Acute Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema

Common Misconceptions

  • Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) typically presents with hypotension or shock.

  • The diagnosis of ADHF is made on the basis of imaging studies and natriuretic peptide levels.

  • ADHF is a single disease entity.

  • All patients with ADHF require a pulmonary artery catheter.

  • The predominant effect of low-dose nitroglycerin infusion in ADHF is mediated through afterload reduction.

Clinical Presentation

  • Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is a clinical syndrome of new or worsening signs and symptoms of HF, leading to hospitalization or a visit to the emergency department.

  • Patients with ADHF represent a heterogeneous population with high readmission rates.

  • The average patient has had symptoms for about 5 to 7 days before seeking medical attention.

  • ADHF is the most common cause of hospital admission in patients older than 65 years, accounting for 1 million admissions annually and with a 20% to 30% mortality rate within 6 months after admission.

  • The onset and severity of symptoms vary and depend on the nature of the underlying etiology and the rate of development.

  • The largest proportion of patients (70%) with ADHF are admitted because of worsening HF; up to 15% to 20% of patients present with HF for the first time and approximately 5% are admitted for advanced or end-stage HF.

  • Few patients with ADHF present with low BP (<8%) or shock (<3%).

  • Most patients are elderly, with an average age of 70 to 75 years and almost half will have preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).

  • A history of coronary artery disease is present in 60% of patients, 45% of whom have had a prior myocardial infarction (MI), hypertension in 70%, atrial fibrillation (AF) in 30%, diabetes mellitus in 40%, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 30%.

  • The European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHF classifies patients into one of six groups on the basis of the clinical and hemodynamic profiles ( Table 7.1 ).

    Table 7.1
    Acute Heart Failure Syndromes
    Modified from Nieminen MS, Bohm M, Cowie MR, et al. for the ESC Committee for Practice Guideline: Executive summary of the guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of acute heart failure: The Task Force on Acute Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 2005;26:384–416; and Joseph SM, Cedars AM, Ewald GA, et al. Acute decompensated heart failure: contemporary medical management. Tex Heart Inst J . 2009;36(6):510–20.
    Phenotype Rate of Onset Signs and Symptoms Hemodynamic Profile Diagnostics
    1a. Acute-on-chronic HF Gradual Dyspnea and fluid overload Normal or low normal BP CR: normal or mild interstitial edema
    Adequate tissue perfusion Possible pleural effusion
    1b. New-onset ADHF Gradual or rapid Dyspnea, variable fluid overload Normal or low BP CR: normal or mild interstitial edema
    Variable tissue perfusion Possible pleural effusion
    2. Hypertensive ADHF Rapid Acute dyspnea SBP >180 mm Hg CR: interstitial lung edema
    Minimal fluid overload Adequate tissue perfusion
    3. ADHF and pulmonary edema Rapid or gradual Severe dyspnea, tachypnea Low normal BP Hypoxic on room air
    Tachycardia Variable tissue perfusion
    4a. Cardiogenic shock (low output syndrome) Usually gradual
    • Weakness/fatigue

    • Altered mental status

    • Poor tissue perfusion

    Low normal BP Echo shows severe LV dysfunction
    4b. Severe cardiogenic shock Rapid
    • Weakness/fatigue

    • Oliguria/anuria

    Low BP (<90 mm Hg)
    5. High-output HF Rapid or gradual Dyspnea; tachycardia and warm periphery Normal BP
    6. Acute right HF Rapid or gradual; marked fluid overload Variable tissue perfusion Severe dyspnea Low normal BP
    BP , Blood pressure; CR , chest radiograph; HF , heart failure; SBP , systolic blood pressure.

Group 1: Acute-on-Chronic Decompensated Heart Failure

  • This syndrome is seen in patients with an established diagnosis of HF who develop increasing signs or symptoms of decompensation after a period of relative stability.

  • Progressive dyspnea is the most common complaint of patients, along with lower extremity edema, epigastric tenderness, or abdominal fullness.

  • An elevated jugular venous pressure, positive hepatojugular reflux test, and a tender, enlarged liver are frequent findings.

  • Rales and wheezing may be heard with significant pulmonary congestion, but the absence of rales does not imply that the pulmonary venous pressures are not elevated.

  • Diminished air entry at the lung bases is usually caused by a pleural effusion, which is often more frequent on the right.

