Key Concepts

  • All septic patients should be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible, even before a definitive diagnosis is made. Patients with pneumococcemia, meningococcemia, and aggressive soft tissue infections can decompensate rapidly.

  • The source of sepsis should be identified as soon as possible, and surgical causes should be addressed. A surgeon should be consulted as soon as possible for patients with sepsis and a débridable source of infection.

  • Immunity to diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis wanes significantly in adults. Pertussis should be considered a cause of persistent cough in adults. A tetanus vaccination history should always be obtained from patients with trauma or infection. When there is doubt about the history, the age-appropriate vaccine according to CDC guidelines should be administered.

  • Consider botulism in the differential diagnosis for the infant with failure to thrive, constipation, or decreased muscle tone and for the patient who injects drugs with neurologic symptoms.



Background and Importance

In the fifth century bce , Hippocrates first described what was likely diphtheria, characterized by sore throat, membrane formation, and death from suffocation. In 1821, Pierre Bretonneau named the condition diphtherite (Greek for leather), describing the characteristic pharyngeal membrane. In 1890, von Behring and Kitasato created the first diphtheria antitoxin (DAT) and 1 year later administered the first dose of antitoxin to a human with diphtheria. Immunization dramatically decreased the incidence of diphtheria in the United States from 206,000 cases in 1921 with 15,520 deaths to only 2 cases between 2004 and 2017. ,

Humans are the only known reservoir for Cornybacterium diphtheriae. Spread is person-to-person through respiratory droplets or by direct contact with secretions, skin lesion exudates, or rarely fomites or food. Transmission is associated with crowded living conditions. Individuals may spread the disease when they are actively ill, in the convalescent stage, or as asymptomatic carriers. , ,

Immunization against diphtheria is highly effective ( Fig. 118.1 ). Before widespread immunization in the United States, the incidence of diphtheria exceeded 100 cases per 100,000 population, and the disease predominantly affected children. Most people acquired natural immunity to diphtheria by age 15, and recurrent exposure to toxigenic strains of the bacteria acted as a booster. Because childhood immunization nearly eliminates toxigenic strains in a population, adult immunity wanes, so more adults in industrialized nations are susceptible to diphtheria. By the 1980s the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 0 to 5 cases per year nationwide. Currently, sporadic cases occur primarily in inadequately immunized adolescents and adults. Even in industrialized nations with high childhood vaccination rates, more than 50% of adults older than 40 years old lack protective antibodies. Recent reemergence due to disruption of national vaccination programs has led to outbreaks in Yemen and Venezuela, with a recent death in Spain from a traveling passenger from that region.

Fig. 118.1, Global annual reported cases of diphtheria compared with percentage of immunization coverage from 1980 to 2016. DTP3, Third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine; UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund; WHO, World Health Organization.

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology

Diphtheria is caused by C. diphtheriae, an unencapsulated, nonmotile, gram-positive bacillus named for its shape ( korynee, for “club”) and its characteristic clinical presentation ( diphtheria, for “leather,” describing the leathery pharyngeal membrane).

Infection with C. diphtheriae can occur at various sites of the respiratory tract or the skin. Respiratory diphtheria includes faucial (pharyngeal or tonsillar), nasal, and laryngeal (tracheobronchial) types, named for the primary location of infection. Cutaneous diphtheria can occur as a primary skin infection or as a secondary infection of a preexisting wound. ,

Toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae bacterium are lysogenized with the bacteriophage and produce an exotoxin that inhibits cellular protein synthesis. The diphtheritic membrane, composed of leukocytes, erythrocytes, fibrin, epithelial cells, and bacteria, results from necrosis caused by local effects of the exotoxin. Initially, the pharynx appears erythematous, but as necrosis occurs, grayish white patches appear and eventually coalesce. The membrane causes surrounding edema and cervical adenitis. The initial grayish white, filmy appearance changes to a thick, grayish black membrane with sharply defined borders. This membrane adheres to the underlying tissue, and bleeding occurs if removal is attempted.

