Anatomic Approaches to the Spine

Anatomy of Vertebral Column

The vertebral column comprises 33 vertebrae divided into five sections (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal) ( Fig. 37.1 ). The sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused, which typically allows for 24 mobile segments. Congenital anomalies and variations in segmentation are common. The cervical and lumbar segments develop lordosis as an erect posture is acquired. The thoracic and sacral segments maintain kyphotic postures, which are found in utero, and serve as attachment points for the rib cage and pelvic girdle. In general, each mobile vertebral body increases in size when moving from cranial to caudal. A typical vertebra comprises an anterior body and a posterior arch that enclose the vertebral canal. The neural arch is composed of two pedicles laterally and two laminae posteriorly that are united to form the spinous process. To either side of the arch of the vertebral body is a transverse process and superior and inferior articular processes. The articular processes articulate with adjacent vertebrae to form synovial joints. The relative orientation of the articular processes accounts for the degree of flexion, extension, or rotation possible in each segment of the vertebral column. The spinous and transverse processes serve as levers for the numerous muscles attached to them. The length of the vertebral column averages 72 cm in men and 7 to 10 cm less in women. The vertebral canal extends throughout the length of the column and provides protection for the spinal cord, conus medullaris, and cauda equina.

FIGURE 37.1, Vertebral column: upper cervical vertebrae (occiput to C2), lower cervical vertebrae (C3-7), thoracic vertebrae (T1-12), lumbar vertebrae (L1-5), sacrum, and coccyx.

Anatomy of Spinal Joints

The individual vertebrae are connected by joints between the neural arches and between the bodies. The joints between the neural arches are the zygapophyseal joints or facet joints. They exist between the inferior articular process of one vertebra and the superior articular process of the vertebra immediately caudal. These are synovial joints with surfaces covered by articular cartilage, a synovial membrane bridging the margins of the articular cartilage, and a joint capsule enclosing them. The branches of the posterior primary rami innervate these joints.

The interbody joints contain specialized structures called intervertebral discs. These discs are found throughout the vertebral column except between the first and second cervical vertebrae. The discs are designed to accommodate movement, weight bearing, and shock by being strong but deformable. Each disc contains a pair of vertebral endplates with a central nucleus pulposus and a peripheral ring of annulus fibrosus sandwiched between them. They form a secondary cartilaginous joint or symphysis at each vertebral level.

The vertebral endplates are 1-mm thick sheets of cartilage-fibrocartilage and hyaline cartilage with an increased ratio of fibrocartilage with increasing age. The nucleus pulposus is a semifluid mass of mucoid material, 70% to 90% water, with proteoglycan constituting 65% and collagen constituting 15% to 20% of the dry weight. The annulus fibrosus consists of 12 concentric lamellae, with alternating orientation of collagen fibers in successive lamellae to withstand multidirectional strain. The annulus is 60% to 70% water, with collagen constituting 50% to 60% and proteoglycan about 20% of the dry weight. With age, the proportions of proteoglycan and water decrease. The annulus and nucleus merge in a junctional zone without a strict demarcation. The discs are the largest avascular structures in the body and depend on diffusion from a specialized network of endplate blood vessels for nutrition.

Anatomy of Spinal Cord and Nerves

The spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column and terminates as the conus medullaris at the second lumbar vertebra in adults and the third lumbar vertebra in neonates. From the conus, a fibrous cord called the filum terminale extends to the dorsum of the first coccygeal segment. The spinal cord is enclosed in three protective membranes—the pia, arachnoid, and dura mater. The pia and arachnoid membranes are separated by the subarachnoid space, which contains the cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord has enlargements in the cervical and lumbar regions that correlate with the brachial plexus and lumbar plexus. Within the spinal cord are tracts of ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) nerve fibers. These pathways typically are arranged with cervical tracts located centrally and thoracic, lumbar, and sacral tracts located progressively peripheral. This accounts for the clinical findings of central cord syndrome and syrinx. Understanding the location of these tracts aids in understanding different spinal cord syndromes ( Figs. 37.2 and 37.3 ; Table 37.1 ).

FIGURE 37.2, Dermatomal and sensory distribution.

FIGURE 37.3, Schematic cross section of cervical spinal cord.

TABLE 37.1
Ascending and Descending (Motor) Tracts
Modified from Patton HD, Sundsten JW, Crill WE, Swanson PD, editors: Introduction to basic neurology , Philadelphia, 1976, WB Saunders.
Number ( Fig. 37.3 ) Path Function Side of Body
1 Anterior corticospinal tract Skilled movement Opposite
2 Vestibulospinal tract Facilitates extensor muscle tone Same
3 Lateral corticospinal (pyramidal tract) Skilled movement Same
4 Dorsolateral fasciculus Pain and temperature Bidirectional
5 Fasciculus proprius Short spinal connections Bidirectional
6 Fasciculus gracilis Position/fine touch Same
7 Fasciculus cuneatus Position/fine touch Same
8 Lateral spinothalamic tract Pain and temperature Opposite
9 Anterior spinothalamic tract Light touch Opposite

Spinal nerves exit the canal at each level. Spinal nerves C2-7 exit above the pedicle for which they are named (the C6 nerve root exits the foramen between the C5 and C6 pedicles). The C8 nerve root exits the foramen between the C7 and T1 pedicles. All spinal nerves caudal to C8 exit the foramen below the pedicle for which they are named (the L4 nerve root exits the foramen between the L4 and L5 pedicles). The final dermatomal and sensory nerve distributions are shown in Figure 37.2 . Because the spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column, the spinal nerves course more vertically as one moves caudally. Each level gives off a dorsal (sensory) root and a ventral (mostly motor) root, which combine to form the mixed spinal nerve. The dorsal root of each spinal nerve has a ganglion located near the exit zone of each foramen. This dorsal root ganglion is the synapse point for the ascending sensory cell bodies. This structure is sensitive to pressure and heat and can cause a dysesthetic pain response if manipulated.

Anatomy of Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Pedicles

Numerous studies have documented the anatomic morphology of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. Advanced internal fixation techniques, including pedicle screws, have been developed and used extensively in spine surgery, not only for traumatic injuries but also for degenerative conditions. As the role for anterior and posterior spinal instrumentation continues to evolve, understanding the morphologic characteristics of the human vertebrae is crucial in avoiding complications during fixation.