  • Leg edema is frequently evident in both legs, particularly in the pretibial region and ankles in ambulatory patients.

  • The cardiac examination may be entirely normal in patients with heart failure with preserved LVEF, whereas many patients with advanced LV systolic dysfunction (LVSD) exhibit a third heart sound and a laterally displaced point of maximal impulse.

  • A murmur of mitral regurgitation is often audible when the LV is markedly enlarged, whereas a tricuspid regurgitation murmur is present when the right ventricle (RV) is volume or pressure overloaded.

Group 2: Hypertensive Acute Heart Failure

  • The syndrome of ADHF is characterized by the rapid onset of symptoms or signs of HF.

  • This phenotype is more common in females and the systolic BP on admission usually exceeds 180 mm Hg.

  • There is usually predominant pulmonary congestion and minimal weight gain prior to admission.

  • Virtually all patients have a preserved LVEF.

Group 3: Acute Heart Failure With Severe Pulmonary Edema

  • Severe pulmonary edema is seen in less than 3% of all patients admitted with ADHF.

  • Patients typically experience a sudden and overwhelming sensation of suffocation and air hunger accompanied by extreme anxiety, cough, expectoration of a pink frothy liquid, and a sensation of drowning.

  • The patient sits bolt upright, is unable to speak in full sentences owing to a marked respiratory rate, and may also thrash about.

  • An ominous sign is obtundation, which may be a sign of severe hypoxemia.

  • Sweating is profuse, and the skin tends to be cool, ashen, and cyanotic.

  • The oxygen saturation is usually less than 90% on room air before treatment.

  • Auscultation of the lung usually reveals coarse airway sounds bilaterally with rhonchi, wheezes, and moist fine crepitant rales that are detected first at the lung bases, but then extend upward to the apices as the lung edema worsens.

  • Cardiac auscultation may be difficult in the acute situation, but third and fourth heart sounds may be present.

Group 4: Cardiogenic Shock and Low-Output Syndrome

  • Systolic BP is less than 90 mm Hg in approximately 8% of patients with acute decompensated HF.

  • Low-output HF is characterized by symptoms and signs that are related to decreased end-organ perfusion.

  • A typical patient with this clinical syndrome has severe LVSD and usually presents with symptoms of fatigue, altered mental status, or signs of organ hypoperfusion.

  • The patient may present with tachypnea at rest, tachycardia, and a cold and cyanotic periphery.

  • The degree of peripheral hypoperfusion may be so advanced that the skin over the lower extremities is mottled and cool.

  • Occasionally, the clinician may detect pulsus alternans —when a strong or normal pulse alternates with a weak pulse during normal sinus rhythm, a sign of severe LVSD.

Group 5: High-Output Heart Failure

  • The phenotype is uncommon and generally presents with warm extremities, pulmonary congestion, tachycardia, and a wide pulse pressure.

  • Underlying conditions include anemia, thyrotoxicosis, advanced liver failure, and Paget disease.

Group 6: Right-Sided Heart Failure

  • This syndrome occurs commonly in patients with severe isolated tricuspid regurgitation, RV dysfunction, chronic lung disease, or long-standing pulmonary hypertension.

  • These patients present with signs and symptoms of right-sided volume overload.

Pathophysiologic Considerations

  • Integral to the understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of ADHF is an understanding of the forces involved in fluid retention, capillary–interstitial fluid exchange (Starling relationship), and myocardial pump performance.

Chronic Progressive Fluid and Water Retention

  • Arterial underfilling is sensed by mechanoreceptors in the LV, carotid sinus, aortic arch, and renal afferent arterioles, caused by a decrease in systemic arterial pressure, stroke volume, renal perfusion, or peripheral vascular resistance.

  • This leads to an increase in sympathetic outflow from the central nervous system, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and the nonosmotic release of arginine vasopressin, as well as the stimulation of thirst.

  • These factors—together with increased release of vasoconstrictors, such as endothelin and vasopressin, and resistance to endogenous natriuretic peptides—contribute to sodium and water retention leading to decompensation of HF.

Pulmonary Edema

  • The flux of fluid out of any vascular bed results from the sum of forces promoting extravasation of fluid from the capillary lumen versus forces acting to retain intravascular fluid.

  • Under normal conditions, the sum of the forces is slightly positive, producing a small vascular fluid flux into the precapillary interstitium of the lung that is drained as lymph into the systemic veins.

