Levodopa and dopa decarboxylase inhibitors

General information

Nigrostriatal dopamine is depleted in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but it cannot be used to treat the disease since it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is metabolized extensively in the periphery, hardly penetrating the central nervous system. Levodopa, a precursor that is decarboxylated to dopamine, but is much more lipid soluble, was developed to overcome this problem. It was originally given alone, but because of the extent to which it was decarboxylated outside the central nervous system, large doses had to be given, and gastrointestinal intolerance was a problem. By combining levodopa with a decarboxylase inhibitor (carbidopa or benserazide) tolerance is improved and the dose can be reduced. The combination of levodopa + carbidopa is also called co-careldopa and the combination of levodopa + benserazide is also called co-beneldopa.

General adverse effects and adverse reactions

When levodopa is given alone, severe gastrointestinal upsets are very common during the first year of treatment; they are much less common when a decarboxylase inhibitor is also given. Postural hypertension is not uncommon. Dyskinesias occur in some patients only after starting therapy. Some mental changes are seen in a high proportion of cases. Psychological dependence occurs in a small subset of patients [ ]. Effects on the liver, renal function, and hematological parameters are usually slight. Individual prescribers and clinics tend to develop their own approaches to obtaining the best balance between effects and adverse reactions; a “drug holiday” (for example 2 days/week) has long been recommended by some workers to reduce the incidence of adverse effects [ ], but others have described a neuroleptic malignant syndrome when the administration of the drug was temporarily discontinued [ ]. Allergic type reactions do not seem to occur, but carbidopa has been reported to produce a fixed drug eruption. Cases of malignant melanoma (on one occasion within a congenital nevus) have been described in patients taking levodopa, but there is an increased risk in Parkinson's disease itself [ ] and a causal link with levodopa has not been established.

Organs and systems


Postural hypotension has been estimated to occur in some 15% of patients who take plain levodopa during the first year of treatment, and in 10% of patients who take co-careldopa; it is doubtful whether the difference is significant. On the other hand, some patients become hypertensive; they may be individuals who absorb or metabolize the drug at an abnormal rate. Levodopa can cause ventricular dysrhythmias in patients with pre-existing cardiac disorders. Transient flushing of the skin is common; palpitation is unusual.


An isolated case of respiratory dysrhythmia has been reported [ ]; it was dose-related and impeded adequate treatment, but was ultimately suppressed with tiapride.

Two men with Parkinson’s disease, aged 66 and 78 years, developed abnormal respiration (tachypnea and irregularity in the depth of breathing) when levodopa was either introduced at a dose of 300 mg/day in the first case or increased from 300 to 600 mg/day in the other [ ]. The authors cited a number of earlier similar reports.

Nervous system

The prevalence of levodopa motor complications and associated factors has been studied in 154 Thai patients with Parkinson's disease, average age 68 years [ ]. The age of onset was 61 years. Treatment was with levodopa (98%), anticholinergic drugs (30%), dopamine receptor agonists (26%) and COMT inhibitors (9.1%). There were motor complications in 25%: wearing off (79%), on-off fluctuation (45%), freezing (42%), morning dyskinesia (11%), and permanent dyskinesia (24%); 12 developed severe levodopa-induced chorea. Factors that were associated with adverse effects were earlier age of onset, long duration of disease, advanced stage, higher levodopa dosage, and long duration of levodopa therapy.

Ropinirole is associated with reduced incidence of dyskinesias. A post-hoc analysis of a 5-year study of the use of ropinirole and levodopa in early Parkinson's disease has shown that those who took levodopa had a significantly higher risk of dyskinesias than those who took ropinirole (HR = 6.67; 95% CI = 3.23, 14) [ ]. The onset of dyskinesias in those taking ropinirole was delayed by around 3 years compared with those taking levodopa. The authors concluded that the risk of dyskinesias during ropinirole mono-therapy is very low but that once levodopa is added the risk changes substantially.

In one case, tremor of the arms associated with spasmodic dysphonia was exacerbated by co-careldopa (Sinemet CR) and improved when the drug was withdrawn [ ].