Placement of screws in the cervical pedicles is controversial and carries more risk than anterior plate or lateral mass fixation. Although cervical pedicles can be suitable for screw fixation, uniformly sized cervical pedicle screws cannot be used at every level. Screw placement in the pedicles at C3, C4, and C5 requires smaller screws (<4.5 mm) and more care in placement than those of the other cervical vertebrae. CT measurements of cervical pedicle morphology found that C2 and C7 pedicles had larger mean interdiameters than all other cervical vertebrae, and that C3 had the smallest mean interdiameter. The outer pedicle width-to-height ratio increased from C2 to C7, indicating that pedicles in the upper cervical spine (C2-4) are elongated, whereas pedicles in the lower cervical spine (C6-7) are rounded. It also is crucial to know that cervical pedicles angle medially at all levels, with the most medial angulation at C5 and the least at C2 and C7. The pedicles slope upward at C2 and C3, are parallel at C4 and C5, and are angled downward at C6 and C7.

The vertebral artery from C3 to C6 is at significant risk for iatrogenic injury during pedicle screw placement. The pedicle cortex is not uniformly thick. The thinnest portion of the cortex (the lateral cortex) protects the vertebral artery, and the medial cortex toward the spinal cord is almost twice as thick as the lateral cortex. Variations in the course of the vertebral artery also place it at risk during placement of pedicle screws. At the C2 and C7-T1 levels, the vertebral artery is less at risk during pedicle screw fixation. The vertebral artery follows a more posterior and lateral course at C2, whereas at C7-T1 it is outside the transverse foramen.

Pedicle dimensions and angles change progressively from the upper thoracic spine distally. A thorough knowledge of these relationships is important when considering the use of the pedicle as a screw purchase site. A study of 2905 pedicle measurements made from T1 to L5 found that pedicles were widest at L5 and narrowest at T5 in the horizontal plane ( Fig. 37.4 ). The widest pedicles in the sagittal plane were at T11, and the narrowest were at T1. Because of the oval shape of the pedicle, the sagittal plane width was generally larger than the horizontal plane width. The largest pedicle angle in the horizontal plane was at L5. In the sagittal plane, the pedicles angle caudal at L5 and cephalad at L3-T1. The depth to the anterior cortex was significantly longer along the pedicle axis than along a line parallel to the midline of the vertebral body at all levels except T12 and L1.

FIGURE 37.4, Pedicle dimensions of T3 (A), T8 (B), and L4 (C) vertebrae. Vertical diameter (c) increases from 0.7 to 1.5 cm, horizontal diameter (d) increases from 0.7 to 1.6 cm with minimum of 0.5 cm in T5. Direction is almost sagittal from T4 to L4. Angle (e) seldom extends beyond 10 degrees. More proximally, direction is more oblique: T1 = 36 degrees, T2 = 34 degrees, T3 = 23 degrees. L5 is oblique (30 degrees) but is large and easy to drill.

The thoracic pedicle is a convoluted, three-dimensional structure that is filled mostly with cancellous bone (62% to 79%). Panjabi et al. showed that the cortical shell is of variable density throughout its perimeter and that the lateral wall is significantly thinner than the medial wall. This seemed to be true for all levels of thoracic vertebrae.

The locations for screw insertion have been identified and described in several studies. The respective facet joint space and the middle of the transverse process are the most important reference points. An opening is made in the pedicle with a drill or handheld curet, after which a self-tapping screw is passed through the pedicle into the vertebral body. The pedicles of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are tube-like bony structures that connect the anterior and posterior columns of the spine. Medial to the medial wall of the pedicle lies the dural sac. Inferior to the medial wall of the pedicle is the nerve root in the neural foramen. The lumbar roots usually are situated in the upper third of the foramen; it is more dangerous to penetrate the pedicle medially or inferiorly as opposed to laterally or superiorly.

We use three techniques for open localization of the pedicle: (1) the intersection technique, (2) the pars interarticularis technique, and (3) the mammillary process technique. It is important in preoperative planning to assess individual spinal anatomy with the use of high-quality anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the lumbar and thoracic spine and axial CT or MRI at the level of the pedicle. In the lumbar spine, coaxial fluoroscopy images are a reliable guide to the true bony cortex of the pedicle. The intersection technique is perhaps the most commonly used method of localizing the pedicle. It involves dropping a line from the lateral aspect of the facet joint, which intersects a line that bisects the transverse process at a spot overlying the pedicle ( Fig. 37.5 ). The pars interarticularis is the area of bone where the pedicle connects to the lamina. Because the laminae and the pars interarticularis can be identified easily at surgery, they provide landmarks by which a pedicular drill starting point can be made. The mammillary process technique is based on a small prominence of bone at the base of the transverse process. This mammillary process can be used as a starting point for transpedicular drilling. Usually, the mammillary process is more lateral than the intersection technique starting point, which also is more lateral than the pars interarticularis starting point. Thus, different angles must be used when drilling from these sites. With the help of preoperative CT scanning or MRI at the level of the pedicle and intraoperative fluoroscopy, the angle of the pedicle to the sagittal and horizontal planes can be determined.

FIGURE 37.5, A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral views of pedicle entrance point in thoracic spine at intersection of lines drawn through middle of inferior articular facets and middle of insertion of transverse processes (1 mm below facet joint). C and D, Anteroposterior and lateral views of pedicle entrance point in lumbar spine at intersection of two lines. On typical bony crest, it is 1 mm below articular joint.

FIGURE 37.6, Midline cortical screw placement. A, Incision. B, Starting point at intersection of medial and caudal aspect of pedicle. C, Cortical bone trajectory. D, Proper positioning of marker pins.