  • Because the intravascular pressure in the pulmonary capillaries is always higher than plasma osmotic pressure, transcapillary fluid flux out of the pulmonary capillary is continuous.

  • When the interstitial fluid exceeds the interstitial space capacity, fluid floods into the alveoli.

  • The interstitial space is drained by a rich bed of lymphatics and pulmonary lymph flow may increase threefold before fluid extravasates into the alveolar airspaces.

  • Table 7.2 lists the causes of pulmonary edema based on the initiating mechanism.

    Table 7.2
    Classification of Acute Pulmonary Edema
    Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
    • A.

      Acute increase in pulmonary capillary pressure

      • 1.

        Increased LA pressure with normal LV diastolic pressure

        • a.

          Thrombosed prosthetic mitral valve

        • b.

          Obstructive left atrial myxoma

      • 2.

        Increased LA pressure owing to elevated LV diastolic pressure

        • a.

          Increased myocardial stiffness or impaired relaxation

          • i.

            Myocardial ischemia

          • ii.

            Acute myocardial infarction

          • iii.

            Hypertrophic heart disease complicated by tachycardia or ischemia

          • iv.

            Stress-induced cardiomyopathy

        • b.

          Acute volume load

          • i.

            Acute mitral or aortic regurgitation

          • ii.

            Ischemic myocardial septal rupture

        • c.

          Acute increases in LV afterload

          • i.

            Hypertensive crisis

          • ii.

            Thrombosed prosthetic aortic valve

    • B.

      Exacerbation of chronically elevated pulmonary capillary pressures

      • 1.

        Increase in elevated LA pressure with normal LV diastolic pressure

        • a.

          Mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation with rapid heart rate

        • b.

          Left atrial myxoma

      • 2.

        Increase in elevated LA pressure caused by a further increase in LV diastolic pressure

        • a.

          Further increases in myocardial stiffness or impaired relaxation

          • i.

            Cardiomyopathy complicated by myocardial ischemia or infarction

          • ii.

            Hypertrophic heart disease complicated by tachycardia or ischemia

        • b.

          Volume load imposed on preexisting LV diastolic dysfunction

          • i.

            Worsening mitral regurgitation

          • ii.

            Vigorous postoperative fluid administration

          • iii.

            Dietary indiscretion

        • c.

          Pressure load imposed on preexisting LV systolic dysfunction

          • i.

            Accelerated hypertension

    Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema

    • A.

      Altered alveolar capillary membrane permeability (adult respiratory distress syndrome)

      • 1.

        Infectious or aspiration pneumonia

      • 2.


      • 3.

        Acute radiation or hypersensitivity pneumonitis

      • 4.

        Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

      • 5.

        Shock lung

      • 6.

        Hemorrhagic pancreatitis

      • 7.

        Inhaled or circulating toxins

      • 8.

        Massive trauma

    • B.

      Acute decrease in interstitial pressure of the lung

      • 1.

        Rapid removal of unilateral pleural effusion

    • C.

      Unknown mechanisms

      • 1.

        High-altitude pulmonary edema

      • 2.

        Neurogenic pulmonary edema

      • 3.

        Narcotic overdose

      • 4.

        Pulmonary embolism

      • 5.

        After cardioversion

      • 6.

        After anesthesia or cardiopulmonary bypass

    LA , Left atrial; LV , left ventricular.

  • Pulmonary edema occurs if the pulmonary capillary pressure exceeds the plasma colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure, which is approximately 28 mm Hg in humans.

  • The normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is approximately 8 mm Hg, which allows a margin of safety of about 20 mm Hg.

  • Although pulmonary capillary pressure must be abnormally high to increase the flow of the interstitial fluid, these pressures may not correlate with the severity of pulmonary edema when edema is clearly present.

  • Pressures may return to normal when there is still considerable pulmonary edema because of the time required for removal of interstitial and pulmonary edema.

  • Chronic elevations in left atrial pressure are associated with hypertrophy in the lymphatics, which then clear greater quantities of capillary filtrate during acute increases in pulmonary capillary pressure.

  • The removal of edema fluid from the alveolar and interstitial compartments of the lung depends on active transport of sodium and chloride across the alveolar epithelial barrier.

  • Reabsorption of these electrolytes is mediated by the epithelial ion channels located on the apical membrane of alveolar epithelial type I and type II cells and distal airway epithelia.

