Anesthetic Monitoring


Anesthesiologists have long been at the forefront of patient monitoring. This has been of necessity because we are responsible for continuously assessing the patient's physiologic status and the effects of surgery and anesthetic agents. This chapter provides an introduction to the basic function and utility of the wide array of monitors employed in modern anesthesia care. Monitoring devices will be organized by organ system, not by physical property or technique on which that monitor derives its information. A detailed review of monitoring principles is available in a comprehensive text.


In 1986 the American Society of Anesthesiologists established a set of basic monitoring standards, stating that the patient's oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and temperature shall be continually evaluated. These standards are periodically reviewed, affirmed, or updated, most recently in 2020. Many clinical situations will require additional monitoring. All of the organ systems monitored are perfused by the circulatory system ( Fig. 20.1 ). Our monitoring of the patient attempts to continuously assess if the patient's state is “normal” or “abnormal” and to correct the cause of the abnormality, or at least treat the abnormal number generated by our monitor. We must understand the limitations of our monitors and how to use data from multiple devices to confirm our diagnosis and follow our treatment.

Fig. 20.1, A Summary of Monitors and the Circulation. Anatomic features are listed around the periphery, with monitored variables central and underlined (see Table 20.1 for normal values of monitored variables). The blood flows in a circuit with a cardiac output of roughly 20% each to the brain, kidneys, liver, GI tract, muscle mass, and other organs (skin, etc.). The systemic vascular resistance ( SVR ) is a calculated variable, reflecting the totality of blood flow and pressure. Roughly 70% of the blood is on the venous side. The venous capacitance is highly variable and acts as a buffer for changes in volume. Some variables may be measured or derived, depending on methodology. aa, Arteries; ABG, arterial blood gas; BIS, bispectral index scale; CVP, central venous pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DBS, double burst stimulation; ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalography; EF, ejection fraction; EMG, electromyography; ETCO 2 , end-tidal CO 2 ; FiO 2 , fraction of inspired oxygen; GI, gastrointestinal; ICP, intracranial pressure; LA, left atrium; LAP, left atrial pressure; LV, left ventricle; LVEDV, left ventricular end-diastolic volume; LVSV, left ventricular systolic volume; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PAP, pulmonary artery pressure; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; Q, cardiac output; RA, right atrium; RR, respiratory rate; RV, right ventricle; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SpO 2 , arterial O 2 saturation; SPV, systolic pressure variation; SSEP, somatosensory evoked potential; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TOF, train of four; Vt, tidal volume.


Oxygen (O 2 ) is a colorless, odorless gas critical for cellular respiration. Lack of delivery of oxygen to tissues will result in cellular death. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is a consequence of cellular metabolism and must be removed from the tissues to maintain acid–base homeostasis. This section will review monitors of patient oxygenation and ventilation.


Inspired Oxygen Inspired oxygen content, or fraction of inspired O 2 (FiO 2 ), can be measured by a variety of methods. Anesthesia machines most commonly use an amperometric sensor to measure O 2 in the fresh gas flow. Calibration is recommended, as the sensor, which is basically a fuel cell that consumes oxygen and generates current, has “drift” (i.e., the readings in a constant concentration of oxygen will not be constant). It is a slow responding device, meaning that it cannot be used to measure inspired/expired oxygen, as this rapidly changes. An alternative method of measuring inspired oxygen uses the fact that oxygen is paramagnetic. A paramagnetic oxygen sensor can be auto-calibrating, using room air as a source of 21% O 2 . The gradient between the sample and the room air can be measured by a pressure transducer or a torsion wire. The fast response time allows the measurement of both inspired and expired oxygen content. Measuring expired O 2 (FeO 2 ) concentration during preinduction/preoxygenation also allows the determination of complete preoxygenation/denitrogenation, aiming for FeO 2 >85%, in addition to a rough estimate of O 2 consumption.

