Aging and Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Case Study

A 68-year-old woman with a history of hypertension (HTN) presents to clinic with dyspnea on exertion. She is an avid gardener and has been unable to keep up with her weeding over the past few years. Otherwise, she is mostly sedentary. Her blood pressure (BP) is mildly elevated at 145/70 mmHg, pulse is 75 bpm, and oxygen saturation is 99%. On exam, she has a fourth heart sound, but no peripheral edema or distended neck veins. Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) is ordered, and her ejection fraction (EF) is 58%, she has mild left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, E/A ratio is 0.8, septal e′ is 5.5 cm/sec and lateral e′ is 7.0 cm/sec, average E/e′ is 8, left atrial (LA) volume index is 34.5 mL/m 2 , and maximum tricuspid regurgitation velocity could not be measured. Grade I diastolic dysfunction is reported. Having seen her report, she returns to clinic and asks, “Do I have diastolic heart failure?”

From a clinical perspective questions that may be pertinent are, “Does the patient have heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)?” “Based on the reported TTE findings, does the patient have grade I diastolic dysfunction?” “What would be the most comprehensive diagnostic test to evaluate this patient’s source of dyspnea?”


Heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction poses a particular challenge for clinicians taking care of seniors: Exertional dyspnea is common, comorbid conditions are diverse, and the treatment options are limited. The incidence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is closely associated with age, and the disease contributes significant morbidity and mortality to the elderly population. Clinically, HFpEF is simply defined as the presence of HF signs and symptoms and a preserved EF; however, the euvolemic HFpEF patient can pose a significant diagnostic challenge. Furthermore, dyspnea on exertion is often multifactorial in the elderly. Finally, the cardiovascular changes associated with aging are complex and affected by multiple factors of a person’s life.

Aging in itself is not the same for everyone. A 60-year-old obese patient with hypertension (HTN) and diabetes may have a cardiovascular system akin to 90 years of aging, whereas a 60-year-old top athlete may have the heart of a 40-year-old. A sedentary lifestyle and comorbidities, such as metabolic syndrome and kidney disease, likely synergize with aging to impact LV relaxation and compliance. It remains unknown how these changes cross over to the pathologic condition of HFpEF. Furthermore, it is unknown if aging alone is sufficient. If humans live long enough, will they all eventually develop HFpEF?

This chapter aims to critically evaluate the epidemiology and pathophysiology of HFpEF and the aging heart. The first objective of this chapter is to describe the clinical course of HFpEF in the elderly, specifically the challenges in diagnosing the disease in elderly patients. The second objective is to evaluate which aspects of aging are responsible for changes in cardiac function that may lead to HFpEF, with particular attention to changes that are related to not only aging but also how one ages. The final objective will be to explore future avenues of research for HFpEF, diastolic dysfunction, and the elderly, specifically in regard to diagnosis and prevention. Overall, this chapter is meant to help clinicians distinguish between expected aging and pathologic findings when they evaluate elderly patients with dyspnea.

HFpEF and the Elderly

Epidemiology of HFpEF in Seniors

As the population ages, the rates of cardiovascular diseases increase, including HTN, coronary artery disease (CAD), and congestive heart failure (CHF). Currently CHF affects over 6.5 million adults with annual health care costs of $24 billion, and half of CHF cases are patients with a preserved EF. HFpEF is particularly prevalent among seniors with a mean age of +70 and affecting 13% of persons +80 years of age. By 2050, the senior population is estimated to exceed 86 million individuals. Clinicians must be prepared to evaluate, diagnose, and treat various causes of dyspnea and differentiate them from expected physiologic changes due to aging.

