Acute Myocardial Infarction: Ventricular Remodeling

Approximately 550,000 Americans will suffer an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) each year. Despite major advances in AMI therapies, mortality and incident heart failure (HF) remain significant problems. Five-year mortality is estimated at 36% in men and 47% in women. The five-year incidence of HF ranges from 16% in men to 22% in women. These adverse outcomes have been unequivocally linked to the development of significant left ventricular (LV) dilation and reduced systolic function after AMI, otherwise known as post-MI negative LV remodeling.

LV remodeling refers to structural and functional myocardial changes that can occur in response to physiologic stress such as exercise or because of a pathologic insult such as AMI. Postinfarction LV remodeling is an intricate cascade of biologic events set forth by the release of intracellular chemokines from necrotic myocytes and increased wall stress due to infarct region contractile and diastolic impairment. Remodeling is a healing and compensatory process that restricts myocardial damage while maintaining cardiac output.

Multiple studies have demonstrated different patterns of post-MI remodeling with varying degrees of LV dilation. LV dilation may be transient, limited or progressive. Differences in the onset of dilation have been observed. It can occur acutely (within 10 days) and/or later during the healing process. Progressive dilation has been observed even years after MI. Controlled ventricular remodeling is ultimately achieved by the formation of a strong collagen scar and remote myocardium hypertrophy which counteract intracavitary forces, thereby limiting progressive ventricular dilation. In this case, ventricular remodeling is compensatory. However, in many instances, particularly with large transmural infarcts, the remodeling process is overwhelmed by the increased LV wall stress. Ongoing dilation and remote contractile impairment ensues ( Fig. 20.1 ) in a process known as negative postinfarction LV remodeling, which increases risk of HF and mortality.

FIG. 20.1
Representative cine images from a swine model of percutaneous left anterior descending artery 90-minute occlusion followed by reperfusion illustrate negative ventricular remodeling 8 weeks after infarction. Note the anterior infarct region wall thinning and akinesis (arrows). ED, End diastole; ES, end systole.

The prognostic significance of negative post-MI remodeling has been demonstrated with the use of various imaging modalities, including chest radiographs, invasive x-ray left ventriculography, radionuclide ventriculography, and echocardiography. In 1973 Kostuk and colleagues showed various patterns of LV remodeling and the association between the extent of negative remodeling and clinical outcomes by measuring serial left heart dimensions using calibrated chest radiographs. Subsequent investigations established LV ejection fraction (EF) as a strong predictor of survival after AMI. By 1987 White and colleagues found that LV end-systolic volume (ESV) measured by x-ray left ventriculography 1 to 2 months after MI was a more powerful predictor of survival than end-diastolic volume (EDV) and LVEF.

Although these modalities have laid the foundation of our understanding of post-MI LV remodeling, their utility has been hindered by technical and safety limitations. Chest radiographs are insensitive to RV and LV volumes and systolic function. Invasive x-ray left ventriculography and radionuclide techniques expose patients to potentially harmful ionizing radiation, making their routine repeated use in humans less desirable. Echocardiography is limited in a subset of patients by the availability of acoustic windows for proper endocardial definition. Finally, two-dimensional (2D) modalities, such as x-ray left ventriculography and echocardiography, rely on geometric assumptions to calculate ventricular volumes that may not apply in hearts regionally deformed by MI.

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a technique that can overcome many of the limitations mentioned above. As a result it has emerged as a valuable noninvasive modality for the assessment of cardiac disease. CMR provides a comprehensive, volumetric, accurate, and reproducible cardiovascular evaluation beyond ventricular volumes. With the use of CMR it is possible to characterize the myocardial tissue for the localization and quantification of myocardial edema, microvascular obstruction (MVO), intramyocardial hemorrhage, and infarct burden. Hence, CMR is particularly well suited for the evaluation of post-MI remodeling. In this chapter we will review the research and clinical utility of CMR in the evaluation of post-MI ventricular remodeling,

Ventricular Volumes, Ejection Fraction, and Mass

LV cavity dilation and systolic dysfunction are the hallmarks of postinfarct remodeling and can be accurately quantified with high spatial and temporal resolution using cine CMR. Early breath-hold cine imaging used fast low-angle shot (FLASH), a spoiled gradient recalled echo (GRE) sequence. Currently, balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) is the most commonly used pulse sequence because of faster acquisition times, improved temporal resolution, and optimal contrast between the myocardium and the blood pool. The use of bSSFP facilitates qualitative and quantitative assessment of cardiac anatomy and function mainly by improving endocardial border definition.

