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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
A 75-year-old woman is undergoing a revision of a left total knee arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia and intravenous sedation. She is morbidly obese, on chronic opioids for pain relief, and an insulin-dependent diabetic. A continuous adductor canal catheter is placed for postoperative pain control before the placement of a single-shot spinal anesthetic. A conventional rectangular thigh tourniquet is placed for surgical hemostasis. After limb exsanguination, the cuff pressure is set at 300 mm Hg. Surgery proceeds uneventfully, with a total tourniquet time of 2 hours. The spinal anesthetic resolves, and the adductor canal catheter is removed on postoperative day 2. Subsequently, she complains of numbness and weakness in her left leg.
Tourniquets are commonly used during surgery of the upper and lower extremities to minimize intraoperative blood loss. Tourniquet use has a very long history and a low (but not zero) incidence of complications. These may take many forms, ranging from localized and relatively minor skin tears to neurologic dysfunction ( Box 55.1 ). Direct compression of neural, vascular, and muscular structures, as well as ischemia and reperfusion, contribute to the pathophysiology of tourniquet complications. Postoperative neurologic dysfunction after tourniquet use is a well-documented but infrequent phenomenon, and permanent defects are rare. Systemic effects may occur, which may reflect the direct effect of limb compression (e.g., pulmonary embolism) or systemic inflammation as a result of ischemia of underlying tissues.
Skin injury
Muscle necrosis
Nerve injury
Limb ischemia
Metabolic acidosis
Reduced antibiotic penetration
Right-sided heart failure
Deep venous thrombosis
Pulmonary embolism
Systemic thromboembolism
Arterial tourniquets are widely used in upper and lower extremity surgery and in intravenous regional anesthesia. This practice continues because it is widely accepted that the benefit from minimizing surgical blood loss and creating a bloodless operative field exceeds the risk of tourniquet-related complications. It is important for anesthesiologists to be aware of the potential for tourniquet-related tissue injury, systemic effects of tourniquet inflation and deflation, and the possibly catastrophic events that could occur at these times.
It should be recognized that surgeons and anesthesiologists share any medicolegal liability for tourniquet-related complications. Documentation should include the location of the tourniquet, the use of padding and draping, and inflation pressure and duration. Tourniquet pressure relative to systemic blood pressure values, prolonged inflation, and total vascular occlusion times must be communicated to the surgical team and documented on the anesthesia record.
Pressure-related injuries to skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels depend on the pressure of tourniquet inflation and its duration. Injuries occur as a result of direct pressure, but axial stretching and shearing forces may also occur, especially at the edges of the tourniquet. The absence of arterial blood flow distal to the tourniquet causes ischemia, which leads to progressive acidosis, hypoxemia, and hypercarbia. The associated release of inflammatory mediators increases capillary permeability and causes tissue edema, which worsens ischemic injury, especially after reperfusion. Ultrastructural cellular changes are detectable after 30 minutes of ischemia but are reversible with ischemia lasting 2 hours or less. High-energy intracellular phosphate depletion occurs more gradually. However, injury to the Na + ,K + -ATPase–dependent ion exchange pump causes extracellular potassium leak and intracellular edema. The sarcoplasmic reticulum loses glycogen, the mitochondria swell, and myelin degeneration occurs. Cellular necrosis ensues if ischemia is not corrected.
A list of tissue sites affected by local tourniquet pressure follows.
Trauma to the skin can be caused by pressure necrosis due to inadequate padding between the skin and tourniquet or friction burns due to movement of a poorly applied tourniquet. Obese patients with redundant upper extremity skin folds are at increased risk for skin injury. Skin preparation solutions may soak into the padding under the tourniquet, resulting in full-thickness chemical burns.
Myocytes are very sensitive to compression and ischemia. Injury is more severe with lengthy tourniquet inflation or high pressure. Usually, injury is greatest beneath the tourniquet. Associated ischemia, edema, and microvascular congestion cause the post-tourniquet syndrome. This includes stiffness, pallor, and weakness (not paralysis), with subjective extremity numbness. Rhabdomyolysis may occur if the tourniquet is inflated for a prolonged period of time under high pressure. Compartment syndrome may occur after tourniquet deflation as a result of edema and reperfusion hyperemia.
Mechanical pressure compresses nerves directly beneath the tourniquet cuff, and shear forces at the proximal and distal edges of the cuff also cause nerve injury ranging from paresthesia to complete paralysis. Distal ischemia plays a lesser role. The contribution of tourniquet time to the development of nerve injury is unclear, and paralysis has been reported with as little as 30 minutes of tourniquet inflation. Lower extremity nerve injury usually involves the sciatic nerve. The upper extremity appears to be more commonly associated with tourniquet related nerve injury than the lower extremity, with radial nerve injury more frequently observed than either ulnar or median nerve injury. When tourniquet-related nerve injury occurs in the lower extremity, the sciatic nerve is the most likely to be affected.
Localized nerve injuries tend to be neuropraxic injuries, with structural damage limited to the myelin sheath surrounding individual axons, without injury to the axon itself. Neuropraxic injuries tend to be self-limiting, with an excellent prognosis for complete recovery within a period of several days to weeks. In contrast, axonotmetic injuries involve damage to the axon itself, resulting in loss of signaling function once electrical excitability is lost and depolarization can no longer occur. These injuries take longer to recover as the axon must regenerate along the connective tissue highway, and some injuries may not completely recover. Rarely, a permanent nerve deficit occurs ( Table 55.1 ).
Neuropraxia | Myelin sheath damaged |
Axon remains intact | |
Best prognosis | |
Axonotmesis | Myelin sheath and axon damaged |
Requires regeneration of nerve tissue | |
Recovery may be incomplete | |
Neurotmesis | Complete destruction of nerve |
Requires surgical repair | |
Poor prognosis |
Arteries and veins, especially prosthetic grafts (e.g., arteriovenous fistulas, arterial bypass grafts), are susceptible to traumatic injury from mechanical compression. Although direct arterial injury is rare (0.03% to 0.14% incidence), fractured atherosclerotic plaque may cause localized thrombosis or embolize distally to cause ischemia. Although deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a known and common complication of lower limb surgery, tourniquets bear no relation to deep venous stasis and thrombus formation. Rather, systemic hypercoagulability is due to catecholamine release and platelet aggregation caused by tourniquet-related or surgical pain. In contrast, active bleeding after tourniquet release may be aggravated by ischemia-caused tissue plasminogen activator release and fibrinolysis.
Systemic effects occur with tourniquet inflation and deflation. The intensity and duration of these derangements are directly proportional to the length of tourniquet inflation time and the size and number of tourniquet-isolated limbs. The following effects are observed.
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