For percutaneous pedicle screw placement, we use fluoroscopy that is orthogonal to the target vertebral body in the anteroposterior and lateral planes and allows clear visualization of the medial wall of the pedicle and pedicle/vertebral body junction. A Jamshidi needle typically is docked on the pedicle of interest at the lamina/pedicle junction on the anteroposterior view (9 o’clock position for left pedicles and 3 o’clock position for right pedicles). For the most cephalad screw of a construct in the lumbar spine, we prefer to place the starting point slightly below midline on the anteroposterior view (8 o’clock for left pedicles and 4 o’clock for right pedicles) to limit encroachment of the next cephalad facet joint. Under anteroposterior imaging, the needle is then advanced down the pedicle 20 to 25 mm at a trajectory that will allow the tip of the needle to be placed at the pedicle/vertebral body junction without violating the medial wall of the pedicle. When seated, the needle should pass obliquely across the pedicle with the tip just lateral to the medial wall on the anteroposterior view and just deep to the base of the pedicle on the lateral view. This will allow passage of a guidewire into the vertebral body and placement of a cannulated percutaneous pedicle screw using a Seldinger technique. The technique of connecting rod passage depends on the implant manufacturer.

Midline cortical screw placement is another technique that can be used as a slightly less invasive means of fixation in conjunction with a spinous process splitting or limited midline approach and with a posterior lumbar interbody fusion when a posterolateral fusion is not performed. The initial screw starting point is at the medial caudal border of the target pedicle on true anteroposterior view of the target vertebrae (Fig. 37.6) . A burr is used to dimple the cortical bone at the entry site. A pedicle awl is then used to traverse the pedicle in a medial-to-lateral and caudal-to-cranial trajectory, taking care not to violate the cortical wall of the pedicle as seen on anteroposterior and lateral fluoroscopy. Once the track is formed, it should be tapped to the size of the screw that will be inserted to prevent fracture of the thick cortical bone of the pars. A sound is used to confirm bony continuity along the screw path, and markers can be inserted to confirm position with imaging. The desired decompression and interbody fusion is then performed and cortical bone screws placed at the end of the case.

Circulation of Spinal Cord

The arterial supply to the spinal cord has been determined from gross anatomic dissection, latex arterial injections, and intercostal arteriography. Dommisse contributed significantly to knowledge of the blood supply, stating that the principles that govern the blood supply of the cord are constant, whereas the patterns vary with the individual. He emphasized the following factors:

  • 1.

    Dependence on three vessels. These are the anterior median longitudinal arterial trunk and a pair of posterolateral trunks near the posterior nerve rootlets.

  • 2.

    Relative demands of gray matter and white matter. The longitudinal arterial trunks are largest in the cervical and lumbar regions near the ganglionic enlargements and are much smaller in the thoracic region. This is because the metabolic demands of the gray matter are greater than those of the white matter, which contains fewer capillary networks.

  • 3.

    Medullary feeder (radicular) arteries of the cord. These arteries reinforce the longitudinal arterial channels. There are 2 to 17 anteriorly and 6 to 25 posteriorly. The vertebral arteries supply 80% of the radicular arteries in the neck; arteries in the thoracic and lumbar areas arise from the aorta. The lateral sacral, the fifth lumbar, the iliolumbar, and the middle sacral arteries are important in the sacral region.

  • 4.

    Supplementary source of blood supply to the spinal cord. The vertebral and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries are important sources of arterial supply. Sacral medullary feeders arise from the lateral sacral arteries and accompany the distal roots of the cauda equina. The flow in these vessels seems reversible and the volume adjustable in response to the metabolic demands.

  • 5.

    Segmental arteries of the spine. At every vertebral level, a pair of segmental arteries supplies the extraspinal and intraspinal structures. The thoracic and lumbar segmental arteries arise from the aorta; the cervical segmental arteries arise from the vertebral arteries and the costocervical and thyrocervical trunks. In 60% of individuals, an additional source arises from the ascending pharyngeal branch of the external carotid artery. The lateral sacral arteries and, to a lesser extent, the fifth lumbar, iliolumbar, and middle sacral arteries supply segmental vessels in the sacral region.

  • 6.

    “Distribution point” of the segmental arteries. The segmental arteries divide into numerous branches at the intervertebral foramen, which has been termed the distribution point ( Fig. 37.7 ). A second anastomotic network lies within the spinal canal in the loose connective tissue of the extradural space. This occurs at all levels, with the greatest concentration in the cervical and lumbar regions. The presence of the rich anastomotic channels offers alternative pathways for arterial flow, preserving spinal cord circulation after the ligation of segmental arteries.

    FIGURE 37.7, Vertebral blood supply. A, Posterior view; laminae removed to show anastomosing spinal branches of segmental arteries. B, Cross-sectional view; anastomosing arterial supply of vertebral body, spinal canal, and posterior elements.

  • 7.

    Artery of Adamkiewicz. The artery of Adamkiewicz is the largest of the feeders of the lumbar cord; it is located on the left side, usually at the level of T9-11 (in 80% of individuals). The anterior longitudinal arterial channel of the cord rather than any single medullary feeder is crucial. The preservation of this large feeder does not ensure continued satisfactory circulation for the spinal cord. In principle, it would seem of practical value to protect and preserve each contributing artery as far as is surgically possible.

  • 8.

    Variability of patterns of supply of the spinal cord. The variability of blood supply is a striking feature, yet there is absolute conformity with a principle of a rich supply for the cervical and lumbar cord enlargements. The supply for the thoracic cord from approximately T4 to T9 is much poorer.

  • 9.

    Direction of flow in the blood vessels of the spinal cord. The three longitudinal arterial channels of the spinal cord can be compared with the circle of Willis at the base of the brain, but it is more extensive and more complicated, although it functions with identical principles. These channels permit reversal of flow and alterations in the volume of blood flow in response to metabolic demands. This internal arterial circle of the cord is surrounded by at least two outer arterial circles, the first of which is situated in the extradural space and the second in the extravertebral tissue planes. By virtue of the latter, the spinal cord enjoys reserve sources of blood supply through a degree of anastomosis lacking in the inner circle. The “outlet points” are limited, however, to the perforating sulcal arteries and the pial arteries of the cord.

The blood supply to the spinal cord is rich, but the spinal canal is narrowest and the blood supply is poorest at T4-9. T4-9 should be considered the critical vascular zone of the spinal cord, a zone in which interference with the circulation is most likely to result in paraplegia.