Ever since the introduction of levodopa as the mainstay of antiparkinsonian therapy, there has been concern that it may be toxic, causing long-term damage to dopamine neurons. Three reviews have addressed this question in the light of experimental and clinical evidence over the last 30 years. One reviewer concluded that there is no evidence for irreversible levodopa-induced damage in man, only for reversible adverse effects associated with neuronal dysfunction but not neuronal death [ ]. Others reached broadly the same conclusion, although they noted that there is in vitro evidence of damage associated with oxidative metabolism of levodopa [ ]. They also described potential toxicity from levodopa in animals in which the nigrostriatal pathway is already damaged by other means. A third reviewer has pointed out that levodopa therapy is an entirely non-physiological means of dopamine replacement, arguing that the intermittent nature of the dopaminergic stimulus provided by most therapies, particularly levodopa, predisposes to motor complications [ ]. He suggested that more continuous activation of dopamine receptors could minimize or eliminate these problems.

Asterixis, a jerky relaxation of tonically contracted postural muscles, was observed in some patients with structural lesions of the brain or metabolic encephalopathy who were taking levodopa, but not in patients with Parkinson’s disease [ ].

For most patients fluctuations are variations in the severity of motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease. However, other types of fluctuations can also occur, many of which are of non-motor in nature: these include sensory fluctuations (pain and paresthesia), akathisia or restless legs, autonomic fluctuations (dyspnea, tachycardia, pallor, blood pressure changes, dysphagia, penile erection, urinary frequency) or cognitive effects, such as hallucinations, depression, hypomania, or hypersexuality.

An unusual symptom of Parkinson’s disease is apraxia of eyelid opening, a particular aspect of the difficulty in initiating movements [ ].

  • A 76-year-old woman with atypical Parkinsonism had a poor motor response to levodopa and developed apraxia. An increase in dosage (to levodopa 300 mg/day with benserazide 75 mg/day and selegiline 200 mg/day) caused worsening of the apraxia. Drug withdrawal caused no motor deterioration, but the apraxia disappeared. Challenge with subcutaneous apomorphine reinitiated the symptom, strongly supporting its dopaminergic origin in this patient.

The authors cited the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in a similar case, but this was ineffective in their patient.

A less well defined adverse reaction to levodopa is sedation. This has been studied in 22 volunteers given levodopa 200 mg with benserazide 50 mg or triazolam 0.125 mg or placebo in a randomized crossover design [ ]. Both active drugs caused drowsiness, more particularly triazolam. During a further 11 days of treatment with levodopa 600 mg/day sedation persisted. Two points are worth noting. First, triazolam was presumably chosen because of its short half-life, but it is a somewhat risky choice, given its known psychiatric adverse effects. Secondly, the very rapid increase in levodopa dosage, from 200 to 600 mg/day, would be unrealistic in a clinical context, when dosage titration would be much more gradual. It is therefore hard to assess the practical relevance of this study.

The advantages and disadvantages of levodopa have been summarized, with particular focus on adverse reactions and their management [ ]. The author concluded that there is no convincing evidence for neurotoxicity of levodopa in humans.

Neurologists from New York and Yugoslavia have noted the variable time to the development of motor complications after starting levodopa [ ]. Of 40 patients (21 men, mean age 67 years), 17 were at Hoehn and Yahr stage I at the start of levodopa therapy, 13 at stage II, and 10 at stage III. The median times to the development of motor fluctuations were respectively 64, 55, and 14 months in the three groups and the times to onset of dyskinesias were similar. This reinforces the clinical experience of neurologists in general.


[spi]change_bulletLevodopa-induced dyskinesia is very common. Neurologists from Geneva have examined the frequency and characteristics of a subtype of dyskinesia, abnormal involuntary eye movements [ ]. They studied 32 patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease, all of whom had moderate to severe symptoms and dyskinesias, and had had the disease for at least 5 years. Five, of whom two were women, had had abnormal involuntary eye movements for 7–18 years; two were also taking dopamine receptor agonists. The abnormal movements all occurred during the “on” phase of therapy and had a common pattern. They consisted of stereotyped and repetitive movements, upwards, sideways, or both. Some were phasic and others more sustained and tonic; in both cases they were usually (4/5) towards the side of the body more affected by the disease. The authors commented that this should be recognized as a particular type of dyskinesia, and one that may have a negative effect on postural stability.

