Ageing and death

As complex organisms become older, so each species accumulates a characteristic series of changes, and perhaps an enumeration of those changes might be all we need to know about ageing. However, things are not that simple: some of these changes are inevitable and others not — for instance, changes in arterial collagen are found in all elderly human aortas, but atheroma is not. So, should we limit our discussion of ‘ageing’ to the inevitable changes, avoiding the others? Or, given that the rate of progress of those inevitable changes can be modified by the environment, should our definition of ageing be broader? For instance, loss of aortic elasticity secondary to changes in collagen contributes to hypertension, and hypertension accelerates atheroma. Atheroma, especially as the plaques progress to fibrosis and calcification, also compromises aortic elasticity; further, it can exacerbate hypertension by other mechanisms, in particular, by reducing renal perfusion. All these changes are common in the old, and a variety of complex interactions like this bedevil the study of ageing, so unitary hypotheses remain illusory, unnecessary and misleading.

Ageing and death are linked: as we age, so death becomes more likely until, in extreme old age, continued life may surprise more than the event of death. In general, the older an object, the more likely it is that disaster will occur: old cars break down and old buildings fall down. As an analogy for the ageing of organisms, however, this does not suffice: in a sense, unicellular animals that reproduce by asexual division live forever. Every amoeba alive today is in direct line of cytoplasmic and nuclear descent from the very first amoeba ever. The single cells of multicellular animals are different: some, such as neurones or heart muscle cells, divide very rarely, if at all, after birth: if such a cell dies, it is usually not replaced. Even those cells that can still reproduce do so less efficiently with the passage of time ( Fig. 11.1 ); thus, elderly individuals experience slower wound healing.

Fig. 11.1
Ageing and the replicative capacity of cells.
In cell cultures, the number of mitotic divisions of which cells are capable is inversely proportional to the age of the individual from which the cells were obtained. Thus fetal cells have considerable growth potential, whereas those from an elderly person are capable of only a few divisions. This is the Hayflick limit.

Theories of ageing have been traditionally divided into the ‘genetic’ and the ‘wear-and-tear’: in retrospect, we can see that the former tend to reflect the biology of ageing of cells that have a rapid turnover, whereas the latter correlate with the mechanisms that lead to the senescence of long-lived cells.


Ageing and short-lived cells

If cells from young humans are cultured they seem to be capable of about 50 cell divisions, but cells from older individuals are capable of progressively fewer cell divisions. The maximum number in each species is called the Hayflick limit, and differs between species: small and short-lived mammals have low Hayflick limits, and larger and long-lived species have high limits. Coupled with the observation that many organisms appear to have a finite length of life (humans, for example, even with ideal living conditions, rarely live beyond 10 decades), this has tempted some to believe that we need look no further for a comprehensive understanding of ageing, but direct translation of in vitro findings into in vivo observations has not been possible. The Hayflick limit has been ascribed to the shortening of telomeres with each successive cell division, though actual lifespans of organisms correlate poorly with lifespans calculated from in vitro determinations of telomere length. The idea that death is inevitable because telomere shortening is inevitable is no longer tenable.

Ageing and long-lived cells

Stem cells and progenitor cells, as well as short-lived cells such as enterocytes and circulating white cells, will divide any cytoplasmic debris between the daughter cells at each division, thus minimising their deleterious effect. This solution is not available to long-lived cells, and accumulated debris will have detrimental effects on function. Of course, there are intracellular mechanisms for ridding cells of this debris, and were these mechanisms perfect, then such cells might function well for ever. They clearly do not, though the precise nature of the damaging debris remains a matter for study. Early theories suggested that DNA mutations would lead to the accumulation of defective proteins, but these proteins have not been found in significant quantities, apart from a few specific examples such as the abnormally folded proteins of Alzheimer disease. Cytoplasmic proteins may be broken down by proteases within the cytoplasm, or following autophagy, whereby they are broken down after the autophagosome fuses with endosomes or lysosomes. This fusion allows degradation of defective macromolecules, and thus reutilisation of their sugars, amino acids, nucleotides and fatty acids. This degradation is rapid and efficient, but not entirely effective: peroxidation of lipids leads to the accumulation of indigestible lipofuscin, easily identifiable on light microscopy of long-lived cells such as hepatocytes and cardiac myocytes. There may also be intracellular aggregates of defective proteins that are resistant to autophagocytosis, and defective mitochondria may be accumulated.

Theories of Ageing

Let us consider some of the clinical features of old age. Arterial degeneration, particularly atheroma, is a very common cause of debility and death in developed countries ( Ch. 13 ), and many diseases have their roots in a progressively diminishing supply of oxygen and nutrients. However, in some developing societies, the elderly population is not particularly afflicted by atheroma, and in autopsies in developed societies, it is not uncommon to see very elderly people without significant arterial disease. Even so, such individuals show all of the classic external features of old age, so atheroma cannot be the only cause, or even the central cause, of ageing. There is a difference between the diseases that patients die with and the diseases that they die from , but this distinction is often very difficult to establish scientifically.

