Immunology and immunopathology

Defence Against Infection

  • Nonspecific mechanisms include the barriers such as skin, lysozyme in some secretions, ciliary motion in the respiratory tract, complement proteins, and colonisation by commensal bacteria

  • Innate mechanisms lack memory

  • Adaptive immunity is characterised by specificity and memory

The immune system evolved as a defence against infectious diseases. Individuals with deficient immune responses, if untreated, succumb to infections in early life. There is therefore a selective evolutionary pressure for an efficient immune system. Specific immunity is called into play only when microorganisms bypass nonspecific or innate mechanisms.

Nonspecific defences

Many nonspecific mechanisms prevent invasion of the body by microorganisms.

  • Mechanical barriers are highly effective and their failure often results in infection: for instance, defects in the mucociliary lining of the respiratory tract, as in cystic fibrosis, are associated with recurrent lung infection.

  • Secretory factors present formidable chemical barriers to many organisms. If the acid pH of the stomach is compromised, as in atrophic gastritis with achlorhydria, bacterial overgrowth may occur in the intestine.

Innate immunity

The innate immune system is activated by pattern recognition receptors and damage recognition receptors on dendritic cells recognising conserved molecular patterns from microbes. Key components include the following.

  • Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) — evolutionarily conserved proteins found on macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils. More than 10 different TLRs are found in humans, each recognising a range of conserved motifs on pathogens. On binding to their ligands, TLRs induce signal transduction, sequential cellular events and the induction of proinflammatory cytokines

  • Cellular factors — include neutrophils, and macrophages which phagocytose and kill microorganisms, eosinophils, basophils, natural killer T (NKT) cells, innate lymphoid cells and dendritic cells

  • Complement — a complex series of interacting plasma proteins that forms a major effector mechanism for antibody-mediated immune reactions but can also be activated directly by some bacteria.

Adaptive immunity

The immune system has four essential features:

  • specificity

  • diversity

  • memory

  • recruitment of other defence mechanisms.

The adaptive immune response consists of two parts: a specific response to the particular antigen and a nonspecific augmentation of the effect of that response. For the specific response, there is a quicker and larger response the second time that a particular antigen is encountered; memory of the initial specific immune response provides the efficiency.

The immune system has to recognise all pathogens, past and future, and must have considerable diversity of response. This diversity is partly genetic (germline encoded) and partly generated by somatic mutation during maturation of the immune system.

Immune responses, both innate and adaptive, have several phases: first the recognition phase , involving antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and T lymphocytes (see Key molecules ), in which the antigen is recognised as foreign; and second the effector phase , in which antibodies and effector T lymphocytes eliminate the antigen, often by recruiting innate mechanisms such as complement or macrophage activation. The effector phase also includes production of memory cells, to enable a rapid response of subsequent exposure to that pathogen. Following pathogen clearance, the effector response must then be downregulated.

Key Molecules

  • Antigens are substances able to provoke an immune response and react with the products of that response

  • Antibodies are immunoglobulin molecules produced by plasma cells. Antigen-binding properties reside in the Fab fragments, while effector functions lie in the proteins and oligosaccharides of the Fc fragment

  • T cells recognise antigens through their T-cell receptors (TCRs) associated with the CD3 molecule

  • Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens are of two main types — class I and class II. They play a fundamental role in the normal immune response by presenting antigenic peptides to T cells

  • Helper T cells recognise antigenic peptides in association with MHC class II molecules, while cytotoxic T cells recognise antigenic peptides associated with MHC class I

  • TCRs will recognise antigen only as part of a complex of antigenic peptide and the MHC molecule — a process termed MHC restriction

  • Adhesion and accessory molecules play a key role in the migration of leucocytes into sites of inflammation and in the interactions between APCs and T lymphocytes

  • Cytokines are soluble mediators that act as stimulatory or inhibitory signals between cells. Cytokines that act between cells of the immune system are called interleukins while those that induce chemotaxis of leucocytes are called chemokines


Antigens are substances able to provoke an immune response and react with the immune products. Recognition of antigens occurs via the TCR and with immunoglobulin. An antigenic molecule may have several antigenic determinants (epitopes); each epitope can bind with an individual antibody, and a single antigenic molecule can therefore provoke many antibody molecules binding to different sites. Some low molecular weight molecules, called haptens , are unable to provoke an immune response themselves, although they can react with existing antibodies. Such substances need to be coupled to a carrier molecule to have sufficient epitopes to be antigenic. For some chemicals, such as drugs, the carrier may be a host protein. The tertiary structure, as well as the amino acid sequence, is important in determining antigenicity.

Antigens are conventionally divided into thymus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens. T-dependent antigens require T-cell participation to provoke the production of antibodies; most proteins are examples. T-independent antigens require no T-cell cooperation for antibody production; they directly stimulate specific B lymphocytes by cross-linking antigen receptors on the B-cell surface but provoke poor immunological memory. Such antigens include bacterial cell wall polysaccharides.

Factors other than the intrinsic properties of the antigen also influence the quality of the immune response. These include:

  • nature of molecule

  • dose

  • route of entry

  • addition of substances with synergistic effects (adjuvants)

  • genetic background of recipient.

Substances that improve a host's immune response to a separate antigen are called adjuvants ; these are routinely used in vaccines to promote immune responses of a particular type.