Circulating exotoxin causes the systemic symptoms of diphtheria, most profoundly affecting the nervous system, heart, and kidneys. , The degree of local and systemic toxicity depends on the location and extent of membrane formation. Pharyngeal diphtheria has the greatest toxicity and cutaneous diphtheria the least. As the exotoxin disrupts cellular protein synthesis, it causes peripheral neuropathy manifested by muscle weakness. About 5% of patients with respiratory infection develop polyneuritis; 75% of patients with severe disease have some form of neuropathy. The muscles of the palate are usually affected first. Other cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, and the spinal cord may be affected. Degenerative lesions develop in dorsal root and ventral horn ganglia of the spinal cord and in cranial nerve nuclei. Cortical cells are spared. Proximal muscle groups are affected first. In severe cases, paralysis may develop in the first few days of illness. Paralysis typically does not last more than 10 days, but may last up to 3 months. Complete recovery over a longer time is the rule.

The exotoxin directly damages myocardial cells. Cardiac dysfunction may appear 1 to 2 weeks after the onset of illness, but may arise earlier in severe cases. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes suggestive of myocarditis occur in up to two-thirds of patients, but clinical manifestations of myocarditis occur in only 10% to 25% of cases.

Clinical Features

The average incubation period of respiratory tract diphtheria is 2 to 4 days (range 1–8 days). Signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from other upper respiratory tract infections, with low-grade fever and sore throat as the most frequent presenting complaints. Weakness, dysphagia, headache, voice changes, and loss of appetite are also common. Cough, shortness of breath, nasal discharge, and neck edema occur in less than 10% of patients. Cervical adenopathy occurs in approximately one-third of patients, and a membrane is observed in more than half of patients.

In patients with faucial diphtheria, the extent of the membrane parallels clinical toxicity. If the membrane is limited to the tonsils, disease may be mild; if it covers the entire pharynx, the onset of illness is usually abrupt and severe. Cervical lymphadenopathy and infiltration of neck tissues may be so extensive that the patient has a “bull-neck” appearance. Patients with this form of malignant diphtheria usually have high fever, severe muscle weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, and delirium. Respiratory tract obstruction or cardiac failure from myocarditis can result in death.

Nasal diphtheria presents with serous or serosanguineous nasal discharge, and these patients do not usually have constitutional symptoms. A membrane may be visible. Treatment is important to prevent a persistent carrier state. Laryngeal diphtheria may begin in the larynx or spread downward. Respiratory tract edema with subsequent upper airway obstruction may develop. In cutaneous diphtheria, patients typically do not develop systemic toxicity. The skin characteristically has an ulcer with a grayish membrane; however, wounds from which C. diphtheriae is cultured are clinically indistinguishable from other chronic skin conditions.

The most serious complications of diphtheria are airway obstruction, congestive heart failure, cardiac conduction disturbances, and muscle paralysis. Overall mortality is less than 3% but rises to 7% in patients with myocarditis and 26% in patients with the malignant form of the disease with neck swelling. Although invasive disease is rare, endocarditis, mycotic aneurysms, osteomyelitis, and septic arthritis have all been described in immunocompromised hosts.

Differential Diagnosis

It may be difficult to differentiate respiratory diphtheria from many other respiratory conditions, especially in the early phase of infection ( Box 118.1 ). In general, the diphtheritic membrane is darker, grayer, more fibrous, and more firmly attached to the underlying tissues than in other conditions that have a membrane-like appearance. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) frequently involves the gingivae, which are unaffected in diphtheria. Acute bacterial epiglottitis has a more rapid onset than diphtheria, and laryngoscopy reveals an erythematous, edematous epiglottis without membrane formation. Cutaneous diphtheria is difficult to differentiate from other acute and chronic ulcerative skin lesions. C. diphtheriae can secondarily infect these lesions, especially in high-risk patients such as those with alcohol use disorder and unimmunized or underimmunized people.

BOX 118.1
Differential Diagnosis of Respiratory Diphtheria

  • Streptococcal pharyngitis

  • Viral pharyngitis (Epstein-Barr virus, adenovirus, herpes simplex)

  • Tonsillitis

  • Gonococcal pharyngitis

  • Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)

  • Acute epiglottitis

  • Mononucleosis

  • Laryngitis

  • Bronchitis

  • Tracheitis

  • Candida albicans (thrush)

  • Rhinitis

Diagnostic Testing

The laboratory should be notified when C. diphtheriae is suspected, because routine cultures do not identify the organism. Throat or nasopharyngeal swabs should be obtained for respiratory diphtheria, and if present, membranous material should be examined. Samples should be obtained from skin lesions in cutaneous infections. Specimens should be collected before antibiotic therapy is initiated and transported to the laboratory for rapid inoculation onto tellurite selective culture medium. , Definitive identification is made using a combination of colony morphology, microscopic appearance, and fermentation reactions. C. diphtheriae isolates should be tested for toxin production. The Elek test for toxin A is available at the CDC. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is more reliable but not as readily available commercially, can detect the toxin structural gene. Newer methods that rapidly detect the toxin by mass spectrometry are not readily available but may be used in the future. A positive culture for group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus does not exclude diphtheria, as up to 30% of patients with diphtheria test positive for streptococcal coinfection or carrier state.