  • Hypotheses traditionally invoke inbuilt genetic mechanisms (clonal senescence) and ‘wear and tear’ (replication senescence); both are important, and interact with each other in complex ways

  • Ageing is influenced by genetic and environmental factors

  • Replicative lifespan of untransformed cells is limited

  • Cumulative intracellular injury has several possible mechanisms, including free radical-mediated damage

There is evidence to support both major theories of ageing — inbuilt genetic mechanisms and environmental ‘ wear-and-tear ’ mechanisms — but like nature/nurture arguments in other areas of biology, such as the development of intelligence or of sexual orientation, the two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.

Inbuilt genetic mechanisms (clonal senescence)

Common experience supports the idea that there is an inbuilt ‘allotted lifespan’ for humans and other animals: each animal species seems to have an intrinsic life expectancy ranging from one day for a mayfly to well over 100 years for some amphibia. Not all individuals reach this age: in the wild it may be that no individual reaches this natural limit because of the effects of predators, accidents and disease, or younger individuals may passively neglect or actively drive out or kill aged members of the group who are no longer useful. Animals kept under ideal conditions, though, appear to age and die at around the same time; barring accidents, there is a characteristic lifespan. Most human societies reflect this in their belief that there is a natural life expectancy and that there are natural phases in life: infancy, adolescence, adulthood and ageing.

Evidence for genetic factors

The processes of embryogenesis, infancy, adolescence and maturity are genetically programmed, although the individual experience of these stages may be modified by environmental conditions. Ageing, also, seems to have a genetic component: members of the same family tend to live to a similar age and age at a similar rate, although even this ‘limit’ might be modified by the environment: for example, by calorie restriction in childhood. Subjects with rare genetic conditions (progerias) such as Werner syndrome show premature ageing and die from old-age diseases such as advanced atheroma while still chronologically young. Similarly, people with Down syndrome age rapidly; their cultured fibroblasts are capable of fewer cell divisions than those from age-matched controls. Natural selection gives primacy to reproduction rather than longevity, and ageing can be seen as the passive result of a lack of genetic drive to optimise or prolong lifespan; genes involved in enhancing reproduction may even have deleterious effects on longevity.

The mechanisms responsible for the genetic component of ageing are complex. It was once believed that longevity was a maternal trait, inherited through mitochondrial genes, but genomic studies refute this idea. There is a well-established statistical association between longevity and certain alleles, but the total variation in longevity explained by these variants is small; it is also not clear whether they confer a positive benefit, or simply reflect the absence of deleterious variants. For instance, the ε4 allele of apolipoprotein (APO)- E is associated with both Alzheimer disease and cardiovascular illness. Extreme old age is associated with certain genetic variations in the human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene, and centenarians and their offspring maintain longer telomeres than controls.

Interaction with environmental factors

Social correlations with ageing and death are more difficult to interpret. Many diseases are more common in people from lower socioeconomic groups; these individuals exhibit ageing changes and die earlier than age- and sex-matched people from higher socioeconomic groups. The most immediate interpretation of these phenomena is that people in these groups are disadvantaged in terms of diet, housing and social welfare generally. Dutch children who survived chronic starvation in World War II eventually lived longer than populations not starved, a finding experimentally reproducible in calorie-restricted laboratory rats.

Wear and tear (replication senescence)

Some cells are readily replaced until the replicative capacity ceases; others remain with us from birth to death. The ‘wear-and-tear’ theories suggest that the normal loss of cells due to the vicissitudes of daily life and the accumulation of sublethal damage in cells lead eventually to system failure of sufficient magnitude that the whole organism succumbs. These theories may explain why it is that cardiac and central nervous system failure are such common causes of death, as the functionally important cells in these crucial tissues have very limited ability to regenerate. This is a statistical view of ageing, suggesting that we are all exposed to roughly the same amount of wear and tear, and thus have a narrow and characteristic range of lifespan.

The various cellular and subcellular mechanisms that have been suggested to cause cumulative damage include:

  • protein cross-linking

  • DNA cross-linking

  • true mutations in DNA, making essential genes unavailable or functionally altered

  • damage to mitochondria

  • other defects in oxygen and nutrient utilisation.

Role of free radicals

A common pathway resulting in cellular deterioration is currently thought to be the generation of highly reactive molecular species called ‘free radicals’. Free radicals are created in neutrophils and macrophages, under carefully controlled conditions, to kill infective organisms; if they are generated accidentally elsewhere, there are numerous enzymatic and quenching processes in cells to dispose of them before they do harm. However, the greater the exposure to free radical inducers (such as toxic substances in the diet, ionising radiation, etc.), the greater the chance that some damage will occur; these insults accumulate until they become evident as the ageing process.

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