The dominance of the anterior spinal artery system has been challenged by the fact that many anterior spinal surgeries have been performed in recent years with no increase in the incidence of paralysis. This would seem to indicate that a rich anastomotic supply does exist and that it protects the spinal cord. The evidence suggests that the posterior spinal arteries may be as important as the anterior system but are as yet poorly understood. Venous drainage of the spinal cord is more difficult to define clearly than is the arterial supply ( Fig. 37.8 ). It is well known that the venous system is highly variable. Dommisse pointed out that there are two sets of veins: veins of the spinal cord and veins that fall within the plexiform network of Batson. The veins of the spinal cord are a small component of the entire system and drain into the plexus of Batson. The Batson plexus is a large and complex venous channel extending from the base of the skull to the coccyx. It communicates directly with the superior and inferior vena cava system and the azygos system. The longitudinal venous trunks of the spinal cord are the anterior and posterior venous channels, which are the counterparts of the arterial trunks. The three components of the Batson plexus are the extradural vertebral venous plexus; the extravertebral venous plexus, which includes the segmental veins of the neck, the intercostal veins, the azygos communications in the thorax and pelvis, the lumbar veins, and the communications with the inferior vena caval system; and the veins of the bony structures of the spinal column. The venous system plays no specific role in the metabolism of the spinal cord; it communicates directly with the venous system draining the head, chest, and abdomen. This interconnection allows metastatic spread of neoplastic or infectious disease from the pelvis to the vertebral column.

FIGURE 37.8, Venous drainage of vertebral bodies and formation of internal and external vertebral venous plexuses.

FIGURE 37.9, Anterior transoral approach (see text).(Redrawn from Spetzler RF: Transoral approach to the upper cervical spine. In Evarts CM, editor: Surgery of the musculoskeletal system, New York, 1983, Churchill Livingstone.) SEE TECHNIQUE 37.1 .

During anterior spinal surgery, we empirically follow these principles: (1) ligate segmental spinal arteries only as necessary to gain exposure; (2) ligate segmental spinal arteries near the aorta rather than near the vertebral foramina; (3) ligate segmental spinal arteries on one side only when possible, leaving the circulation intact on the opposite side; and (4) limit dissection in the vertebral foramina to a single level when possible so that collateral circulation is disturbed as little as possible.

Surgical Approaches

Anterior approaches

With the posterior approach for correction of spinal deformities well established, more attention has been placed on the anterior approach to the spinal column. Many pioneers in the field of anterior spinal surgery recognized that anterior spinal cord decompression was necessary in spinal tuberculosis and that laminectomy not only failed to relieve anterior pressure but also removed important posterior stability and produced worsening of kyphosis. Advances in major surgical procedures, including anesthesia and intensive care, have made it possible to perform anterior spinal surgery with acceptable safety.

In general, anterior approaches to the spine are indicated for decompression of the neural elements (spinal cord, conus medullaris, cauda equina, or nerve roots) when anterior neural compression has been documented by myelography, postmyelogram CT, or MRI. Many pathologic entities can cause significant compression of the neural elements, including traumatic, neoplastic, inflammatory, degenerative, and congenital lesions. In the lumbar spine, this indication has been expanded to include anterior interbody fusions for discogenic pain and instability.

In many centers, a team approach is preferred to employ the skills of an orthopaedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, thoracic surgeon, or head and neck surgeon. The orthopaedic surgeon still must have a working knowledge of the underlying viscera, fluid balance, physiology, and other elements of intensive care. These approaches should be used with care and only in appropriate circumstances. Potential dangers include iatrogenic injury to vascular, visceral, or neurologic structures. Complications of anterior spine surgery are rare; however, there is a high risk of significant morbidity, and these approaches should be used with care and only in appropriate circumstances.

The choice of approach depends on the preference and experience of the surgeon, the patient’s age and medical condition, the segment of the spine involved, the underlying pathologic process, and the presence or absence of signs of neural compression. Commonly accepted indications for anterior approaches are listed in Box 37.1 .

BOX 37.1
Relative Indications for Anterior Spinal Approaches

  • 1.


    • a.

      Fractures with documented neurocompression secondary to bone or disc fragments anterior to dura

    • b.

      Incomplete spinal cord injury (for cord recovery) with anterior extradural compression

    • c.

      Complete spinal cord injury (for root recovery) with anterior extradural compression

    • d.

      Late pain or paralysis after remote injuries with anterior extradural compression

    • e.

      Herniated intervertebral disc

  • 2.


    • a.

      Open biopsy for diagnosis

    • b.

      Debridement and anterior strut grafting

  • 3.


    • a.

      Cervical spondylitic radiculopathy

    • b.

      Cervical spondylitic myelopathy

    • c.

      Thoracic disc herniation

    • d.

      Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar interbody fusions

  • 4.


    • a.

      Extradural metastatic disease

    • b.

      Primary vertebral body tumor

  • 5.


    • a.

      Kyphosis—congenital or acquired

    • b.

      Scoliosis—congenital, acquired, or idiopathic

Anterior approach, occiput to C3

The anterior approach to the upper cervical spine (occiput to C3) can be transoral or retropharyngeal, depending on the pathologic process present and the experience of the surgeon.

Anterior Transoral Approach

Technique 37.1 Figure 37.9


  • Position the patient supine using a Mayfield head-holding device or with skeletal traction through Gardner-Wells tongs. Monitoring of the spinal cord through somatosensory evoked potentials is recommended. The surgeon may sit directly over the patient’s head.

  • Pass a red rubber catheter down each nostril and suture it to the uvula. Apply traction to the catheters to pull the uvula and soft palate out of the operative field, taking care not to cause necrosis of the septal cartilage by excessive pressure.

  • Insert a McGarver retractor into the open mouth and use it to retract and hold the endotracheal tube out of the way. The operating microscope is useful to improve the limited exposure.

  • Prepare the oropharynx with hexachlorophene (pHisoHex) and povidone-iodine (Betadine).

  • Palpate the anterior ring of C1 beneath the posterior pharynx and make an incision in the wall of the posterior pharynx from the superior aspect of C1 to the top of C3.

  • Obtain hemostasis with bipolar electrocautery, taking care not to overcauterize, producing thermal necrosis of tissue and increased risk of infection.

  • With a periosteal elevator, subperiosteally dissect the edges of the pharyngeal incision from the anterior ring of C1 and the anterior aspect of C2. Use traction stitches to maintain the flaps out of the way.