Superantigen is the term given to foreign proteins that simultaneously activate large numbers of T lymphocytes carrying a particular TCR V-beta gene (see T-cell receptors ), regardless of the specificity of the TCR. Widespread T-cell activation results in florid cytokine release, as exemplified by toxic shock syndrome induced by certain streptococcal toxins.


Humoral immunity is dependent on the production of antibodies and their actions. All antibodies belong to the immunoglobulin class of proteins and are produced by plasma cells, themselves derived from B lymphocytes. The basic structure of an immunoglobulin molecule is shown in Fig. 8.1 . It has a four-chain structure: two identical heavy (H) chains (molecular weight [MW] 50 kDa) and two identical light (L) chains (MW 25 kDa). There are two alternative types of light chain, known as kappa and lambda; an antibody molecule has either two kappa or two lambda light chains, never one of each. In contrast, there are five types of heavy chain, each with important functional differences ( Table 8.1 ). The heavy chains determine the class (isotype) of the antibody and the physiological function of the antibody molecule. Once the antigen-binding site has reacted with its antigen, the molecule undergoes a change in the conformation of its heavy chains to take part in effector functions (see Table 8.1 ).

Fig. 8.1, Basic structure of an immunoglobulin molecule.

Table 8.1
Immunoglobulin classes and their functions
Ig class Structure Heavy chain Serum concentrations (g/L) Molecular weight (Da) Antigen-binding sites Complement activation Antibody activity and properties

Gamma 5–15 150 000 2 Yes Can cross placenta. Characteristic of secondary immune response.

Alpha 1.5–5 380 000 (dimer in secretions) 4 No Secreted locally in tears, saliva, mucus. Two molecules (dimer) of Ig joined by a J chain. Transported by a secretory component.

Mu 0.5–1.5 900 000 (pentamer) 10 Yes Characteristic of primary immune response.
IgE Mast cell

Epsilon 2–4.5 × 10 −7 200 000 2 No Largely bound to mast cells and to basophils. Anaphylactic hypersensitivity and immune responses to parasites.
IgD B lymphocyte

Delta 0–0.5 185 000 2 No Lymphocyte membrane receptor

The amino (N) terminal regions of the heavy and light chains include the antigen-binding sites . The amino acid sequences of these N-terminal domains vary between different antibody molecules of the same isotype and are known as variable (V) regions. Most of these differences reside in three hypervariable areas of the molecule, each only 6 to 10 amino acid residues long. In the folded molecules, these hypervariable regions in each chain come together, with their counterparts on the other pair of heavy and light chains, to form the antigen-binding site. The structure of this part of the antibody molecule is unique to that molecule and is known as the idiotypic determinant . In any individual, about 10 6 to 10 7 different antibody molecules could be made up by 10 3 different heavy chain variable regions associating with 10 3 different light chain variable regions. Somatic mutation during multiple divisions of B lymphocytes generates further diversity of around 10 10 antibody specificities.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) is the oldest class of immunoglobulin in evolutionary terms. It is a large molecule consisting of five basic units held together by a joining (J) chain; it penetrates poorly into tissues on account of its large size (see Table 8.1 ). The major physiological role of IgM is intravascular neutralisation of organisms (especially viruses), aided by its 10 antigen-binding sites. IgM also has multiple complement-binding sites; this results in excellent complement activation and lysis of the organism or removal of the antigen–antibody-complement complexes by complement receptors on phagocytic cells. It is the first class of antibody to be formed in response to an initial encounter with an antigen ( primary immune response ). Following production of IgM in a primary response, subsequent exposure to that antigen usually involves the process of class–switching, where the constant region genes for other immunoglobulin isotypes are transcribed instead, whilst still using the original variable region genes — resulting in antibodies with the original specificity but different function being produced.

IgG is a smaller immunoglobulin which penetrates tissues easily. It is the most abundant immunoglobulin in the plasma and extracellular fluid. It is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta to provide immune protection to the neonate; this is an active process involving specific placental receptors for the fragment crystallisable (Fc) portion of the IgG molecule (FcRn). Polymorphs and macrophages also have surface receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG; thus binding of IgG to particulate antigen promotes adhesion of these cells and subsequent phagocytosis of the antigen.

There are four subclasses of IgG: IgG1 and IgG3 activate complement efficiently and are responsible for clearing most protein antigens; IgG2 reacts predominantly with carbohydrate antigens (in adults). IgG4 can neutralise pathogens but has little Fc function.

IgA is important in the defence of mucosal surfaces. It is secreted locally by plasma cells in the intestinal, respiratory and other mucosa and is an important constituent of breast milk. It consists of two basic units (a dimer) linked by a ‘joining’ or J chain. The addition of a ‘secretory component’ prevents digestion of the immunoglobulin molecule by enzymes present in intestinal or bronchial secretions. Secretory component is a fragment of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor synthesised by epithelial cells and transports secretory IgA from the mucosa into the lumen.

There is little free IgD or IgE in serum or normal body fluids. These two classes mainly act as cell receptors. IgD is expressed on naïve B cells, and acts as a B-cell antigen receptor, but expression is usually lost following class-switching. IgE is produced by plasma cells but taken up by specific IgE receptors on mast cells and basophils. IgE probably evolved as a way of expelling intestinal parasites via mast cell degranulation.