Although it seems intuitively likely that the dosage of levodopa will have a significant effect on the incidence of dyskinesias, this topic has received surprisingly little attention. At the same time there is evidence that patients in whom ropinirole or pramipexole are used initially are less likely to develop dyskinesias. Neurologists from England and France have used data from two comparisons of levodopa and ropinirole (056 and REAL-PET) in 430 patients [ ]. These trials confirmed the much higher risk of dyskinesias in patients who started on levodopa rather than ropinirole—35% of patients taking levodopa developed dyskinesia in 2–5 years compared with 5% of those taking ropinirole. Among those taking only levodopa there was a highly significant difference in dosage between those who developed dyskinesia and those who did not: 9.2 mg/kg versus 6.9 mg/kg. Logistic regression analysis showed that the only variables associated with the emergence of dyskinesia were age and levodopa dosage per kilogram.

Dyskinesias occurring during long-term use of levodopa have been classified in various ways. One system presents them as falling broadly into three groups:

  • “On” dyskinesias—These coincide with periods of clinical response to the drug; they include chorea, myoclonus, and dystonic movements. They are enhanced by dopamine receptor agonists and reduced by dopamine receptor antagonists.

  • “Off” dyskinesias—These coincide with periods of poor response and comprise mainly dystonic postures, affecting in particular the feet; they are inhibited by both dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists.

  • “Dysphasic dyskinesias’”—These occur at the beginning and end of “on” periods. They involve repetitive stereo-typed movements of the lower limbs, and they too react well to both dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists.

There is reason to believe that dyskinesias during prolonged levodopa treatment result from an interaction between the levodopa and the underlying condition rather than from one or the other. In many cases of severe Parkinson’s disease one can speak of a “peak dose dyskinesia,” which is only problematic when the patient is taking a relatively high dose, which tends to be most marked on the most severely diseased side, and which responds to dosage reduction [ ].

The long-term consequences of levodopa therapy have been considered in a review by predominantly Canadian authors, but whose senior author was Oleh Hornykiewicz, the doyen of the dopamine concept of Parkinson’s disease [ ]. Their conclusions were not at all unexpected. Levodopa was given to 42 patients (30 men, mean disease duration of 16 years, mean follow-up about 9 years). There were adverse effects in over 70%: dyskinesias in 62%, on–off effects in about 17%, and end-of-dose wearing-off in about 7% (the last perhaps surprisingly low). Dyskinesia was not only the most common but also the earliest adverse effect. It should be noted that the mean levodopa dosage in this population was rather low, only 500 mg/day.

An interesting case report has drawn attention to the fact that severe response fluctuations can occur soon after the start of treatment in patients with severe disease [ ].

  • Two men aged 76 and 72 years presented with advanced symptoms of Parkinson's disease and were treated with levodopa. Disabling dyskinesia occurred within days of reaching maintenance dosages of levodopa (1–1.5 g/day with benserazide).

Clearly, the disease status of the patients was the determinant for this adverse reaction, not the duration of levodopa therapy.

In 17 parkinsonian patients three tests of proprioception were carried out 1 hour after the administration of levodopa or a dopamine receptor agonist [ ]. Although data were not provided for individual patients, there was an overall 11–31% deterioration in the mean scores in all three of the tests. There was no difference between patients with and without dyskinesias, but the authors suggested that abnormal proprioception may be a factor in drug-induced dyskinesia.

There is some evidence that the atypical neuroleptic drug clozapine can alleviate levodopa-induced dyskinesia while itself providing additional relief in Parkinson’s disease [ ]; clozapine may also relieve levodopa-induced psychosis [ ].

“Start hesitation” (paradoxical akinesia) is the name given to sudden episodes during which the patient feels a sensation of extreme heaviness of the feet and finds himself unable to start walking; the legs tremble and the patient falls forward; the condition can improve if the levodopa dosage is reduced.