  • Water follows passively, probably through aquaporins that are found predominantly on alveolar epithelial type I cells.

Left Ventricular Pump Performance in ADHF

  • The relationship between pressure and volume throughout the cardiac cycle can be presented as a pressure-volume (PV) loop ( Fig. 7.1 ).

    Fig. 7.1, Schematic representation of the left ventricular (LV) pressure-volume loop. The aortic valve opens at b and closes at c . The mitral valve opens at d and closes at a . The slope of the broken line through c represents the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (E max ), and the broken line through d and a represents the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship. As contractile force develops in the LV in systole, the pressure rapidly increases in the ventricular chamber ( a → b ) without changing its volume (i.e., isovolumic phase of systole). When the pressure exceeds the diastolic aortic pressure, the aortic valve opens and the ventricle ejects its contents into the arterial circulation ( b → c , the ejection phase of systole). At the end of ejection (point c ), LV pressure decreases and the aortic valve closes. Pressure rapidly declines at a constant volume ( c → d , isovolumic relaxation) to levels below that of the left atrium. At this point, the mitral valve opens (point d ), and the relaxing LV fills along the segment d → a . The trajectory a → b → c represents the contractile or inotropic function of the LV at any given end-diastolic volume, whereas the trajectory c → d → a represents the lusitropic function (relaxation and filling) of the heart at any given end-systolic pressure. The area within the loop graphically depicts the external work (i.e., stroke work) of the ventricle.

  • The PV loop can provide a simple, but comprehensive, description of LV pump function as it encapsulates the systolic and diastolic functions of the heart.

  • Because these loops also circumscribe end-systolic volume (ESV) and end-diastolic volumes (EDV), the stroke volume (SV) and EF can be derived.

  • The bottom limb of the loop, also termed” diastolic pressure-volume curve,” describes LV diastolic compliance.

  • Progressive increases in systolic pressure produce a nearly linear increase in ESV.

  • By matching the end-systolic pressure (ESP) and volume coordinates from multiple, variably loaded beats, a near-linear relationship is established.

  • The slope of this relationship (E max ), determined by altering load, reflects LV contractility (see Fig. 7.1 ).

  • A positive inotropic intervention is associated with an increased ESP and SV and a decreased EDV.

  • This results in an increased E max and a shift of the PV relationship to the left ( Fig. 7.2A ).

    Fig. 7.2, Schematic diagrams illustrating the effects of inotropic interventions on the pressure-volume loop. (A) With a positive inotropic intervention, the pressure-volume loop (broken line) is shifted to the left and the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume line is increased. (B) With a negative inotropic intervention, the pressure-volume loop is shifted to the right and the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume line is decreased.

  • Conversely, a negative inotropic intervention decreases ESP and SV and increases EDV.

  • This results in a decrease in E max and a shift of the PV relationship to the right (see Fig. 7.2B ).

  • In the intact human heart, an increase in systolic pressure is associated with an increase in ESV and, if the LV fails to dilate, stroke volume decreases ( Fig. 7.3A ).

    Fig. 7.3, Schematic diagrams illustrating the effects of changing loading conditions on the pressure-volume loop in the intact heart. ( A ) An increase in afterload shifts the pressure-volume loop (broken line) to the right, increasing the end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes and the end-systolic and end-diastolic pressures while decreasing the stroke volume. The slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume line is usually not affected by a pure change in afterload. ( B ) An increase in preload also shifts the pressure-volume loop (broken line) to the right, increasing the end-diastolic volume and end-diastolic pressure. The increase in preload may be associated further with a small increase in end-systolic volume and a modest increase in end-systolic pressure; in contrast to the case with an increase in afterload; however, the stroke volume increases. Similar to an increase in afterload, the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume line is not affected by a change in preload.

  • An increase in preload is accompanied by an increase in SV and a modest increase in ESP (see Fig. 7.3B ).

  • Acute and chronic changes in the PV relationship in the failing heart depend on the underlying myocardial structure and function, the type and extent of injury, and the severity and nature of the hemodynamic load.

Chamber Stiffness

  • Chamber stiffness is determined by analyzing the curvilinear diastolic PV relationships ( Fig. 7.4 ).