Leukocytosis, mild thrombocytopenia, and proteinuria are common but neither sensitive nor specific for diphtheria. Changes on ECG are nonspecific and include ST-T wave changes, varying degrees of atrioventricular block, and dysrhythmias. The ECG may be normal in the presence of myocarditis (see Chapter 68 ). An echocardiogram may show dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Cardiac enzymes may be elevated; serum troponin levels correlate with the severity of myocarditis.


Patients with evidence of diphtheria should be placed in respiratory isolation and treated presumptively for C. diphtheriae . The goals of therapy are to protect the airway, limit toxin effects, and stop future toxin production by terminating bacterial growth. Although airway obstruction from diphtheria is rare in the United States, the management is identical to that of other forms of airway obstruction. Early intubation should be considered for patients with laryngeal involvement. Patients may be dehydrated from fever and decreased oral intake related to dysphagia or neurologic impairment. In the course of resuscitation, the patient should be assessed for fluid responsiveness, as the toxin’s effect on the myocardium may result in heart failure (see Chapter 3 ).

Equine serum diphtheria anti-toxin (DAT) should be administered if the diagnosis of respiratory diphtheria is deemed probable ( Box 118.2 ) and before laboratory confirmation. , DAT is currently not licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States, and several countries do not currently hold DAT stockpiles. The CDC can be contacted at 770-488-7100 to distribute DAT to physicians as an investigational new drug. The size and location of the membrane, duration of illness, and patient’s overall degree of toxicity determine the DAT dose. Patients with probable or confirmed respiratory diphtheria are eligible to receive DAT (20,000 to 40,000 units for pharyngeal or laryngeal involvement of 2 days’ duration; 40,000 to 60,000 units for nasopharyngeal lesions; 80,000 to 100,000 units for systemic disease of 3 days’ duration or more or for diffuse neck swelling). After conjunctival or intradermal sensitivity skin testing, the antitoxin is administered intravenously (IV). If the patient exhibits sensitivity to the antitoxin, desensitization should be performed. Active immunization against diphtheria should also be initiated because clinical infection may not confer immunity.

BOX 118.2
Check List for Assessing a Patient With Suspected Diphtheria
DT, Diphtheria-tetanus; DTaP, diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Td, diphtheria-tetanus; Tdap, tetanus, diphtheria, activated pertussis.

Suspect Case

  • Pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis (or any combination of these), absent or low-grade fever

  • Grayish adherent pseudo-membrane present

  • Membrane bleeds, if manipulated or dislodged

Probable Case

Suspect case above, plus one or more of the following:

  • Stridor

  • Bull-neck (cervical edema)

  • Toxic circulatory collapse

  • Acute renal insufficiency

  • Submucosal or subcutaneous petechiae

  • Myocarditis

  • Death

  • Recent return (<2 weeks) from travel to area with endemic diphtheria

  • Recent contact (<2 weeks) with confirmed diphtheria case or carrier

  • Recent contact (<2 weeks) with visitor from area with endemic diphtheria

  • Recent contact with dairy or farm animals or domestic pets

  • Immunization status: Up-to-date- any DTaP/DT/Tdap/Td shot within past 10 years?

Laboratory Confirmed Case

  • Positive culture of Corynebacterium diphtheriae (or Corynebacterium ulcerans ) and

    • Positive Elek test or

    • PCR for tox gene (positive for subunit A and B)

After DAT, antibiotics are initiated to prevent growth and spread of the organism but are no substitute for the antitoxin. Erythromycin 40 mg/kg/day (maximum of 2 g) intravenously or orally in divided doses is the preferred treatment. Procaine penicillin G 300,000 units/day q12h intramuscularly (IM) for those weighing 10 kg or less, and 600,000 units/day in q12h for those weighing more than 10 kg is an acceptable alternative. , Treatment failures are more common with penicillin than with erythromycin. Azithromycin and clarithromycin have activity similar to erythromycin in vitro and may result in better compliance. These agents have not been adequately tested in clinical disease. Daily oral therapy may be substituted when the patient can swallow. Negative cultures should be documented after treatment.

