Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease



alcoholic hepatitis histological score


alcoholic liver disease


alanine aminotransferase


american association for the study of liver diseases


aspartate aminotransferase


gamma glutamyl transpeptidase


genetic hemochromatosis




hepatocellular carcinoma


mean corpuscular volume


model for end-stage liver disease


nonalcoholic fatty liver disease


nonalcoholic steatohepatitis


serum amyloid A


transient elastography

Alcohol has been widely used as a recreational drug for many thousands of years. Excess alcohol consumption has long been recognized to have a number of harmful effects, including liver cirrhosis. The use of liver biopsy allowed the identification of three main stages in the evolution of alcoholic liver disease (ALD): simple steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (steatohepatitis), and cirrhosis. It subsequently became apparent that the distinction between these individual stages was often blurred and that some people progressed to cirrhosis without obviously developing clinical or morphologic features of alcoholic hepatitis. It is therefore generally accepted that the classical alcohol-induced liver lesions are not distinct clinicopathologic entities but are better regarded as being part of an overlapping morphologic spectrum of ALD.

Areas in which there have been relatively recent developments include the identification of alcohol-induced lesions falling outside the classical morphologic spectrum of fatty liver disease and the recognition that alcohol is an important cofactor in potentiating the effects of other chronic liver diseases, notably genetic hemochromatosis (GH) and chronic viral hepatitis. As is the case with other liver diseases, noninvasive methods are increasingly being used to establish a diagnosis of ALD and to assess disease severity. Liver biopsy still has an important diagnostic role in patients suspected to have more than one etiologic factor for liver disease and may provide a pointer to the predominant cause of liver damage in such cases. Recent studies have also suggested that liver biopsy may be an important independent marker of disease severity in patients presenting with acute alcoholic hepatitis, particularly in the context of clinical trials.

During the past 25 years, there has been an increased recognition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurring as a consequence of the metabolic syndrome (see Chapter 12 ). Epidemiologic studies suggest that NAFLD has replaced alcohol as the most common cause of liver disease in Western countries. Recognition of NAFLD as a distinct entity has had a number of consequences for assessing liver biopsies from patients with fatty liver disease. In most cases, the etiology is determined on the basis of identifying clinical risk factors. Although distinction between ALD and NAFLD is often not possible on morphologic grounds alone, liver biopsy may sometimes provide pointers to the likely etiology if this is not already apparent. Many people who drink excessively also have risk factors for the metabolic syndrome. There is increasing evidence to suggest that the alcohol may potentiate the effects of the metabolic syndrome, and vice versa, and assessing histologic changes in this setting may thus be difficult.

Incidence and Demographics

It is now widely accepted that alcohol is a direct hepatotoxin. Epidemiologic studies have shown a direct relationship between alcohol consumption per capita and death from (alcoholic) cirrhosis. In countries where alcohol is freely available, alcohol remains the leading cause of death from liver disease. It has been estimated that alcohol-related cirrhosis accounts for approximately 1% of deaths worldwide and that alcohol is responsible for approximately 50% of deaths attributed to liver cirrhosis. Problems with inaccurate coding of the causes of death because of liver disease may underestimate the impact of alcohol in this respect and it has been suggested that the true prevalence of alcohol as a cause of liver-related death in Europe may be in the region of 60% to 80%. Health education and other factors determining alcohol consumption within populations as a whole may be important in demographic changes in the prevalence of alcoholic cirrhosis in recent years. For example, in Western Europe, the reduction in per capita alcohol consumption in France and Italy has resulted in a sharp decline in mortality from liver cirrhosis, whereas an opposite trend has been observed in the United Kingdom.