Pulse Oximetry The pulse oximeter provides a continuous noninvasive estimate of arterial hemoglobin saturation (SaO 2 ) by analyzing light transmitted through living tissue, most commonly the finger or ear ( Fig. 20.2 ). The physical principle known as Beer's law relates the concentration of a dissolved substance to the log of the ratio of the incident and transmitted light intensity through a known distance. Oxyhemoglobin and reduced (deoxy)hemoglobin absorb red and infrared light differently. The pulse oximeter contains a light-emitting diode (LED) that emits two wavelengths of light (red, 660 nanometers, and infrared, 940 nanometers) and a photodiode that measures light transmission. The device determines the signal related to arterial hemoglobin saturation by analyzing the pulsatile component of the light absorption tracing, hence the name pulse oximeter ( Fig. 20.3 ). The following equation is calculated continuously by the device to determine the ratio of pulse-added red to pulse-added infrared light absorbance:

R = AC red / DC red AC IR / DC IR

Fig. 20.2, Pulse Oximeter. Pulse oximeters (SpO 2 ) provide an estimate of arterial hemoglobin saturation (SaO 2 ) by analyzing the pulsatile absorbance of two frequencies of light (660 and 940 nanometers) emitted by light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the light source, and detected by a photodiode on the opposite side of the tissue bed of the finger. The photodiode generates a current when it detects any light: the red or infrared or room light. For that reason, the photodiode alternates a pulse of red light and room light with a pulse of infrared light and the room light. Then, when both LEDs are off, it measures room light alone, then subtracts the room light signal from the previous two signals, continuously correcting for changes in room light. It thereby derives a signal associated with the pulsing LED signals. The signal may be improved by decreasing ambient light by covering the probe with an opaque material.

Fig. 20.3, Tissue Absorbances. As light is transmitted through tissues and detected by the photodiode, it is absorbed by all the tissues between the light source and the detector (i.e., skin, muscle, bone, and blood). Because the pulse oximeter is designed to determine a signal only related to arterial blood, it analyzes only the pulsatile absorbance noted at the top of the figure. The pulse oximeter therefore makes the assumption that whatever is pulsing must be arterial blood. In most cases this is true, but in some situations (e.g., patient motion) there can be large venous pulsations which can produce erroneously low saturation values.

This ratio (R) of absorbance is empirically calibrated to estimate SaO 2 . That is, the device uses SaO 2 data derived from human volunteers to determine the relationship between the pulse oximeter saturation (SpO 2 ) and the ratio of light absorbance, R ( Fig. 20.4 ).

Fig. 20.4, Pulse Oximeter Calibration Curve. Because of all the absorbances between the light source and the photo detector, the concentrations of oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin cannot be measured specifically (i.e., the exact path length of the light is unknown). Using the pulse-added absorbance from both the infrared and red light source, a ratio of these pulse-added absorbances ( Eq. 1 ) can be empirically related to SpO 2 . That is, volunteer subjects breathe low inspired oxygen concentrations to produce hypoxemia while blood samples are obtained for SaO 2 measurement. These SaO 2 measurements are calibrated to the ratio of red to infrared pulsatile absorbance to develop the calibration curve shown, which is incorporated into the device. The ratio R ranges from approximately 0.4 to 3.4 as the saturation decreases from 100% to 0%. The volunteer data are only available from 100% saturation down to 75%. All values lower than that are extrapolated from the data. Note that at approximately an SpO 2 of 85%, the ratio of the two absorbances is 1.0. Therefore any condition that causes the ratio of pulse-added red to pulse-added infrared red light to tend toward 1.0 will produce a saturation of approximately 85%. This occurs with motion artifact, dyes, and methemoglobin toxicity.

