications and Clinical Considerations Third occipital nerve block is useful in diagnosing and treating third occipital nerve headache. This technique is also useful as a prognostic indicator of the potential efficacy of destruction of the third occipital nerve with radiofrequency…
Indications and Clinical Considerations Lesser occipital nerve block is useful in diagnosing and treating lesser occipital neuralgia, which is usually the result of blunt trauma to the lesser occipital nerve. Repetitive microtrauma from working with the neck hyperextended (e.g., painting…
Indications and Clinical Considerations Greater occipital nerve block is useful in diagnosing and treating greater occipital neuralgia, which is usually the result of blunt trauma to the greater occipital nerve. Repetitive microtrauma from working with the neck hyperextended (e.g., painting…
Indications and Clinical Considerations The sternocleidomastoid is particularly susceptible to developing myofascial pain syndrome. Flexion–extension and lateral motion stretch injuries to the neck or repeated microtrauma secondary to jobs that require working overhead for long periods, such as painting ceilings,…