Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid–Base Status

Surgical disease and treatment is often associated with aberrations in fluids, electrolytes, and acid–base status. Rapid fluid status assessment is a constant exercise in the management of surgical patients and the application of therapies best suited to treat respective abnormalities. The common denominator in all fluid management is the avoidance of shock or inadequate end-organ perfusion. Poor end-organ perfusion may lead to hypoxia and irreversible damage. This chapter discusses normal fluid distributions and describes the more frequent causes of changes in volume distribution, biochemical abnormalities, and their treatments. The chapter is organized to address aberrations in intravascular volume. The intravascular space is the smallest fluid compartment but is the most dynamic (i.e., changeable) and is of critical importance to the maintenance of end-organ perfusion.

Normal Fluid Distribution

The body is composed mostly of water ( Fig. 12.1 ). Total body water represents up to 60% of the weight of an adult male. This percentage is higher in infants and lower in adult women, the elderly, and obese individuals. Total body water can be thought of as residing in two separate compartments; intracellular and extracellular . The extracellular compartment is further divided into interstitial fluid , which bathes the cells and tissues, and intravascular fluid , which is in the blood and lymphatic vessels of the body. Fluid can be thought to be freely flowing between the compartments, constrained mostly by the ionic strength or osmotic pressure of the respective compartment. Intravascular fluid makes up only about 8% to 10% of the total body water and is essentially the only site at which fluid replacement can take place.

Fig. 12.1, Normal body distribution of water.

In addition to the compartments listed above, there is a potential space that is loosely termed the third space . The third space is a pathologic expansion of the interstitial space via capillary leak in response to injury and illness. The size of the third space is proportional to the severity of the illness or injury. It is the shift of fluid between the intravascular space and the third space that is most important in the evaluation and care of surgical patients. The shift between intracellular and extracellular fluid spaces also becomes important in the management of some electrolyte imbalances.

Normal daily fluid requirements are about 1500 mL/m 2 . This volume replaces the sensible (measurable) losses of urine, feces, and drain outputs, and the insensible (unmeasurable) losses from respiration, skin, and open wounds. Fluid resuscitation often refers to the replacement of fluid deficits in addition to these normal daily requirements.

Remember that various metabolic states such as fever, tachypnea, diarrhea, burns, and large open wounds greatly increase insensible losses and will increase the daily requirement. Renal failure may decrease the sensible losses and may require a reduction of the daily maintenance fluid requirements.

Preoperative Fluid Deficits

Many surgical diseases cause shifts of volume out of the intravascular space. Examples include sepsis, bowel obstruction, mechanical bowel preparation, and blood loss because of trauma. These deficits need to be addressed before surgical management if possible. Most anesthetic agents will decrease blood pressure (BP) through vasodilation. This effect is augmented in hypovolemic patients.

Postoperative Fluid Changes

After surgery, especially major surgery, there are physical and neuroendocrine causes for changes in intravascular volume. The most common abnormality is a depletion of intravascular volume leading to inadequate perfusion of end organs. This may be a total body depletion because of underhydration, or there may be functional depletion by fluid shifts away from the intravascular space. Various surgical factors influencing intravascular volume are listed in Table 12.1 . The longer the surgical procedure, the greater the fluid losses. The anesthesiologist will do much of the fluid replacement intraoperatively, but there often is need for continued fluid replacement postoperatively. In addition to intraoperative losses, there often are postoperative losses through open wounds, nasogastric (NG) or drainage tubes, or postoperative bleeding. These ongoing losses represent depletion of electrolytes and fluid.

Table 12.1
Perioperative Factors Resulting in Decreased Intravascular Volume
Inadequate preoperative resuscitation
Insensible loss through an open surgical field
Blood loss
Suction loss (from NG tube and from the surgical field)
Insufficient intraoperative fluid replacement
Postoperative ADH secretion
Medications (including diuretics)
Postoperative fluid shifts (“third spacing”)
Urinary losses
NG, nasogastric; ADH, antidiuretic hormone.