Dyes and Dyshemoglobins Standard pulse oximeters using two wavelengths of light can determine functional saturation, that is, the percentage of oxyhemoglobin, HbO 2 over HbO 2 plus reduced hemoglobin, Hb (two equations for two unknowns), using two equations:

SaO 2 = HbO 2 HbO 2 + Hb

So 2 = HbO 2 COHb + MetHb + HbO 2 + Hb

Because pulse oximeters are calibrated using human volunteers who have little carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin, these forms of hemoglobin are not accounted for in a standard pulse oximeter's calculated SaO 2 ( Eq. 2 ). Therefore if either carboxyhemoglobin (e.g., from carbon monoxide poisoning) or methemoglobin (e.g., from benzocaine or prilocaine toxicity) is present, the devices will produce an erroneous saturation value. These abnormal hemoglobins can be measured by use of a multiwavelength blood gas cooximeter, which requires a blood sample for accurate measurement ( Eq. 3 ). Dyshemoglobinemias should be considered in patients with a discrepancy between PaO 2 on blood gas and SpO 2 or in specific clinical settings. Carboxyhemoglobin absorbs red light similarly to oxyhemoglobin, causing the pulse oximeter reading to equal the sum of carboxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin, thus giving the impression the patient is adequately saturated with oxyhemoglobin even in the presence of severe carboxyhemoglobin toxicity. Methemoglobin has a dark appearance and absorbs both red and infrared light to a high degree, which causes the absorbance ratio R to tend toward 1. From the calibration curve, a ratio of 1 will produce an SpO 2 of 85% (see Fig. 20.4 ). Therefore an increasing amount of methemoglobin (especially >20%) will cause the pulse oximeter to display readings closer to 85%. That is, it will produce falsely low values when the patient has high SaO 2 and falsely high values of 85% when the patient is severely hypoxemic. Dyes produce similar errors as does methemoglobin (i.e., force the saturation towards 85%), although most are cleared from the circulation quickly and the error is only transient. Newer eight-wavelength pulse oximeters are available which can detect three saturations (oxy-, carboxy-, and methemoglobin). Motion artifact will also cause the SpO 2 value to tend toward 85% because the motion artifact produces noise in the numerator and denominator of Equation 1 . The ratio R is forced toward 1.0 like methemoglobin. In fact, any situation that results in a small signal-to-noise ratio may cause the SpO 2 to trend toward 85%.


The respiratory rate, pattern, and depth are all important descriptors of ventilation. Qualitatively, ventilation depth and pattern can be observed by chest rise, auscultation, or reexpansion of the rebreathing bag on the anesthesia machine. In any acute situation where the adequacy of ventilation is an issue eliminating monitoring devices altogether and going to the source by listening for bilateral clear breath sounds with a stethoscope should be done immediately. This may rule out tension pneumothorax, acute bronchospasm, endobronchial intubation, pulmonary edema, or absence of ventilation altogether.

Airway Pressures Increases in peak airway pressure merit investigation, as they imply an acute increase in airflow resistance, either in the circuit or the patient (e.g., from endotracheal tube [ETT] obstruction or bronchospasm). Increased peak airway pressure can also be caused by decreases in lung or chest wall compliance. If peak airway pressure is increased and simultaneously positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is increased, this may signify a tension pneumothorax, especially if associated with arterial hypotension. In this circumstance the hypotension is caused by high intrathoracic pressure impeding venous return. The mechanical ventilator can be set to produce a brief pause at end inspiration, allowing the plateau pressure to be measured. External obstruction of an ETT (e.g., from a patient biting on the tube or tube kinking) can cause an increase in peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) with minimal or no increase in the plateau pressure ( Fig. 20.5 ). This can be easily ruled out by passing a suction catheter down the ETT. A loss of or abrupt decrease in airway pressure is not specific, but can indicate a variety of major problems, including circuit disconnections, leaks, extubation, failure to deliver fresh gases, failure to set the ventilator properly, excess scavenging, and other anesthesia machine issues. Airway pressure can be measured with analog gauges or electronic pressure transducers, analogous to those used for blood pressure measurements.