T-cell receptors

Like B cells, each T cell is committed to a given antigen, which it recognises by one of two types of TCR. T cells have either alpha/beta TCR (a heterodimer of alpha and beta chains) or gamma/delta TCR (a heterodimer of gamma and delta chains). Alpha/beta TCRs predominate in adults, although 10% of T cells in epithelial structures are of the gamma/delta TCR type. Many cell surface molecules in the immune system were co-discovered by independent groups of researchers, resulting in several different names for the same molecules. To reduce confusion, international workshops establish ‘cluster of differentiation’ (CD) code numbers for cell surface molecules, and now > 300 molecules have been assigned codes. Each type of TCR is associated with several transmembrane proteins which make up the CD3 molecule ( Fig. 8.2 ) to form the CD3–TCR complex responsible for taking the antigen recognition signal inside the cell (transduction). The CD3 antigen is widely used as a marker of mature T cells in diagnostic and investigative pathology.

Fig. 8.2, The structure of the T-cell receptor (TCR).

The TCR complex recognises small processed antigen peptides in the context of MHC class I and II antigens (see below), depending on the type of T cell. Helper T cells recognise MHC class II molecules in association with foreign antigen and use the CD4 molecule to enhance binding and intracellular signalling. Cytotoxic T cells recognise antigen associated with MHC class I molecules and use CD8 molecules for increased binding and signalling. However, recognition of processed antigen alone is not enough to activate T cells. Additional co-stimulatory signals are essential; some of these are expressed during ‘antigen processing’.

Major histocompatibility complex antigens

Histocompatibility antigens were so named because of the vigorous reactions they provoked during mismatched organ transplantation. However, these antigens play a fundamental role in the normal immune response by presenting antigenic peptides to T cells. Human MHC antigens are also known as human leucocyte antigens (HLAs). MHC antigens are cell surface glycoproteins of two basic types: class I and class II ( Fig. 8.3 ). They exhibit extensive genetic polymorphism with multiple possible alleles at each locus. MHC is expressed in a codominant fashion, resulting in both maternal and paternal alleles being expressed. As a result, genetic variability between individuals is very great, and most unrelated individuals possess different HLA molecules. This means that it is very difficult to obtain perfect HLA matches between unrelated persons for transplantation.

Fig. 8.3, The major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6 and MHC class I and II antigens.

The antigen-specific receptor of an individual T cell (TCR) will only recognise antigen as part of a complex of antigenic peptide and that individual's MHC. This process of dual recognition of peptide and MHC molecule is known as MHC restriction because the T cell is restricted to recognising only antigenic peptides displayed in a particular MHC molecule. T cells from one person will not recognise antigen displayed in MHC molecules of APCs from a person of different HLA type.

MHC class I antigens are subdivided into three groups: A, B and C. Each group is controlled by a different gene locus within the MHC on chromosome 6 ( Fig. 8.3 ). The products of the genes at all three loci are chemically similar. MHC class I antigens ( Fig. 8.4 ) are made up of a heavy chain (alpha) controlled by a gene in the relevant MHC locus, associated with a smaller chain called beta-2-microglobulin, controlled by a gene on chromosome 15. The differences between individual MHC class I antigens are due to variations in the alpha chains; the beta-2-microglobulin component is constant. The detailed structure of class I antigens was determined by x-ray crystallography. This shows that small antigenic peptides are tightly bound to a groove in the surface alpha chains.

Fig. 8.4, MHC class I and class II antigens.

MHC class II antigens have a folded structure similar to class I antigens with the peptide-binding groove found between the alpha and beta chains (see Fig. 8.4 ). Whereas class I molecules are expressed by most nucleated cells, expression of class II molecules is normally restricted to APCs: dendritic cells, B lymphocytes and macrophages. However, other cells (e.g. thyroid, pancreas, gut epithelium) can be induced to express class II molecules under the influence of interferon-gamma released during inflammation. In humans, there are three groups of class II antigen: the loci are known as HLA-DP, HLA-DQ and HLA-DR.

MHC class III antigens (see Fig. 8.3 ) constitute early complement proteins C4 and C2. Other inflammatory proteins, for example, tumour necrosis factor (TNF), are encoded in adjacent areas.

Accessory and co-stimulatory molecules

T-cell activation needs more than just binding between the TCR and the MHC class II molecule and processed antigen complex on the APC.

Accessory and co-stimulatory molecules are needed for efficient binding and signalling ( Fig. 8.5 ). Each accessory molecule has a corresponding protein, or ligand, to which it binds. The interaction between APCs and T cells is strongly influenced by accessory molecules which function as co-stimulators; for example, CD80 and CD86 on the activated dendritic cell engage with their counter-receptor CD28 on the T-cell surface (see Fig. 8.5 ). Following T-cell activation and the cell undergoing its effector function, CD28 is downregulated and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–associated protein 4 (CTLA-4 or CD152) is expressed. CTLA-4 also binds CD80 and CD86, in a process which deactivates the effector response once it is no longer needed. A functional co-stimulatory pathway is essential for T-cell activation. In the absence of a co-stimulatory signal, interaction between the dendritic cell and TCR alone leads to T-cell unresponsiveness (a state called anergy ).

Fig. 8.5, Accessory and co-stimulatory molecules on T lymphocytes and their ligands on antigen-presenting cells (APCs).

Adhesion molecules mediate cell-to-cell adhesion as well as adhesion between leucocytes and endothelial cells, and are grouped into two main families: integrins and selectins .

The migration of leucocytes to sites of inflammation depends on three key sequential steps mediated by adhesion molecules.