Elderly patients with HFpEF are a particularly vulnerable population. CHF is the leading cause of hospitalization in patients over age 65 years, and over half of these admissions are HFpEF. An evaluation of elderly hospitalized HF patients found impaired quality of life and depression symptoms to be more prevalent in HFpEF compared to heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), while physical limitation and impaired cognition were similar. In the Cardiovascular Health Study, frailty was found in 6.9% of participants over the age of 65. Frailty has been proposed as a syndrome of unintentional weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, slow walking speed, and low physical activity. In TOPCAT, the presence of frailty was associated with higher risk of HF hospitalization as well as mortality for patients with HFpEF. In HFpEF, patient-centered outcomes are either similar to or worse than HFrEF, and the morbidity of the disease in the elderly is increased when combined with frailty. It is important for clinicians caring for these patients to recognize elderly HFpEF patients as high risk for poor outcomes.

The role HFpEF plays in the death of seniors remains unclear, and there is a higher burden of cardiovascular death in this syndrome than previously thought. Two clinical trials of elderly patients with HFpEF, TIME-CHF and PEP-CHF, reported a cardiovascular cause of death in 60% and 70% of total deaths, though a subanalysis of TIME-CHF demonstrated higher rates of non-CV death in subjects with HFpEF compared to HFrEF. Over 300,000 deaths in the United States per year are attributed to HFpEF, and the mortality rates in HFpEF remain steady, in contrast to HFrEF where mortality has started to decline. The body of literature regarding the mode of death in HFpEF is heterogeneous, and competing risks play a role that needs to be further defined.

The Role of Comorbidities

While chronologic age can be measured easily, biologic aging may be more relevant for development of HFpEF in a senior population. Increasing age is associated with many of the comorbidities associated with HFpEF, including HTN, diabetes, CAD, renal dysfunction, and atrial fibrillation (AFib). Each of these comorbidities is known to negatively impact diastolic function, and each is highly prevalent in HFpEF ( Box 31.1 ; Tables 31.1 and 31.2 ). In clinical practice, it is likely that both chronologic aging and biologic aging contribute to development of HFpEF in the elderly as the cardiovascular system takes multiple hits ( Fig. 31.1 ). This multiple hit hypothesis may be what transitions seniors from changes of diastolic function to pathologic HFpEF. Most of the studies discussed in this chapter attempt to separate the effects of aging from the effects of comorbidities by excluding subjects with known comorbid conditions. While helpful when addressing the cardiovascular changes attributable to solely aging, in practice the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities should increase the index of suspicion for HFpEF in the elderly.

Box 31.1
Proposed Mechanisms of Structural and Cellular Cardiovascular Changes With Aging

Biologic Aging of the Cardiovascular System 1

  • Structural changes

  • Arterial stiffening

  • Loss of cardiomyocytes

  • Hypertrophy

  • Ischemic changes

  • Cardiac stiffening

Cellular changes

  • Molecular signaling changes

  • Smooth muscle dysfunction

  • Cardiac fibrosis

  • Impaired adaptability of autonomic nervous system

Table 31.1
Cardiovascular Effects of Common Co-morbidities Over Time
Comorbidity Cardiovascular Effect Over Time
Diabetes Increased left ventricular stiffness
SERCA 2A dysfunction
Hypertension Left ventricular hypertrophy
Increased left ventricular stiffness
Obesity Concentric remodeling
Systemic inflammation
Epicardial fat deposits
Chronic kidney disease Chronic volume overload
Atrial fibrillation Atrial cardiomyopathy
Impaired atrial contraction
Coronary artery disease Endocardial ischemia
There are many proposed mechanisms for each comorbidity and while this list is not exhaustive, it highlights the potential pathologic cardiovascular effects of comorbidities commonly associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