Rapid Fluid Status Assessment

The assessment of fluid status should become a reflex maneuver. Practice it daily on rounds on both ill and non–ill appearing patients. Soon it will become a comfortable skill. The assessment is based on observation, examination of the patient and the chart, and vital signs and laboratory data. The following are the three basic states of total body fluid status: normal , fluid overloaded , and fluid depleted . The state of intravascular volume is described as normovolemic , hypervolemic , and hypovolemic . The intravascular volume is important in determining perfusion of organs, and a depletion of this space has readily apparent signs. The three most apparent signs are changes in the perfusion of the skin, the kidneys, and the brain. Confirm the following:

  • 1.

    The skin is warm and moist.

    • One response to hypovolemia is to decrease perfusion of the peripheral vascular beds. Skin that is cool, pale, and dry is poorly perfused. A capillary refill time of greater than 1.5 seconds is highly suggestive of hypovolemia. A quick physical examination test, something cardiac transplant surgeon Dr. Norman Shumway was said to do, is to check cap refill in the big toe while walking through the intensive care unit (ICU) to assess perfusion.

  • 2.

    Assess mucous membranes.

    • It is often easier to perceive changes in moisture by looking at the mucus membranes. The most readily visible are the lips, mouth, and tongue. Inspect your patient’s tongue. If it is dry and cracks, it is likely that the patient is dehydrated.

  • 3.

    The urine output (UO) is adequate.

    • Generally the UO is considered to be greater than 20 mL/hour. A more specific gauge is greater than 0.5 mg/kg/h. Less urine volume is considered oliguria and may be caused by hypovolemia.

  • 4.

    The patient is mentating well or at least at the baseline level.

    • Hypovolemia can be a cause of delirium and confusion.

These signs individually may have many causes but when considered together represent a rapid, effective scan of the adequate functional intravascular volume. Remember that the fluid need not be missing from the body; it may be displaced from the intravascular space into the interstitial space. That is, a patient does not need to be total body volume depleted to be hypovolemic.

Common Fluid Imbalances: the Fluid-Overloaded Patient

Elevator Thoughts

What causes fluid overload?

  • 1.

    Sequestration of fluids

    • Systemic infection

    • Pancreatitis

    • Severe injuries, polytrauma, or burns

    • Ileus

  • 2.

    Overzealous hydration

  • 3.

    Renal failure

  • 4.

    Hepatic failure

Major Threat to Life

  • Pulmonary edema (increased intravascular volume)

  • Myocardial infarction (MI) (increased intravascular volume)


Quick Look Test

Patients with minor fluid shifts may be asymptomatic, but patients who are severely fluid overloaded may present with pulmonary edema causing tachypnea and hypoxia. Patients with hypoxia will be quite agitated and distressed.

Airway and Vital Signs

The first step in evaluating fluid status is to check the vital signs. Tachypnea may be present in settings of pulmonary edema. If you suspect pulmonary edema, check the oxygenation of the patient with pulse oximetry.

Tachycardia also may be present in fluid overload as the heart attempts to unload the fluid accumulation in the lungs.

Selective History and Chart Review

  • Check the input and output measurements (I/Os) for the past day or so. Do not forget the output from drains and tubes.

  • These measurements are notoriously inaccurate but may supply clues. Another clue is the daily weight.

  • Has the patient had aggressive fluid resuscitation?

  • Does the patient have a disease that would predispose to fluid sequestration?

  • How are the renal function and the liver function?

  • Is the patient taking medication or therapy that might alter fluid distribution?

  • Is the patient improving?

  • After a serious illness or major surgery a patient may sequester several liters of fluid by third spacing. This will return to the vascular space during the recovery phase and may cause transient fluid overload.

  • Is the patient worsening, or is there a change in fluid status, indicating MI or systemic infection?

Selective Physical Examination

VS: Tachycardia (pulmonary edema or atrial fibrillation)
MS: Decreased mental status (hypoxia)
HEENT: Moist mucous membranes
Full neck veins

Evaluation of neck veins is often a reasonable assessment of central venous pressure (CVP). When the patient is evaluated while lying down, note the fullness of the external jugular vein. Then slowly raise the head of the bed until the neck veins lose their fullness and pulsations are noted. Note the distance between the point of pulsation and the approximate position of the right atrium on a vertical axis (measure to the sternal notch and add 5 cm; Fig. 12.2 ). The distance is a gross estimate of the CVP in centimeters of water.

