Acute Hand Injuries

The hand and fingers are the body parts most often injured in the workplace. In the United States, annually, more than 1 million emergency department visits are caused by work-related hand trauma. For an acutely injured hand, restoration of function is the goal of treatment. It is necessary to prevent infection, salvage injured parts, and promote primary healing. Although nerves and tendons may be repaired in the primary phase of care, their management is secondary in importance to thorough cleansing and debridement, correct stabilization of fractures and dislocations, and wound closure or coverage with skin grafts or skin flaps. Through patient history taking and careful physical examination, the surgeon must personally appraise the injury to decide which primary procedures can be done safely and which secondary procedures may be necessary later. Determining the best treatment in a timely manner for each individual patient must take into account not only the type and severity of injury but also the type of employment, hobby, or sport of the patient. Long-term impairment is a risk if patients are not returned to work or activities expeditiously. Level of pain, reduced hand function, psychosocial issues, education, compensation, and legal factors have all been found to be associated with resumption of activities .


The history should provide the following information accurately and concisely: (1) the exact time of injury (to determine the interval before treatment), (2) the first aid measures given and by whom and where, (3) the nature, amount, and time of receiving any medication, (4) the exact mechanism of injury (to determine the amount of crushing, contamination, and blood loss), (5) the nature, time, and amount of food and liquid taken by the patient (information necessary for selection of the anesthetic), and (6) the patient’s age, occupation, place of employment, handedness, and general health status. The time since injury is important to determine because immediate, urgent surgery is required for severely contaminated wounds, wounds in which infection of a deep space is suspected, wounds with vascular injuries that cause hemorrhage or compromise perfusion, high-pressure injuries, and wounds for which amputation or replantation may be needed.


The evaluations to be performed before wound inspection are (1) radiographs of the hand to check for injuries to bone and for foreign objects, (2) vascular and neurologic function, and (3) motor function of the hand, including examination of possible tendon injury (see Chapter 66 ). These examinations can provide 90% of the information needed to determine appropriate treatment. In addition, it reduces anxiety in the patient if the wound can be covered most of the time. Once that has been accomplished, the wound is examined for size, depth, and location; zone of additional injury; sepsis or contamination; and what procedures will be necessary Techniques for detailed evaluation of tendon and nerve injuries are described in Chapter 66 and 68 , respectively, and evaluation of fractures and dislocations is described in Chapter 67 .

Antibiotics, sedation, blood transfusions, tetanus prophylaxis, and other measures are provided as indicated ( Table 65.1 ). Before sedatives or narcotics are given, the patient should be advised as to the extent of the injuries, the general plan of treatment, and the prognosis, especially with regard to any possible amputation. The patient also should be forewarned when skin grafts or distant skin flaps are anticipated ( Fig. 65.1 ).

TABLE 65.1
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Hand Injuries
Adapted from Daniels JM II, Zook EG, Lynch JM: Hand and wrist injuries, part II: emergent evaluation, Am Fam Physician 69:1949–1956, 2004.
Clinical Situation Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Low-risk, traumatic injuries (clean wounds with easily demarcated borders, no devitalized tissue) None
Injuries in immunocompromised patients (e.g., patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection, diabetes) Gram-positive cocci coverage
Wounds with devitalized tissue Gram-positive cocci coverage if wound, tendon, or joint space is contaminated
Animal and human bites (other than superficial abrasions) First-generation cephalosporin. In patients with bites that may contain Pasteurella multocida or Eikenella corrodens , consider penicillin or amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium (Augmentin). In immunocompromised patients, consider erythromycin or amoxicillin-clavulanate. In patients with sepsis and petechial rash, consider intravenous ciprofloxacin (Cipro) and clindamycin (Cleocin).
Puncture wounds Case-by-case decision

If the wound is contaminated, debridement is required.

Patients with sepsis or petechial rash should be hospitalized.

FIGURE 65.1, Algorithm to help guide decision-making in management of fingertip injuries based on digit, geometry, location, and size. STSG, Split-thickness skin graft; FTSG, full-thickness skin graft.

In the mangled hand or in patients with multiple trauma, evaluation begins by identifying life-threatening injuries, followed by identification of the injured structures. Damage-control orthopaedics may be required when definitive treatment cannot be accomplished in the emergency department. Urgent temporary measures, such as minimizing ischemia time, debriding the wound, splinting the hand, administering antibiotics, and preparing the injury site for secondary repair at a later date, offer the best chance for optimizing hand function.