Table 31.2
Prevalence of conditions known to negatively impact diastolic dysfunction in hfpef samples (% of total patients)
Adapted from Owan TE, et al. Trends in prevalence and outcome of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. N Engl J Med. 2006;355(3):251–259; Yancy CW, et al. Clinical presentation, management, and in-hospital outcomes of patients admitted with acute decompensated heart failure with preserved systolic function: a report from the Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE) database. J Am Coll Cardiol . 2006;47(1):76–84; Yusuf S, et al. Effects of candesartan in patients with chronic heart failure and preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction: the CHARM-Preserved trial. Lancet . 2003;362(9386):777–781; Ahmed A, et al. Effects of digoxin on morbidity and mortality in diastolic heart failure: the ancillary digitalis investigation group trial. Circulation . 2006;114(5):397–403.
Olmsted County ADHERE Ancillary DIG Trial CHARM-Preserved Trial
Number of patients 4596 26322 988 3023
Hypertension, % 63 77 60 23
Hx MI or CAD, % 53 50 50 45
Diabetes, % 33 45 29 28
Atrial fibrillation, % 41 21 No data 29
Prevalence of Co-morbidities in HFpEF, trials and studies demonstrating the high association of hypertension, CAD diabetes and atrial fibrillation in HFpEF. HFpEF, Heart Failure with Preserved ejection Fraction; ADHERE, Acute Decompensated HEart Failure National REgistry; DIG, Digitalis Investigation Group; CHARM, Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity; Hx, history; MI, myocardial infarction; CAD, coronary artery disease.

Fig. 31.1, Proposed paradigm by which aging and comorbid conditions overlaid on a substrate of slowed relaxation and decreased compliance could result in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). AS, Aortic stenosis; LV, left ventricular.

AFib in particular is a defining comorbidity of HFpEF. AFib is highly prevalent in HFpEF and associated with similar risk factors and comorbidities. In a subanalysis of the CHARM-Preserved trial, AFib coexisted with HFpEF in 29% of subjects and was negatively associated with cardiovascular mortality and hospitalization. In AFib trials, HFpEF is present in 8% to 24% of subjects. This relationship is more challenging in clinical practice, since patients without true HFpEF may have dyspnea on exertion or even pulmonary edema when ventricular rates are rapid, but once their rhythm is controlled, their symptoms improve. Yet AFib begets HFpEF, which begets AFib. For example, chronically elevated LA pressures cause LA dilation, remodeling, and then an atrial cardiomyopathy. This pathology in turn creates a favorable substrate for AFib. Furthermore, obesity, HTN, and diabetes are associated with atrial and ventricular remodeling that may lead to both AFib and HFpEF. Finally, AFib impairs late ventricular filling and is thought to impair hemodynamics in HFpEF, though clinical studies are lacking to evaluate this theory. Given their similarities in presentation and risk factors, the presence of either AFib or HFpEF in an elderly patient with other typical comorbidities should raise the clinical suspicion for the other.

Clinical Course of HFpEF in Seniors

The most common clinical presentation of HFpEF in seniors is fatigue and exertional dyspnea. However, there are many conditions that may lead to dyspnea or fatigue, some pathologic, some the result of aging. For example, there is an expected decline in maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max), the body’s ability to utilize oxygen, which is seen with each decade of life. Furthermore, seniors have been shown to have decreased muscle mass, oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and lung function. Like VO 2 max, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) decreases with each decade of life. Several pathologic conditions, such as obstructive CAD, intrinsic lung disease, depression, or systemic illnesses may also present with exertional dyspnea or fatigue and are common among seniors. While a variety of diseases cause dyspnea, HFpEF is a common culprit. HFpEF generally presents later in life, and the incidence of HFpEF overtakes HFrEF in the seventh decade of life. HFpEF makes up 90% of incident CHF diagnoses in elderly women. A prototypical elderly HFpEF patient is female and likely to have HTN, obesity, diabetes, or AFib, but there is great diversity in the disease. Thus a clinician must approach dyspneic patients with a broad perspective to appropriately identify the source.

Diagnosis of HFpEF in Seniors

The American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) definition from 2013 consists of symptoms of HF ( Box 31.2 ) and an EF of 50% and above ( Box 31.3 ). The AHA/ACC guidelines do not specify measures of diastolic function or left venticular (LV) filling pressures. In contrast, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines recommend evaluating filling pressures either invasively through pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) or LV end-diastolic pressure (EDP) or by estimating volume overload through elevated E/e′ ratio or elevated brain natriuretic protein (BNP). Neither guideline refers to graded diastolic dysfunction as defined by the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), though this classification is what is reported to many clinicians. The formal diagnostic criteria for HFpEF are no different for seniors than other populations.