The “on-off effect” seen after prolonged therapy in some patients is characterized by sudden swings between severe parkinsonian symptoms (with freedom from adverse reactions) and normal mobility (but with marked adverse drug reactions). It is likely that unexplained variations in dopamine concentrations in the central nervous system are responsible; the condition has been seen less often since combinations with decarboxylase inhibitors came into general use.

Hiccups, an unusual form of dyskinesia, have been attributed to levodopa [ ].

  • An 80-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease and dementia developed worsening bradykinesia, and the dose of co-careldopa was increased from 12.5/50 mg bd to 25/100 mg bd. Two days later, he developed hiccups, which lasted for 1 week and which ceased when the dosage was reduced to the previous level. Ocular dyskinesias have been described in a 60-year-old Spanish man who showed intermittent upward and leftward deviations of gaze associated with peak concentrations of levodopa, in doses of up to 800 mg/day plus benserazide [ ].

It should be noted that the patient was and apparently still is taking pramipexole and amantadine in addition to levodopa.

Sleep disorders

Daytime sleepiness and nocturnal wakefulness can both occur in relation to dopaminergic drug therapy, but sleep attacks are rare [ ]. Many factors besides drug treatment can lead to sleep disorders in parkinsonian patients, including the disease process itself and episodes of sleep apnea; some are skeptical about the existence of sleep attacks as a phenomenon distinct from increased general drowsiness [ ], although others disagree. Neurologists from King’s College London have concluded that all dopaminergic drugs are capable of causing sleepiness and that in a minority of patients it may take the form of a narcolepsy-like phenotype, possibly amenable to improvement by selegiline or modafinil; they have recommended that affected individuals should not drive [ ]. Although it was their view that this is a class effect of dopamine agonists, they nevertheless suggested that switching from one agonist to another may sometimes be helpful.

Some remarkable case reports have previously been published [ , ] and reports continue to appear, supplemented by prospective studies and other analyses. For instance, 11 studies involving ropinirole or pramipexole in a total of 2066 patients have been reviewed [ ]. Four of these (two each with ropinirole and pramipexole) were placebo-controlled. The pooled relative risk of somnolence was 4.98 compared with placebo: there was a non-significant trend for greater somnolence with ropinirole, but the confidence intervals were much wider than with pramipexole. In the other studies levodopa alone was compared with levodopa plus the newer drugs; the relative risk was 2.06 compared with levodopa alone. It must be borne in mind that somnolence and sleep attacks may be separate phenomena, although this is controversial.

The whole field of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease has been reviewed in a consecutive series of 320 patients from Houston, with analysable data from 303 (sex distribution unknown) [ ]. The mean age was 67 years and the mean duration of the disease was 9.1 years. All the patients completed the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and answered specific questions about falling asleep while driving and about the restless legs syndrome. The mean sleepiness score was 11.1, values greater than 10 being regarded as abnormal. As one would expect, just over half the patients had scores at that level. Higher scores correlated with longer duration and greater severity of the disease, with male sex, and with the use of dopamine receptor agonists. There was no apparent difference in this regard between the three most commonly prescribed drugs in these patients (pergolide, ropinirole, and pramipexole, the last being the most frequent). Among those currently driving, 23% reported falling asleep in the car and nearly 20% had features of the restless legs syndrome. This study has therefore reinforced the view that sleep disorders are common in Parkinson’s disease, especially in its advanced stages, and are exacerbated by dopamine agonists as a class. However, one can draw no conclusions about individual drugs from this review.

The effects of pramipexole, cabergoline, and levodopa on daytime sleepiness have been assessed in three groups of patients with Parkinson’s disease [ ]. The first group was 19 patients taking pramipexole (mean age 60 years, mean dosage 4.5 mg/day, 8 as monotherapy, the remainder with levodopa); the second group was 22 patients taking cabergoline (mean age 63 years, mean dosage 4.1 mg/day, 10 as monotherapy); the third group was 14 patients taking levodopa (mean age 69 years, mean dosage 789 mg/day) as monotherapy. The scores on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were virtually identical (8.0, 8.1, 8.1). Scores of greater than 16, indicating excessive daytime sleepiness, were also evenly distributed across the three groups, and were attributed to only four individuals; there were no reports of sleep attacks.