Myocarditis and neuritis are treated with supportive care and monitoring. Patients with ECG changes consistent with myocarditis have three to four times the mortality rate of those with normal ECGs. The mortality rate for patients with left bundle branch block and atrioventricular block is 60% to 90%. Serial ECGs are recommended, and survivors may have permanent conduction abnormalities. No data support the use of steroids.

Cutaneous lesions should be débrided of necrotic tissue and cleansed vigorously. A course of antibiotics is recommended, but DAT for cutaneous lesions is of questionable value. We recommend 20,000 to 40,000 units of antitoxin, but few data support its use in this setting. ,

Carriers of C. diphtheriae should receive oral penicillin G or erythromycin for 7 days or IM benzathine penicillin (600,000 units for those weighing less than 30 kg and 1,200,000 units for those weighing more than 30 kg). Active immunization should also be provided to unimmunized and partially immunized carriers. After 2 weeks of therapy, cultures should be obtained; if positive, erythromycin therapy should be given for 10 additional days.

Individuals who have been in close contact with infected patients should have cultures taken and be kept under surveillance for 7 days. Previously immunized close contacts should receive a booster of diphtheria toxoid if the last booster was more than 5 years earlier. The vaccine should be diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) or diphtheria-tetanus (DT or Td) as appropriate for age. Close unimmunized contacts or those whose immunization status is unknown should receive the same antimicrobial therapy as carriers (previously described), have culture specimens taken before and after therapy, and have active immunization initiated. Close contacts who cannot be kept under surveillance should receive IM benzathine penicillin to ensure compliance and a Td booster (appropriate for age and immunization history). DAT is not recommended for this group because of the risk of horse serum allergy.

A universal primary immunization program with regular boosters every 10 years is the most effective method for controlling diphtheria. Emergency clinicians should routinely administer age-appropriate tetanus and diphtheria toxoids as part of wound management.


All patients with possible pharyngeal diphtheria should be isolated, admitted, and monitored for arrhythmias. A cardiologist should be consulted for patients with evidence of myocarditis. The CDC should be contacted for all suspected or proven cases of diphtheria.



Background and Importance

Pertussis is an acute respiratory disease first described in 1578 when an epidemic swept through Paris. Pertussis means “violent cough.” It is also called whooping cough because the severe episodes of coughing are followed by forceful inspiration, which creates a characteristic “whoop” sound. Bordet and Gengou identified the causative organism in 1900. Pertussis was a major cause of mortality among infants and children in the United States in the prevaccination era. A vaccine was developed in the 1940s, but pertussis remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness transmitted by aerosolized droplets. It can occur at any age but is predominantly a pediatric and adolescent illness. Infection rates are greater than 80% in adults exposed more than 12 years after completing a vaccination series and up to 90% in susceptible individuals with household exposure. Half of the cases in the United States occur from June through September. The average incubation period is 7 to 10 days (range less than 1 week to 3 weeks). Neither vaccination nor prior infection confers lifelong immunity.

Pertussis is prevalent worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated over 24.1 million cases in 2017 with 160,700 annual deaths. In the United States, annual pertussis rates declined sharply after the introduction of the vaccine, reaching a nadir of 1010 cases in 1976. There has been a steady increase since, with 11,647 cases reported in 2003 and more than 28,000 cases in 2014 ( Fig. 118.2A and B). The incidence is highest in infants who have not received the entire vaccine series (see Fig. 118.2C ). Waning immunity in the adult population and increased reporting may be contributing factors, but the emergence of the antivaccination movement is a leading factor.

Fig. 118.2, (A) Global annual reported cases of pertussis compared with percentage of immunization coverage. (B) Incidence of reported pertussis cases in the United States by year. (C) Pertussis incidence in the United States by age, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention 2018. DTaP, Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis; DTP3, Third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine; NNDSS, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System; Tdap, tetanus, diphtheria, activated pertussis; UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund; WHO, World Health Organization.

A 1991 report found a possible relationship between the vaccine and acute encephalopathy. Although there appears to be no relationship between the vaccine and long-term neurologic complications, the report resulted in a decline in the use of the whole-cell pertussis vaccine. The acellular pertussis vaccine has been approved in the United States since 1991 for persons 15 months to 64 years and since 1997 for infants.