Box 31.2
Framingham Heart Failure Criteria

  • Framingham Heart Failure Criteria

  • Diagnosis of HF requires 2 major criteria OR 1 major and 2 minor criteria.

  • Major Criteria

  • Acute pulmonary edema

  • Cardiomegaly

  • Hepatojugular reflux

  • Neck vein distention

  • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or orthopnea

  • Pulmonary rales

  • Third heart sound (S 3 gallop rhythm)

  • Weight loss >4.5 kg in 5 days in response to treatment

  • Minor Criteria

  • Ankle edema

  • Dyspnea on exertion

  • Hepatomegaly

  • Nocturnal cough

  • Pleural effusion

  • Tachycardia (HR >120)

Box 31.3
AHA/ACC and ESC Diagnostic Guidelines for HFpEF
AHA; American Heart Association
ACC: American College of Cardiology
ESC: European Society of Cardiology
EF: Ejection FractionHF: Heart Failure
HFpEF: Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction

  • AHA/ACC Definition

    • 1.

      EF ≥50%

    • 2.

      Also referred to as diastolic HF. Several different criteria have been used to further define HFpEF. The diagnosis of HFpEF is challenging because it is largely one of excluding other potential noncardiac causes of symptoms suggestive of HF. To date, efficacious therapies have not been identified

  • ESC Definition

  • Three conditions must be satisfied:

    • 1.

      Symptoms or signs of HF

    • 2.

      Normal or near normal systolic function, EF >50%, in the absence of ventricular dilatation

    • 3.

      Evidence of elevated filling pressures: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure >12 mmHg, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure >16 mmHg, echocardiographic Doppler E/E′ >15, or B-type natriuretic peptide >200

For decompensated HFpEF patients with acute congestion and a preserved EF, the diagnosis is straightforward. However, many patients with early stages of HFpEF may present with dyspnea on exertion without clear physical evidence to suggest HF. For these patients, the diagnosis can be challenging. The most reliable method to establish the diagnosis is invasive hemodynamic exercise testing, where a pathologic increase in LV filling pressure is detected with a right heart catheter during exercise. Alternatively, a noninvasive diastolic stress test can be performed to estimate elevated LV filling pressures with exercise, though such markers are imprecise (see Chapter 18 ). Recently, Reddy et al. proposed a diagnostic score, call the H2FPEF, which combines a number of clinical and echocardiographic characteristics to identify those at risk for HFpEF. Age over 60 years is one of the scoring markers and thus corresponds with increased odds of having HFpEF in their cohort. While the widespread applicability of this score for diagnosing HFpEF is unknown, it has strong potential to identify those who warrant further evaluation, particularly among the elderly who are likely to have a higher score.

Currently, the ASE diastolic function guidelines do not have a formal role in detecting or diagnosing HFpEF, even though abnormal diastolic function is a hallmark of the disease. There are many reasons for this omission, but primarily it highlights the complex nature of diastolic function and the transition to a disease state. The 2016 ASE guidelines focus on using echocardiographic markers specifically to detect increased LA pressures in patients with myocardial pathology. Yet decompensated HFpEF patients, where this approach is most apt, are diagnosed clinically with relative ease. With the focus on elevated resting LA pressures, euvolemic HFpEF patients may not be detected by an echo performed at rest. Three analyses of HFpEF clinical trials confirm that when diastolic function is assessed by an echo in clinically adjudicated HFpEF patients, upwards of 30% have normal diastolic function ( Fig. 31.2 ). The progression from normal cardiac function to decompensated HFpEF is likely a gradual decline that involves multiple cardiac and noncardiac mechanisms. The individual components of diastolic function that can ultimately lead to HFpEF are each impacted by aging differently.

Fig. 31.2, Application of diastolic guidelines to three clinical trials of ajudicated HFpEF patients.

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