These results have been supported by a study in 160 patients with Parkinson’s disease (mean age 66 years) divided into four equal groups and taking levodopa alone, levodopa with bromocriptine, levodopa with ropinirole, or levodopa with pramipexole [ ]. They were compared with 40 healthy younger controls (mean age 58 years). All the subjects were evaluated using the Epworth Sleepiness Scales. All the drug regimens were associated with increased sleepiness compared with the controls but there were no distinct sleep attacks. The authors noted that all the drug regimens produced similar levels of sedation, although the data appeared to show a trend toward greater somnolence with ropinirole and more particularly pramipexole.

However, these are not uncontested findings. In a study that was described as prospective, but was strictly speaking not, 236 patients (106 men, 130 women, mean age 67 years) were questioned [ ]. All but one was in Hoehn-Yahr stages II–IV. Sleep attacks were reported by 72 patients, of whom 70% were considered to have autonomic dysfunction. The authors concluded that the highest risk was attributable to ropinirole (OR = 7.35), followed by bromocriptine (5.78) and lisuride (5.68); for comparison, the figure for levodopa was 0.61. No patients took pramipexole. Again, it is uncertain whether sleep attacks can truly be distinguished from “ordinary” sleepiness, but the results emphasize the sedative potential of dopamine receptor agonists.

On the other hand, these results have been disputed in another report, with authors in common with the previous report. They presented four case studies, three men and one woman, aged 49–87 years, who had had Parkinson’s disease for 8–17 years; the longest duration was in the youngest patient [ ]. All four were taking levodopa (300–1500 mg/day) plus a decarboxylase inhibitor. All four reported sudden irresistible sleep episodes, even during conversations: two also complained of sleepiness distinct from these attacks. Two of the patients also had definite autonomic disturbances. The authors concluded that sleep attacks do occur and may be associated with levodopa as well as with dopamine receptor agonists.

The sedative potential of levodopa has been examined in 16 healthy volunteers (mean age 25 years, eight men), although of course this represents a very different neuropsychological context from Parkinson’s disease [ ]. They were given levodopa 200 mg or a placebo as a single dose, with domperidone to minimize peripheral adverse effects, followed by the active drug or control in a crossover design. Sedation was assessed using a visual analogue scale and reaction time by the response to a light stimulus. There was no overall change in reaction time, but this concealed considerable interindividual variation. Four subjects complained of nausea and one of excitation after levodopa and all had slower reaction times without complaining of sedation. However, seven subjects reported a greater level of sedation with levodopa than placebo, and this correlated (r = 0.7) with their reaction times. In other words, levodopa can cause sedation in normal young people but does not necessarily do so, at least after a single dose. The extent to which these results can be extrapolated to elderly parkinsonian patients is debatable.

In a Canadian survey of 638 parkinsonian patients who were fully independent and with no evidence of dementia, just over half (327) had excessive daytime sleepiness, as assessed by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Inappropriate Sleep Composite Score [ ]. Only 16 patients had fallen asleep while driving and of these 3 had no warning; all had high scores on the scales mentioned. Unfortunately, the structure of the survey did not allow conclusions regarding drug therapy, although all the patients were taking levodopa (80%), or a dopamine receptor agonist, or both.

In another survey, from Texas, Epworth scores were studied in 368 patients with Parkinson’s disease and 243 with other neurological disorders, mostly other movement disorders, including other causes of parkinsonian syndromes [ ]. The former had scores 25% higher; however, it should be noted that matching for age and other parameters was not clearly described. Using a multivariate model the authors calculated that levodopa dosage, the use of dopamine receptor agonists, and the severity of the disease accounted for only a minor extent (about 9%) of the variation in scores in the parkinsonian group. Even so, they concluded that progression of the disease, the dosage of levodopa, and the use of dopamine receptor agonists are contributory factors in increased daytime somnolence.

Several smaller-scale studies and case reports have also been published. An Italian group have reported polysomnographic studies in a 44-year-old woman with a 5-year history of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease [ ]. She was taking modified-release levodopa, to which pergolide 3 mg/day was added, titrating up from a lower dose. After taking this dosage for 5 days she developed irresistible sleep attacks up to 5 times a day with no warning or obvious triggers. Polysomnography showed that these episodes closely resembled narcolepsy. The episodes ceased after pergolide withdrawal.

