Aspiration Pneumonia


While microaspiration of oropharyngeal secretions is usually the cause of most cases of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonias, macroaspiration of oropharyngeal or upper gastrointestinal contents is the cause of aspiration pneumonia (AP). Chemical pneumonitis (CP) is triggered by aspiration of acidic gastric material.

A variety of different microbial communities exist in the lung. It is postulated that a macroaspiration event may trigger an inflammatory response resulting in epithelial or endothelial injury and subsequent activation of feedback loops which may lead to emergence of a dominant pathogen such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa .

Conditions which allow either enhanced access or reduced clearance of oral or gastrointestinal (GI) contents to or from the lower airways are risk factors. These include conditions such as upper airway and esophageal neoplasms, esophageal strictures, motility disorders, seizures, impaired consciousness, and certain neurodegenerative diseases.

Clinical manifestations range from mild to severe and may appear within hours to days and can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and fever. With foreign body aspiration obstruction and subsequent postobstructive pneumonia may occur.

Chest radiographic findings may initially be normal but may reveal an infiltrate within 24 to 48 hours.

Diagnosis depends upon a history of a witnessed aspiration event, risk factors, clinical assessment, and chest radiographic findings. At times quantitative lung-lavage cultures may help to distinguish infection from noninfection situations.

Our treatment approach to AP is based on site of acquisition of the infection; that is community, hospital, or long-term care facility (LTCF); and initial chest radiograph appearance. Consideration should also be given to the risk of infection with resistant organisms and to potential adverse events including Clostridium difficile infection.

Treatment regimens are outlined in the chapter. The duration of treatment for those with a good clinical response is 5 to 7 days but longer in complicated cases.

For CP, antibiotics are usually unnecessary unless bacteria are present as in patients with elevated gastric pH secondary to acid suppressing medication or in those with small bowel obstruction. Supportive therapy is important in both AP and CP but glucocorticoids do not play a role in the routine management of these patients.

A number of interventions may be used to prevent AP and CP and are outlined in the Prevention section of the chapter.

Clinical Vignette

A 68-year-old gentleman with mild type 2 diabetes and GERD underwent a left total hip replacement for severe osteoarthritis. He experienced a significant amount of postoperative pain and was given narcotics. The drugs caused some dysphoria and nausea and on the second day he vomited and aspirated. This was a witnessed event and within several hours he developed shortness of breath and cough.

On examination his temperature was 38.4°C, respiratory rate 22/min, heart rate 105/min and regular, and blood pressure 135/85. A chest radiograph showed an infiltrate in the superior segment of the right lower lobe.

COMMENT: This patient experienced a macroaspiration event likely caused by the narcotics which induced both nausea and a reduced level of consciousness. The aspiration of gastric contents usually results in a CP secondary to inflammation triggered by the acidic gastric contents. Typically, in such cases infection is not an issue initially. In this case however, because of his GERD and use of acid-suppressing medications for several months the pH of the gastric contents was higher than usual and this could result in bacterial overgrowth. This in turn could lead to an infection (AP) rather than a purely inflammatory process (CP). It was felt that the patient was ill enough to warrant initial empiric antimicrobial therapy. The early appearance of an infiltrate on the chest radiograph, however, suggests that infection may not yet be established and serial chest radiographs should be done. If the infiltrate clears rapidly and the patient is doing well clinically consideration may be given to stopping the antibiotics. Unfortunately, pro-calcitonin does not help in differentiating AP from CP.

In selecting a treatment regimen, one should consider the site of acquisition, chest radiograph findings, and other variables such as the state of dentition, the risk of resistance, and the severity of clinical presentation.

Antibiotic treatment is usually not required for CP but in this particular case infection is certainly possible and antibiotics should be initiated. Steroids do not play a role routinely in the initial management of either AP or CP.

Burden of Disease

Microaspiration of oropharyngeal secretions is the main pathogenic mechanism of most cases of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonias. Macroaspiration (large volume) of oropharyngeal or upper gastrointestinal contents is the cause of AP.

AP is an important part of the pneumonia continuum that includes both community- and hospital-acquired infections. Unfortunately, unlike community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), diagnostic criteria for AP are unavailable. It is thought that up to 15% of CAP cases are AP and they are associated with a higher mortality rate than other forms of CAP (29.4% vs. 11.6%).

Patients with AP usually have risk factors for macroaspiration and the resultant syndromes may involve the airways or pulmonary parenchyma. Macroaspiration can lead to either AP, an infection, or to CP which represents an inflammatory reaction secondary to aspiration of gastric contents.

Microbiology and Pathogenesis

Until recently it was thought that in healthy individuals the lower respiratory tract was sterile. Genomic methods, however, have demonstrated numerous bacterial phylotypes. A complex taxonomic bacterial landscape that includes diverse microbial communities exists in the lung and studies are helping to define the role of the lung microbiome in health and disease and in the pathogenesis of pneumonia. In healthy individuals it is believed that the lung microbiome helps calibrate the immune tone of the airways and alveoli.