Unlike echocardiography, acoustic windows do not limit CMR; therefore images can be acquired in any desired orientation to accurately depict LV morphology and function. A carefully prescribed stack of short-axis slices extending from the cardiac base to the apex provides a three-dimensional (3D) dataset that can be used to make accurate ventricular morphologic measurements at end diastole (ED) and end systole (ES) without the need for geometric assumptions, as is the case with 2D modalities ( Fig. 20.2 ). Ventricular volumes are calculated using the summation of disks method.

FIG. 20.2, A carefully prescribed stack of short-axis slices extending from the cardiac base to the apex (A) provides a three-dimensional dataset (B and D) that can be used to make accurate left ventricular (LV) morphologic measurements at end diastole (ED) and end systole (ES) without the need for geometric assumptions. It is important to account for in-plane motion of the mitral annulus (C) to avoid overestimation of the end-systolic volume and underestimation of the LV ejection fraction.

CMR derived LV volumes and mass have been validated with phantom, animal and human studies and currently considered the clinical reference standard for other imaging modalities. Although accuracy is important, reliability may be even more important because it dictates the validity of differences between serial examinations. Volumetric measurements by CMR provide high-interstudy, interscan, and interobserver reproducibility in normal hearts and those deformed by prior MI. Interstudy, interobserver, and intraobserver reproducibility of CMR-derived RV volumes is also excellent in healthy controls, patients with HF, ventricular hypertrophy, and congenital heart disease. Because of improved reproducibility compared with echocardiography, CMR facilitates the identification of clinically significant ventricular changes in serial examinations after AMI. The reduced variability of the measurement significantly reduces the sample size needed to detect differences between treatment arms in clinical trials.

Cine CMR has been successfully used to evaluate post-MI remodeling in animal models and humans. Konermann and colleagues studied the reliability of CMR in the evaluation of LV morphology and function in post-MI patients. They compared cine CMR LV volumes and LVEF with 2D echocardiography (2DE), radionuclide, and x-ray left ventriculography in a group of 65 patients who suffered a transmural MI and did not undergo thrombolysis or angioplasty. Good correlation was found between x-ray and radionuclide ventriculography. However, correlation with 2D echocardiography was limited because of inconsistent 2DE image quality. In this study, the investigators also demonstrated good correlation between creatine kinase (CK)-derived infarct size and CMR infarct mass determined from cine images.

In a follow-up publication, Konermann et al. reported the natural history of LV remodeling in the same group of 65 patients at 1, 4, and 26 weeks post-MI. Medical therapy was limited to nitrates, beta-blockers, aspirin, and diuretics. Only those patients with first transmural infarcts were included in the study. Infarct transmurality and size were defined by clinical, electrocardiographic, and enzymatic criteria. The extent of negative remodeling was not only dependent on the enzymatic size but also on the location of the infarct. Small infarcts caused modest but concordant ED and ES dilation, so that LVEF remained stable. Individuals with large anterior infarcts developed an unbalanced, progressive diastolic and systolic dilation that resulted in a marked reduction in LVEF. Infarct region thinning was almost always observed at 6 months except for small posterior infarcts. LV stroke volume index (SVI) was smaller in large anterior MI, but there was no statistically significant difference in LV SVI between 1 and 26 weeks post-MI. Despite a significant LVEF reduction in those with large infarcts, stroke volume was maintained at the expense of ventricular dilation. No clinical difference between the groups was observed when analyzing New York Heart Association (NYHA) symptom classification. Four patients died before the completion of the study and all had large anterior MI.

In a cohort of 26 patients with reperfused anterior AMI, Kramer et al. used cine tissue tagging to evaluate morphologic changes, LVEF, and regional intramyocardial function of myocardium adjacent and remote to the infarct. All patients received either angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or beta-blocker. Most patients received ACEI and about half received both agents. Imaging was done on day 5 ± 2 and week 8 ± 1 after MI. There was a significant increase in LV end-diastolic volume index (EDVI) with stable end-systolic volume index (ESVI). Therefore there was an improvement in global LVEF 8 weeks post-MI. The increased LVEF was mediated by contractile improvement and normalization in the adjacent and remote regions, respectively. Enzymatic infarct size correlated with the degree of diastolic dilation.