When splinting is necessary, it is important to remember that improper technique should be avoided, as it can lead to joint stiffness, skin breakdown, or worsening deformity. A splint should be used to relax muscles, maintain correct position, and immobilize the hand in a position that will prevent further injury. Immobilization should be above and below the injury or deformity but not farther, allowing function to the unaffected parts ( Fig. 65.2 ) (see Chapter 64 ).

FIGURE 65.2, A-C, Splints.


A digital block, regional block, or general anesthetic may be selected, depending on the patient’s age and general condition, the severity of the injury, other injuries, the interval since the last ingestion of food or drink, and whether or not a distant flap will be necessary (see Chapter 64 for more details). Some surgeons have expanded the indications for the wide-awake local anesthesia with no tourniquet (WALANT) technique to acute surgery of the hand (see Chapter 64 ).


A tourniquet is necessary while the wound is being cleansed and inspected and while the deep structures are being repaired. When the viability of an area of skin is questionable because of a crushing or avulsing injury, a tourniquet should be used as briefly as possible. For a large wound with fractures, elevation of the hand for 2 minutes is better than wrapping it with an elastic (Martin) bandage before inflation of the tourniquet. This prevents further crushing and displacement of fracture fragments (for more information on the tourniquet, see Chapter 64 ).

Cleansing and Draping of Hand

After the patient or the part is anesthetized and the tourniquet is applied, the first aid dressing is removed and the wound is thoroughly irrigated with normal saline solution, generally through a pulsating lavage apparatus to provide a stream with enough force to loosen small foreign particles and to remove large hematomas. Antiseptics generally are not used in the wound because of potential tissue toxicity. Small bleeding vessels, which sometimes are more easily seen under saline solution, are clamped with mosquito hemostats and cauterized. Small flaps and tags of devitalized fat and fascia seen floating in the solution can be removed at their bases. Nerve ends are not debrided. Ragged skin edges may be trimmed, but complete excision of the edges of the wound usually is unnecessary in the hand.

As the deeper parts of the wound are cleaned, they are carefully searched for foreign materials, especially if there is suspicion that they contain broken glass, wood, or pieces of glove or when the wound has been caused by a gunshot. Cleaning should not be hurried; it must be thorough to help prevent infection. Primary healing without infection is necessary to limit the scar and to allow additional early reconstruction, if needed. When cleaning is complete, all instruments, gloves, and drapes used during this process are discarded and the hand is redraped (see Chapter 64 for the details of draping and of the routine in the operating room).

After a diligent effort has been made to convert the contaminated wound into a clean one in the operating room, the wound is reexamined. The circulatory status of the skin is assessed with the usual observations of color and capillary refill in the digit and bleeding of the skin after needle or scalpel puncture and with a Doppler probe for the larger vessels in the hand and upper extremity.

The tissues in the depths of the wound, including exposed bones, tendons, vessels, and nerves, are assessed in an orderly, anatomic manner to avoid error; the skin also is examined carefully. Only after an accurate assessment of the damage can correct decisions be made as to which structures can be repaired primarily. Bones and joints are inspected to assess bone loss, the extent of periosteal stripping, and fracture stability. This evaluation allows estimation of potential bone healing and the advisability of early joint motion after internal fixation of fractures. Conclusions drawn from the first examination may be wrong, so suspected tendon and nerve injury should be confirmed by direct inspection. Usually, the damage has been underestimated.

Evaluating the skin damage is most important because primary wound closure depends on skin viability. Frequently, some skin appears to be lost when actually it has only retracted; this is especially true of L-shaped wounds on the dorsum of the hand. When skin is crushed or flaps of skin are avulsed, the possibility of necrosis must be seriously considered. Releasing the tourniquet may be necessary for accurate evaluation. A valuable sign that skin is viable is a prompt pink blush (about 6 seconds) after release of the tourniquet. The extent of bleeding from the skin edges, the color of the skin immediately after compression, and the amount of undermining of the skin edges must be observed. Necrosis, infection, and scarring can occur if flaps of doubtful viability are retained. The extent of skin loss from the injury itself and after surgical excision of nonviable flaps must be evaluated, and plans must be made for complete coverage. Passive finger motion often delivers severed tendons into the wound. Small hematomas seen within synovial sheaths may be indications of further tendon injury.

Considerations for Amputation

Considerations for amputation are discussed in Chapter 19 .

