Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume and NaCl Balance


Upon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why do changes in Na + balance alter the volume of extracellular fluid?

  • What are the mechanisms by which the renal excretion of NaCl is regulated to maintain whole-body Na + balance?

  • What is the effective circulating volume, how is it influenced by changes in Na + balance, and how does it influence renal Na + excretion?

  • What are the mechanisms by which the body monitors the effective circulating volume?

  • What are the major signals acting on the kidneys to alter their excretion of Na + ?

  • How do changes in extracellular fluid volume alter Na + transport in the different segments of the nephron, and how do these changes in transport regulate renal Na + excretion?

  • What are the mechanisms involved in the formation of edema, and what role do the kidneys play in this process?

Key Terms

Extracellular fluid (ECF)


Positive Na + balance

Negative Na + balance

Volume contraction

Volume expansion


Effective circulating volume (ECV)

Congestive heart failure

Pulmonary edema

Peripheral edema


Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Sympathetic nerve fibers


Juxtaglomerular cells


Tubuloglomerular feedback

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system


Angiotensin I

Angiotensin II

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)


Aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN)

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2



Aldosterone (mineralocorticoid) escape

Pressure natriuresis


Glomerulotubular (G-T) balance


Localized edema

Generalized edema

Nephrotic syndrome


As explained in Chapter 5 , regulation of water balance ensures that the osmolality of the body fluids is maintained within a narrow range. Because Na + and its associated anions (primarily Cl and HCO 3 ) are the major solutes of the extracellular fluid (ECF) , water balance determines and maintains the [Na + ] of the ECF within a narrow range. As explained in this chapter, changes in the amount of Na + in the ECF result in changes in the volume of the ECF compartment and in the steady state, not its [Na + ] or osmolality, provided the arginine vasopressin (AVP) and thirst systems are intact. Why this occurs is depicted in Fig. 6.1 . Addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) to the ECF (without water) transiently increases the [Na + ] and osmolality of this compartment. The increase in osmolality in turn stimulates thirst and the release of AVP from the posterior pituitary. The increased ingestion of water in response to thirst, together with the AVP-induced decrease in water excretion by the kidneys (so-called antidiuresis ), quickly restores the [Na + ] and ECF osmolality to normal. However, this results in an increase in the volume of the ECF proportional to the amount of NaCl added. Conversely loss of Na + from the ECF lowers the volume of this compartment (see Fig. 6.1 ). From this it is apparent that the regulation of renal Na + handling is critically important for maintaining a relatively constant ECF volume.

Fig. 6.1
Impact of changes in Na + balance on the volume of the extracellular fluid (ECF). 1, Addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) (without water) to the ECF increases [Na + ] and osmolality. 2, The increase in ECF osmolality stimulates the secretion of arginine vasopressin (AVP) from the posterior pituitary, which then acts on the kidneys to conserve water. 3, Decreased renal excretion of water together with water ingestion restores plasma osmolality and plasma [Na + ] to normal. However, the volume of the ECF is now increased by 1 L. 4, Removal of NaCl (without water) from the ECF decreases the plasma [Na + ] and plasma osmolality. 5, The decrease in ECF osmolality inhibits AVP secretion. In response to the decrease in plasma AVP, the kidneys excrete water. 6, Increased renal excretion of water returns the plasma [Na + ] and plasma osmolality to normal. However, the volume of the ECF is now decreased by 1 L. As illustrated, changes in Na + balance alter the volume of the ECF because of the efficiency of the AVP system in maintaining a normal body fluid osmolality.

In this chapter the physiology of the receptors that monitor ECF volume is reviewed and the various signals that act on the kidneys to regulate NaCl excretion and thereby ECF volume are explained. In addition, the responses of the various portions of the nephron to these signals are considered. Finally, the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in the formation of edema are presented, with emphasis on the role of NaCl handling by the kidneys.

Whole-Body Na + Balance

As described in Chapter 1 , steady-state balance describes the process by which the addition of substances to the body is matched by their equivalent loss from the body. Decades of research has established that the kidneys are the major route for the excretion of ingested Na + (primarily as NaCl). Normally, approximately 90% of ingested Na + is excreted in the urine, with the remaining 10% excreted in feces and in sweat. Although the amount of Na + lost from the body in sweat and feces can vary, it is not regulated to maintain steady-state whole-body Na + balance. In contrast the renal excretion of Na + is regulated so that steady-state balance is achieved.

