Abdominal Tumors

What are the most common malignant solid abdominal tumors in children?

  • a.

    Neuroblastomas are derived from neural crest tissue. In the abdomen, they originate from the adrenal glands and parasympathetic ganglia.

  • b.

    Wilms’ tumors, nephroblastomas, are derived from the kidney. The classic Wilms’ tumor consists of three elements—blastemal, stromal, and epithelial.

  • c.

    Hepatoblastomas originate in the liver.

How does the presentation of neuroblastoma differ from Wilms’ tumor?

Table 91.1
Differences Between Wilms’ Tumor And Neuroblastoma
Age at presentation 3–4 y 1–2 y
Crosses midline Rare Common
Surface on palpation Smooth Knobbly
X-ray calcifications No Yes

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