

Anaphylaxis arises when mast cells and possibly basophils secrete potent mediators that have effects on vasculature, smooth muscle, mucous glands, and nerves, thereby eliciting a systemic response. Although mast cells in any organ system may be involved, dictated in part by the distribution of the instigating stimulus, the principal targets are the cardiovascular, cutaneous, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems, where mast cells are most abundant. Anaphylaxis occurs when mast cells are activated by multivalent allergens that bind to and aggregate immunoglobulin E (IgE) and high-affinity IgE receptors (FcɛRI) on their surfaces. These activated mast cells then secrete mediators, such as histamine, tryptase, prostaglandin d4, and leukotriene c4, that cause the systemic symptoms of immediate hypersensitivity.


Approximately 1500 to 2000 deaths are attributed to anaphylaxis annually in the United States. Anaphylaxis to foods and insect stings each account for about 100 deaths per year.

The lifetime incidence of anaphylaxis in adults is estimated at 2 to 8%. In children, in whom food allergy is more common, the incidence of anaphylaxis is likely higher. More than 80% of physicians practicing allergy/immunology, emergency medicine, general medicine, or pediatrics report having witnessed anaphylaxis. Medications, insect stings, and foods are the most common triggers, followed by environmental allergens and latex ( Table 233-1 ). In some cases, the cause of anaphylaxis is unknown. About 50% of the reactions occur at home, 15% at a medical facility, and 6 to 7% at another person’s home, at work, or at a restaurant. Antibiotics and radiocontrast media are the most commonly identified triggers in hospitals, and COX-1 inhibitor nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a leading cause of anaphylaxis seen in emergency departments. Chemotherapy agents ( Chapter 234 ) and monoclonal antibodies also are common causes of anaphylaxis. In the perioperative setting, anaphylactic reactions occur with a frequency of about 1 in 2000 to 10,000 cases. Muscle relaxants or antibiotics are the most common triggers, but latex, induction drugs, chlorhexidine, and other agents also can be the culprit. Advanced age, use of a β-blocker or angiotensin pathway inhibitor, hereditary α-tryptasemia, and concomitant mastocytosis ( Chapter 235 ) increase the risk for severe anaphylaxis. Hereditary α-tryptasemia, which is caused by an increased copy number of the gene that encodes α-tryptase, may be present in up to 5% of the population.

TABLE 233-1
Insect stings
Foods (±exercise)
Allergen extracts
Radiocontrast media
Exercise, cold, heat, vibration, pressure
Narcotics (except fentanyl)
Complement anaphylatoxins
IgE = immunoglobulin E.

Some type of food allergy is self-reported in 19% of adults and likely is present in as many as 11%, but only about half of these allergies are classified as serious. About 20% of children lose peanut sensitivity by school age, but a small portion will regain peanut sensitivity later in life, particularly if they continue to avoid this food. Most children lose their allergic sensitivities to cow’s milk, egg, wheat, or soy by 5 years of age, whereas sensitivities to tree nuts and seafoods are typically persistent.

Latex provokes anaphylaxis in a small but significant group of individuals, particularly patients who have undergone multiple surgical procedures early in life and individuals with frequent exposures later in life, such as medical personnel. Estimates of the prevalence of latex hypersensitivity range from 1 to 6% in the general population and about 10% among regularly exposed health care workers. Each year, latex-induced anaphylaxis occurs in about 200 individuals and causes an average of 3 deaths. The majority of children labeled as penicillin allergic lose their sensitivity as adults.


The mediators produced by activated mast cells and basophils initiate many of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis. These cells constitutively express the high affinity receptor for IgE, FcɛRI, on their surface, thereby enabling these cells to be armed by antigen-specific IgE and triggered by antigens that aggregate IgE:FcɛRI complexes. In addition to mast cells and basophils, other cells that likely participate in anaphylaxis include eosinophils, monocytes, antigen-presenting cells, platelets, and epithelial cells.

Most IgE-dependent mast cell activation events occur at local sites and result in local disease, such as allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis, or asthma when allergens land on the corresponding mucosal surface of a sensitive individual and diffuse into the tissue where mast cells reside. Anaphylaxis presumably requires the allergen (or nonallergen agonist) to distribute systemically to activate mast cells at remote sites. However, activation of the contact system by mast cell products (e.g., heparin or tryptase) results in the production of bradykinin, which may also enhance the severity of anaphylaxis. Impaired metabolism of the mast cell mediator platelet-activating factor also may enhance severity.