Fig. 20.5, Airway Pressure and Flow Volume. (A) Airway pressure in volume control ventilation with an expiratory pause demonstrates changes in airway pressure and can help determine the etiology of the obstruction. Peak airway pressure or peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) is the highest pressure that occurs inside the lung during inspiration. During an inspiratory pause, there is no air movement, so the airway pressure drops minimally in patients with normal airway resistance and results in a “plateau” in the airway pressure recording, called “plateau pressure.” This plateau pressure reflects the airway pressure in the small airways and alveoli during a breath. The difference between plateau pressure and PEEP is called the “driving pressure.” The difference between the peak and plateau pressure is caused by resistance within the breathing circuit and the patient's airways. When airway pressure increases because of increases in airway resistance, the PIP is affected greater than the plateau (e.g., with bronchospasm, endotracheal tube kinking). If the plateau pressure increases, other processes reducing lung or chest wall compliance (e.g., pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, increased tidal volume) may be the cause. Flow volume loops can also be evaluated for changes in ventilator parameters (B). For example, when there is a circuit leak (C), the expiratory portion of the flow volume loop will fail to return to the starting point.

The difference between plateau pressure and PEEP is referred to as the “driving pressure.” The static respiratory system compliance equals tidal volume divided by driving pressure. Increased focus on driving pressure is relevant to the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), as increases in driving pressure are associated with increased mortality. In the operating room a metaanalysis of 17 randomized controlled trials of protective ventilation showed that increased driving pressure was associated with the development of postoperative pulmonary complications, whereas tidal volume and PEEP were not. Other studies of mechanical ventilation in the operating room include titration of “best PEEP” in patients undergoing elective thoracic surgery and open abdominal surgery. In these studies the optimum PEEP is defined as the PEEP level resulting in the greatest respiratory system compliance or lowest driving pressure. Although driving pressure has shown promise as a variable to monitor and titrate ventilator settings, it cannot be viewed in isolation, given the multiple factors that affect the value, interpretation, and changes with time. Driving pressure will remain a focus of interest in the management of mechanically ventilated patients inside and outside of the operating room; however, ventilator settings should be individualized to the patient.

Tidal Volume A 2013 randomized trial of low tidal volume in adult patients undergoing abdominal surgery found better pulmonary outcomes associated with setting tidal volume at 6 to 8 cc/kg of ideal body weight, in addition to intraoperative recruitment maneuvers and PEEP. This ventilation strategy is similar to that used in patients with ARDS (also see Chapter 41 ). Once these tidal volumes are set, the respiratory rate should be adjusted to maintain an end-tidal CO 2 (ETCO 2 ) in the normal range of 35 to 40 mm Hg. Modern ventilators use a variety of modes to achieve this tidal volume ( Fig. 20.6 ). Most ventilators have pressure limits that will alert when peak pressures are exceeded because of increased airway resistance in the circuit or in the patient ( Fig. 20.7 ). Monitoring the tidal volume and peak airway pressure together will enable the practitioner to quickly detect any changes in resistance to airflow because of resistance in the system or decreased compliance in the lung or chest wall ( Fig. 20.8 ). Tidal volumes can be measured by mechanical vanes rotating in the gas stream, pressure gradients across a flow restriction (fixed or variable), and hot wire anemometers.

Fig. 20.6, Ventilator Pressure Time Curves. Three commonly employed modes of ventilation generate characteristic curves. (A) Volume control. (B) Volume control with inspiratory pause. (C) Pressure control. Only four variables determine mechanical ventilation: (1) inspiratory time (T insp ), (2) inspiratory pause time (T insppause ), (3) expiratory time (T exp ,), and (4) inspiratory flow rate. In ventilators that have control loops faulty monitoring can lead to inadequate or hazardous ventilation. The compliance of the lung can be measured by dividing the tidal volume by the pressure. Dynamic compliance reflects the compliance during airflow, so it includes the resistance of the endotracheal tube and the compliance of the lungs. In volume control ventilation (A) the pressure and volume smoothly increase until expiration (which is passive). With an inspiratory pause (B), both the dynamic compliance and the static compliance of the lungs and chest wall can be measured by using either the peak pressure or the plateau pressure, respectively. In pressure control ventilation (C) the pressure is constant as volume increases, until expiration. The pressure–volume loops are different for the various ventilation modes as well.