  • Under direct vision, with the operating microscope or with magnification loupes and headlights, perform a meticulous debridement of C1 and C2 with a high-speed air drill, rongeur, or curet. When approaching the posterior longitudinal ligament, a diamond burr is safer to use in removing the last remnant of bone.

  • When adequate debridement of infected bone and necrotic tissue has been accomplished, decompress the upper cervical spinal cord.

  • If the cervical spine is to be fused anteriorly, harvest a corticocancellous graft from the patient’s iliac crest, fashion it to fit, and insert it.

  • Irrigate the operative site with antibiotic solution and close the posterior pharynx in layers.

Postoperative Care

An endotracheal tube is left in place overnight to maintain an adequate airway. A halo vest can be applied, or skeletal traction may be maintained before mobilization.

Anterior Retropharyngeal Approach

The anterior retropharyngeal approach to the upper cervical spine, as described by McAfee et al., is excellent for anterior debridement of the upper cervical spine and allows placement of bone grafts for stabilization if necessary. In contrast to the transoral approach, it is entirely extramucosal and is reported to have fewer complications of wound infection and neurologic deficit.

Technique 37.2


  • Position the patient supine, preferably on a turning frame with skeletal traction through tongs or a halo ring. Somatosensory evoked potential monitoring of cord function is suggested during the procedure.

  • Perform fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation to prevent excessive motion of the neck and to keep the oropharynx free of tubes that could depress the mandible and interfere with subsequent exposure.

  • Make a right-sided transverse skin incision in the submandibular region with a vertical extension as long as required to provide adequate exposure ( Fig. 37.10A ). If the approach does not have to be extended below the level of the fifth cervical vertebra, there is no increased risk of damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

    FIGURE 37.10, A-E, Anterior retropharyngeal approach (see text).(Redrawn from McAfee PC, Bohlman HH, Riley LH Jr, et al: The anterior retropharyngeal approach to the upper part of the cervical spine, J Bone Joint Surg 69A:1371, 1987.) SEE TECHNIQUE 37.2

  • Carry the dissection through the platysma muscle with the enveloping superficial fascia of the neck and mobilize flaps from this area.

  • Identify the marginal mandibular branch of the seventh nerve with the help of a nerve stimulator and ligate the retromandibular veins superiorly.

  • Keep the dissection deep to the retromandibular vein to prevent injury to the superficial branches of the facial nerve.

  • Ligate the retromandibular vein as it joins the internal jugular vein.

  • Mobilize the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle by longitudinally dividing the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia. Feel for the pulsations of the carotid artery and protect the contents of the carotid sheath.

  • Resect the submandibular gland ( Fig. 37.10B ) and ligate the duct to prevent formation of a salivary fistula.

  • Identify the digastric and stylohyoid muscles and tag and divide the tendon of the former. The facial nerve can be injured by superior retraction on the stylohyoid muscle; however, by dividing the digastric and stylohyoid muscles, the hyoid bone and hypopharynx can be mobilized medially, preventing exposure of the esophagus, hypopharynx, and nasopharynx.

  • Identify the hypoglossal nerve and retract it superiorly.

  • Continue dissection to the retropharyngeal space between the carotid sheath laterally and the larynx and pharynx medially. Increase exposure by ligating branches of the carotid artery and internal jugular vein, which prevent retraction of the carotid sheath laterally ( Fig. 37.10C and D ).

  • Identify and mobilize the superior laryngeal nerve.

  • Following adequate retraction of the carotid sheath laterally, divide the alar and prevertebral fascial layers longitudinally to expose the longus colli muscles. Take care to maintain the head in a neutral position and identify the midline accurately.

  • Remove the longus colli muscles subperiosteally from the anterior aspect of the arch of C1 and the body of C2, avoiding injury to the vertebral arteries.

  • Meticulously debride the involved osseous structures ( Fig. 37.10E ); if needed, perform bone grafting with autogenous iliac or fibular bone.

  • Close the wound over suction drains and repair the digastric tendon. Close the platysma and skin flaps in layers.

Postoperative Care

The patient is maintained in skeletal traction with the head of the bed elevated to reduce swelling. Intubation is continued until pharyngeal edema has resolved, usually by 48 hours. The patient can be extubated and mobilized in a halo vest, or, if indicated, a posterior stabilization procedure can be done before mobilization.

Extended maxillotomy and subtotal maxillectomy

Cocke et al. described an extended maxillotomy and subtotal maxillectomy as an alternative to the transoral approach for exposure and removal of tumor or bone anteriorly at the base of the skull and cervical spine to C5. This procedure is technically demanding and requires a thorough knowledge of head and neck anatomy. It should be performed by a team of surgeons, including an otolaryngologist, a neurosurgeon, and an orthopaedist.

Before surgery, the size, position, and extent of the tumor or bone to be removed should be determined using the appropriate imaging techniques. Three to 5 days before the surgery, nasal, oral, and pharyngeal secretions are cultured to determine the proper antibiotics needed. Cephalosporin and aminoglycoside antibiotics are given before and after surgery if the floral cultures are normal and are adjusted if the flora is abnormal or resistant to these drugs.

Subtotal Maxillectomy

Technique 37.3


  • Position the patient on the operating table with the head elevated 25 degrees. Intubate the patient orally and move the tube to the contralateral side of the mouth.

  • Perform a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy if the wound is to be left open or if problems are anticipated.

  • Perform a tracheostomy if the exposure may be limited or if there are severe pulmonary problems. This step usually is unnecessary.

  • Insert a Foley catheter and suture the eyelids closed with 6-0 nylon.

  • Infiltrate the soft tissues of the upper lip, cheek, gingiva, palate, pterygoid fossa, nasopharynx, nasal septum, nasal floor, and lateral nasal wall with 1% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine.

  • Pack each nasal cavity with cottonoid strips saturated with 4% cocaine and 1% phenylephrine.

  • Prepare the skin with povidone-iodine and then alcohol. Drape the operative site with cloth drapes held in place with sutures or surgical clips and covered with a transparent surgical drape.