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology

Pertussis is caused by organisms of the Bordetella genus, which are small, aerobic, gram-negative coccobacilli. Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis are responsible for human disease. The organisms are fastidious and require a medium containing charcoal, blood, or starch, and an optimal temperature of 95° to 98.6°F (35° to 37°C) to grow. Bordetella bronchiseptica, a flagellated, motile organism, causes illness in animals, including kennel cough, and may rarely cause respiratory infection in immunocompromised humans. Bordetella adheres preferentially to ciliated respiratory epithelial cells, but does not invade beyond the submucosa and is seldom recovered in the bloodstream. It elaborates several toxins that act locally and systemically, including pertussis toxin, dermonecrotic toxin, adenylate cyclase toxin, and tracheal cytotoxin. Local tissue damage consists of inflammatory changes in the respiratory mucosa. Secondary pneumonia and otitis media may occur. Systemic effects of pertussis toxin include sensitization to the lethal effects of histamine and increased excretion of insulin. This hyperinsulinemia can cause hypoglycemia, particularly in young infants potentially leading to seizures.

Clinical Features

Pertussis has three clinical stages: the catarrhal phase , paroxysmal phase, and convalescent phase. The catarrhal or prodromal phase begins after an incubation period of approximately 7 to 10 days and lasts approximately 1 to 2 weeks. Infectivity is greatest during the catarrhal phase, when the disease is clinically indistinguishable from other upper respiratory tract infections. Signs and symptoms include rhinorrhea, low-grade fever, malaise, and conjunctival injection. A dry cough usually begins at the end of the catarrhal phase. ,

The paroxysmal phase begins as fever subsides. Cough increases and lasts 1 to 6 weeks, but may persist for up to 10 weeks. Paroxysms of staccato coughing occur an average of 15 times per day and are followed by a sudden, forceful inhalation that produces the characteristic “whoop.” One-third of adults with pertussis develop this whoop, and it is rare in young infants, who may present with apneic episodes and no other symptoms. Paroxysms may be spontaneous, occur more frequently at night, or be precipitated by noise or cold. During the paroxysm, the patient may exhibit cyanosis, diaphoresis, tongue protrusion, salivation, and lacrimation. Post-tussive vomiting, syncope, and apnea may occur. Infants may be exhausted after a typical paroxysm. Between episodes of coughing, patients do not appear acutely ill. ,

In the convalescent phase a residual cough may last weeks to months. Paroxysms of coughing may be triggered by unrelated respiratory infection or by exposure to a respiratory irritant. This recurrence of coughing does not represent recurrence of pertussis infection.

Atypical presentations can occur in young and preterm infants. Fever is usually absent in uncomplicated neonatal pertussis. Tachypnea, apnea, and cyanotic and bradycardic episodes may be the predominant symptoms. Older children and adults who have partial protection from vaccination or previous illness may have a long-lasting intractable dry cough that is frequently misdiagnosed as bronchitis. Post-tussive vomiting in adults is highly suggestive of pertussis. ,

Physical findings are nonspecific. Tachypnea is variably present and may be related to the degree of pulmonary involvement. Low-grade fever, conjunctival injection, and rhinorrhea are common during the catarrhal phase. Fever during other stages of illness suggests secondary infection. Petechiae above the nipple line, subconjunctival hemorrhages, pneumothorax, and epistaxis may occur because of increased intrathoracic pressure during coughing paroxysms. , Chest examination may reveal rhonchi; the presence of rales suggests pneumonia.

Complications of pertussis are listed in Box 118.3 . Secondary pulmonary infection may result from decreased respiratory clearance cause by the Bordetella organism and its toxins on bronchial and lung mucosa. Bacterial or viral pneumonia superinfection complicating pertussis is a leading cause of death, especially in infants and young children. Aspiration of gastric contents and respiratory secretions may occur during paroxysm of coughing, whooping, and vomiting. A fever during the paroxysmal phase should alert the physician to a possible superinfection. , ,

BOX 118.3
Pertussis Complications

  • Periorbital edema

  • Subconjunctival hemorrhage

  • Petechiae

  • Epistaxis

  • Hemoptysis

  • Subcutaneous emphysema

  • Pneumothorax

  • Pneumomediastinum

  • Diaphragmatic rupture

  • Umbilical and inguinal hernias

  • Rectal prolapse

Seizures and encephalopathy occur in approximately 1% of patients but are more common in infants. This may be due to hypoxia, hypoglycemia, cerebral petechiae, toxin effect, or secondary infection by neurotropic viruses or bacteria. Central nervous system (CNS) hemorrhages may occur from increased cerebrovascular pressures during paroxysm of coughing. Sudden increases in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressures can result in other complications. , Bradycardia, hypotension, and cardiac arrest can occur in neonates and young infants with pertussis. Severe pulmonary hypertension has been recognized in this age group and can lead to systemic hypotension, hypoxia, and increased mortality. Intensive care monitoring is recommended for these patients, regardless of how well they appear on admission.

