Acidosis, Renal Tubular


  • Incidence in USA: Unknown

  • Present in a variety of disease states, from mild to severe systemic illness

Perioperative Risks

  • Hemodynamic instability (related to arteriolar vasodilation, acidosis, and decreased cardiac output)

  • Hyperkalemia

  • Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia

  • Acute respiratory failure

Worry About

  • Decreased responsiveness to vasopressors and inotropes

  • Decreased activity of local anesthetic agents

  • Arrhythmias


  • RTA is a type of metabolic acidosis that is due to either abnormal bicarbonate loss or acid excretion by the kidneys in presence of a normal or near normal glomerular filtration rate.

  • Results in non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.

  • Metabolic acidosis not due to gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss or acute/chronic renal insufficiency.

  • Related to either proximal tubule dysfunction of bicarbonate reabsorption, failure of distal tubule excretion of acid, or mineralocorticoid deficiency.

  • Other findings may include recurrent nephrocalcinosis, growth retardation, and osteomalacia/rickets in children.

  • Can be either inherited, transient, or acquired.

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