The classical explanation for how whole-body Na + balance is maintained in the face of changing dietary NaCl intake is depicted in Fig. 6.2 , which for simplicity assumes 100% of ingested Na + is excreted in the urine. In response to an increase in dietary NaCl, the kidneys increase NaCl excretion. However, it takes several days before a new steady state is achieved. This results in a transient period of positive Na + balance (intake > excretion), with an increase in ECF volume (because of concomitant water retention to maintain ECF osmolality constant). This increase in ECF volume manifests itself as an increase in body weight (1 L = 1 kg). When dietary NaCl is reduced, a new steady state is again achieved after several days, with the intervening period of negative Na + balance (intake < excretion) causing ECF volume and body weight to decrease.

Fig. 6.2, Response of the kidneys to an acute change in Na + ingestion. Na + excretion by the kidneys (dashed line) lags behind step changes in Na + intake (lower panel, solid line) . The change in extracellular fluid volume that occurs during the periods of positive and negative Na + balance is reflected in acute alterations in body weight.

It is important to note that the kidneys can vary the excretion of Na + over a very wide range of intake (10 to 1000 mEq/day) with only modest or no long-term change in ECF volume.

In the Clinic

Long-term balance studies under carefully controlled conditions suggest that with a transition from ingesting a low-salt diet to ingesting a high-salt diet, there is an increase in ECF volume, which manifests itself as an increase in body weight ( Fig. 6.3 ). However, after 2 weeks on the high-salt diet, ECF volume, body Na + content, and body weight return to their previous values. These changes are associated with a suppression of aldosterone levels. Additional studies are required to confirm these observations and to determine their clinical significance.

Fig. 6.3, Changes in body weight, extracellular fluid (ECF) volume, total body Na + content, and aldosterone after change from a low-NaCl to a high-NaCl diet. See the text for details.

At the Cellular Level

Experimental studies have found that Na + can be bound to proteoglycans in interstitial sites (e.g., skin and subcutaneous tissue), where it is osmotically inactive. Tissue macrophages sense this tissue-bound Na + and control its slow release into the blood without a significant change in plasma [Na + ], whereupon the Na + is excreted in the urine.

Concept of Effective Circulating Volume

As described in Chapter 1 , the ECF is subdivided into two compartments: blood plasma and interstitial fluid. Plasma volume is a determinant of vascular volume and thus blood pressure and cardiac output. The maintenance of Na + balance, and thus ECF volume, involves a complex system of sensors and effector signals that act primarily on the kidneys to regulate the excretion of NaCl. As can be appreciated from the dependence of vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output on ECF volume, this complex system is designed to ensure adequate tissue perfusion. Because the primary sensors of this system are located in the large vessels of the vascular system, changes in vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output are the principal factors regulating renal NaCl excretion (described later in this chapter).

In a healthy person, changes in ECF volume result in parallel changes in vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output. Thus a decrease in ECF volume, a situation termed volume contraction , results in reduced vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output. Conversely an increase in ECF volume, a situation termed volume expansion , results in increased vascular volume, blood pressure, and cardiac output. The degree to which these cardiovascular parameters change depends on the degree of volume contraction or expansion and the effectiveness of cardiovascular reflex mechanisms. When a person is volume contracted, renal NaCl excretion is reduced. Conversely with volume expansion, renal NaCl excretion is enhanced (i.e., natriuresis ).

However, in some pathologic conditions (e.g., congestive heart failure and hepatic cirrhosis), the renal excretion of NaCl is not reflective of the ECF volume. In both these situations the volume of the ECF is increased. However, instead of increased renal NaCl excretion, as would be expected, a reduction in the renal excretion of NaCl occurs. To explain renal Na + handling in these situations, it is necessary to understand the concept of effective circulating volume (ECV) . Unlike the ECF, the ECV is not a measurable and distinct body fluid compartment. The ECV is the portion of the ECF that is contained within the vascular system and is “effectively” perfusing the tissues ( effective arterial blood volume is another commonly used term). More specifically the ECV reflects the perfusion of those portions of the vascular system that contain the volume sensors (described later in this chapter).