Fig. 12.2, Measurement of jugular venous pressure (JVP). (A) The perpendicular distance from the sternal angle to the top of the column of blood; (B) the distance from the center of the right atrium to the sternal angle, commonly accepted as measuring 5 cm, regardless of inclination.

A measurement of 2 to 3 cm above the sternal notch is normal in adults. Patients with fluid overload may have jugular venous distention (JVD) at greater than 3 cm; lesser than 2 cm or consistently flat neck veins despite lying flat indicates fluid depletion.

Resp: Rales and decreased aeration (fluid overload, congestive heart failure [CHF])
CVS: S 3 , irregular pulse
Abd: Hepatomegaly
Skin: Dependent edema, especially over the sacrum in supine patients or in the calves of ambulatory patients; edematous skin may be taut.

Additional tests:

  • 1.

    UA: Low specific gravity supports fluid overload if the kidneys are functioning normally.

  • 2.

    Electrolytes: To assess for metabolic derangement and elevations in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (Cr).

  • 3.

    Urine Na + : Assessment of renal function (see Table 33.2 ).


See Chapter 33 for a complete discussion of the fluid-overloaded patient.

Initial Management

  • 1.

    Support oxygenation as necessary.

  • 2.

    Order intravenous (IV) access if not already available.

Definitive Management

  • 1.

    Correct the underlying cause if known.

  • 2.

    Limit ongoing fluid replacement regimens.

  • 3.

    If the patient is in respiratory distress, maintain oxygenation and monitor with pulse oximetry. Consider intubation if necessary. Notify your resident.

  • 4.

    Consider diuretic therapy as outlined in Chapter 33 .

  • 5.

    Rarely, if diuretic therapy is ineffective, hemodialysis may be required.

Common Fluid Imbalances: the Fluid-Depleted Patient

Elevator Thoughts

What causes fluid depletion?

See Tables 12.1 and 12.2

Table 12.2
Etiologies of Fluid Depletion
GI losses Vomiting
NG suction
Urinary losses Diuretics
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes insipidus
Osmotic agents (mannitol and hypertonic fluid)
Postobstructive diuresis
Adrenal insufficiency
Mobilization of third-spaced fluid
Recovery phase of acute tubular necrosis
Insensible losses Open wounds (e.g., burns; large defects may lose up to 5 L/d)
Respiratory tract (unhumidified oxygen; hyperventilation may lose up to 1.5 L/d)
Increased sweating (may lose up to 3 L/d)
Third spacing Systemic infection
Blood losses Perioperative
GI bleeding
Iatrogenic Insufficient maintenance fluids
Insufficient replacement of losses
Frequent blood sampling
Other Poor PO intake
GI, gastrointestinal; NG, nasogastric; PO, by mouth.

Major Threat to Life

  • Hemodynamic shock


Quick Look Test

Patients with minor fluid shifts (<10%) may be asymptomatic. Greater losses are associated with stupor and drowsiness. Major fluid deficit can cause hypotension and shock (see Chapter 17 ).

Airway and Vital Signs

The first step in evaluating fluid status is to check the vital signs. Orthostatic vital signs are the most useful in determining a deficiency in intravascular volume. Orthostatics are heart rate (HR) and BP taken while the patient is lying flat, while the patient is sitting, and while the patient is standing. Allow a minute or two to pass between each change in position so the patient may equilibrate. A rise in HR of 15 beats/minute or a drop in systolic BP (SBP) of 15 mm Hg or any drop in diastolic BP with a change in position is evidence of a significant intravascular deficit and may require fluid replacement. Also be mindful of any symptoms that the patient exhibits during changes in position. Dizziness on standing may also indicate loss of intravascular volume. In a young individual, BP is tightly controlled and may be maintained easily with only an increase in pulse rate despite dangerous hypovolemia. In these patients, tachycardia with a stable BP may be the last step before complete cardiovascular collapse. Also, β-blockade may mask increases in HR and result in profound drops in BP on changes in position.

Tachycardia itself is not sufficient to make the diagnosis of intravascular depletion, as it may also be present in fluid overload states.

Selective History and Chart Review

Check the I/Os for the past day or so. This measurement is notoriously inaccurate but may supply clues. Remember that UO is an indication of renal perfusion. Look carefully at the most recent changes in UO. Check the daily weights.

