Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Less than 1:100,000
Autosomal recessive with no sex predominance
Panethnic but more common in Northern Sweden and Palestinian town of Jenin
Abnormal platelet functioning and increased risk of bleeding
Respiratory failure
Intraoperative blood loss and need for transfusion of PRBC, FFP, and platelets
Perioperative continuation of anticonvulsant therapy and possible need to supplement
GERD and aspiration
Potential presence of restrictive or obstructive lung pathology
Potential presence of pathologic fractures, including vertebrae
Type IIIc disease: Intracardiac calcifications—mitral valve, aortic valve, ascending aorta, aortic arch, and coronary ostia
Variable clinical expression and severity; presents along a continuum.
Systemic involvement often present in all forms of Gaucher disease, including type III:
Splenomegaly, which may lead to anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia.
Platelet dysfunction independent of splenic involvement.
Decrease in coagulation factors.
Skeletal involvement, including bone marrow infiltration, osteonecrosis/osteoporosis, and pathologic fractures.
Systemic involvement more common in type III disease:
Pulm involvement, including interstitial lung disease, pulm Htn, or hepatopulmonary syndrome.
GERD with chronic aspiration.
Specific to type III disease:
Slowly progressive neurologic symptoms.
Supranuclear horizontal gaze palsy is pathognomonic sign.
Seizures may be present.
Oculomotor apraxia.
Three subtypes:
Type IIIa: Myoclonus; dementia
Type IIIb: Early onset of isolated horizontal supranuclear gaze palsy; aggressive systemic illness
Type IIIc: Intracardiac calcifications—mitral valve, aortic valve, ascending aorta, aortic arch, and coronary ostia
Autosomal recessive deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme acid beta-glucosidase.
Results in accumulation of glucosylceramide in various tissues, most often lysosomes of macrophages.
Can lead to macrophage clumping in liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
Hypersplenism may result in anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia.
May also accumulate in lungs, skin, conjunctiva, kidneys, and heart.
Specific to type III (juvenile Gaucher):
Most common mutation is a variant of L444P, but other missense/null mutations may occur.
Type IIIa: No specific mutation.
Type IIIb: Predominantly homozygous mutation of L444P.
Type IIIc: Homozygous mutation of D409H.
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