  • Expose the superior maxilla through a modified Weber-Ferguson skin incision ( Fig. 37.11A ). Make a vertical incision through the upper lip in the philtrum from the nasolabial groove to the vermilion border. Extend the lower end to the midline and vertically in the midline through the buccal mucosa to the gingivobuccal gutter. Divide the upper lip and ligate the labial arteries. Extend the external skin incision transversely from the upper end of the lip incision in the nasolabial groove to beyond the nasal ala and superiorly along the nasofacial groove to the lower eyelid.

    FIGURE 37.11, A-G, Extended maxillotomy and subtotal maxillectomy (see text).(Redrawn from Cocke EW Jr, Robertson JH, Robertson JR, et al: The extended maxillotomy and subtotal maxillectomy for excision of skull base tumors, Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 116:92, 1990.) SEE TECHNIQUE 37.3

  • Extract the central incisor tooth.

  • Make a vertical midline incision through the mucoperiosteum of the anterior maxilla from the gingivobuccal gutter to the central incisor defect and transversely through the buccal gingiva adjacent to the teeth to the retromolar region.

  • Elevate the skin, subcutaneous tissues, periosteum, and mucoperiosteum of the maxilla to expose the anterior and lateral walls of the maxilla, nasal bone, piriform aperture of the nose, inferior orbital nerve, malar bone, and masseter muscle ( Fig. 37.11D ).

  • Divide the anterior margin of the masseter muscle at its malar attachment and remove a wedge of malar bone. Use this wedge to accommodate the Gigli saw as it divides the maxilla ( Fig. 37.11E and F ).

  • Make an incision in the lingual, hard palate mucoperiosteum adjacent to the teeth from the central incisor defect to join the retromolar incision.

  • Extend the retromolar incision medial to the mandible lateral to the tonsil and to the retropharyngeal space to the level of the hyoid bone or lower pharynx, if necessary.

  • Elevate the mucoperiosteum of the hard palate from the central incisor defect and alveolar ridge to and beyond the midline of the hard palate.

  • Detach the soft palate with its nasal lining from the posterior margin of the hard palate.

  • Divide and electrocoagulate the greater palatine vessels and nerves. Pack the palatine foramen with bone wax.

  • Retract the mucoperiosteum of the hard palate, soft palate, anterior tonsillar pillar, tonsil, and pharynx medially from the prevertebral fascia. It is usually unnecessary to detach and retract the soft palate from the posterior or lateral pharyngeal walls.

  • Expose the nasal cavity by detaching the nasal soft tissues from the lateral margin and base of the nasal piriform aperture ( Fig. 37.11B ).

  • Remove a bony wedge of the ascending process of the maxilla to accommodate the upper Gigli saw ( Fig. 37.11E ).

  • Remove the coronoid process of the mandible above the level of entrance of the inferior alveolar vessels and nerves, after dividing its temporalis muscle attachment, to expose the lateral pterygoid plate and the internal maxillary artery.

  • Divide the pterygoid muscles with a Shaw knife or the cutting current of the Bovie cautery until the sharp, posterior bone edge of the lateral pterygoid plate is seen or palpated.

  • Mobilize, clip, ligate, and divide the internal maxillary artery near the pterygoid plate.

  • Direct the suture behind the lateral pterygoid plate into the nasopharynx and behind the posterior margin of the hard palate into the oropharynx ( Fig. 37.11F ).

  • Pass a Kelly forceps through the nose to behind the hard palate to retrieve the medial end of the silk suture in the ligature carrier.

  • Attach a Gigli saw to the lateral end of the suture and thread the saw into position to divide the upper maxilla.

  • Position the upper Gigli saw ( Fig. 37.11E and F ) using a sharp-pointed, medium-size, curved, right-angle ligature carrier threaded with No. 2 black silk suture.

  • Engage the medial arm of the saw into the ascending process wedge and its lateral arm into the malar wedge. Take care to position the saw as high as possible behind the pterygoid plate. Use a broad periosteal elevator beneath the saw on the pterygoid plate to maintain the elevated position ( Fig. 37.11F ).

  • Position the lower Gigli saw by passing a Kelly forceps ( Fig. 37.11E ) through the nose into the nasopharynx behind the posterior nares of the hard palate. Engage the saw between the blades of the clamp and thread it through the nose into position for division of the hard palate ( Fig. 37.11C ).

  • Divide the bony walls of the maxilla ( Fig. 37.11C ). First divide the hard palate and then the upper maxilla. Avoid entangling the saws and protect the soft tissues from injury.

  • Remove the maxilla after division of its muscle attachments.

  • Ligate the distal end of the internal maxillary artery.

  • Place traction sutures in the soft tissues of the lip on either side of the initial lip incision and in the mucoperiosteum of the hard and soft palates. The posterior pharynx is now fully exposed.

  • Infiltrate the mucous membrane covering the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the tonsillar area to the level of the hyoid bone with 1% lidocaine and epinephrine 1:100,000.

  • Make a vertical midline incision through the soft tissues of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx extending from the sphenoidal sinus to the foramen magnum. Another option is to make a transverse incision from the sphenoidal sinus to the lateral nasopharyngeal wall posterior to the eustachian tube along the lateral pharyngeal wall inferiorly, posterior to the posterior tonsillar pillar behind the soft palate ( Fig. 37.11B ).

  • Duplicate this incision on the opposite side, producing an inferiorly based pharyngeal flap ( Fig. 37.11B ).

  • Make a more extensive exposure by extending the lateral pharyngeal wall incision through the anterior tonsillar pillar to join the retromolar incision. Extend this incision into the retropharyngeal space and retract the anterior tonsillar pillar, tonsil, and soft palate toward the midline with a traction suture. It is unnecessary to separate the soft palate completely from the pharyngeal wall.

  • Extend the pharyngeal wall incision inferiorly to the level of the hyoid bone or beyond.

  • Elevate, divide, and separate the superior constrictor muscle, prevertebral fascia, longus capitis muscle, and anterior longitudinal ligaments from the bony skull base and upper cervical spine ventrally.

  • Expose the amount of bone to be operated on from the foramen magnum to C5. Use an operating microscope or loupe magnification for improved vision.

  • Remove the offending bone with a high-speed burr, avoiding penetration of the dura.

  • Close the nasopharyngeal mucous membrane and the subcutaneous tissue in one layer with interrupted sutures.