Order of Tissue Repair

Setting priorities for repair of injured structures is important. After the wound is cleaned, the bony architecture must be reestablished immediately if possible (see Chapter 67 ) or within a few days after the wound becomes clean; otherwise, the soft tissues contract, making bone repair difficult or impossible without soft-tissue grafting. Although definitive closure may not be possible, the bony architecture should be reestablished. Stabilize the thumb for opposition, the index and long fingers for pinch and manipulation, and the ring and small fingers for grasp. It is preferable to close the wound within the first 5 days. If the injury and wound conditions permit, tendons and nerves should be repaired at the time of primary or secondary skin closure. While awaiting repair, nerves contract, especially in the fingers and palm. Consideration should be given to tagging the nerve ends with a small suture to the soft tissues of the palm. If repairs of nerves and tendons are delayed, repair or reconstructions may be done later. (See Chapter 66 and 68 for additional discussions of nerve and tendon repair and reconstruction.)

Arterial Injuries

Generally, the best treatment of major upper extremity arterial injury (subclavian, axillary, brachial) includes immediate diagnosis, emergent angiography, and surgical exploration and repair. The best management of injuries to the radial or ulnar arteries in the forearm and wrist is controversial. If the palmar arterial arches are complete, hand survival and function are possible if one or both arteries are transected. Problems with pain, cold intolerance, and weakness may occur later. Unrepaired single artery injuries generally cause insignificant changes in hand circulation, but combined arterial and nerve injury can result in disabling symptoms of pain and cold intolerance. At 10-year follow-up, cold sensitivity that limited activity was reported by 78% of 97 people with various hand injuries, although most reported a low degree of disability. In about 20% of patients, either the radial artery or the ulnar artery does not have a connection with the superficial palmar arterial arch. Pulse volume measurements and digital oximetry are helpful in assessing adequacy of circulation to the hand and digits.

Several options are available for treatment of radial and ulnar arterial injuries, alone or in combination. If an injury involves only one artery in a young person without nerve injury and with the intact artery providing adequate circulation, ligation remains a satisfactory option. In younger and older patients with inadequate circulation through the intact artery, especially if a nerve injury is present, repair of the injured artery is preferable. If both arteries are transected, repair of both arteries should be performed, especially in older patients and in patients with concomitant nerve injury. In a series of 28 patients with upper extremity arterial injuries treated at an urban trauma center, most (22) were treated with primary repair or ligation; six required saphenous vein bypasses, and two required endovascular procedures. The overall limb salvage rate was 96% (successful repair in 27 of 28 patients).

Injuries to the palmar arterial arch and the digital arteries require exploration and repair if circulatory impairment threatens digital viability. Microvascular techniques usually are required for these injuries. (See Chapter 63 for a discussion of microsurgery and Chapter 77 for a discussion of ulnar tunnel syndrome.)

A 15-year study of upper extremity arterial injuries that involved 167 patients with 189 arterial injuries identified the brachial artery as the most frequently injured vessel (55%). Risk factors for limb loss were early graft failure, compartment syndrome, associated skeletal and brachial plexus damage, and a military mechanism of injury. Some studies also have reported worse functional outcomes in arterial injuries caused by blunt trauma than by penetrating trauma.

Considerations for Skin Closure

Soft-tissue coverage may be the most important step in the treatment of acute hand injuries because it plays such a large part in determining how all other repaired and reconstructed structures heal and ultimately function. Although early definitive closure is desirable, this is not always possible, especially with severe crush injuries and contaminated wounds. Because swelling causes wounds to enlarge and skin to contract, closure becomes progressively more difficult. The use of rubber bands or surgical “vessel loops” can help bring the wound edges closer together without creating ischemia or increasing the risk of compartment syndrome. The use of negative pressure therapy, such as with a vacuum-assisted closure device, may allow the wound to granulate so that a simpler coverage method can be used. Negative pressure therapy should not be used for long periods, however, because it may compromise the gliding motion of muscles and tendons . In some patients, viability of the skin is unknown at the time of surgical evaluation, which is an indication for use of negative pressure wound therapy. Stabilizing the wound by immobilization in a functional position and applying negative pressure wound therapy has been shown to promote early healing in these patients .

The traditional “reconstructive ladder” generally follows a progression from simple (primary closure, healing by secondary intention) to more complex coverage methods (skin grafting, flap coverage). Wolf et al. outlined several basic principles of soft-tissue reconstruction in acute hand injuries ( Box 65.1 ).

BOX 65.1
Basic Principles of Soft-Tissue Reconstruction
Modified from Wolf JM, Athwal GS, Shin AY, Dennison DG: Acute trauma to the upper extremity: what to do and when to do it, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 91:1240, 2009.