Six German patients (aged 36–68 years, disease duration 7–12 years, four men) were studied after reporting sleep attacks following the addition of pramipexole or ropinirole to a levodopa-based treatment regimen [ ]. Five had abnormal results in the multiple sleep latency test, and three of these also had increased errors in a test of driving vigilance. The authors concluded that patients should be assessed individually in terms of their safety to drive. They also suggested that sleep attacks are at the extreme end of the spectrum of daytime sleepiness, although it is not clear that such a conclusion can be reached so unequivocally from such a small study.

A French group has tested the effects of ropinirole 3 mg on sleep latency in 20 healthy men (mean age 24 years) compared with placebo [ ]. The time to sleep onset was significantly quicker in the ropinirole-treated subjects (2.6 versus 4.8 minutes), but sleep attacks did not occur. Clearly this is a very different group of individuals from the usually much older group with Parkinson’s disease, so again definite conclusions are elusive.

Overall, the current evidence suggests that sedation is a class effect of all dopaminergic drugs, including levodopa. It may be more severe with the newer synthetic agents pramipexole and ropinirole, but this cannot yet be stated with certainty. The existence of discrete sleep attacks also remains controversial, although on balance one would conclude that they can occur.


Toxic psychoses and toxic delirium can occur, particularly in individuals with a history of postencephalitic parkinsonism or psychiatric disease [ ]. Nearly half of all patients with Parkinson’s disease are demented or have significant cognitive impairment [ ]. These patients are particularly susceptible to delirium induced by levodopa and other antiparkinsonian drugs. The author recommended dosage reduction or elimination of drugs that may be responsible, starting with anticholinergic drugs but leaving levodopa unchanged if possible. He also recommended the use of the atypical neuroleptic drugs clozapine or olanzapine in severely disturbed patients in whom drug withdrawal is not feasible.

Much more common are such symptoms as confusion (13% of cases), depression (9% of cases, often requiring antidepressant drugs), and sleep disturbances (20% of cases). Vivid hallucinations are common. Psychotic symptoms appear to be more common when enzyme inhibitors are used or anticholinergic drugs given. Panic attacks seem to occur in some 20% of cases during the “off” phases of an “off/on” cycle [ ].

Libido has been found to increase, at least for some time, in a proportion of patients [ ]; whilst perhaps in part reflecting the improved mobility and sense of well-being, a causative relation with prolactin inhibition by levodopa has been suggested.

There may be subtle neuropsychiatric adverse effects of dopaminergic medication. The syndrome of hedonistic homeostatic dysregulation, generally associated with substance abuse, has been described in 15 patients with Parkinson’s disease [ ]. Four patients were described in detail. The authors noted that 12 of the 15 patients were men (three of the four described in the paper) and had early onset of Parkinson’s disease: those described were aged only 36–42 years. Characteristically, these patients were taking large and increasing doses of levodopa (or other dopamine agonists, including apomorphine) despite worsening dyskinesias; they had impaired social functioning, including absence from work, belligerent behavior, and hypersexuality; they had a hypomanic or bipolar affect; they underwent a withdrawal reaction on reducing levodopa dosage, with depression, dysphoria, and anxiety; and they had a disorder with the above features lasting at least 6 months. All of the four patients described in detail had taken apomorphine at some time (75–170 mg/day) and tended to use higher than prescribed doses by intermittent injection. All were also taking levodopa (maximum dose 1875–5500 mg/day). The authors noted that the long-term management of this condition can be very difficult. They suggested management of acute psychosis with atypical neuroleptic drugs, such as olanzapine or risperidone, the use of antidepressants if needed, and careful supervision of patient self-medication. They conceded that this may be extremely difficult.