Fig. 20.7, Stacking Breaths. In both volume control (A) and pressure control (B) ventilation insufficient expiratory time leads to “stacking” of breaths and changes in the pressure waveform. In the case of volume control ventilation the pressure can increase, triggering an alarm. With pressure control ventilation, tidal volumes decrease and pressure remains constant. (This may trigger a high PEEP alarm.) The capnogram demonstrates decreased ventilation (increasing CO 2 ) and may change shape as well (C).

Fig. 20.8, Bronchospasm. With volume control ventilation (A), the set tidal volume is attempted to be delivered, with an increase in pressure. This results in the pressure volume loop being shifted to the right and flattened. In pressure control ventilation (B) the increased airway resistance of the lung results in a decreased tidal volume, without a change in the pressure (because that is the ventilator set point). Normal lungs, black tracing; bronchospasm, red tracing.

All anesthesia ventilators require a “disconnect” alarm, usually tied to the airway pressure reading. Inadequate ventilation can occur despite a nominally normal pressure. When using pressure-controlled ventilation, a significant change in ventilator volume can occur without an alarm condition occurring. Mechanical alarms and indicators of ventilation do not ensure tracheal intubation. An esophageal intubation can return “adequate” pressures and volumes, and with transmission of sounds, appear to have bilateral breath sounds. With an intact circulation, measurement of expired CO 2 is the best monitor of ventilation, discussed in detail in the next section.

Capnography/End-Tidal CO 2 Capnography is the analysis of the continuous waveform of expired CO 2 . Gas is continuously sampled from the ventilator circuit just on the patient side of the “Y” connector through a small tube into an infrared analyzer (also using Beer's law), and the CO 2 waveform is displayed on the physiologic monitor ( Figs. 20.9 and 20.10 ). Carbon dioxide generated in the tissues is delivered to the right heart through the venous system into the lungs via the pulmonary arteries. Exchange of the CO 2 into the alveolar space is fairly efficient because CO 2 has 20 times the solubility in water as does oxygen. Therefore well-perfused alveoli achieve equilibrium with CO 2 in the blood. During expiration, alveolar gas leaves the lungs, exiting the trachea through the ETT, where the aspirated gas is sampled by the capnometer, producing a peak expired CO 2 close to the arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaC o 2 ). In healthy patients ETCO 2 is usually 3 to 5 mm Hg less than PaC o 2 during general anesthesia.

Fig. 20.9, Apparatus, Anatomic, and Alveolar Dead Space. To interpret the capnogram, one must first understand dead space and its components. This schematic shows the heart, lung, and ventilator circuit up to the Y-connector. Dead space volume (V DS ) is defined as any portion of the tidal volume that does not participate in gas exchange. It is further divided into three components: apparatus dead space (V appsDS ), anatomic dead space (V anaDS ), and alveolar dead space (V alvDS ). The apparatus dead space is the volume of gas between the Y-connector and the end of the endotracheal tube. The anatomic dead space is the dead space of the trachea and all conducting airways down to the alveoli. The alveolar dead space includes all nonperfused alveoli. In the figure the lung on the right has no blood flow, so all those alveoli are not perfused and therefore at the end of inspiration will have zero carbon dioxide. The lung on the left is well-perfused, and those alveoli can be assumed at the end of inspiration to equilibrate to the arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO 2 ) value.

Fig. 20.10, Normal Capnogram. A capnogram is a continuous tracing of the carbon dioxide concentration sampled at the Y-connector on an intubated, ventilated patient and plotted versus time during the inspiratory and expiratory cycle. It can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the beginning of expiration when the apparatus and anatomic dead space are being sampled, both of which have zero carbon dioxide. Phase I starts when the mixed alveolar gases are detected and the capnogram rises up and reaches a plateau value, Phase III, which has only a slight rise as the mixed alveolar gases, are sampled during the end of the expiratory cycle. With the initiation of inspiration, the CO 2 value drops to zero and stays at zero until the next expiration. Note the end peak value is the ETCO 2 .