Differential Diagnoses

The differential diagnosis includes acute viral upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and foreign body aspiration. The marked leukocytosis may suggest leukemia.

Diagnostic Testing

Pertussis should be considered in patients with cough lasting longer than 2 weeks with paroxysms, whoops, or post-tussive emesis, regardless of previous vaccination status. Up to 27% of adults in the United States with a prolonged cough have serologic evidence of pertussis.

Ancillary studies are of limited value in the emergency department (ED). During the late catarrhal and early paroxysmal phases, a marked leukocytosis and a characteristic lymphocytosis are often present. A white blood cell (WBC) count of greater than 20,000/mL is common in pediatric patients. Adults with pertussis frequently do not have the characteristic leukocytosis and lymphocytosis, and some infants and immunocompromised hosts may not mount this response. The chest radiograph (CXR) may show peribronchial thickening, atelectasis, or pulmonary consolidation.

Laboratory confirmation is important for epidemiologic purposes. Nasopharyngeal aspirate or swab (synthetic, non-cotton) should be obtained for culture and PCR, if both are available; sputum and throat swabs are inadequate because ciliated respiratory epithelial cells are required. The Bordetella organism is fastidious, and isolation requires a medium impregnated with antibiotics to reduce overgrowth of competing bacteria. Colonies of B. pertussis take 3 to 7 days to appear. Pertussis cultures are 30% to 50% sensitive, and this drops to less than 3% three weeks after the onset of cough. Direct fluorescent antibody techniques are useful as a rapid screening test for pertussis but are variably specific and should not be relied upon as laboratory confirmation of B. pertussis. Adults generally come to medical attention late in the disease when cultures are rarely positive. PCR is more likely to identify the organism during the first 3 weeks of illness, but it has a high false-positive rate for various reasons, including asymptomatic carriers, recent vaccination, or contamination. Serologic testing is often performed as well. Most laboratories use enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which rises 2 to 3 weeks after infection or primary immunization. Paired serologic tests showing a twofold increase are considered positive, but they are reported as “probable” cases by the CDC unless performed at the CDC or the Massachusetts state laboratory. See Box 118.4 for the case definition.

BOX 118.4
Pertussis Case Definition
PCR, Polymerase chain reaction.

Clinical Case

Cough and illness for more than 2 weeks with no apparent other cause plus one of the following:

  • Paroxysms of coughing

  • Inspiratory “whoop”

  • Post-tussive emesis

Probable Case

All of the following:

  • Meets clinical case definition

  • Not laboratory confirmed (Only PCR and culture are considered laboratory confirmation.)

  • Not epidemiologically linked to a laboratory confirmed case

Confirmed Case

One of the following:

  • Acute cough illness of any duration with a positive culture for Bordetella pertussis

  • A case that meets the clinical case definition and is confirmed by PCR for B. pertussis

  • A case that meets the clinical case definition and is epidemiologically linked directly to a case confirmed by either culture or PCR


Acute Treatment

Treatment of pertussis is supportive and includes oxygen, frequent suctioning, appropriate hydration, parenteral nutrition as needed, and avoidance of respiratory irritants. Patients with suggested pertussis and associated pneumonia, hypoxia, CNS complications, or those experiencing severe paroxysms should be hospitalized. Children younger than 1 year old should also be admitted, because they are not yet fully immunized and have the greatest risk for morbidity and mortality. Neonates with pertussis should be admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) because apnea and significant cardiac complications can occur without warning. ,

Antibiotic treatment does not reduce the severity or duration of illness at any phase. The goal of antibiotic therapy is to decrease infectivity and carriage. The CDC recommends macrolides; erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin are preferred for pertussis in persons 1 month of age and older. Erythromycin estolate ester 40 to 50 mg/kg/day (maximum of 2 g/day) has previously been recommended for four divided doses for 14 days, but a 7-day course of erythromycin estolate ester at 1 g/day is just as effective at eradicating B. pertussis with better compliance. Azithromycin 10 mg/kg/day for 5 days is recommended in infants younger than 1-year-old because of an association between oral erythromycin and infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS). Alternative treatments include azithromycin (10 mg/kg on day 1, followed by 5 mg/kg on days 2 to 5) or clarithromycin (15 mg/kg/day; maximum of 1 g/day in two divided doses). Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (8 mg/kg/day of trimethoprim) is an alternative for macrolide-allergic patients two months of age or older, but efficacy is unproven. Patients should be considered infectious for 3 weeks after the onset of the paroxysmal phase or until at least 5 days after antibiotics are started. Droplet isolation is recommended during this period.