Most allergens are proteins or glycoproteins that serve as complete antigens, have at least two epitopes that are recognized by different IgE antibodies, and thereby are capable of aggregating IgE in a sensitized subject. The protease activity of some allergens (e.g., house dust mite Der p1) may facilitate their penetration and allergenicity at mucosal sites. Other allergens (e.g., Der p2) have lipid-binding domains that increase their antigenic potency. IgE anti–α-gal sensitization is elicited by Lone Star tick bites, most commonly found in the southeastern, mid-Atlantic, and midwestern states, but also throughout the world.

In contrast to complete antigens, most drugs act as haptens. The drugs become covalently linked to self-proteins in the circulation, in tissues, or on cells and become multivalent allergens that are able to bind and aggregate IgE:FcɛRI to activate mast cells. Injected chemotherapy drugs such as platins are common drug allergens that act as haptens. Monoclonal antibodies, in particular chimeric antibodies carrying nonhuman sequences such as rituximab, can bind IgE as complete antigens and trigger anaphylaxis.

Exposure to an allergen must first lead to sensitization before an immediate hypersensitivity reaction can occur. This process, which requires at least 1 week, involves antigen processing by antigen-presenting cells, which then present peptide antigens to T H 2 cells (T helper lymphocytes), which in turn instruct allergen-specific B cells to switch from production of allergen-specific IgM or IgG to IgE. Production of IL-4 or IL-13 by T H 2 cells and binding of T H 2 CD40 ligand to B cell CD40 are essential for this antibody class switch. Consequently, anaphylaxis does not occur on first exposure to an allergen (sensitization phase), because the antigen is likely gone by the time antigen-specific IgE is made, but can occur with subsequent exposures. Cross-sensitization can occur with foods or medications that contain the same or similar allergenic components, and patients can react at first exposure when previously exposed and sensitized to a related substance.


Most cases of food-induced anaphylaxis in children occur in response to eggs, peanuts, cow’s milk, wheat, or soy, whereas peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, and seafood account for most reactions in adults. An oral allergy syndrome typically occurs when individuals who are sensitive to pollen allergens eat a food that cross-reacts with it, such as when ragweed pollen IgE cross-reacts with melon or when birch pollen IgE cross-reacts with a peach or apple. Such food allergen epitopes are typically conformational (rather than linear) and more easily destroyed by heat when cooked, by acid in the stomach, or by proteases in the intestines, so they rarely progress to systemic reactions.

Food allergy–associated exercise-induced anaphylaxis occurs when sensitive subjects exercise within several hours after eating the food allergen but does not occur when the food is eaten without exercise. Shrimp and wheat are most commonly implicated. Exercise appears to increase intestinal permeability to food antigens, which then enter into the systemic circulation. Aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and alcohol also act to increase intestinal permeability and may help trigger food-induced anaphylaxis.

Insect Sting Venom

Hymenoptera families primarily responsible for sting venom-triggered anaphylactic reactions include the Apidae (honey bees and bumble bees), Vespidae (hornets, yellow jackets, and paper wasps), and Formicidae (fire ants). Major allergens of honey bees include phospholipase A 2 (Api m 1), hyaluronidase (Api m 2), and melittin (Api m 4). Bumble bee venom proteins exhibit immunologic cross-reactivity with those of the honey bee but lack melittin. Vespid venoms cross-react among themselves and include phospholipase and hyaluronidase, the latter allergen cross-reacting with bee hyaluronidase. Fire ant venom contains various alkaloids that are not allergenic but produce sterile pustules and various allergenic proteins that cross-react with vespid allergens, such as phospholipase and scorpion venom allergens. If previously sensitized to cross-reactive venom from a different insect, a person may exhibit an anaphylactic reaction on first exposure to one insect sting. Allergens from biting insects of the Diptera order (mosquitoes, gnats, midges, true flies) are salivary in origin and do not cross-react with Hymenoptera venom allergens. Anaphylaxis to these salivary proteins appears to be uncommon, but precise epidemiologic data are problematic because people are often unaware of a mosquito bite, and commercial diagnostic reagents of high quality are not yet available.

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