In healthy persons, ECV varies directly with the volume of the ECF and in particular the volume of the vascular system (arterial and venous), arterial blood pressure, and cardiac output. However, as noted, this is not the case in certain pathologic conditions. In the remaining sections of this chapter, the relationship between ECF volume and renal NaCl excretion in healthy adults, where changes in ECV and ECF volume occur in parallel, is examined.

In the Clinic

Patients with congestive heart failure often have an increase in the volume of ECF, which is manifested as accumulation of fluid in the lungs ( pulmonary edema ) and peripheral tissues ( peripheral edema ). This excess fluid is the result of NaCl and water retention by the kidneys. The kidneys’ response (i.e., retention of NaCl and water) appears paradoxical because the ECF volume is increased. However, because of poor cardiac performance, perfusion of the portions of the vascular system that contain the volume sensors is reduced (i.e., there is decreased effective circulating volume). Therefore the volume sensors misinterpret these signals as indicative of ECF volume contraction and respond by increasing NaCl and water retention by the kidneys, thereby exacerbating a vicious cycle of impaired cardiac function and increased NaCl and water reabsorption.

Large volumes of fluid accumulate in the peritoneal cavity of patients with advanced hepatic cirrhosis. This fluid, called ascites , is a component of the ECF and results from NaCl and water retention by the kidneys. Again, the response of the kidneys in this situation seems paradoxical if only ECF volume is considered. With advanced hepatic cirrhosis, blood pools in the splanchnic circulation (i.e., the damaged liver impedes the drainage of blood from the splanchnic circulation by the portal vein). Thus volume and pressure are reduced in the portions of the vascular system where the volume sensors are found, and, as in the case of congestive heart failure, the volume sensors interpret reduced effective circulating volume as decreased ECF volume and respond accordingly. Hence the kidneys respond as they normally would to ECF volume contraction, resulting in NaCl and water retention and an increase in ECF volume, which results in the accumulation of ascites fluid.

Volume-Sensing Systems

The ECF volume (or ECV) is monitored by multiple sensors ( Box 6.1 ). A number of the sensors are located in the vascular system, and they monitor its fullness and pressure. These receptors typically are called volume receptors; because they respond to pressure-induced stretch of the walls of the receptor (e.g., blood vessels or cardiac atria), they also are referred to as baroreceptors (see Chapter 5 ). Evidence exists for Na + sensors within the central nervous system (CNS), as well as in the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The extent to which these sensors contribute to regulating Na + balance and thus ECF volume is not well understood. Therefore they are not considered further, and only the role of the vascular receptors in monitoring ECF volume (or ECV) is described.

BOX 6.1
Volume and Na + Sensors

  • I.


    • A.

      Low-pressure cardiopulmonary circuit

      • 1.

        Cardiac atria

      • 2.

        Pulmonary vasculature

    • B.

      High-pressure arterial circuit

      • 1.

        Carotid sinus

      • 2.

        Aortic arch

      • 3.

        Juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney

  • II.

    Central nervous system

  • III.

    Gastrointestinal tract and hepatic

Volume Sensors in the Low-Pressure Cardiopulmonary Circuit

Volume sensors (i.e., baroreceptors), which are located within the walls of the cardiac atria, right ventricle, and large pulmonary vessels, respond to distention of these structures. Because the low-pressure venous side of the circulatory system has a high compliance, these sensors respond mainly to the “fullness” of the vascular system. These baroreceptors send signals to the brainstem through afferent fibers in the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. The activity of these sensors modulates both sympathetic nerve outflow and AVP secretion. For example, a decrease in filling of the pulmonary vessels and cardiac atria increases sympathetic nerve activity and stimulates AVP secretion. Conversely, distention of these structures decreases sympathetic nerve activity. In general, 5% to 10% changes in blood volume and pressure are necessary to evoke a response.

