
The use of antibiotics in cement predates the widespread use of systemic intravenous antibiotics for perioperative prophylaxis. In the 1950s, published data recommended avoiding administration of systemic antibiotics with the fear that they may actually increase infection rates. , The debate over utilization of antibiotics perioperatively continued into the 1970s. Intriguingly, while controversy about systemic perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis continued, local antibiotic mixture into the cement for arthroplasty fixation, for the same reason of infection prevention, had been well documented. By 1974, a series of 1119 total hips in Hamburg had been followed using the routine mixture of antibiotic cement with a deep infection rate of 0.1%, which was significantly lower than contemporary rates.

The foundations on which are built the type of cement and antibiotic impregnation used to maximize infection-free success are far from standardized. The reason for this lack of clarity is the wide variety of presenting scenarios, patients, and bone and soft-tissue statuses. Today, as periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs) are treated with a combination of systemic and local antibiotic delivery and both have significant contributions to effectiveness and toxicity, it is still important to focus attention on how surgeons can maximize this therapeutic ratio through the orthopaedic construct.

The existing literature is composed of an enormous collection of varying quality articles, often supporting and corroborating the findings of one another but also at times seemingly providing directly conflicting data. While there is a significant wealth of experience with this technique, the optimal antibiotic dosing/structural (cement) carrier/surgical construct, if one exists, remains elusive.

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)

PMMA is the most common formulation of bone cement used in total joint arthroplasty (TJA). Preparation of PMMA consists of a polymer powder and a liquid monomer mixed in a typical 2:1 polymer-to-monomer ratio. This mixture creates an exothermic reaction on the order of 130 kcal/g of liquid ( Fig. 29.1 ).

Fig. 29.1, Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in cement used in orthopaedics.

Monomer Liquid

The liquid component is a standard, low-viscosity colorless fluid that carries a characteristic odor. It consists of several key components: (1) 97% to 99% monomeric methylmethyacrylate; (2) N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine, which is 0.4% to 2.8% by weight and is a chemical reaction accelerator; and (3) a trace amount of hydroquinone in the monomer, which stabilizes the methylmethacrylate, preventing spontaneous polymerization.

While various techniques exist for local antibiotic delivery, PMMA as a carrier is convenient, can be cost-effective, and has been time tested. However, limitations exist. As the amount of antibiotic introduced into dry polymer mixture approaches 10%, the biomechanical strength of the resulting antibiotic cement significantly decreases. The likelihood of spacer failure (specifically, breakage) is not only related to the biomechanical strength of the cement but also is related to the patient’s weight, activity level/lifestyle, and, importantly, the duration of spacer treatment. These factors should be carefully weighed for the specific treatment plan formulation. A 15% by weight cement spacer has lasted as long as 7 years before breaking. Thus, the entire clinical picture should be assessed. It is also worth noting that in this mentioned case, significant bone loss was also encountered throughout the cement spacers implanted duration; thus, the effect on both the cement and host should be considered.

Polymer Powder

The other part of the mixture is the polymer powder. This contains prepolymerized solid particles of polymethylmethacrylate microspheres, which accounts for 83% to 99% of the powder. The powder also contains radiopacifiers, which include barium sulfate (10%) in the case of Simplex (Stryker, Mahwah, NJ), and zirconium oxide (15%) in Palacos (Heraeus, Hanau, Germany). Finally, the powder also contains the initiator, which is 1% dibenzoyl peroxide. This initiator destabilizes the double bond on methylmethacrylate, causing a free radical, which allows the linkages of molecules.


The process of preparing bone cement consists of four main phases. In the mixing phase, the polymer powder and monomer liquid are manually whisked to create a homogenous mixture. The sticky phase occurs immediately after mixing, characterized by a thick viscous liquid that is pourable and difficult to handle due to its propensity to stick to its contacts. It then transitions into the working phase, in which the cement is more doughy in consistency, and chemical polymerization has commenced. This is the stage in which molding, manipulation, and implantation occurs. Finally, in the hardening phase, the cement can no longer be molded and the exothermic reaction culminates in a significant release of heat. Most commercially available cements harden in 10 to 20 minutes depending on their formulation and viscosity ( Table 29.1 ).

TABLE 29.1
Most Commercially Available Cements Available (PMMA)
Vendor Product Line Viscosity Available Premixed Antibiotics
Biomet Bone Cement R High Gentamicin
Depuy Smartset Medium/High Gentamicin
DJO Cobalt Medium/High Gentamicin
Exactech Cemex Extra Low/Low/High Gentamicin
Heraeus Palacos Low/Medium/High/Fast Gentamicin
Medacta MectaCem Low/Standard Gentamicin
Microport OrthoSet Low/High None
Smith & Nephew Rally Medium/High Gentamicin
Stryker Simplex Medium/High Gentamicin or tobramycin
PMMA, Polymethylmethacrylate.


Bone cement is available in various different formulations, and one consideration is viscosity. Common options are low-, medium-, and high-viscosity cement. Low-viscosity options are characterized by a long sticky phase with a short working phase, are used in applications such as kyphoplasty, and are less commonly used in TJA. Medium-viscosity cement also has a relatively long sticky phase, although the working time is increased due to the slower rate of polymerization. High-viscosity cement has a short sticky phase and a long working phase, with a relatively constant viscosity. The latter two variants are more commonly used in TJA.

Biomechanical Properties

PMMA is strongest in compression and weakest in tension and under shear stress. Overall, it is a brittle material but less brittle in vivo due to the plasticizing effect of the surrounding biologic fluid. It has a Young’s modulus of elasticity that is just between cortical bone and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene/cancelleous bone. Therefore, it is useful in the application of structural spacing at joints.

Duration of Local Antibiotic Treatment

The optimal duration of antibiotic spacer treatment is not well understood. In one basic science study, 6 weeks after antibiotic spacer treatment, periarticular membrane tissue was extracted and analyzed by mass spectrometry; concentrations of vancomycin, tobramycin, and clindamycin were all detected above their minimal inhibitory concentrations. However, clinical studies have cast doubt on whether antibiotics in cement are eluted beyond the first several days/week of implantation. In a PROSTALAC ( prost hesis with a ntibiotic- l oaded a crylic c ement) study, 3.6 g of tobramycin mixed per 40 g of cement was detectable at 118 days, whereas 2.4 g of tobramycin was not, suggesting that three vials of tobramycin per pack of cement is necessary if prolonged elution over the course of a 3-month period is desirable. Duration of vancomycin elution was inferior to tobramycin. While prolonged elution into the joint space is desirable, systemic absorption is a by-product and can cause remote toxicity (see Toxicity section that follows). Therefore, the elution profile is inherently linked with the starting concentration of antibiotics, which is also limited by biomechanical constraints of construction preparation.

As biomechanical and elution profiles are kept in mind for temporary spacers, spacer retention warrants consideration in some cases. Although conventional two-stage revision TJA for infection remains the standard of care for most PJIs, this treatment comes with significant morbidity, disruption of life, and decrease in overall functional outcome. As such, spacer retention is an attractive option, when appropriate, and evidence suggests it may be appropriate in certain scenarios. If spacer retention is to be a standard option at the surgeon’s disposal, prolonged antimicrobial activity and biomechanical durability are essential considerations.

Two common commercial forms of PMMA bone cement are Simplex and Palacos. Head-to-head in vitro comparisons of Simplex and Palacos with respect to the delivery of tobramycin and vancomycin showed that Palacos has a superior antibiotic elution profile. At high loads of antibiotic impregnation, eluates from Palacos cement also demonstrated two to three times longer duration of detectable bioactivity.

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