Nonintravenous Opioids

Historical Perspective

The use of opium for treating pain dates back to at least ancient Egypt, but the modern opioid era began in 1804 when German pharmacist Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner discovered the naturally occurring opioid morphine. Morphine and opium were widely sold over the counter in liquid, pill, and powder forms throughout the 19th century, and in 1898 the Bayer Company released the first semisynthetic opioid, heroin, as a cough suppressant. Initially touted as less habit-forming than morphine, within a few years heroin was widely crushed and snorted. This, in addition to the rising tide of iatrogenic morphine addiction, led to the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 in the United States, requiring physician and pharmacist registration for distributing opioids and largely criminalizing possession of these drugs for nonmedical uses.

In addition to regulatory action, the “opium problem” of the early 1900s led to increased focus on drug development both in the United States and abroad. The desire to identify a substitute for morphine, a drug that would separate the analgesic and addictive properties, led to the synthesis of oxycodone in 1917 in Germany. In the United States the Committee on Drug Addiction was formed in 1921 and tested a number of newly developed synthetic and semisynthetic opioids over the next 50 years, yet a powerful opioid pain reliever without habit-forming properties remains elusive.

The second heroin epidemic of the mid-1900s led to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 in the United States, requiring manufacturers, distributors, and providers who dispense or administer controlled substances to register with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Later, in response to the need for opioid abuse treatment, the Narcotic Addict Treatment Act of 1974 decriminalized the use of opioids, primarily methadone, to permit legally treating opioid dependence with opioid replacement therapy.

The 1990s ushered in growing attention to the problem of undertreated chronic pain. With this came aggressive marketing of opioids by the pharmaceutical industry, new pain management standards implemented by The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, and relaxed laws governing prescribing of opioids by state medical boards. Prominent physicians and medical societies promoted the use of opioids to treat chronic pain with the misinformed assertion that opioids are safe and effective, with no dose ceiling or long-term untoward effects. These and other factors culminated in a rapid rise in the number of opioid prescriptions dispensed in the early 2000s, followed by an even more rapid rise in opioid-related overdose deaths.

While opioids unquestionably have a role in the treatment of some types of pain, it is now clear they carry tremendous risks if not used judiciously. This chapter focuses on the clinical application of oral and transdermal preparations of opioid analgesics (for a discussion of basic opioid pharmacology and intravenous opioids, see Chapter 17 ).

Basic Pharmacology


Clinically relevant nonintravenous opioids can be categorized into three structural groups: naturally occurring alkaloids, semisynthetic alkaloids, and synthetic opioids. Naturally occurring opioids can be extracted from the seeds of the poppy plant and include morphine and codeine ( Fig. 18.1 ). Although the majority of codeine available worldwide is manufactured from morphine as a semisynthetic alkaloid, codeine is found naturally along with morphine in the poppy seed. Note that codeine simply adds a methyl group on the 3-hydroxyl of morphine.

Fig. 18.1, Chemical structures of naturally occurring alkaloid opioids.

Semisynthetic alkaloids include hydromorphone (Dilaudid), hydrocodone (Norco, Vicodin), oxycodone (Percocet, Oxycontin), oxymorphone (Opana), and buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex). These drugs are derived from morphine, typically with substitutions of ester, hydroxyl, keto-, or methyl groups at the 3 and 6 carbon or 17 nitrogen positions of morphine ( Fig. 18.2 ).

Fig. 18.2, Chemical structures of semisynthetic alkaloid opioids.

Synthetic opioids are further characterized as phenylheptylamines, including methadone, and phenylpiperidines, including fentanyl. Tramadol and tapentadol are also included in this group. These drugs have unique chemical structures that do not follow a morphine-like pattern ( Fig. 18.3 ).

Fig. 18.3, Chemical structures of synthetic opioids.

Mechanism of Action

All opioids exert their primary pharmacologic effects by interactions with opioid receptors at multiple sites in the central nervous system (CNS). The classic µ, κ, and δ opioid receptors are typical G-protein–coupled receptors (see Chapter 17 ). Binding of the opioid leads to an overall reduction in neuronal excitability via membrane hyperpolarization as the result of decreased cyclic adenosine monophosphate production, decreased calcium ion influx, and increased potassium ion efflux.

Tramadol and tapentadol are unique among nonintravenous opioids in that they bind to opioid receptors, but they also exert an analgesic effect through inhibiting reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine; tramadol primarily inhibits serotonin reuptake and tapentadol primarily inhibits norepinephrine reuptake. Fentanyl also inhibits serotonin reuptake, although the contribution to its clinical analgesic effect is unclear.


