Congenital antithrombin (AT) deficiency occurs in 0.2%–0.02% of the general population. However, in patients who had suffered a venous thromboembolic event (VTE), the prevalence is approximately 1%–3%. Preanalytical variables must be taken into account when deciding on the timing of AT testing and pretest probability, as false-positive and false-negative results may occur if testing is done in the wrong patient or wrong time. Common causes of acquired decline in AT activity include recent thrombosis, trauma, burns, and surgical procedures. Nephrotic syndrome may result in significant renal AT loss. Warfarin may elevate AT levels. Functional testing for AT activity is the dominant testing modality. AT antigen levels may be used to distinguish type I (quantitative) from type II (qualitative) deficiency. Among qualitative deficiencies, heparin-binding site abnormalities may be further distinguished from reactive site (RS) defects by measuring AT activity both in the absence and presence of heparin.

AT (previously called antithrombin III) is a natural anticoagulant, which on activation by heparin, is a potent inactivator of coagulation. The predominant activities of AT are inhibition of the common pathway factors thrombin (factor IIa) and factor Xa. However, AT also has some activity against intrinsic factors (factors IXa, XIa), contact factors (XIIa), and in some cases factor VIIa.

AT functions normally in the absence of administered heparin, presumably by activation by heparan sulfate associated with the vascular endothelium. However, therapeutic administration of heparin greatly enhances this activity. Inherited AT deficiency can be quantitative (type I), in which AT protein is normal but present at decreased levels, or qualitative (type II) deficiencies, in which AT protein amount is normal but dysfunctional. AT deficiency can also be acquired through mechanisms resulting in decreased synthesis (e.g., hepatic disease) or increased loss (e.g., consumptive coagulopathies and nephrotic syndrome). We recommend to screen for AT deficiency by testing only AT activity, and in circumstances where differentiation of the two phenotypes is indicated, then AT antigen test can follow a low AT activity result.

Both thrombosis itself and treatment with certain anticoagulants can substantially alter measureable AT levels. Thus, when possible, AT testing should be performed after a thrombotic event has resolved. Understanding which AT activity assay is performed in your laboratory is important to determine if it is appropriate to measure AT activity while your patient is on anticoagulation therapy. AT testing should not be done when patients are therapeutic on heparin as heparin physiologically reduces AT levels because of increased clearance of AT bound to heparin. AT activity assays that measure residual thrombin activity are affected by direct thrombin inhibitors, whereas AT activity assays that measure residual Xa activity are affected by direct Xa inhibitors. The risk of decreasing anticoagulation to assess AT deficiency must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis based on clinical judgment. In addition, AT levels can be decreased in the neonatal period; during pregnancy; in the presence of liver disease, burn injury, trauma, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and nephrotic syndrome; and secondary to l -asparaginase and estrogens.

A recent AT resistance, analogue to Factor V Leiden, has been described, whereas mutations in Arg596 in the prothrombin protein render it resistant to AT inactivation and is associated with increased risk of venous thrombosis.

Physiologic Role and Mechanism of Action

AT is the most important and potent physiologic inhibitor of thrombin. AT is essential for postembryonic life, with complete knockout in mice resulting in embryonic lethality due to thrombosis. The protein belongs to the class of serine protease inhibitors (serpins). Serpins are suicide substrates that mimic the natural substrates of the target protease. On partial digestion, these inhibitors form covalent bonds with the target, irreversibly blocking further protease activity by steric hindrance. In addition to thrombin, AT inhibits numerous other proteases involved in the clotting cascade, including factors IXa, Xa, XIa, and tissue factor bound factor VIIa. AT activity is enhanced approximately 1000-fold by heparin-like glucosaminoglycans (GAG). This potentiation requirement provides a mechanism for localizing AT activity to the endothelial surface where heparan sulfate is expressed. A single pentasaccharide moiety of heparin-like GAG is sufficient for potentiation of AT activity toward most proteases other than thrombin. Inactivation of thrombin requires additional interaction of the GAG with thrombin. For this to occur, at least 18 pentasaccharide moieties are necessary.

Congenital Antithrombin Deficiency

Congenital AT deficiency occurs in 0.2%–0.02% of the general population. The deficiency is overrepresented in subjects who have suffered a VTE. The prevalence of AT deficiency in younger patients with unprovoked first VTE is approximately 1%–3%. Heterozygous AT deficiency is a moderately strong risk factor for venous thrombosis and pregnancy complications, with deficient subjects experiencing a 5- to 50-fold increased risk over their relatives without AT deficiency. The peak incidence of thrombotic events in AT deficiency may be earlier than for other congenital risk factors. VTE incidence peaks between ages of 15 and 35 years. Role of AT deficiency in arterial thrombosis is controversial and may be specific mutation-dependent.

Most AT deficiencies are a result of an inheritance of a single defective allele of the SERPIN1 gene located on chromosome 1. Thus, an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern is the norm. Complete AT deficiency, resulting from inheritance of two defective AT alleles with no protein activity, appears to be incompatible with postembryonic life in humans. Cases of double heterozygosity for defective alleles with a milder phenotype for each have been reported. Deficiencies resulting from such mutations have variable presentation, with a subset of patients having severe thrombotic complications in the neonatal period. Most AT deficiencies (about 80%) are classified as type I (quantitative) defects with declines in AT protein levels and corresponding declines in AT inhibitory activity. The remaining deficiencies are classified as type II (qualitative) defects where critical aspects of the protein function are compromised. In type II deficiencies, a decline of protein activity is out of proportion to the protein levels.

Among type II deficiencies there are three recognized subtypes. Type II RS occurs due to mutations that directly affect AT interaction with the target proteases. Mutations of this type are expected to affect AT inhibitory activity toward its targets regardless of the presence of heparin. Type II heparin-binding site (HBS) mutations affect potentiation of the thrombin activity by heparin. These types of defective AT show normal inhibitory activity when heparin is not present but will show substantial defect when heparin is added to potentiate the reaction. Pleiotropic (PE) subtypes are due to mutations that affect the structure of the protein in the way that compromises both functions. Overall, some HBS mutations show milder clinical phenotype than the RS mutations.

Testing Indications

AT deficiency is quite rare in the general population. Assuming that low end of the reference range excludes ∼2.5% of the population and the incidence of AT deficiency is at most 0.2%, false-positive results would far exceed true positives in a general population screening. AT deficiency testing should be reserved for patients with a high pretest probability of a true-positive result. Confirmation of AT deficiency in a first-degree relative of a suspected case greatly improves the confidence in diagnosis. Outside of a diagnosis of congenital AT deficiency, AT measurements may be warranted in patients undergoing very high-dose heparin therapy for extended periods, such as neonates receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Under those circumstances, the testing is performed to assess the need for AT replacement using AT concentrates.

Preanalytical Considerations

Preanalytical variables must be taken into consideration when deciding on the timing of AT testing, as both false-positive and false-negative results may occur if testing is mistimed. Like other factors involved in coagulation, AT is consumed in thrombosis, burns, trauma, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and postoperatively. AT is reduced by long-term full-dose unfractionated heparin therapy. It is advisable to delay testing after a recent thrombotic event or long-term heparin administration. Liver insufficiency and treatment with l -asparaginase can lead to substantial decreases in AT levels due to decreased liver synthetic function. In addition, renal loss in nephrotic syndrome can lower AT levels. Mild declines have been reported in diabetics and in women taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. AT levels may be mildly increased by oral anticoagulant therapy with warfarin.

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