In a prospective study of 89 patients with Parkinson’s disease, of whom 60 were free of hallucinations at entry, though most of these had disturbed sleep patterns, after 4 years 50% of the original non-hallucinators were experiencing hallucinations, while only 14% of those with hallucinations at entry were no longer affected by them [ ]. Those classified as having severe hallucinations increased from 10% at entry to 35% after 4 years. The development or worsening of hallucinations was not associated with levodopa dosage but was strongly correlated with the use of dopamine receptor agonists in combination with levodopa: some 59% of patients with hallucinations were taking agonists as against 33% of non-hallucinators.

It is a pharmacological truism that exogenous dopamine is not a central dopamine receptor agonist, because it cannot cross the blood–brain barrier. However, the possibility that it might, and could thus contribute to the development of delirium, has been examined [ ]. Of over 21 000 inpatients in Stanford University Hospital, 1164 were given intravenous dopamine. Although the authors conceded that the methods that they used to assess the presence of delirium were imprecise, they nevertheless calculated that intravenous administration of dopamine nearly triples the likelihood of the need for subsequent antipsychotic medication. This raises at least the possibility that in some pathological states significant amounts of exogenous dopamine can enter the brain. A prospective study is needed to clarify this. Meanwhile the authors have proposed that it might be useful to give dopamine receptor antagonists to patients who are about to receive dopamine infusions. However, most clinicians would probably be reluctant to do this on the existing evidence.

Plasma homocysteine concentrations are increased in patients with Alzheimer’s disease [ ] and levodopa causes hyperhomocysteinemia [ ]. In 39 patients with Parkinson’s disease plasma homocysteine concentrations were significantly higher than in 28 healthy controls [ ]. There was a negative correlation between hyper-homocysteinemia and vitamin B 12 and folate concentrations and a positive correlation between hyper-homocysteinemia and the dose of levodopa. There were no effects on cognitive or frontal functions, but those who had a homocysteine concentration over 14 μmol/l had a significantly poorer performance in frontal and memory tests.

In 72 consecutive patients with Parkinson’s disease, 62 of whom were taking levodopa the mean plasma homocysteine concentration was 16 μmol/l, and 28 patients had a concentration over 15 μmol/l, the top of the reference range [ ]. Homocysteine concentrations were associated with the duration of disease and levodopa treatment, but not with disease severity or dose of levodopa. They were not associated with the thickness of the common carotid intima media nor with cardiovascular morbidity. There was no association with the neuropsychiatric features of Parkinson’s disease, such as depression, cognitive performance, or psychosis.

Levodopa did not adversely affect cognitive function in 22 patients with Parkinson's disease, 27 with Parkinson's disease with dementia, and 11 with Parkinson's disease with Lewy bodies over 3 months [ ].


Occasional increases in protein-bound iodine have occurred [ ].

Levodopa usually increases plasma growth hormone concentrations [ ].

Disruption of diurnal cortisol rhythm has been detected and could explain some of the sleep disturbances and psychic adverse effects that levodopa can have [ ].

Levodopa can stimulate glucagon secretion [ ].


Carbohydrate tolerance is slightly impaired by levodopa.

Electrolyte balance

There is a tendency to potassium loss and hypokalemia. Some patients are particularly susceptible to this adverse effect. In three patients with hypokalemia and five without, levodopa caused increased excretion of potassium, and sometimes also of sodium, in the hypokalemic but not in the normokalemic patients; this effect was prevented by the administration of a peripheral dopa decarboxylase inhibitor [ ].

Hyponatremia has been reported in one published case, and the patient had earlier the same reaction with amantadine [ ].


Very occasionally there are falls in white blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. The Coombs’ test can be positive and there is an isolated report of hemolytic anemia and another of thrombocytopenia with a positive antinuclear antibody test [ , ]. An otherwise unexplainable acute severe non-hemolytic anemia in an elderly man taking levodopa with benserazide has also been observed [ ].


Despite the fact that gastrointestinal tolerance can be improved by cautious dosing, very gradual dosage increases, and the use of antiemetics, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting have been estimated to occur in 36–83% of patients taking levodopa alone, and some 10% of patients never succeed in tolerating the dose that was optimally effective for them [ ]. Gastrointestinal tolerance is substantially better with the combined products; provided the combination is taken during meals, digestive disturbances are usually mild and transitory, and only a few patients require antiemetics.

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