  • 1.

    Rolling of leucocytes along activated vascular endothelium is selectin-dependent.

  • 2.

    Tight adhesion of leucocytes is integrin-dependent.

  • 3.

    Transendothelial migration occurs under the influence of chemokines.

Integrins are subdivided into five families (beta-1 to beta-5 integrins) which mediate binding of lymphocytes and monocytes to the endothelial adhesion receptor called vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1). Defective expression of certain integrins is associated with a severe immunodeficiency characterised by marked neutrophil leucocytosis because neutrophils are unable to migrate from blood vessels into sites of infection.

The selectin family comprises three glycoproteins designated by the prefixes E- (endothelial), L- (leucocyte) or P- (platelet) to denote the cells on which they were first described. Selectins bind strongly to carbohydrate molecules on leucocytes and endothelial cells, and regulate the homing of these cells to sites of inflammation.


Cytokines are soluble mediators secreted by lymphocytes ( lymphokines ) or by macrophages/monocytes ( monokines ). They act as stimulatory or inhibitory signals between cells.

Cytokines that act between cells of the immune system are called interleukins ; those that induce chemotaxis of leucocytes are called chemokines . All cytokines share common features:

  • short half-lives

  • rapid degradation

  • local action within the microenvironment of cells

  • may act on cytokine receptors on the surface of the cell of production to promote further activation and differentiation

  • may affect multiple organs in the body

  • exhibit overlapping functions.

Among the array of cytokines produced by macrophages and T cells, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) have a pivotal role in amplifying and maintaining immune responses. IL-1 acts on a wide range of targets, including T and B cells ( Table 8.2 ). In contrast, the effects of IL-2 are restricted largely to lymphocytes: it has a trophic effect on T cells, IL-2 receptor-bearing B cells and NK cells. The considerable overlap between individual cytokines and interleukins is summarised in Table 8.3 .

Table 8.2
Actions of interleukin-1
Target cell Effect
T lymphocytes Proliferation
Lymphokine production
Induction of interleukin-2 receptors
B lymphocytes Proliferation
Neutrophils Release from bone marrow
Epithelial cells
Osteoclasts Reabsorption of bone
Hepatocytes Acute-phase protein synthesis
Hypothalamus Prostaglandin-induced fever
Muscle Prostaglandin-induced proteolysis

Table 8.3
Cytokines and their actions
Cytokine Source Action
IL-2 T cells Proliferation and maturation of T cells, induction of IL-2 receptors and activation of NK cells
T cells, basophils/mast cells
T cells, mast cells
Induction of MHC class II, FcR and IL-2R on B and T cells; induction of isotype switching in B cells; facilitate IgE production (mainly IL-4)
IL-6 Macrophages, fibroblasts, T cells, mast cells Growth and differentiation of T, B and haemopoietic cells; acute-phase response
IL-8 Monocytes/macrophages, T cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, NK cells Chemotaxis of neutrophils
IL-10 T cells, monocytes, keratinocytes Inhibitory cytokine production
IL-12 B cells, monocytes/macrophages Synergism with IL-2; regulates IFN-gamma production
IL-13 T cells Actions overlap with IL-4
GM-CSF T cells, macrophages, endothelial cells Stimulates growth of polymorphs and mononuclear progenitors
IFN-gamma T cells, NK cells Activation of macrophages, endothelial cells and NK cells; increases expression of MHC class 1 and II; inhibits IgE production
TNF Macrophages, T cells, B cells Promotion of inflammation; interferes with catabolism in muscle and fat
GM-CSF , Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN-gamma , interferon-gamma; Ig , immunoglobulin; IL , interleukin; MHC , major histocompatibility complex; NK , natural killer; TNF , tumour necrotic factor.

Although there are very many different cytokines, T cells secrete characteristic patterns of cytokines which define functional subsets of T cells ( Fig. 8.6 ). These subsets include Th1 cells which produce interferon-gamma and TNF-alpha, causing an inflammatory response and secretion of IgG. Th2 cells have an opposing effect to Th1 cells, secreting IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13, resulting in eosinophilia, and IgE production. T-regulatory cells produce IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and so downregulate immune responses . Th17 cells produce extremely inflammatory cytokines such as IL-17A and IL-22. Additional subsets, and the regulatory pathways controlling their interactions, continue to be discovered.

Fig. 8.6, Th1 and Th2 cells secrete different cytokines.

Structural Organisation of the Immune System

  • All lymphoid cells originate in the bone marrow

  • Lymphoid precursors destined to become T lymphocytes mature in the thymus (hence T cells)

  • Development of B lymphocytes occurs entirely in the bone marrow (hence B cells)

  • The thymus and bone marrow are primary lymphoid organs

  • Lymph nodes, spleen and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue are secondary lymphoid organs

  • Peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes circulate in a defined pattern through secondary lymphoid organs; circulation is strongly influenced by adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors

  • Lymph node architecture is well adapted to its function

T- and B-lymphocyte development

All lymphoid cells originate in the bone marrow ( Fig. 8.7 ). An understanding of the developmental pathway is important, not only to clarify the physiology of the normal immune response but also because some leukaemias and immunodeficiency states reflect maturation arrest of cells in their early stages of development. Lymphoid progenitors destined to become T lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow into the cortex of the thymus where further differentiation into mature T cells occurs. Passage of T cells from the thymic cortex to the medulla is associated with the acquisition of CD4 or CD8 molecules so that medullary thymocytes resemble mature peripheral blood T cells with either helper (CD4+) or cytotoxic (CD8+) functions. T-cell development in the thymus is characterised by a process of positive selection whereby only T cells that recognise and bind with low affinity to fragments of self-antigen in association with self-MHC molecules proceed to full maturation. In contrast, T cells that recognise and bind with high affinity to self-antigen are selected out — negative selection — and do not develop further. Negatively selected T cells kill themselves by apoptosis, that is, programmed cell death. This process of producing central tolerance to self-antigens is an important mechanism in preventing autoimmune disease. In summary, the thymus selects out the useful, neglects the useless and destroys the harmful, that is, autoreactive T cells.