  • Further injury to the upper extremity must be prevented.

  • Aggressive debridement of all necrotic and nonviable tissue, including bone, is essential.

  • Bone stability must be achieved.

  • Acute coverage should begin with the simplest technique needed to cover the wound.

  • Secondary reconstructions that will be needed should be considered at the time of soft-tissue coverage and primary reconstruction.

  • Composite soft-tissue reconstruction should be considered when there is soft-tissue loss.

  • Amputation may be better than limb salvage.

Primary skin closure is desirable and usually can be done in all sharply incised, clean wounds. The purpose of primary skin closure is to obtain early healing and to prevent infection, granulation tissue, edema, and excessive scar production. Misjudgment may lead to delayed healing as a result of hematoma, swelling, and infection, any of which may require reopening the wound for drainage or additional debridement. Certain wounds should never be closed primarily, including severely contaminated or crush wounds caused by farm machinery, human bites, tornado missiles, and augers. High-velocity missile wounds, other combat wounds, and wounds contaminated with animal or human feces or fertilizer also should not be closed primarily.

When in doubt, the wound should be left open after careful debridement using an anesthetic. Within 24 to 48 hours, the wound should be reinspected, and if it is sufficiently clean, it can be closed by direct suture or by skin graft. If possible, a wound should be closed within about 5 days of injury. Generally, a wound should not be left open to granulate and heal by secondary intention, unless it cannot be made sufficiently clean to allow skin grafting or closure. Closure of some wounds may be facilitated with the use a vacuum-assisted closure system to reduce the size of the wound and close dead space. An experienced microsurgical team is essential to the success of this method of managing severe hand injuries. The ability to take a “second look” at the wound, additional assessment of limb viability, more precise operative planning, and better control over scheduling of the procedure have been cited as advantages to a delayed approach.

Methods and Indications for Skin Closure

Direct Suture

Unless the wound is severely contaminated or crushed, consideration should be given to primary closure of every wound of the hand (except those mentioned previously) because healing by primary intention is the desired result. Treatment of some lacerations without suturing may be satisfactory in certain patients. Most clean lacerations without tendon or nerve involvement can be closed by simple direct suture of the skin and splinted. Usually the subcutaneous tissue is not sutured separately, but care should be taken to avoid inversion of the skin edges. Careful hemostasis is necessary. Closure is easier when all viable skin edges have been preserved during the initial cleansing. A skin defect on the dorsal surface of the hand can be converted to a transverse elliptical one and closed in a transverse line. Because of the mobility of the dorsal hand skin, this type of closure is possible here and is made easier when the wrist is extended.

Because sutures are by definition “foreign bodies,” they may generate an inflammatory response, interfere with wound healing, and increase the risk of infection; the number and diameter of sutures used for wound closure should be kept to the minimum necessary.

Skin Grafts

Skin grafts obtained from the patient (autografts) are either split thickness or full thickness. Wounds with distally attached flaps may have enough skin for primary closure but not enough venous drainage for the skin to survive. This deficient drainage causes engorgement and venous distention and finally thrombosis and necrosis; the color of the flap changes from a deep blue to purple and then to black. The retrograde flap is often the result of a crushing or tearing injury, and the nature of this injury jeopardizes the survival of the flap further. Such a flap on the dorsal surface of the hand or forearm is less likely to survive than one on the palm ( Fig. 65.3 ). If doubt exists, the skin should be excised and replaced with a split graft (see Technique 65.1).

FIGURE 65.3, Flap attached distally on dorsum of hand (A) is less likely to survive than is similar one on palm (B) .

If skin is lost and no deep structures (nerves, tendons, joints, or cortical bone) have been exposed, it should be replaced immediately with a split-thickness graft or occasionally with a full-thickness graft. Other types of skin grafts that may have applications in the injured hand include allografts from other human donors and xenografts from other species (e.g., porcine skin). Both are used for temporary coverage while a capillary bed develops. Although an allograft may revascularize, rejection occurs, and it is replaced with an autograft.