A patient's respiratory tidal volume is composed of alveolar gas volume and dead space volume. Dead space is defined as any portion of the tidal volume that does not participate in gas exchange. In healthy patients dead space is approximately one-third of the tidal volume. Dead space is composed of three subvolumes: apparatus dead space, anatomic dead space, and alveolar dead space ( Fig. 20.9 ). Because the inspired gas contains no CO 2 (unless the CO 2 absorber is malfunctioning and allowing rebreathing of CO 2 to occur), all these dead space gases will not contain CO 2 . When expiration begins in the respiratory cycle, the sampling tube will first detect the apparatus dead space, followed by the anatomic dead space. Neither of these contains CO 2 , so the capnogram will remain at zero during this initial phase I of the capnogram ( Fig. 20.10 ). As the gas from the alveolar space (well-perfused with a CO 2 tension roughly the same as PaCO 2 ) and the alveolar dead space (with zero CO 2 ) mix and are detected at the sampling tube, the CO 2 waveform will rise from zero up to a plateau value, producing a rough square wave until inspiration begins and the CO 2 waveform immediately returns to zero. The final plateau value of the capnogram is the ETCO 2 , which will approximately equal the PaCO 2 value if there is no alveolar dead space. The ETCO 2 value will almost always be lower than the PaCO 2 value. The size of this gradient will be in direct proportion to the amount of alveolar dead space in the expired volume, relative to the alveolar gas. The greater proportion of dead space, the lower the ETCO 2 value. For example, if the PaCO 2 was 40 mm Hg and half of the alveoli that were ventilated were not perfused, the ETCO 2 would be 20 mm Hg. The phase II or upsloping portion of the capnogram, seen in Figs. 20.9 and 20.11B , can be slanted rightwards when the alveoli are emptying irregularly. This can occur in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma, both of which are associated with obstruction to expired gas flow. In general, the increased slope of this phase of the capnogram is associated with greater airway resistance to expired gas flow.

Fig. 20.11, Capnogram Abnormalities. (A) demonstrates a series of normal capnograms. The normal PaCO 2 to ETCO 2 gradient is 2 to 5 mm Hg. Note in (B) the slant of phase II of the capnogram is less steep. This rightward slant of the initiation of the alveolar gas detection can be observed in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The greater the slant to the right (i.e., the lower the slope), the worse the expiratory airway resistance. The gradient of PaCO 2 to ETCO 2 has increased. The waveform in (C) shows a progressive rise in the baseline CO 2 value (i.e., there is a progressive increase in inspiratory carbon dioxide), noting a CO 2 rebreathing most commonly caused by an exhausted CO 2 absorber. (D) signifies a progressive drop in the ETCO 2 (i.e., a decrease in the height of the waveform). This is noted whenever there is an abrupt reduction in pulmonary blood flow (e.g., reduced cardiac output from pulmonary embolism or cardiac arrest).

Alveolar dead space may be increased in patients with chronic lung disease who have large emphysematous areas of the lung that increase alveolar dead space and produce a large gradient between the ETCO 2 and PaCO 2 . Acute changes in alveolar dead space occur in specific clinical situations. The classic case is pulmonary embolism, in which blood flow to some capillaries is completely obstructed by the emboli, causing an acute increase in alveolar dead space and an acute drop in the ETCO 2 value (see Fig. 20.11D ). Increased dead space can also occur if there is a ventilation–perfusion mismatch causing less perfusion to well-ventilated areas of the lung. For example, when a patient is placed in the lateral position, the dependent lung is well perfused and ventilated but the nondependent lung is less well perfused and therefore has increased alveolar dead space. This combination can result in a decrease in the ETCO 2 value compared with the PaCO 2 . Finally, there may be a progressive increase in alveolar dead space because of a global lack of lung perfusion when the cardiac output (CO) decreases (see Fig. 20.11D ). For example, if a patient's CO is 5 L/min and for some reason acutely decreases to 2.5 L/min with unchanged alveolar ventilation, there will be less blood flowing per unit time to perfuse the same number of ventilated alveoli. The result is an increase in alveolar dead space and a drop in ETCO 2 . For this reason, the ETCO 2 capnogram is often referred to as the “poor man's measure of cardiac output.” Any significant decrease in CO will be associated with a drop in ETCO 2 (see Fig. 20.11D ). In a patient with cardiac arrest the most important monitor of adequacy of chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the capnogram. The presence of a capnogram tracing with every ventilated breath during CPR ensures there is both ventilation and perfusion of the lung. If there is no capnogram tracing during chest compressions (or if ETCO 2 <10 mm Hg), then there is no effective CO perfusing the patient's vital organs (also see Chapter 45 ). The other advantage of monitoring the capnogram during CPR is the lack of motion artifact, unlike other monitors used during CPR such as the electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximeter. Because a normal continuous capnogram waveform reflects adequate ventilation and perfusion, one can argue that the capnogram is the most important monitor used during general anesthesia.