Has the patient had inadequate maintenance fluid replacement?

Does the patient have a disease that would predispose to fluid loss?

How is the renal function? (See Chapter 33 . )

Is the patient taking medication or therapy that might alter fluid distribution?

Is the patient worsening, or is there a change in fluid status, indicating sepsis or another form of shock?

Selective Physical Examination

VS: Tachycardia or postural BP changes (dehydration)
MS: Decreased mental status (decreased perfusion)
HEENT: Dry or sticky mucous membranes and flat neck veins (dehydration)
Skin: Decrease in warmth or turgor and dry axilla (dehydration)
Tubes and drains: Is the output from these tubes high? Is the output volume being added to replacement fluids?
Additional tests: 1. UA: High specific gravity supports fluid deficit if the kidneys are able to concentrate normally.
2. Electrolytes: To assess for metabolic derangement and elevations in BUN and Cr. A BUN/Cr ratio of greater than 12 is an indication of dehydration.
3. Complete Blood Count (CBC): Hemoconcentration
4. Urine Na + : Assessment of renal function (see Table 33.2 )


Also see Chapter 17 for treatment of shock and hypovolemia.

Initial Management

  • 1.

    Support perfusion and oxygenation as necessary.

  • 2.

    Order orthostatics if not already done.

  • 3.

    Order IV access if not already available, or better yet, place them yourself.

Definitive Management

  • 1.

    Correct the underlying cause if known (see Table 12.2 for a list of common etiologies).

  • 2.

    Choose an appropriate fluid to replace the loss. If fluid behind, a bolus of 500 to 1000 cc and readdressing can usually correct the derangement faster than adjusting the maintenance rate.

Gastric loss: 5% dextrose in one-half normal saline (NS) + 30 to 40 mEq/L KCl
Biliary loss: Lactated Ringer’s (LR)
Pancreatic loss: LR + supplemental HCO 3
Small bowel loss: LR
Diarrheal loss: LR or one-half NS + 20 mEq/L KCl + 25 mEq/L HCO 3

  • 3.

    Replace fluids with the goal of maintaining adequate end-organ perfusion.

  • 4.

    Choose a rate of rehydration that the patient can tolerate and reevaluate frequently with examinations of respiratory rate (RR), lung fields for rales, skin for adequate perfusion, and I/Os for consistent UO.

Replacement of Fluid Deficits

The major goal in replacement of fluids to the intravascular space is to maintain an adequate cardiac preload. This helps ensure end-organ perfusion and oxygenation to decrease the risk for ischemia or infarction.

Remember that there are other aspects of delivery of oxygen to the end-organs, of which intravascular volume is one (see “Calculation of Oxygen Delivery” in Appendix C). Be sure to optimize the oxygen delivery to the patient, the cardiac output, and the vascular bed tone in addition to replacing the intravascular fluid.

When replacing fluids, there are a variety of products to choose from, and the correct choice is a matter of the pathophysiology of the fluid deficit, the goals of fluid replacement, and the preferences of the primary care team. In general, it is reasonable to rehydrate with a fluid whose characteristics closely match those of the fluid that is being lost. See Table 12.3 for a listing of common gastrointestinal (GI) fluids and their electrolyte compositions. If there is a question, consult the resident or attending physician.

Table 12.3
Electrolyte Compositions of Gastrointestinal Fluids
Type Na (mEq/L) K + (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) HCO 3 (mEq/L) Volume per Day (L)
Saliva Gastric 30 20 35 15 1.5
pH >3 100 10 100 2
pH 1–2 25 15 140
Bile 140 5 60–120 30–50 1.5
Pancreatic 140 5 60–90 90–115 1
Small bowel
Proximal 140 5 130 30 3.5
Distal 90 10 90 40
Diarrhea 25–130 10–60 20–90 20–50

The timing in which the fluid should be replaced is variable, depending on the severity of the deficit, the type of fluid lost, and the ability of the patient to tolerate large volumes of fluid replacement. Shock should be treated aggressively and rapidly until hemodynamics stabilize. Thereafter, further fluid deficits are generally replaced over 24 to 48 hours with the first 50% of the loss being replaced in the first 6 to 8 hours.