Skin Flaps

When a skin defect leaves deep structures exposed, a split-thickness or full-thickness skin graft is insufficient coverage for nerves, tendons, and cortical bone. These structures do not readily support a skin graft and require good blood supply to survive. A skin flap is necessary to provide subcutaneous tissue for coverage and for sufficient vascularity. The nomenclature of flaps depends on the location, blood supply, and technique of transfer. By location, a flap may be termed local or distant. The blood supply determines whether the flap is random or axial. Random flaps receive their circulation through the subdermal or subcutaneous plexus of vessels and do not have a named artery supplying them. Axial pattern flaps receive their circulation from a named artery. Axial flaps also are subdivided by the major tissue of the flap into cutaneous, musculocutaneous, and fasciocutaneous flaps. The technique of transfer of a flap determines whether it is a pedicled flap to be transferred in two stages or a free flap, which is transferred in a single step, with vascular anastomoses.

Coverage of Specific Areas with Flaps

Fingertip injuries with only skin loss less than 1 cm square usually can be treated satisfactorily with healing by secondary intention. If the defect is larger without exposed bone, a full-thickness skin graft provides good coverage and the potential for return of some sensation. Hassanpour et al. described the use of a purse-string suture in conjunction with conventional flap coverage of 41 fingertip amputations to restore nail and finger contour and improve the aesthetic and functional results ( Fig. 65.4 ). They reported only one poor functional result; cosmetic results were excellent or good in all nine female patients and in 26 of the 32 male patients. The use of local, rotational, advancement, and neurovascular island flaps for amputations and injuries of the fingertip and thumb is discussed in Chapter 63 .

FIGURE 65.4, Purse-string suture attachment of flap for finger amputation. A, Design and dissection of flap. B, Advancement of flap to cover defect without tension. C, Two ends of continuous V-string suture are pulled until desired curve of fingertip is achieved.

A large skin defect on the dorsum of a finger that exposes tendons not covered with paratenon should be covered with a flap. Frequently, a double local flap can be constructed by rotating a proximally based local flap on one side and a distally based local flap on the other side of the defect to cover the exposed tendon. The donor defects are covered with split grafts. For more proximal dorsal injuries, local rotational flaps from the same finger are insufficient and a reverse cross finger flap from the dorsum of an adjacent finger may be used. A “flag” flap, which is an axial flap, may be used for proximal palmar and dorsal digital defects (see Fig. 65.22 ). If multiple fingers are involved, or if a larger area needs to be covered, a subpectoral flap may be appropriate. Thick subcutaneous fat, as is found on the lower abdomen, is not preferred on a flap, especially on the finger.

Skin defects on the volar surface of a finger that expose tendons may be covered with a cross finger flap. The flap is raised from the dorsal surface of an adjacent finger and extends from the midline of one of its lateral surfaces to that of the other; the flap is a little wider than the defect it is to cover. Although such a flap from the dorsal surface of one finger can be used to cover a defect on the volar surface of another, the reverse is never indicated. Skin defects on the palm or dorsum of the hand that expose vital structures can be covered with a local flap, a flap from an adjacent unsalvageable finger, a flap from the opposite forearm or upper arm, an axial pattern flap from the same forearm or hand, a flap from the abdomen, or a free flap, depending on the size of the defect and the presence and location of any associated injuries. Although cross arm and cross forearm flaps provide good skin, immobilizing both upper extremities is a disadvantage. In suitable situations, an arterialized axial flap from the same forearm allows comfortable positioning of the upper limb. An abdominal flap from the same side also permits comfortable positioning of the arm. To ensure survival of the random pattern flap (because it must be applied immediately), its base should be as wide as its length. The length-to-width ratio may exceed 3 : 1 with axial pattern flaps such as the groin pedicle flap. The donor area and the raw part of the flap that does not make contact with the defect should be covered with split-thickness skin grafts. A local rotation flap is unlikely to survive, however, if undermining of the skin is extensive, especially if the skin is already crushed or contused from the injury. A filleted injured finger makes an excellent pedicle graft when this technique is applicable ( Fig. 65.5 ). In some situations, free tissue transfer by microvascular technique provides the best coverage (see Chapter 63 ).

FIGURE 65.5, A-C, Filleted graft fashioned from injured finger (see text).

More recently, the use of “artificial skin” or skin substitutes has been reported for initial coverage of severe hand wounds, burns, and contracture release procedures. Although these products are not substitutes for adequate surgical debridement and standard coverage strategies such as grafts and flaps, they may be useful in selected patients. The product most frequently reported in the hand literature is a bilayer dermal regeneration template (Integra; Integra LifeSciences Corp., Plainsboro, NJ). The dermal layer is made of bovine type I collagen, and the epidermal layer is made of silicone. Weigert et al. reported the use of Integra for management of 15 severe traumatic hand wounds with bone, joint, or tendon exposure; split-thickness grafting was done at an average of 26 days after injury. In 13 of the 15 hands, a durable, functional, and aesthetic coverage was obtained with this technique. Advantages of the skin substitutes include potentially less need for local rotational or free-flap coverage, ease of use, and immediate availability in large quantities and different sizes. Disadvantages include its high cost, the learning curve for use, and a higher risk of seroma or hematoma formation.