Fig. 8.7, Development of lymphocytes from a pluripotential stem cell in the bone marrow.

In contrast, B-cell development occurs in the bone marrow and depends on the secretion of cytokines by stromal cells. The requirement for T-cell help for most antibody production provides another means by which self-tolerant T cells regulate potentially autoreactive B cells.

Primary and secondary lymphoid organs

The thymus and the bone marrow are primary lymphoid organs. They contain cells undergoing a process of maturation from stem cells to antigen-sensitive but antigen-restricted cells. This process of maturation is independent of antigenic stimulation. In contrast, secondary lymphoid organs are those that contain antigen-reactive cells in the process of recirculating through the body. They include the lymph nodes, spleen and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues. Antigenic stimulation changes the relative proportions of mature cell types in secondary tissues.

Peripheral T and B cells circulate in a characteristic pattern through the secondary lymphoid organs. Most of the recirculating cells are T cells, and the complete cycle takes about 24 hours; some B cells, including long-lived memory B cells, also recirculate. Lymphocyte circulation is strongly influenced by chemokine receptors on lymphocyte surfaces which act as homing agents. Adhesion molecules direct cells to their respective ligands on high endothelial venules of lymph nodes.

Lymph node architecture is well adapted to its function ( Fig. 8.8 ). Lymphatic vessels draining the tissues penetrate the lymph node capsule and drain into the marginal sinus from which a branching network of sinuses passes through the cortex to the medulla and into the efferent lymphatic. This network provides a filtration system for antigens entering the node from peripheral tissue, and ensures that T and B cells are exposed to the greatest number of APCs, maximising the chance of meeting their cognate antigens expressed on the MHC of the APCs.

Fig. 8.8, Structure of a normal lymph node.

The cortex contains primary follicles of B lymphocytes, surrounded by T cells in the ‘ paracortex’ . Once a dendritic cell in the peripheral tissues has been activated by engagement of its TLR receptors, it undergoes a phenotypic change, displays processed antigen in its MHC class II and migrates to the nodes, where antigen is presented to the maximum number of different lymphoid cells. If TCR successfully recognises the antigen, the ‘primary’ follicles of the lymph node develop into ‘secondary’ follicles which contain germinal centres . These comprise mainly B cells with a few helper T cells and a mantle zone of the original primary follicle B cells. B cells in a secondary follicle are antigen-activated and more mature; most have IgG on their surfaces, whereas those in the primary follicle and mantle zone bear both IgD and IgM. Activated B cells migrate from the follicle to the medulla, where they develop into plasma cells in the medullary cords before releasing antibody into the efferent lymph.

The majority of naïve T cells entering the lymph node will leave again immediately via efferent lymphatics. Naïve T cells that recognise specific antigen differentiate into effector T cells before reentering the circulation.

Functional Organisation of the Immune Response

  • Processing and presentation of antigen to lymphocytes is performed by specialised APCs. The most efficient APCs are dendritic cells in lymph nodes

  • Each B lymphocyte is committed to the production of an antibody with a unique antigen-binding site — the idiotype

  • The speed, vigour and efficiency of secondary antibody responses are the result of clonal expansion

  • Antibody production usually requires a second signal provided by helper T lymphocytes

  • Helper T lymphocytes (Th) fall into subgroups, —for example, Th1 and Th2 cells — which produce different cytokines, and hence drive different immune responses

  • Cytotoxic T lymphocytes can directly kill virus-infected cells or release cytokines which contribute to inflammation

Antigen presentation

The first stage of an immune response to any antigen is the processing and presentation of that antigen to lymphocytes by specialised APCs which include dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells. The process of co-stimulation between the APC and the T cell is essential to ensure appropriate activation of the T cell. In the absence of a co-stimulatory signal, interaction between the APC and T cell leads to T-cell unresponsiveness, or anergy. Antagonists to co-stimulatory molecules disrupt immune responses, an observation of potential therapeutic importance; for instance, CTLA4-Ig (belatacept) is used to treat severe autoimmune diseases and to prevent graft rejection, ipilimumab improves survival in several cancers by blocking CTLA4-mediated downregulation of anticancer immune responses.

Antibody production

Antibody production involves at least three types of cell: APCs, B lymphocytes and helper T cells.

Antibodies are synthesised by B cells and their mature progeny, called plasma cells . B cells are readily recognised because they express immunoglobulin on their surfaces. During development, B cells first show intracellular mu chains and then surface IgM. These cells are able to switch from production of IgM to IgG, IgA or IgE as they mature, a process known as isotype switching . This maturation sequence fits with the kinetics of an antibody response: the primary response is mainly IgM and the secondary response predominantly IgG ( Fig. 8.9 ).