Monitoring the progress of the resuscitation is very important. The goal is to find the balance between adequate rehydration and overhydration. Rapid fluid replacement can be associated with peripheral and pulmonary edema and with electrolyte abnormalities. Underhydration may lead to shock. Large-volume fluid resuscitation should always be accompanied by adequate hemodynamic monitoring and frequent serum electrolyte determinations.

Types of Fluid Replacement

Red Blood Cells

If the fluid deficit is a result of ongoing blood loss, the correct fluid to replace is generally packed red blood cells (RBCs). Whole blood, which replaces plasma volume and RBCs, may not be available at all hospitals but may be reconstructed by the blood bank from packed RBCs and fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Always check with the resident before replacing blood or blood products.


  • Volume replacement

  • Oxygen-carrying capacity (lower in banked blood than in fresh blood)


  • Preparation time: requires type and cross, except in cases of an emergency, such as trauma, in which uncrossmatched O type, Rh-negative blood may be used

  • Infectious risks: HIV, hepatitis C, and cytomegalovirus (CMV), rarely bacteria

  • Costly

Blood Products

These include FFP, cryoprecipitate, albumin, and platelets. They are used as a colloid source of volume expansion and also may replace or fulfill specific deficiencies such as specific blood coagulation factors or thrombocytopenia. Many now argue that if the patient is bleeding, the volume should be replaced with equal parts RBC, FFP, and platelets to help correct hypovolemia and hypocoagulable states.


  • Volume replacement

  • Replacement of osmotic pressure

  • Concurrent replacement of clotting factors


  • Preparation time: some require special screening in the blood bank

  • Infectious risk

  • Costly


These include albumin, dextran 40 or 70, and hetastarch. The goal of colloid administration is to replace fluid and osmotic elements to the intravascular space. Theoretically, colloids serve to draw fluid from the interstitium by exerting osmotic pressure. They carry lower risks for infection than blood products and are more rapidly available. Some colloids are used to enhance microcirculation by reducing blood viscosity, which may be desirable after revascularization procedures. Albumin is often used to augment resuscitation, particularly in specific populations such as those who have undergone cardiac bypass or liver failure/hepatic resections. However, many of these colloid products have fallen out of routine clinical practice because of recent high-quality clinical trials and meta-analyses demonstrating lack of superiority of colloids in resuscitation for critically ill patients. In some groups, mortality and other negative endpoints were higher in those receiving colloids. The use of hetastarch now carries a black box warning by the FDA and are no longer used. Dextran resuscitation has fallen out of use.


  • Volume replacement

  • Replacement of osmotic pressure

  • No risk for infection

  • Reduction of blood viscosity


  • Preparation time: Requires ordering from the pharmacy

  • In setting of leaking capillaries, colloid will not remain in the vascular bed, resulting in peripheral or pulmonary edema

  • No improvement in oxygen-carrying capacity

  • Costly

  • May interfere with coagulation


Crystalloid is the most widely used option because it is available and inexpensive. Even if another fluid is ultimately desirable, it is often worth beginning the volume expansion with crystalloid until the other product becomes available. Because of its easy passage from the intravascular space into the extravascular space, crystalloid replacement tends to take four times the volume to achieve the same expansion of the intravascular space as does colloid. A list of available crystalloid products and their electrolyte compositions are presented in Table 12.4 .

Table 12.4
Commonly Used Crystalloid Fluids
Type Glucose (g/L) Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) Ca (mEq/L) Lactate (mEq/L) Osm (mOsm/L)
D5W 50 252
D10W 100 505
D20W 200 1010
D50W 500 2525
NS 154 154 308
LR 130 4 109 3 28 272
D5W, 5% dextrose in water; D10W, 10% dextrose in water; D20W, 20% dextrose in water; D50W, 50% dextrose in water; LR, lactated Ringer’s; NS, normal saline.


  • Volume replacement

  • Inexpensive

  • Rapidly available

  • No risk for infection


  • In setting of leaking capillaries, crystalloid will not remain in the vascular bed, resulting in peripheral or pulmonary edema

  • Poor replacement of osmotic pressure

  • No improvement in oxygen-carrying capacity

Special Surgical Considerations

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