Corticosteroids, especially in young critically ill infants, may reduce the severity and course of illness, but effectiveness has not been established. Inhaled beta 2 -adrenergic agonists do not reduce the frequency or severity of paroxysmal coughing episodes but may help patients with reactive airway disease. Past trials with pertussis immune globulin are limited and do not show benefit. Standard cough suppressants and antihistamines are ineffective.

Postexposure prophylaxis with an appropriate macrolide is recommended for those at high risk for developing severe pertussis, including household contacts of a pertussis case, infants and women in their third trimester of pregnancy, persons with preexisting health conditions that may be exacerbated by a pertussis infection, and close contact with any of the above-listed people. This includes but is not limited to those who work in NICUs, childcare settings, and maternity wards. Women in their third trimester of pregnancy may be a source of pertussis to their newborn infant.


Whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccines are distributed in combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids as DPT and DTaP, respectively. The whole-cell vaccine is 70% to 90% effective at preventing serious pertussis infection. Pediatric recipients have fever, irritability, behavioral changes, and local discomfort at the site of inoculation. Moderately severe reactions are uncommon but include temperature above 104°F (40°C), persistent, high-pitched crying, and seizures. Severe neurologic complications (prolonged seizures and encephalopathy) occur rarely but led to decreased use of the whole-cell form of the vaccine and the development of DTaP.

The acellular pertussis vaccines contain inactivated pertussis toxin and one or more other bacterial components; they are less effective than the whole-cell vaccine but have fewer reported adverse reactions. , DTaP has replaced DPT for childhood immunizations in the United States and is approved for children ages 6 weeks to 6 years old. , Current American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines state that acellular pertussis vaccinations are as safe as whole-cell vaccines, but new data suggest the latter provide a better, longer-lasting serologic response. There has also been a correlation between acellular vaccination and food allergies. Further studies are needed to guide future recommendations.

Pertussis immunity wanes 5 to 10 years after immunization and 15 years after natural infection, resulting in an increased incidence in people older than 15 years. Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) (with reduced diphtheria toxoid and pertussis antigens) is indicated as a booster vaccine in persons 11 to 18 years old. It is safe and effective in adults, including pregnant women and those over 65 years of age. Persons older than 65 years old who have never received Tdap and anticipate close contact with infants younger than 12 months old should receive a single dose of Tdap, regardless of interval since last Td vaccination. A live attenuated nasal vaccine has completed phase one trials in humans showing greater than 99.9 nasopharyngeal colonization and is undergoing further clinical development.



Background and Importance

Tetanus is a toxin-mediated disease characterized by severe uncontrolled skeletal muscle spasms. Respiratory muscle involvement leads to hypoventilation, hypoxia, and death. Dramatic descriptions of this disease date to ancient Egypt, when physicians recognized a frequent relationship between tissue injury and subsequent fatal spasm. Prophylactic injection of tetanus antitoxin provided passive immunity to wounded soldiers during World War I. In 1924, an effective vaccine was developed, and large-scale testing during World War II indicated that the tetanus toxoid confers a high degree of protection against disease. Despite the availability of an effective vaccine, tetanus remains endemic worldwide. It is more common in warm, damp climates and relatively rare in cold regions. The global annual incidence of reported cases of tetanus has declined with the introduction of vaccination programs ( Fig. 118.3A ). The WHO reported 15,103 cases of tetanus in 2018 but estimates that thousands of unreported cases occur annually resulting in approximately 34,000 neonatal deaths. Most of these cases occur in countries with low immunization rates.

Fig. 118.3, (A) Global annual reported cases of tetanus compared with percentage of immunization coverage. (B) Incidence of reported tetanus cases in the United States by year. DTP3, third dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine; UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund; WHO, World Health Organization.