The majority of nonintravenous opioids are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system, primary via the 3A4 and 2D6 isoforms. Notable exceptions include morphine, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone. Morphine is chiefly metabolized via glucuronidation to the metabolites morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), which has CNS neuroexcitatory effects, and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G), an analgesic 50 times more potent than morphine. Hydromorphone and oxymorphone are the cytochrome P4502D6 metabolites of hydrocodone and oxycodone, respectively. They undergo glucuronidation as well as some reduction. Less is known about the activity of their metabolites, although hydromorphone-3-glucuronide may have CNS neuroexcitatory effects.

Most opioids are metabolized to inactive metabolites, although some, such as tramadol and codeine, are prodrugs that require metabolism to an active metabolite for clinical effect. Morphine is again a notable exception in having active metabolites. See Table 18.1 for a summary of opioid metabolism, metabolites. and their activity.

TABLE 18.1
Metabolism of Opioid Analgesics
Medication Metabolism Metabolites Metabolite Activity
Morphine Glucuronidation M3G
Codeine Glucuronidation (80%)
Possibly neuroexcitatory
Hydrocodone CYP2D6
Hydromorphone Glucuronidation
Reduction (minor)
H3G Possibly neuroexcitatory
Oxycodone CYP2D6
Oxymorphone Glucuronidation
Reduction (minor)
Buprenorphine CYP3A4 Norbuprenorphine Active
Methadone CYP3A4
CYP2B6 (minor)
EDDP Inactive
Fentanyl CYP3A4 Nor-fentanyl Inactive
Tramadol CYP2D6 M1 Active
Tapentadol Glucuronidation TAP-OG Inactive
EDDP, 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine; H3G, hydromorphone-3-gulcuronide; M1, O-desmethyltramadol; M3G, morphine-3-glucuronide; M6G, morphine-6-glucuronide; 6-OH-OXM, 6-OH-oxymorphone; OXM3G , oxymorphone-3-glucuronide; TAP-OG, tapentadol-O-glucuronide.

Clinical Pharmacology


Opioids are unique in their availability across many routes of administration. In addition to intravenous and neuraxial administration, covered in previous chapters, they can be administered clinically by transmucosal (buccal, sublingual, or intranasal), oral, and transdermal methods. Experimental methods include inhaled opioids.

Transmucosal opioids are considered ultrashort-acting as they achieve peak plasma concentration within 10 to 20 minutes with an analgesic effect of 60 to 120 minutes. Among oral opioids there are both short-acting and extended-release formulations of multiple agents such as hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and oxycodone. There are also long-acting agents such as methadone and buprenorphine. Short-acting oral opioids allow for “as-needed” dosing for episodic or breakthrough pain and generally achieve peak plasma concentrations within 30 to 60 minutes. Extended-release formulations and long-acting agents allow for less frequent dosing and more stable analgesia in patients with constant pain as they can ameliorate large fluctuations in serum opioid levels or the so-called “peak-and-trough” effect seen with short-acting opioids. However, they differ widely in their individual pharmacokinetic properties ( Fig. 18.4 and Table 18.2 ).

Fig. 18.4, Comparison of common nonintravenous opioid pharmacokinetics.

TABLE 18.2
A Comparison of Pharmacokinetic Properties Among Opioids
Opioid Time to Peak Plasma Concentration Duration of Effect t 1/2
Buccal fentanyl 10–20 min 1–2 hr 4.5 hr
Intranasal fentanyl 5–10 min 60–90 min 4.5 hr
Oral Short-Acting
Oxycodone 1–1.5 hr 2–4 hr 3.5 hr
Hydrocodone 1–1.5 hr 2–4 hr 3.5 hr
Oral Extended-Release
Morphine 4.5 hr 8–12 hr 2–3 hr
Oxycodone 4.5–5 hr 12 hr 3.5 hr
Oral Long-Acting
Methadone 1–7 hr 6–12 hr a 8–59 hr
Buprenorphine 100 min 24–36 hr 24–42 hr
Fentanyl 24 hr 48–72 hr 24 hr
Buprenorphine ~48 hr 7 days 26 hr

a Methadone has a duration of analgesia that is much shorter than the duration of effect used to suppress withdrawal symptoms when used as maintenance therapy for opioid dependence.

Fentanyl and buprenorphine are unique because transdermal delivery systems enable continuous delivery. Modern transdermal patches use an inert polymer matrix impregnated with dissolved drug that has evolved from early transdermal systems that consisted of a simple drug reservoir separated by a rate-limiting membrane. Drug delivery with transdermal patches is a result of the concentration gradient between the patch and skin, is proportional to the area of exposed skin, and allows for a near zero-order delivery of medication at steady state without being subject to first-pass metabolism. This reduces, though does not eliminate, variability in serum opioid concentration. Additionally, this gradient is in part temperature-dependent, with increased absorption occurring at higher temperatures. Serious adverse effects and deaths have occurred with concurrent application of external heat, such as with electric heating blankets, saunas, and hot tubs.