The cardiac atria possess an additional mechanism related to the control of renal NaCl excretion. The myocytes of the atria synthesize and store a peptide hormone. This hormone, termed atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) , is released when the atria are distended, which, by mechanisms outlined later in this chapter, reduces blood pressure and increases the excretion of NaCl and water by the kidneys. The ventricles of the heart also produce a natriuretic peptide termed brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) , so named because it was first isolated from the brain. Like ANP, BNP is released from the ventricular myocytes by distention of the ventricles. Its actions are similar to those of ANP.

Volume Sensors in the High-Pressure Arterial Circuit

Baroreceptors also are present in the arterial side of the circulatory system; they are located in the wall of the aortic arch, carotid sinus, and afferent arterioles of the kidneys. The aortic arch and carotid baroreceptors send input to the brainstem through afferent fibers in the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. The response to this input alters sympathetic outflow and AVP secretion. Thus a decrease in blood pressure increases sympathetic nerve activity and AVP secretion. An increase in pressure tends to reduce sympathetic nerve activity (and activate parasympathetic nerve activity). The sensitivity of the high-pressure baroreceptors is similar to that in the low-pressure side of the vascular system; 5% to 10% changes in pressure are needed to evoke a response.

The juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys (see Chapter 2 ), particularly the afferent arteriole, responds directly to changes in pressure. If perfusion pressure in the afferent arteriole is reduced, renin is released from the myocytes. Renin secretion is suppressed when perfusion pressure is increased. As described later in this chapter, renin determines blood levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone, both of which play an important role in regulating renal NaCl excretion.

Of the two classes of baroreceptors, those on the high-pressure side of the vascular system appear to be more important in influencing sympathetic tone and AVP secretion. For example, patients with congestive heart failure often have an increased vascular volume with dilation of the atria and ventricles, which would be expected to decrease sympathetic tone and inhibit AVP secretion via the low-pressure baroreceptors. However, sympathetic tone often is increased and AVP secretion often is stimulated in these patients (the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system also is activated). This phenomenon reflects the activation of baroreceptors in the high-pressure arterial circuit in response to reduced blood pressure and cardiac output secondary to the failing heart (i.e., the high-pressure baroreceptors detect a reduced ECV and misinterpret this signal as indicative of reduced ECF volume).

In the Clinic

Constriction of a renal artery by an atherosclerotic plaque, for example, reduces perfusion pressure to that kidney. This reduced perfusion pressure is sensed by the afferent arteriole of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and results in the secretion of renin. The elevated renin levels increase the production of angiotensin II, which in turn increases systemic blood pressure by its vasoconstrictor effect on arterioles throughout the vascular system. The increased systemic blood pressure is sensed by the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the contralateral kidney (i.e., the kidney without stenosis of its renal artery), and renin secretion from that kidney is suppressed. In addition, the high levels of angiotensin II act to inhibit renin secretion by the contralateral kidney (negative feedback). The treatment of patients with constricted renal arteries to reduce elevated blood pressure includes surgical repair of the stenotic artery, administration of angiotensin II receptor blockers, or administration of an inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme. The angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor blocks the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II.

Volume Sensor Signals

When the vascular volume sensors have detected a change in ECV, which under normal conditions reflects ECF volume, they send signals to the kidneys, which result in appropriate adjustments in NaCl and water excretion. Accordingly, when the ECF volume is expanded, renal NaCl and water excretion are increased. Conversely, when the ECF volume is contracted, renal NaCl and water excretion are reduced. The signals involved in coupling the volume sensors to the kidneys are both neural and hormonal. These signals are summarized in Box 6.2 , as are their effects on renal NaCl and water excretion.

b The percentage of the filtered amount of Na+ excreted in the urine is termed fractional excretion (amount excreted/amount filtered). In this example, the fractional excretion of Na + is 140 mEq/day/25,200 mEq/day = 0.005, or 0.5%.

BOX 6.2
Signals Involved in the Control of Renal NaCl and Water Excretion

Renal Sympathetic Nerves (↑ Activity: ↓ NaCl Excretion)

  • ↓ GFR

  • ↑ Renin secretion

  • ↑ Na + reabsorption along the nephron

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