Since the introduction of vaccination programs in the United States, the incidence of tetanus has steadily declined from 4 cases per million population in the 1940s to fewer than 0.01 cases per million population in 2010 (see Fig. 118.3B ). The highest incidence occurs in people older than 65 years old (0.23 case per million population). Half of cases occur in injection drug users. The overall case fatality rate is 18% but approaches 50% in patients over 70 years old ( Fig. 118.4 ). Cases have been reported in fully vaccinated patients, but no deaths occurred.

Fig. 118.4, Incidence of and mortality from tetanus by age group in the United States, 2009 to 2015.

Tetanus classically occurs as a result of a deep penetrating wound. A history of injury is present in more than 70% of patients, but the injury may be trivial. The remainder may have another identifiable condition or no apparent source. The most common portals of entry are puncture wounds, lacerations, and abrasions. Tetanus has also been reported in association with chronic skin ulcers, abscesses, otitis media, foreign bodies, corneal abrasions, childbirth, and dental procedures. Postoperative tetanus has been reported in patients who have undergone intestinal operations and abortions. In these cases, the source of bacteria is probably endogenous because up to 10% of humans harbor Clostridium tetani in the colon. Inadequate primary immunization and waning immunity continue to be the primary risk factors for tetanus in the United States. As tetanus vaccination of children has improved, older people have accounted for an increasing percentage of reported cases.

Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology

C. tetani is a spore-forming, motile, rod-shaped, obligate anaerobic bacillus. It stains gram-positive in fresh culture but has a variable staining pattern in culture and tissue samples. C. tetani is ubiquitous in soil and dust and is also found in the feces of animals and humans. Spores are resistant to heating and chemical disinfectants and can survive in the soil for months to years. When introduced into a wound, spores may not germinate for weeks because of unfavorable tissue conditions. When injury favors anaerobic growth, the spores germinate into mature bacilli, which form a single spherical terminal endospore to produce a characteristic drumstick appearance. Only these mature bacilli produce the tetanus toxin that causes clinical disease.

C. tetani is a noninvasive organism. The development of clinical disease requires a portal of entry and tissue conditions that promote germination and growth in a susceptible host. Tetanus-prone wounds have damaged or devitalized tissue, foreign bodies, or other bacteria. Under these conditions, C. tetani produces the neurotoxin that causes clinical illness. Germination and replication of C. tetani can occur without clinical signs of wound infection.

C. tetani produces the neurotoxin tetanospasmin at the site of tissue injury. Tetanospasmin binds the motor nerve ending and moves by retrograde axonal transport and trans-synaptic spread to the CNS. It binds preferentially to inhibitory (GABAergic and glycinergic) neurons and blocks the presynaptic release of these neurotransmitters. Interneurons afferent to alpha motor neurons are affected first. Without inhibitory control, the motor neurons undergo sustained excitatory discharge, resulting in the muscle spasm characteristic of tetanus. Tetanospasmin may also affect preganglionic sympathetic neurons and parasympathetic centers, resulting in autonomic nervous system dysfunction. The clinical manifestations include dysrhythmias and wide fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate. The binding of tetanospasmin at the synapse is irreversible; recovery occurs only when a new axonal terminal is produced.

Clinical Features

The incubation period for tetanus ranges from 1 day to several months. Shorter incubation periods portend a worse prognosis. The duration of the incubation period is not useful in making the diagnosis of tetanus because many patients have no history of an antecedent wound. Four types of clinical tetanus have been described.

Generalized Tetanus

Generalized tetanus, the most common form of the disease, results in spasms of agonist and antagonist muscle groups throughout the body. The classic presenting symptom is trismus or “lockjaw,” caused by masseter muscle spasm, and is present in 50% to 75% of patients. As the other facial muscles become involved, a characteristic sardonic smile (risus sardonicus) appears. Other early symptoms include irritability, weakness, myalgias, muscle cramps, dysphagia, hydrophobia, and drooling. As the disease progresses, generalized uncontrollable muscle spasms occur spontaneously or as a result of minor stimuli, such as touch or noise. Spasms can cause vertebral and long-bone fractures and tendon rupture. Opisthotonos is prolonged tonic contraction that resembles decorticate posturing. Spasms of laryngeal and respiratory muscles can cause ventilatory failure and death. Autonomic dysfunction is the major cause of death in patients who survive the acute phase and is manifested by tachycardia, hypertension, hyperpyrexia, cardiac dysrhythmias, and diaphoresis. The illness progresses over 2 weeks. If the patient survives, recovery is complete after 4 weeks or more. Throughout this illness, patients remain completely lucid unless they are chemically sedated.

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