Management of Donor Area

Several acceptable methods are used for treating the donor area. In one, the donor area is dressed with one layer of finely woven nylon or silk gauze. If the dressing prevents drying, the donor area tends to become macerated and secondary infection and necrosis may occur; this area itself may require skin grafting later. Otherwise the part is left uncovered, and drying of the area is encouraged. In another technique, a synthetic adhesive film is placed over the donor site. Serum and blood accumulate daily for 1 to 2 days, and the film is changed. After 7 to 10 days, this can be removed and the area is left open, usually with satisfactory healing. Bed sheets should be kept off the donor site with a bed cradle support.

Grafts and Flaps

Free Grafts

When free skin grafts are to be obtained, remember that “the thinner the graft, the better the take”; however, when the graft is expected to be permanent, “the thicker the graft, the better the function.” A thick graft is better able to withstand friction and constant use than a thin one and contracts only about 10%; a thin graft may contract 50% to 75%. The sooner the graft can be applied, the better. As long as there is no sepsis, it is not necessary to wait for granulation to begin before skin grafting. Sepsis can be identified with swabs for culture or with wound biopsy for a quantitative colony count. For the graft to survive, it must reestablish its nutrition before death of its entire thickness occurs; great care is needed in operative technique and in aftercare to ensure that it remains undisturbed and in direct contact with the recipient area during healing. This takes careful planning, especially in children. The graft cannot survive if a hematoma separates it from the underlying vascular bed; rarely, it may survive a gross infection. For primary coverage of acute wounds, free skin grafts usually are of thin or medium thickness. They usually do not survive on bare cortical bone, bare tendon, or bare cartilage. Except for fingertip injuries, full-thickness free skin grafts are used infrequently on the hand. Such grafts or thick split grafts can be used, however, for the palmar surface because it contains elastic tissue, and in growing children these contract less and tend to accommodate growth. Because the survival of a full-thickness graft is so uncertain, it is best used only in elective surgery for skin coverage in the palm; it should be used rarely in acute injuries, with the possible exception of the fingertips.

Split-Thickness Skin Grafts

Frequently, only a small or postage stamp graft is needed, and it can be obtained within the same operative field from the forearm; however, taking a graft from this area can be undesirable because it leaves a slight scar. The hypothenar area of the palm can be used to obtain satisfactory split-thickness skin grafts, especially for skin loss on the fingertips. More suitable donor areas for these and larger grafts are the anterior and lateral aspects of the thigh and the medial aspect of the arm just inferior to the axilla. In some older women, skin is available inferior to a pendulous breast without leaving a readily visible scar. Split-thickness skin grafts vary in thickness from 0.008 inch in infants to 0.015 inch in adults. In elderly individuals and children, the lower abdominal wall or buttock skin is used if the graft is more than 0.010 inch.

Obtaining Skin Grafts with A Dermatome

Electrically powered dermatomes are not difficult to assemble and use; even an inexperienced operator can cut consistently good grafts 7.5 cm wide. Skin glue is not required, but light lubrication of the skin with mineral oil or petrolatum is helpful. Bony prominences are not satisfactory donor sites with these dermatomes. The Reese drum dermatome does require skin glue and must be operated with precision, but it is excellent for cutting grafts more than 7.5 cm wide. Usually it controls the thickness of the grafts more accurately. The following suggestions are offered about this dermatome: (1) stretch the rubber tape tightly on the drum, (2) wait at least 3 minutes for the glue to dry before applying the dermatome to the skin, (3) rotate the drum slowly, and lift up gently while cutting the graft, and (4) keep the blade from slipping around the drum to avoid being struck on the palmar side of the wrist. When using a dermatome, cut the graft larger than the recipient area.

Applying Split-Thickness Grafts

The recipient area for a split-thickness graft must have a vascular bed and be free of active bleeding and gross infection. If the recipient area is unsuitable, preparation may require several days of enzymatic debridement, multiple dressing changes, and surgical debridement to remove dead and infected material. Applying mesh to the graft is helpful if a large area is to be covered. It also allows the free drainage of serum and blood from beneath the graft (see Fig. 65.6B ).

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