Like intravenous opioids, nonintravenous opioids exert their activity through agonism of the µ-opioid receptor (see Chapter 17 ). Given their common mechanism of action, most µ-opioid receptor agonists are pharmacodynamically equivalent and produce similar effects when used in equivalent equipotent doses.

The µ-opioid agonist-antagonists are exceptions to this general rule because of their more complicated µ-receptor activity profile. Buprenorphine, the most commonly used partial agonist outside the perioperative setting, is a partial agonist at the µ receptor and an antagonist at the κ receptor. Buprenorphine exhibits a ceiling effect for analgesia and respiratory depression compared with full agonists. Tramadol has a low affinity for the µ receptor, and analgesia is only partially reversed by administration of the specific µ-receptor antagonist naloxone, presumably because of its serotonin reuptake inhibition activity. Because of this low µ-receptor affinity, the analgesia produced by tramadol might be suboptimal for severe pain.

Therapeutic Effects

Activation of µ-opioid receptors produces analgesia, which is the primary therapeutic effect of opioids. Other effects such as sedation, decreased gastrointestinal motility, and antitussive properties have clinical applications but are typically secondary considerations for opioid selection and administration (see Chapter 17 ).

Adverse Effects

Common side effects of opioid analgesics prescribed in the ambulatory setting include constipation, nausea, sedation, confusion, dry mouth, pruritus, and respiratory depression. Less frequent side effects include urinary retention, myoclonus, and mood effects, both euphoria and dysphoria. These side effects can be dose-limiting and even life-threatening, but tolerance to most side effects occurs with continued opioid therapy, the major exception being opioid-induced constipation (OIC).

Respiratory Depression

Respiratory depression is the most dangerous adverse effect associated with µ-agonist drugs in either ambulatory or inpatient settings. Unrecognized respiratory depression when manifest in its severe form can lead to fatal respiratory arrest. More than 165,000 deaths were attributed to overdoses related to prescription opioid medications from 1999 to 2014 in the United States; the overwhelming majority of these deaths are due to respiratory arrest.

Managing and monitoring opioid-induced respiratory depression in the ambulatory setting is challenging. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guideline on Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain released in 2016 recommends an increase in the frequency of follow-up as well as consideration of prescribing naloxone for emergency rescue if a patient's dosage from all combined sources of opioids reaches or exceeds 50 mg oral morphine equivalents (OME) per day because of the higher likelihood of respiratory depression.


Centrally mediated µ-receptor agonism is responsible for the sedation observed with opioid administration. Sedation is a common dose-limiting side effect outside the perioperative setting, particularly in the setting of patients with cancer pain and pain in the elderly, although it is generally temporary as tolerance occurs over time with stable opioid dosing. Combining oral and transdermal opioids with other CNS-active medications can lead to a greater than anticipated sedating effect.


µ Receptors are highly concentrated throughout the mucosa and submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. The concentration of µ and κ receptor is most dense in the stomach and proximal colon. OIC is multifactorial but is due in part to an increase in nonperistaltic motility, delayed transit time, and increased sphincter tone at the pylorus and ileocecal junction. Given the high frequency of OIC, a prophylactic bowel regimen should be considered when initiating opioid therapy. In addition to traditionally used agents such as stool softeners, osmotic laxatives, and stimulant laxatives, newer therapies are available for treatment of OIC (see “ Emerging Developments ”).


Opioid-induced nausea and vomiting are common side effects, particularly for opioid-naive patients. Fortunately, habituation frequently occurs within several days but may necessitate treatment with antiemetic medications. Ultimately, switching to an alternative opioid, altering the route of administration, or reducing the dose may be required to manage the nausea effectively. Patients can have idiosyncratic responses to different opioid analgesics and switching to a different opioid may reduce or resolve nausea, although the scientific foundation for this observation is not well established.


More commonly seen with parenteral or neuraxial administration, pruritus can still occur with oral, transdermal, and transmucosal administration. Patients typically become tolerant to opioid induced pruritus and infrequently require treatment. With rotation to another opioid, pruritus often resolves. If opioid-induced pruritus does require treatment, antiemetics such as ondansetron or promethazine or antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine, can be used.

Tolerance and Dependence

Tolerance and dependence are considered normal adaptive physiologic responses to ongoing opioid therapy. Tolerance is the need for increased dosing to maintain a defined degree of analgesia in the absence of disease progression or changes in other external factors. Dependence can be physical and/or psychological. Physical dependence occurs from a progressive tolerance to both the therapeutic and adverse effects of opioids and is characterized by the appearance of withdrawal symptoms with rapid dose reduction, abrupt discontinuation, or exposure to opioid antagonists.

Tolerance and dependence should be distinguished from opioid abuse. As defined by numerous professional societies, opioid addiction is “a primary, chronic, neurobiological disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving.”

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