  • Use a split-thickness skin or dermal graft from the thigh to resurface the buccal mucosa and any defects in the nasal surface of the hard palate.

  • Use a quilting stitch to hold the graft in place without packing.

  • Replace the zygoma and stabilize it with wire if it was mobilized.

  • Return the maxilla to its original position and hold it in place with wire or compression plates.

  • Place a nylon sack impregnated with antibiotic into the nasal cavity.

  • Close the oral cavity incision with vertical interrupted mattress 3-0 polyglycolic acid sutures ( Fig. 37.11G ).

  • Close the facial wound with 5-0 chromic and 6-0 nylon sutures.

Extended Maxillotomy

Technique 37.4

  • Expose the base of the skull and upper cervical spine as by the maxillectomy technique but omit the extraction of the central incisor and the gingivolingual incision.

  • Use a degloving procedure for elevation of the facial skin over the maxilla and nose to avoid facial scars.

  • Divide the fibromuscular attachment of the soft palate to the pterygoid plate and hard palate, exposing the nasopharynx.

  • Place the upper Gigli saw with the aid of a ligature carrier for division of the maxilla beneath the infraorbital nerve.

  • Elevate the mucoperiosteum of the adjacent floor of the nose from the piriform aperture to the soft palate. Extend this elevation medially to the nasal septum and laterally to the inferior turbinate.

  • Divide the bone of the nasal floor with a Stryker saw without lacerating the underlying hard palate periosteum.

  • Hinge the maxilla on the hard palate, nasal mucoperiosteum, and soft palate, and rotate it medially.

Postoperative Care

Continuous spinal fluid drainage is maintained, and the head is elevated 45 degrees if the dura was repaired or replaced. These procedures are omitted if there was no dural tear or defect. An ice cap is used on the cheek and temple to reduce edema. Antibiotic therapy is continued until the risk of infection is minimized. Half-strength hydrogen peroxide is used for mouth irrigation to help keep the oral cavity clean. The endotracheal tube is removed when the risk of occlusion by swelling is minimized. The nasopharyngeal cavity is cleaned with saline twice daily for 2 months after pack removal. Facial sutures are removed at 4 to 6 days, and oral sutures are removed at 2 weeks.

Anterior approach, C3 to C7

Exposure of the middle and lower cervical region of the spine is most commonly done through an anterior approach medial to the carotid sheath. A thorough knowledge of anatomic fascial planes allows a safe, direct approach to this area. The most frequent complication of the anterior approach is vocal cord paralysis caused by injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve may be less common on the left side because the nerve has a more vertical course and lies in a protected position within the esophagotracheal groove. On the right, the nerve leaves the main trunk of the vagus nerve and passes anterior to and under the subclavian artery, whereas on the left it passes under and posterior to the aorta at the site of origin of the ligamentum arteriosum. The nerve runs upward, having a variable relationship with the inferior thyroid artery, making the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the right side highly vulnerable to injury if the inferior thyroid vessels are not ligated as laterally as possible or if the midline structures along with the recurrent laryngeal nerve are not retracted intermittently.

The shorter, more lateral position of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve places it at risk for injury from direct trauma or from the retraction that is necessary to expose the anterior cervical vertebrae. A left-sided exposure medial to the carotid artery and internal jugular vein can be used to minimize the risk of injury. Although many spine surgeons use the right-sided approach with a low incidence of symptomatic paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the incidence of temporary, partial, or asymptomatic paralysis may be underestimated. We believe that using the left-sided approach may reduce the risk of such injuries.

Anterior Approach, C3 to C7

Technique 37.5


As with other approaches to the cervical spine, skeletal traction is suggested, and spinal cord monitoring can be used at the surgeon’s discretion. Exposure can be carried out through either a transverse or a longitudinal incision, depending on the surgeon’s preference ( Fig. 37.12A ). We generally use a transverse incision for one- and two-level approaches and a longitudinal incision for approaches involving three levels or more. A left-sided skin incision is preferred because of the more constant anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the lower risk of inadvertent injury to the nerve. In general, an incision three to four fingerbreadths above the clavicle is needed to expose C3-5; an incision two to three fingerbreadths above the clavicle allows exposure of C5-7. On rare occasions, this approach can be used to access C2-3 in individuals with long, thin necks when a line drawn through the C2-3 disc space passes below the mandibular angle on lateral preoperative radiographs ( Fig. 37.13 ).

  • Center a transverse incision over the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Infiltration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a 1:500,000 epinephrine solution assists with hemostasis.

  • Incise the platysma muscle in line with the skin incision or open it vertically for more exposure.

  • Identify the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and longitudinally incise the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia; localize the carotid pulse by palpation.

  • Carefully divide the middle layer of deep cervical fascia that encloses the omohyoid medial to the carotid sheath.

  • As the sternomastoid and carotid sheath are retracted laterally, the anterior aspect of the cervical spine can be palpated. Identify the esophagus lying posterior to the trachea and retract the trachea, esophagus, and thyroid medially ( Fig. 37.12B ).

  • Bluntly divide the deep layers of the deep cervical fascia, consisting of the pretracheal and prevertebral fascia overlying the longus colli muscles.

  • Subperiosteally reflect the longus colli from the anterior aspect of the spine out laterally to the level of the uncovertebral joints. The resulting exposure is sufficient for wide debridement and bone grafting.

  • Close the wound over a drain to prevent hematoma formation and possible airway obstruction.

  • Approximate the platysma and skin edges in routine fashion.

FIGURE 37.12, Anterior approach to C3-7 (see text). A, Incision. B, Thyroid gland, trachea, and esophagus have been retracted medially, and carotid sheath and its contents have been retracted laterally in opposite direction. SEE TECHNIQUE 37.5 .

FIGURE 37.13, Lateral extension radiograph (A) and T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (B). A line based on the C3 upper endplate is drawn on a lateral extension radiograph of the cervical spine. Candidates for the subaxial anterior approach should have a mandibular angle higher than the line. Lateral extension radiograph (C) and T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (D) . A large chin with a mandibular angle that extends over the line may make it difficult to reach C2 with the subaxial anterior approach.