Fig. 8.9, Primary and secondary antibody responses.

Isotype switching is mediated by the interaction of two important proteins: CD40 expressed on the B-cell surface engages with its ligand, CD40L (CD154), on activated T cells (under the influence of IL-4) to induce B cells to switch immunoglobulin production from IgM to IgG, IgA or IgE. Deficiency of either CD40 or CD40L in humans leads to a severe immunodeficiency characterised by inability to switch from IgM to other isotypes of immunoglobulin.

Each B cell is committed to the production of an antibody that has a unique V H –V L combination, the idiotype, and the surface immunoglobulin and secreted immunoglobulin are identical. Contact with antigen and factors released by helper T cells (IL-4, -5, -6) stimulate the B cell to divide and differentiate, generating more antibody-producing cells, all of which make the same antibody with the same idiotype. Simultaneously, a population of long-lived memory cells is produced which expresses the same surface immunoglobulin receptor. The result of these cell divisions is that a greater number of antigen-specific B cells become available when the animal is exposed to the same antigen at a later date. This process, known as clonal expansion , helps to account for the amplified secondary response. As well as being quicker and more vigorous (see Fig. 8.9 ), secondary responses are more efficient because the antibodies bind more effectively to the antigen, that is, with higher affinity.

A minority of B cells will respond directly to antigens called T-independent antigens, which have repeating, identical, antigenic determinants and provoke predominantly IgM antibody responses. B cells, however, will not usually respond directly to antigen, even when presented by appropriate accessory cells. A second signal is needed to trigger the B cell; this signal is normally provided by CD4+ helper T cells.

T-cell help is also antigen-specific. Only helper T cells that have responded to antigen presented by macrophages can subsequently help B cells already committed to that antigen. Helper T cells recognise both antigen and MHC class II antigens as a complex on the presenting cells. They then recognise the same combination of antigen and class II molecule on the corresponding B cell, but co-stimulation is also required. When helper T cells meet an antigen for the first time, the limited number reacting with that antigen are activated to provide help for B cells. They undergo blast transformation and proliferation, that is, clonal expansion , so the immune response on second and subsequent exposures is quicker and more vigorous.

Other mechanisms help to improve this efficiency. Memory cells (which bear the surface marker CD45RO) have increased numbers of adhesion molecules (LFA-1, CD2, LFA-3, ICAM-1) plus a higher proportion of high-affinity receptors for the relevant antigen. Memory cells are therefore easily activated and produce high concentrations of IL-2 to recruit more helper T cells. Thus T-cell memory is a combination of a quantitative increase of T cells and a qualitative change in the efficiency of those T cells.

Cell-mediated responses

Antigen-specific cell-mediated responses are carried out by T lymphocytes. T cells can lyse cells expressing specific antigens ( cytotoxicity ), release cytokines that trigger inflammation ( delayed hypersensitivity ), or regulate immune responses. These T-cell responses are mediated by distinct T-cell subpopulations: cytotoxicity is the role of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and delayed hypersensitivity that of CD4+ Th1 cells. T cells are responsible for fighting intracellular pathogens (all viruses, parasites and certain bacteria) that are inaccessible to antibodies.

Cytotoxic T cells recognise peptides expressed in MHC class I on cell surfaces, a recognition process facilitated by the CD8 molecule expressed on cytotoxic T cells, and kill cells infected with virus (and possibly those tumour cells expressing recognisable tumour antigens). Such cytotoxicity is virus specific — only cells expressing the relevant viral proteins on their surfaces are killed. Since infected cells express surface viral proteins before the assembly of new virus particles and viral budding, cytotoxic T cells are important in the recovery phase of an infection, destroying the infected cells before new virus particles are generated. Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells use multiple mechanisms to destroy virally infected host cells. Expression of Fas on the cytotoxic T cell induces apoptosis. Perforin is released from granules and self-assembles into a pore inserted into the target cell's membrane, allowing penetration of granzyme b and TNF-alpha into the cell, and destruction by both cytolysis and apoptosis.

Regulatory T cells are a subset of CD4+ T cells with a distinct phenotype (CD4+, CD25+) under the control of a gene called FoxP3 . These cells dampen down activation and expansion of self-reactive T cells by secretion of cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-beta. Mutations in FoxP3 result in severe autoimmune disease and allergy.

Nonspecific Effector Mechanisms

  • Complement is a complex series of proteins acting as an enzymatic cascade

  • Complement can be activated by antibody (the classical pathway), by bacterial cell walls (the alternative pathway) or by mannose-binding lectin (the lectin pathway)

  • Complement activation results in increased vascular permeability, chemoattraction of leucocytes, enhanced phagocytosis and cell lysis

  • Monocytes and macrophages comprise the mononuclear phagocyte system

  • NK cells are important in the response to viral infection


Complement is a complex series of interacting plasma proteins which form a major effector system for antibody-mediated immune reactions. Many complement components exist as inactive precursors; once activated, the component may behave as an enzyme which cleaves several molecules of the next component in the sequence. Each precursor is cleaved into two or more fragments. The major fragment (usually designated ‘b’) has two biologically active sites: one for binding to cell membranes or the triggering complex, and the other for enzymatic cleavage of the next complement component. Minor cleavage fragments (designated ‘a’) have important biological properties in the fluid phase. Control of complement activation involves spontaneous decay of any exposed attachment sites and inactivation by specific inhibitors. The major purpose of the complement pathway is to remove or destroy antigen, either by direct lysis or by opsonisation.