To explain the role of the microbiome in the pathogenesis of pneumonia various models have been proposed. An interplay between movement of bacteria into and out of the lungs and local feedback loops may be central to the development of pneumonia. Bacteria may gain access to the lungs by microaspiration and are eliminated by coughing and ciliary clearance. Positive and negative feedback loops can promote or suppress inflammation. An inflammatory event resulting in epithelial or endothelial injury may create a positive loop which can further increase inflammation and local susceptibility to infection.

The complex adaptive system model may help explain the interplay between the lung microbiome and AP. A change in the lung microbiome (dysbiosis) may occur as the result of illness and may then impair local defenses. A significant macroaspiration event could then possibly overwhelm the host’s ability to clear the bacteria further disrupting bacterial homeostasis thereby triggering an increase in a positive feedback loop.

Substances such as cytokines, neurotransmitters, and hormones (e.g., glucocorticoids) can promote growth of bacteria such as S. pneumoniae , and certain gram-negative rods and may result in a shift from a diverse microbiome to one with a dominant species (e.g., pneumococcus or P. aeruginosa ).

With illness or aging, cell surface fibronectin may be lost from the surface of airway epithelial cells exposing receptors on these cells to gram-negative rods which may adhere to them, thereby shifting the oral microbial flora to more virulent bacteria. Colonization of the oropharynx by these new potential pathogens may be followed by their micro- or macroaspiration to the lung.

Historically anaerobes with or without aerobes were typically associated with AP. CP on the other hand is an inflammatory response to acidic gastric contents or bile acids and is not the result of infection. A shift has been noted away from anaerobes to bacteria typically seen with CAP and HAP. In one study, pathogens in community-acquired cases were S. pneumoniae , Staphylococcus aureus , Haemophilus influenzae , and Enterobacteriaceae while in hospital-acquired cases gram-negative rods including P. aeruginosa predominated. Anaerobes are more likely to occur in patients with lung abscess but are far less common in those with AP but no abscess or empyema.

Less importance of anaerobes has also been noted in AP among the elderly. It is postulated that this may be the result of a shift in patient demographic characteristics and to earlier sampling for cultures in the course of infection rather than after development of empyema or abscess.

Risk Factors

Risk factors for AP are those resulting in either increased access of oral or gastric contents to the lower airways or reduced clearance or both ( Fig. 29.1 ). Swallowing dysfunction and impaired cough reflex can occur in a number of settings including neoplasms involving the head, neck, or esophagus, esophageal strictures and motility disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and seizures. Other swallowing difficulties may arise with central nervous system dysfunction, for example multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, dementia, and impaired consciousness. Reduced consciousness may be secondary to a variety of drugs including narcotics, anesthetic agents, antidepressants, and alcohol. Stroke and cardiac arrest may also be significant. Many of the above may impair the cough reflex which is the primary clearance mechanism.

Fig. 29.1, Pathogenesis of and risk factors for pneumonia after macroaspiration. Macroaspiration can occur as a result of abnormalities in the swallowing mechanism or altered swallowing due to dysfunction of the central nervous system. In patients with these disorders, oropharyngeal or gastric contents can enter the lung. An impaired cough reflex increases the likelihood that aspirated material will reach the lung. Shown are the disease processes that serve as risk factors for macroaspiration by impairing consciousness, swallowing, and cough and by increasing the chance that gastric contents will reach the lung.

In some patients, multiple risk factors may exist significantly increasing the risk of AP. Interestingly, if one compares patients with traditional CAP to those with AP there are no significant increases in risk of aspiration in the former group.

Clinical Manifestations

The initial macroaspiration event is often unwitnessed so the magnitude of exposure is often unknown. Even in situations such as aspiration during anesthesia neither clinical nor chest radiographic features develop in 64% of patients.

The clinical presentation may range from mild to severe and occasionally respiratory failure may occur. The findings are dependent to some extent on the nature of the aspirate; for example, bacteria versus noninfectious material such as gastric acid, blood, tube feeding, or a foreign body.

Cases of CP usually require macroaspiration of large-volume, low-pH (<2.5) gastric content. Initially described in the setting of obstetrical anesthesia, it is now uncommon in such circumstances. Lung damage in CP is due to the inflammatory response to the acidic material and involves various chemokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and neutrophils.

Following the acute inciting event symptoms may appear within hours to days. These can include cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and fever. In cases of a solid foreign body aspiration distal airway obstruction may result which could lead to postobstructive pneumonia.

Findings on physical examination may include cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration, wheezing, and rales. Chest radiographic findings may initially be normal but early on or subsequently are more likely to demonstrate bronchopneumonia rather than lobar pneumonia (68% vs. 15%) and posterior infiltrates are common. As a result of airway anatomy right-sided clinical and radiographic findings are more frequent. In cases of aspiration of blood or tube feedings neither CP nor AP usually develops because of the relatively high pH and lack of bacteria.

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