Anterolateral approach, C2 to C7

Chibbaro et al. and Bruneau et al. described an anterolateral approach to the cervical spine that allows decompression of the body and roots that are affected with unilateral myelopathy and/ or radiculopathy. This technique allows the removal of a wedge of cervical vertebra without the need for grafting or instrumentation. This technique also allows the direct exposure of the vertebral artery and veins by direct exposure of the vertebral foramen. It is recommended for elderly patients and smokers with unilateral anterior or lateral bony compression without instability. Cited advantages of this technique include wide decompression at a single level or multiple levels while providing direct vision of the vertebral artery and nerve roots. A disadvantage is the difficulty of the dissection with the potential injury to the vertebral artery, veins, XI cranial nerve, and the sympathetic chain, which can result in Horner syndrome (ptosis, ipsilateral miosis, and anhidrosis). In 459 procedures done since 1992, Chibbaro et al. noted no vertebral artery injury, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, dysphagia, or nerve root palsy; however, 14 patients (3%) developed Horner syndrome, which became permanent in four, and three had infections. The frequency of Horner syndrome reported in the literature is as high as 4%. The authors stressed that there is a steep learning curve with this procedure. From anatomic studies, Civelek et al. determined that the cervical sympathetic chain was on average 11.6 mm from the medial border of the longus coli muscle ( Fig. 37.14 ). The superior ganglion was always at the level of C4, whereas the intermediate ganglion varied at its level of the cervical spine. The greatest risk to the sympathetic chain is during sectioning of the longus coli muscle transversely and dissection of the prevertebral fascia.

FIGURE 37.14, Anatomic dissection showing the relation of the cervical sympathetic chain (sc) to the longus coli muscle (Lc) . Also shown are the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM), the anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL), the longus capitis muscle (LC), the inferior thyroidal artery (ita), and the superior ganglion of the sympathetic trunk (sg) . (Left side is cranial and right side is caudal.)

We have no experience with this procedure.

Anterolateral Approach, C2 to C7

Technique 37.6


  • Place the patient supine with the head rotated to the side opposite the incision and the neck in extension. Prepare and drape the neck as for any usual anterior cervical disc surgery.

  • Identify the involved level radiographically.

  • Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. (At the C2-3 level, the incision extends to the tip of the mastoid process superiorly and to the sternal notch for exposure of C7-T1 inferiorly.)

  • Incise the platysma muscle along the plane of the skin incision.

  • Open the space between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the internal jugular vein with sharp dissection. Retract the sternocleidomastoid muscle laterally and the undissected great vessels, trachea, and esophagus medially ( Fig. 37.15A ).

    FIGURE 37.15, A, Anterolateral approach to the cervical spine through the interval between the sternocleidomastoid laterally and along the internal jugular vein medially with the other vascular structures including the internal carotid and external carotid. The XI cranial nerve is identified at C2 to 4 (CN XI) . The longus coli aponeurosis is longitudinally opened and the sympathetic chain is identified and carefully protected while exposing the uncovertebral joints and the anterior surface of the transverse process. The foramen is opened over the vertebral artery. B, Bony exposure through wedge-shaped lateral decompression. C, CT after wedge decompression. D, Postoperative MRI showing decompression. (From Chibbaro S, Mirone G, Bresson D, George B: Cervical spine lateral approach for myeloradiculopathy: technique and pitfalls, Surg Neurol 72:318, 2009.) SEE TECHNIQUE 37.6 .

  • Identify the fatty sheath surrounding cranial nerve XI and expose the nerve from C2 to C4.

  • Identify the transverse processes with a finger.

  • Divide the aponeurosis of the longus coli longitudinally to identify the sympathetic chain, which lies on top of the longus coli.

  • Retract the aponeurosis and the sympathetic chain laterally.

  • Divide the longus coli longitudinally at the interval of the junction of the vertebral body and the transverse processes.

  • Take care to be sure the vertebral artery is not entering at an abnormally high level such as C3, C4, or C5.

  • Clear the transverse processes and the lateral aspect of the vertebral body. Confirm the level of dissection radiographically.

  • Subperiosteally dissect the lateral aspect of the uncovertebral joint and medial border of the vertebral artery.

  • Open the vertebral foramen laterally by removing the anterior portion of the transverse foramen with a Kerrison rongeur. This frees the cervical root from the dural root to the vertebral artery margin.

  • Confirm the level of decompression again radiographically.

  • Make an oblique corpectomy in the vertebra using a burr for longitudinal removal of bone from upper to lower disc spaces ( Fig. 37.15B to D ).

  • Start with a longitudinal trench just medial to the vertebral artery and continue the bone removal medially. Preserve the posterior cortex until the wedge is completed.

  • Resect the posterior cortex and the posterior longitudinal ligament to decompress the cord.

  • Recheck the decompression radiographically.

  • Obtain good hemostasis, irrigate the wound, and remove the retractors. The tissues will fall into place.

  • Close the subcutaneous tissue and skin as desired.

  • A drain can be used if necessary.

  • Immobilization with a collar may be desired for soft-tissue healing.

Anterior approach to cervicothoracic junction, C7 to T1

There is no ready anterior access to the cervicothoracic junction. The rapid transition from cervical lordosis to thoracic kyphosis results in an abrupt change in the depth of the wound. Also, this is a confluent area of vital structures that are not readily retracted. The three approaches to this area are (1) the low anterior cervical approach, (2) the high transthoracic approach, and (3) the transsternal approach.

The low anterior cervical approach provides access to T1 at the inferior extent and the lower cervical spine at the superior extent of the dissection. Exposure is limited at the upper thoracic region but generally is adequate for placement of a strut graft if needed. Individual anatomic structure should be considered carefully in preoperative planning. This approach can be used if the lowest instrumented vertebra can be seen on a lateral radiograph and a line passing from the planned skin incision site to this level on the spine lies cephalad to the manubrium ( Fig. 37.16 ).

FIGURE 37.16, Criterion of Cho et al. for use of the standard Smith-Robinson approach for upper thoracic anterior fusion. A , On a preoperative lateral radiograph, a line drawn from the intended skin incision to the top of the manubrium (at the suprasternal notch) to the level of the disc space (T1-2) indicated that this trajectory would allow adequate exposure of the cervicothoracic junction. B , Fusion done through standard Smith-Robinson approach.

Low Anterior Cervical Approach

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