Although the sampling tube can be placed on nasal cannula or around the mouth in nonintubated patients, a reliable capnographic waveform is only achieved in an intubated patient or with a secure supraglottic airway. In nonclosed systems (where the sampling tube is placed by the airway under a mask or a nasal cannula) there may be aspiration of room air (which has no CO 2 ), which will dilute the capnographic sample.


Multiple characteristics of the circulation can be measured, including the heart rate, ECG, blood pressure, urine output, central venous pressures, pulmonary artery pressures, CO, and systolic pressure variation (SPV) ( Table 20.1 ). Some of these are difficult to measure, and all require interpretation. Many important variables cannot be measured, such as venous capacitance, organ blood flow/perfusion, and circulating blood volume. Other values are derived from combinations of measured values (e.g., stroke volume, vascular resistance). No single characteristic determines adequacy of perfusion, and a solid understanding of the underlying physiology is necessary to interpret even the simplest monitor.

Table 20.1
Normal Values
Measured Variable (Abbreviation) Value (Units)
Systolic blood pressure (SBP) 90–140 mm Hg
Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 60–90 mm Hg
Mean blood pressure (MAP) 70–105 mm Hg
Systolic pressure variation (SPV) a 3.9–6.0 mm Hg
Pulse pressure variation (PPV) a 5.0%–9.0%
Central venous pressure (CVP) 2–6 mm Hg
Right ventricular pressure 15–25/0–8 mm Hg
Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) 15–25/8–15 mm Hg
Mean pulmonary artery pressure 10–20 mm Hg
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) 6–12 mm Hg
Left atrial pressure (LAP) 6–12 mm Hg
Heart rate (HR) 60–90 beats/min
Arterial O 2 saturation (SpO 2 ) 95%–100%
Cardiac output (Q or CO) 4–8 L/m
Cardiac index (CI) 2.5–4.0 L/m/m 2
Ejection fraction (EF) 55%–70%
End diastolic volume 65–240 mL
Calculated Values
Stroke volume (SV), stroke volume index (SVI) 60–100 mL/beat, 33–47 mL/m 2 /beat
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 800–1200 dynes*sec/cm 5
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) <250 dynes*sec/cm 5
Respiratory Parameters
Respiratory rate (RR) 12–20 breaths/min
Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) 15–20 cm H 2 O
Tidal volume (Vt) 6–8 mL/kg ideal body weight
End-tidal CO 2 (ETCO 2 ) 35–40 mm Hg
Cerebral Parameters
Intracranial pressure (ICP) 5–15 mm Hg
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Waveform varies by state of consciousness
Somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) Normal amplitude and latency
Bispectral index scale (BIS) 80–100 awake
Muscle Parameters
Train-of-four (TOF) 4 twitches present
TOF ratio >0.9
Double burst stimulation (DBS) No fade
Tetany No fade
Electromyography (EMG) Depends on stimulus
From Mathis MR, Schechtman SA, Engoren MC, et al. Arterial pressure variation in elective noncardiac surgery: Identifying reference distribution and modifying factors. Anesthesiology. 2017;126:249–259.
These are the range of normal values for monitored and measured variables in clinical practice. Indices are commonly obtained by dividing the value by the body surface area (BSA).

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