Regional Contractility

Although LVEF is the most commonly used global metric of LV systolic function, it does not provide information regarding regional performance. In fact, segmental systolic abnormalities because of AMI may sometimes be concealed by a normal global LVEF. Accordingly, to understand the contributing factors to global functional alterations during the remodeling process, it is important to characterize regional contractile performance in the adjacent and remote noninfarcted myocardium. In clinical practice this is usually done by subjective visual scoring of segmental endocardial motion and thickening using cine CMR images. However, visual assessment can be insensitive to subtle abnormalities and is subject to greater interobserver variability. Thus objective methods to quantify contractile function have been developed. Wall thickening and endocardial motion can be measured from cine CMR images. A more accurate assessment of intramyocardial contractility in the infarcted heart can be determined by measuring strain with the use of myocardial tissue tagging sequences such as spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM) and phase-based sequences such as displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE). More recently, feature tracking analysis has allowed the measurement of circumferential and longitudinal strain from bSSFP cine images.

Wall Thickening and Endocardial Displacement: Cine Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

In their chronicle of nonreperfused AMI, Konermann et al. assessed regional LV contractility by measuring wall thickening and the endocardial motion toward the center of the LV cavity using cine CMR. Progressive changes in endocardial motion were identified in the infarct and remote regions during the 6-month follow-up period. The extent of regional LV dysfunction correlated with infarct size and location. The infarct region of large anterior AMI had the greatest reduction in endocardial motion, which progressed to dyskinesis (displacement away from the cavity center) at 6 months. Changes in wall thickening were not observed in the viable myocardium. It is worth noting that the authors averaged the adjacent and remote myocardium wall thickness in their analysis. Hence, regional differences could not be identified between these segments.

Holman et al. investigated the regional contractility of 25 patients 3 weeks after anterior MI. An optimized 3D analysis of the myocardium centerline was implemented to improve accuracy of wall thickness measurement. Some 100 equidistant chords were constructed between the endocardial and epicardial contours of short-axis cine images. The starting point was defined as the inferior RV insertion site, which was labeled for ED and ES, allowing to correct for rotational motion. Wall thickening was reduced in the left anterior descending (LAD) artery territory compared with a normal database. The dysfunctional LV myocardial mass 3 weeks after MI, when any myocardial stunning should have resolved, correlated with enzymatic infarct size.

Strain Imaging

Tissue Tagging

CMR strain imaging in animal and human studies has contributed greatly to our understanding of regional myocardial function during the post-MI remodeling process. In an ovine model of surgical LAD ligation, SPAMM myocardial tissue tagging was used to measure circumferential and longitudinal myocardial shortening at baseline, 1 week, 8 weeks, and 6 months after AMI. Shortening within infarcted regions was reduced throughout the study period. A persistent difference in intramyocardial shortening was found between noninfarcted regions adjacent to and remote from the infarct border. Function in adjacent noninfarcted regions fell markedly at 1 week after AMI and partially improved by 8 weeks, but remained depressed relative to baseline and to remote regions at 6 months. These findings were reproduced by Moulton et al. using a similar ovine model and DANTE (delays alternating with nutations for tailored excitation) myocardial tagging. In addition to systolic strain, Moulton et al. evaluated diastolic and isovolemic strains. They found abnormal, positive strain during isovolemic contraction in the border zone, suggesting that isovolemic myocardial fiber stretching contributes to LV systolic dysfunction in these segments.

Epstein et al. used myocardial tissue tagging to characterize acute regional function in a murine model of LAD occlusion and reperfusion. The percent circumferential shortening was measured for the infarct, adjacent and remote regions. A gradient of contractile dysfunction was found from the infarct to the remote region 1 day post-AMI compared with baseline. Thomas et al. used tissue tagging to characterize regional contractile changes in a rat model of LAD ligation at 1 to 2, 3 to 4, 6 to 8, and 9 to 12 weeks post-AMI. In this study, changes in the maximum and minimum principal stretches and strains, and the orientation of the principal stretch angle were measured. At 1 to 2 weeks post-AMI, significant changes were found in a gradient fashion from the infarct to the remote region. These abnormalities persisted relatively unchanged up to 12 weeks post-MI. The principal strain direction became more circumferentially oriented during the study period.