    Fig. 7.4, Schematic diagram of the diastolic left ventricular pressure-volume curve. The slope of the tangent (dP/dV) to this curvilinear relationship defines chamber stiffness at a given filling pressure. An increase in dP/dV owing to an increase in volume, shown diagrammatically as A → B , has been termed a preload-dependent change in stiffness. When the pressure-volume relationship shifts to the left, A → C , the tangent is steeper (increased chamber stiffness) at the same diastolic pressure.

  • The slope of the tangent (dP/dV) to this curvilinear relationship defines the chamber stiffness at a given filling pressure.

  • An increase in dP/dV owing to an increase in volume, shown in Fig. 7.4 (A → B), has been called a “preload-dependent change in stiffness.”

  • When the pressure-volume relationship shifts to the left (A → C), the tangent is steeper at the same diastolic pressure.

  • The latter may be caused by an increase in myocardial mass or intrinsic myocardial stiffness or by changes in several extramyocardial factors.

  • Chamber stiffness of the LV is determined by static factors (e.g., chamber volume, wall mass, stiffness of the wall) and dynamic factors (e.g., pericardium, RV, myocardial relaxation, erectile effects of the coronary vasculature).

  • Most acute alterations in LV chamber stiffness result from a preload-dependent increase in chamber stiffness, a shift to a different PV curve, or a combination of the two.

  • All can result in elevated left atrial pressure, pulmonary venous hypertension, and the signs and symptoms of ADHF.

Mechanistic Considerations in ADHF Syndromes

  • During the early phase of myocardial infarction or with acute ischemia, reduced ventricular ejection increases ESV (residual volume) and, together with reduced LV compliance, leads to rapid increases in LV filling pressures.

  • It is thought that lusitropic dysfunction associated with ischemia is the result of an increase in stiffness in the ischemic myocardial segment (possibly caused by slowing and incompleteness of the relaxation process) and dilation of the nonischemic segment, causing a preload-dependent increase in chamber stiffness.

  • The increase in LV filling pressure that occurs with acute infarction or ischemia is caused by the combination of a preload-dependent increase in chamber stiffness and a leftward shift of the diastolic PV curve.

  • Increased diastolic pressures after an acute ischemic insult may also result from the redistribution of blood from the periphery to the central blood pool.

  • The effects of these changes on the PV relationship are shown in Figure 7.5A .

    Fig. 7.5, Schematic diagrams of four different pathophysiologic states. In each diagram, the control pressure-volume loop and the diastolic pressure-volume relationship (curve) are shown in solid lines . The effects of different pathologic states on the pressure-volume relationship are depicted by the broken lines ( A ). With acute ischemia or infarction, the pressure-volume curve is shifted upward and to the right. ( B ) In a volume-overloaded heart (i.e., valvular regurgitation), the pressure-volume relationship is shifted to the right along the same diastolic pressure-volume curve. The increase in diastolic pressure is the result of the left ventricle operating on the steeper portion of the diastolic pressure-volume relationship. ( C ) With excessive hypertrophy, the pressure-volume relationship is shifted to the left, so that the heart operates at smaller end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes. The increase in chamber stiffness is reflected by the steep diastolic pressure-volume curve. ( D ) In chronic advanced heart failure, the pressure-volume loop is often compressed and shifted to the right. This compressed loop, characterized by a lower end-systolic and an increased end-diastolic pressure, implies that the work of the heart is reduced, while maintaining a near-normal stroke volume. Comparable to the situation in ( A ), the elevated diastolic pressure is caused by preload-dependent and preload-independent increases in chamber stiffness.

  • In acute volume overload, as seen in patients with sudden and severe valvular regurgitation or after ischemic ventricular septal rupture, the LV dilates, causing the ventricle to operate on the steeper portion of the pressure-volume curve.

  • Consequently, small increments in volume result in a marked increase in filling pressures.

  • The effects of these changes on the PV relationship are shown in Figure 7.5B .

  • The lusitropic abnormalities of LV hypertrophy secondary to aortic stenosis, severe hypertension, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are caused by abnormalities of the static and dynamic determinants of chamber stiffness.

  • Increased passive stiffness of the hypertrophied heart results in part from the increased myocardial mass and the low volume-to-mass ratio; abnormal intrinsic myocardial stiffness also may contribute to increased chamber stiffness.

  • Abnormalities of myocardial relaxation further impair filling in the hypertrophied heart.

  • The effects of these changes on the pressure-volume relationship are shown in Figure 7.5C .