Complement activation

Complement activation occurs in two sequential phases:

  • activation of the C3 component

  • activation of the ‘attack’ or lytic pathway.

The critical step ( Fig. 8.10 ) is cleavage of C3 by complement-derived enzymes called C3 convertases. The major fragment of activated C3, called C3b, mediates a number of vital biological activities, particularly opsonisation — the labelling of targets for subsequent destruction by immune system effector mechanisms such as phagocytosis.

Fig. 8.10, The lectin, classical and alternative pathways of complement activation.

The cleavage of C3 is achieved via three main routes, the classical, alternative and lectin pathways, all of which generate C3 convertases but in response to different stimuli (see Fig. 8.10 ).

Classical pathway activation

The classical pathway is activated when binding of IgM or IgG to antigen causes a conformational change in the Fc region of the antibody to reveal a binding site for the first component in the classical pathway, C1.

C1 is a macromolecular complex of three subcomponents — C1q, C1r and C1s. C1q is a collagen-like protein composed of six subunits. C1q reacts with Fc regions, on antibody which has bound to pathogen, via its globular heads. Attachment to Fc regions on two neighbouring antigen-bound immunoglobulin molecules is needed for activation. IgM is more efficient than IgG in activating C1q. IgA, IgD and IgE do not activate the classical pathway.

Once C1q is activated, C1r and C1s are sequentially bound to generate enzyme activity for C4 and C2, splitting both molecules into a and b fragments. This process is normally held in check by C1 esterase inhibitor (C1 INH ). The complex C4b2b is the classical pathway C3 convertase . C4b2b cleaves C3 into two fragments, one (C3a) possessing anaphylatoxic and chemotactic activity (see below) and one that binds to the initiating complex and promotes many of the biological properties of complement. The C4b2b3b complex so generated is an enzyme, C5 convertase, which initiates the final lytic pathway (the ‘attack’ sequence).

Alternative pathway activation

The central reaction in this pathway, as in the classical one, is the activation of C3. The alternative pathway, however, generates a C3 convertase without the need for antibody, C1, C4 or C2. Instead, the most important activators are bacterial cell walls and endotoxin (see Fig. 8.10 ). Thus the alternative pathway is responsible for innate defence against invading organisms, as it functions in the absence of preformed specific antibody.

The initial cleavage of C3 in the alternative pathway happens continuously and spontaneously (see Fig. 8.10 ), generating a low level of C3b. C3b is then able to use factors D and B of the alternative pathway to produce the active enzyme alternative pathway C3 convertase C3bBb which is stabilised by properdin. C3bBb can break down more C3, providing still more C3b. In the absence of any regulation, this positive feedback loop would continue to cleave C3 until the supply was exhausted.

Regulation is provided by the control proteins, factors H and I. H competes with factor B for binding to C3b, and I then cleaves and inactivates the displaced C3b. Microbial agents that activate the alternative pathway circumvent the effects of factors H and I, and allow the preexisting low-grade turnover to be amplified.

Lectin pathway activation

The lectin pathway is initiated by mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a circulating protein that binds avidly to carbohydrate on the surface of certain microorganisms. MBL is structurally related to C1q and activates complement through MBL-associated serine proteinase which is similar to C1r and C1s of the classical pathway. The lectin pathway also contributes to innate immunity.

The membrane attack complex

There are two ways of producing the C5 splitting enzyme — the C5 convertase: in the classical pathway it is made up of C3b, C4b and C2b; in the alternative pathway it is composed of C3b, Bb and properdin (see Fig. 8.10 ). Thereafter, the final lytic pathway of complement is the same, involving the sequential attachment of the components C5, C6, C7, C8 and several molecules of C9, and resulting in lysis of the target cell. This target may be an invading organism or a virally infected cell. The lytic pathway complex binds to the cell membrane and a transmembrane channel is formed which leads to osmotic lysis of the cell.

Biological effects of complement

Complement-mediated lysis of antigen is dramatic but is not the most important role (see Fig. 8.10 ). Instead, complement-dependent phagocytosis is crucial in defence. Microorganisms coated (i.e. opsonised) with C3b can be bound by cells that possess receptors — called complement receptors type 1 (CR1) — for this ligand. CR1 receptors are present on phagocytic cells. Complement activation results in the release of the proinflammatory mediators C5a, C4a and C3a. These act as anaphylatoxins to increase vascular permeability, release vasoactive amines and induce smooth muscle spasm. C5a is a potent chemoattractant and stimulates neutrophils and macrophages to synthesise cytokines, undergo oxidative metabolism and release degradative enzymes.

Control of the complement pathway

This occurs by three mechanisms.

  • Many activated complement components are inherently unstable and decay rapidly if the next protein in the pathway is not immediately available.

  • There are several specific inhibitors, for example, C1 esterase inhibitor, factor I and factor H.

  • There are cell membrane proteins that accelerate the breakdown of activated complement components, for example, CD46, CD55.

These mechanisms ensure that the potentially harmful effects of the complement cascade are confined to the initiating microbial antigen without damaging host cells.