Using CMR tissue tagging in a cohort of patients within the first week after reperfused LAD AMI without significant disease in other coronary territories and with an EF of <50%, Kramer et al. found a significant reduction in remote region intramyocardial shortening compared with controls. Once again, there was a decrease in contractile function in all myocardial segments in a gradient fashion similar to the findings in animal studies. When this patient group was re-imaged at 8 weeks after AMI, there was improvement in regional function in all segments, including normalization of contractile function in the remote myocardium. The impact of early reperfusion is evident by the improvement in infarct region strain.

CMR myocardial tagging was used to assess the correlation between regional function and loading conditions in 16 patients after successful reperfusion of a first anterior MI compared with 31 age-matched controls. All patients had received optimal medical therapy with beta-blockers and ACEIs. Imaging was performed 1 and 12 weeks postinfarction. The LV myocardium was divided into 32 cuboid segments, defined by 4 endocardial and 4 epicardial node points derived from short- and long-axis tagged images. Regional LVEF was calculated using a pie-shaped volume defined by the endocardium and the center of the LV. This parameter was viewed as a composite marker of regional deformation. A relative metric of regional load was defined as the product of the systolic blood pressure and the mean radius of curvature in the short and long axes divided by the segment wall thickness. In healthy controls, an inverse relationship between regional LVEF and load was demonstrated. In contrast for the MI patients, the average load values significantly increased in a graded fashion from remote to infarct segments between the acute and chronic time points. At 12 weeks, remote regional LVEF decreased with a similar correlation coefficient to changes in load as controls; therefore the change in LVEF was because of an increase in loading conditions and a worsening of myocardial function. No change in regional LVEF was observed in the adjacent segments, indicating some improvement in myocardial function. The infarct segments demonstrated an average increase in regional LVEF even with significant increases in load representing an even greater true improvement in myocardial function. This study demonstrated that CMR could be used to assess LV function post-MI and differentiate improvement in intrinsic myocyte function from changes in deformation that occur as a response to alterations in Frank-Starling conditions.

Phase-Based Strain Imaging

In 1999 advanced, phase-based, strain imaging techniques were introduced to facilitate and optimize strain analysis compared with tissue tagging methods. These included harmonic phase magnetic resonance (HARP) and DENSE. These methods were validated with traditional tagging sequences in animal and human studies.

Azevedo et al. used tissue tagging with HARP analysis in combination with contrast-enhanced (CE)-CMR and radioactive microspheres to evaluate the relationship between strain properties and myocardial injury in a canine model of 90-minute LAD or left circumflex (LCX) occlusion followed by 24 hours of reperfusion. In this early period the areas at risk as defined by radioactive microspheres with preserved systolic strain and strain rate demonstrated significantly reduced diastolic strain rate compared with the remote regions. Similar to the findings of Gerber et al., infarct segments with MVO demonstrated even greater reduction in systolic and diastolic strain than those without.

In a canine model of reperfused LAD, Ashikaga et al. used DENSE to generate 3D-displacement maps, CE CMR imaging to generate infarct maps, and epicardial electrical recordings to generate electrical activation maps. CMR examinations were completed between 3 and 8 weeks post-AMI. Electrical activation times were significantly delayed in the infarct zone, but preserved in the border and remote areas. Conversely, all strain parameters were impaired in the border zone, which was not different from the infarct region. Hence, contractile abnormalities in the border segments were not mediated by impaired electrical activation. In the remote segments there was a typical transmural strain gradient from subendocardium to subepicardium, which was not observed in the infarct or border zone regions. Positive circumferential and longitudinal strains were observed in the border zone indicative of abnormal systolic stretch.

In a canine model that typically created subendocardial infarcts with large areas at risk, recovery of systolic function was evaluated with DENSE imaging and correlated to T2-weighted (T2W) imaging representing the area at risk. T2W area at risk was validated with microsphere measurements. At 2 months post-AMI there was resolution of the T2W abnormalities representing the area at risk. This correlated with a significant improvement in radial and circumferential strain compared with the acute post-MI setting. However, contractile function in the area at risk remained significantly depressed compared with remote sectors.

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