  • Chronic HF is characterized by a compressed PV.

  • This compressed loop, characterized by a decrease in ESP and an increase in end diastolic pressure (EDP), means that the work of the failing heart is reduced while maintaining a near-normal SV.

  • Comparable to the changes with ischemia, the elevated filling pressures in HF are caused by a combination of a preload-dependent increase in chamber stiffness (i.e., the LV operates at higher end-diastolic volumes to optimize the Starling relationship) and a preload-independent increase in chamber stiffness (see Fig. 7.5D ).


  • The diagnosis of ADHF is generally straightforward, especially when a patient presents with the triad of fluid retention, exertional dyspnea, and a history of HF.

  • However, worsening exertional dyspnea could also be owing to a range of other conditions, including pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pleural effusion, anemia or hyperthyroidism.

  • The diagnosis of ADHF should be based primarily on signs and symptoms and supported by appropriate investigations, such as electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, cardiac biomarkers, and echocardiography according to the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology and European Society of Cardiology Guidelines.

  • The electrocardiogram is rarely normal in ADHF.

  • The chest radiograph can be helpful for the diagnosis of acute HF ( Fig. 7.6 ), but up to 20% of patients with ADHF may have normal chest radiographs.

    Fig. 7.6, Clinical phenotype based on the presence of congestion and/or hypoperfusion in acute heart failure.

  • When the diagnosis, of ADHF, is uncertain, determination of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration should be considered, but interpreted in the context of all available clinical data.

    • Because many conditions increase natriuretic peptide levels, low values of BNP (<100 pg/mL) or NT-proBNP (<300 pg/mL) are most useful because the diagnosis of ADHF is very unlikely.

Evaluation and Triage of Patients With ADHF

  • Several steps are necessary for a comprehensive evaluation of a patient with ADHF.

Step 1: Define Clinical Severity of ADHF

  • Several grading classifications of the severity of ADHF have been in place for many years; the Killip classification, based on clinical signs and chest radiography findings, and the Forrester classification, based on clinical signs and hemodynamic characteristics, are discussed elsewhere.

  • Other authors have proposed a classification based on an assessment of adequacy of perfusion (warm or cold) and of fluid volume status (wet or dry).

    • Patients can be classified as warm and dry, warm and wet, cold and dry, and cold and wet ( Fig. 7.7 ).

      Fig. 7.7, Schematic diagram of the left ventricular wall stress-volume relationship. The loop has the same configuration as the pressure-volume relationship. ( A ) With mild heart failure, a decrease in wall stress (arrows) results in an increase in stroke volume. ( B ) With more advanced heart failure, a similar decrease in wall stress is accompanied by a marked increase in stroke volume. Vasodilator therapy (i.e., afterload reduction) produces a larger increase in stroke volume in advanced heart failure than in mild heart failure.

  • A pragmatic approach is simply to define the severity of ADHF based on oxygen requirements and BP.

  • The most critical patient is the patient with the lowest BP and highest oxygen requirement.

  • A subset of patients with decompensated end-stage HF present to the emergency department in occult shock and may be clinically indistinguishable from patients with mildly decompensated HF and stable HF.

  • The only parameter differentiating patients with occult shock from those who are non-shock is a significantly elevated lactic acid level.

Step 2: Establish Etiology of ADHF

  • The most common causes of ADHF are listed in Table 7.2 .

Step 3: Identify Precipitating Causes of ADHF

  • Patients with HF are susceptible to infections, which often manifest atypically in patients with ADHF.

  • Identifying the precipitating causes of acute hemodynamic decompensation has obvious therapeutic implications.

  • Table 7.3 lists common precipitating causes.

    Table 7.3
    Precipitants of Heart Failure
    Dietary indiscretion
    • Vigorous fluid administration

    • Noncompliance to medical regimen

    • Worsening renal failure

    • Uncontrolled hypertension

    • Anemia

    • Systemic infection

    • Pulmonary embolism

    • Myocardial ischemia

    • Tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias

    • Electrolyte disturbances

    • Severe emotional or physical stress

    • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

    • Cardiodepressant and other drugs

    Antiarrhythmic drugs
    Calcium channel blockers
    β-Adrenergic blocking agents

Step 4: Decide on Disposition of Patient

  • Patients with severe respiratory failure and patients in shock should be admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit.

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