Macrophages are the tissue equivalent of monocytes and together represent the mononuclear phagocytic system . Lymphocytes and macrophages are derived from closely related stem cells in the bone marrow but each cell lineage has different colony-stimulating factors. Monocytes circulate for only a few hours before entering the tissues where they may differentiate and live for weeks or months as mature macrophages. Tissue macrophages are heterogeneous in appearance, in metabolism and probably also in function; they include freely mobile alveolar and peritoneal macrophages, fixed Kupffer cells in the liver and those lining the sinusoids of the spleen. When found in other tissues, they are called histiocytes .

A major function of the mononuclear phagocyte system is the phagocytosis of invading organisms and other antigens. Although macrophages do not produce their own antigen-specific receptors, they express receptors for both complement and for immunoglobulin bound to pathogens — a good example of innate and adaptive immune systems working in cooperation. Macrophages have prominent lysosomal granules containing acid hydrolases and other degradative enzymes with which to destroy phagocytosed material. The material may be an engulfed viable organism, a dead cell debris, an antigen or an immune complex. To carry out their functions effectively, macrophages must be ‘activated’; in this state, they show increased phagocytic and killing activity. Stimuli include cytokines (see above), or soluble inflammatory mediators such as C5a. Pattern recognition receptors, such as TLR, on macrophages recognise combinations of sugars, proteins and lipids on pathogens — such as Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide — and trigger inflammatory responses by upregulating proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF or IL-1 β. Macrophages are also extremely important for the presentation of antigen in MHC class II to other cells of the immune system, as described earlier, particularly in the form of conventional (or myeloid) dendritic cells.

Neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes

Neutrophils play a major role in the body's defence against acute infection. They synthesise and express adhesion receptors so that they can adhere to, and migrate out of, blood vessels into tissues. They do this in response to chemotactic agents produced at the site of inflammation; such substances include the chemokine CXCL8 (also called IL-8), complement-derived anaphylatoxins (such as C3a and C5a), cytokines released by helper T cells and chemokines produced by mast cells.

Neutrophils are phagocytic cells. Morphologically, the process of phagocytosis is similar in both neutrophils and mononuclear phagocytes. Neutrophils are also able to kill and degrade the substances they take in. This requires a considerable amount of energy and is associated with a ‘respiratory burst’ of oxygen consumption, increased hexose monophosphate shunt activity and superoxide production. The enzymes myeloperoxidase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase are essential for these processes — and deficiency of these enzymes can result in markedly increased susceptibility to infection.

Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity

Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is a mechanism by which antibody-coated target cells are destroyed by cells bearing low-affinity receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG (Fcγ RIII) — NK cells, monocytes, neutrophils — with no involvement of the MHC. The mechanism of target cell destruction is not fully understood but includes the discharge of granules containing perforin and granzymes.

Natural killer cells

NK cells look like large granular lymphocytes. They can kill target cells even in the absence of any antibody or antigenic stimulation, although they express molecules such as CD16, which recognises antibody bound to target cells. They are further activated nonspecifically by mitogens, interferon and IL-12. NK cells show minimal specificity and have no memory. A key aspect of NK cell function is to recognise self-MHC by means of receptors which inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity; there are also activating receptors and the balance between activation and inhibition determines the NK cell's responses. Since many viruses cause MHC downregulation in cells which they have infected, the role of the NK cell is to detect absence of MHC expression and kill those cells which do not bear MHC class I. Animals and rare patients with deficient NK cell function have an increased incidence of certain tumours and viral infections. NK cells are therefore thought to be important in the early host response to viral infection and in immune surveillance against tumours.

Outcomes of Immune Responses

  • Antibody, especially IgM, can neutralise viruses and toxins

  • Opsonisation of bacteria with IgG antibodies makes phagocytosis more efficient

  • C3b generated by complement activation is also an efficient opsonin

  • Target cells may be killed specifically by cytotoxic T cells or nonspecifically by macrophages or NK cells

  • Many components of the immune response contribute to inflammation

Once the immune response is initiated, the end result depends on the nature and localisation of the antigen, on whether the predominant response has been humoral or cell mediated, on the type of antibody provoked, and on whether nonspecific effector mechanisms have been involved.

Direct effects of antibody

Neutralisation is one direct effect of antibody, and IgM is particularly good at this. A number of antigens, including diphtheria toxin, tetanus toxin and many viruses, can be neutralised by antibody. Once neutralised, these substances are no longer able to bind to receptors in the tissues; the resulting antigen–antibody complexes are usually removed from the circulation and destroyed by macrophages.

Indirect effects of antibody

Opsonisation is the process by which an antigen becomes coated with substances (such as antibodies or complement) that make it more easily engulfed by phagocytic cells. The coating of soluble or particulate antigens with IgG antibodies renders them more susceptible to cells that have surface receptors for the Fc portions of IgG. Neutrophils and macrophages have Fc receptors and can phagocytose IgG-coated antigens; however, this process is relatively inefficient if only Fc receptors are involved. The activation of complement by antibody (via the classical pathway) or by bacterial cell walls (via the alternative or lectin pathways) generates C3b on the surface of microorganisms and makes them susceptible to binding by C3b receptors (CR1) on macrophages and neutrophils; C3 receptors are very efficient in triggering phagocytosis.

Killing of target cells

Target cells killed as a result of an immune response include organisms and cells bearing virally altered or tumour-specific antigens on their surfaces. They may be killed directly by antigen-specific mechanisms such as antibody and complement, ADCC or cytotoxic T cells. Cytokine production results in activation of NK cells and macrophages.

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