Although it is clear that the dose and duration of alcohol consumption are important in determining the prevalence and severity of ALD, attempts to identify levels of daily alcohol consumption that are potentially harmful have proved difficult. This is related both to genetic variations in individual susceptibility to the hepatotoxic effects of alcohol and to nongenetic modifiers of disease activity such as the presence of coexistent liver disease (viral hepatitis B and C) or the metabolic syndrome, hepatic iron overload, and ingestion of other drugs (eg, paracetamol, methotrexate). Other compounding factors include problems in obtaining accurate information about the amount of alcohol actually consumed and variable criteria used to define ALD. It has been suggested that an intake as low as 25 to 30 g/day (possibly lower in women) may be associated with a risk of developing cirrhosis, but in practice the great majority of people with alcoholic cirrhosis have much higher levels of alcohol consumption, typically exceeding 80 to 100 g/day. In addition to the total amount of alcohol consumed, other suggested risk factors for progression to cirrhosis include the pattern of alcohol consumption (eg, increased risk in people who consume alcohol daily or engage in binge drinking ) and the type of alcohol consumed (eg, lower risk in people who drink wine compared with beer or spirits).

Overall, at least 90% of people who drink alcohol excessively will develop simple steatosis. This lesion is rapidly induced, within a few days of heavy drinking, but is equally readily reversible. Progression to steatohepatitis occurs in a smaller proportion of cases (20% to 40%) and requires more prolonged alcohol consumption, usually over a period of at least several months. For people who drink excessively over a period of many years, approximately 10% to 20% progress to cirrhosis.

Clinical Manifestations

Clinical features of ALD vary according to disease severity. Simple steatosis is usually asymptomatic and may be detected only as a result of routine investigations carried out for an unrelated reason such as a life insurance checkup or a suspected nonhepatic disease. Hepatomegaly is commonly present and may be associated with slight upper abdominal discomfort.

Severe steatosis has been implicated as a rare cause of sudden death in alcoholics. The underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood; various metabolic disturbances have been implicated, including hypoglycemia related to hepatocyte glycogen depletion, poorly defined neurologic problems related to sudden alcohol withdrawal, and acute mitochondrial dysfunction occurring as a consequence of severe microvesicular steatosis. Similar changes may also occur in cases of established alcoholic cirrhosis. Some cases of sudden death in chronic alcoholics with simple steatosis may be related to alcohol-induced cardiac arrhythmias.

Alcoholic steatohepatitis is associated with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations paralleling the histologic spectrum of liver disease. Mild forms are often asymptomatic, and the distinction from simple steatosis may only be made if a liver biopsy is taken. More severe forms of alcoholic hepatitis are typically associated with a recent period of very heavy drinking and present acutely with pyrexia, vomiting, tender hepatomegaly, jaundice, and signs of acute liver failure such as ascites, a bleeding tendency associated with a prolonged prothrombin time, and hepatic encephalopathy. Serum transaminase levels are elevated but rarely exceed 300 IU/L. A high peripheral white blood cell count with a predominance of neutrophil polymorphs is also a typical finding and appears to reflect hepatic polymorphonuclear infiltration. Approximately 20% to 50% of patients presenting with acute alcoholic hepatitis die during the acute phase, mostly from complications related to sepsis or multiorgan failure. Many of those surviving progress to chronic liver disease, with approximately 50% developing cirrhosis after 10 years. In some cases, alcoholic hepatitis occurs as an acute complication of an established cirrhosis, and clinical examination may reveal signs of chronic liver disease.

Established cirrhosis occurs as a consequence of prolonged excessive alcohol consumption, usually over a period of many years. Although repeated bouts of inflammation and liver cell injury are likely to be important in the pathogenesis of progressive liver fibrosis, these are often subclinical, and many patients presenting with alcoholic cirrhosis have no preceding history of ALD. Clinical features of cirrhosis are similar to other causes of end-stage chronic liver disease; they include complications related to impaired hepatocellular function, problems associated with portal hypertension. and an increased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (discussed later). There may also be extrahepatic complications such as neurologic problems, renal impairment, and an increased risk of developing bacterial infections. Overall, the mortality from alcoholic cirrhosis is approximately 50% to 60% at 5 years. The 5-year survival is considerably worse in people who continue to drink heavily (35%) than in those who become abstinent (70%).

Although this chapter focuses on clinical and pathologic consequences of excess alcohol consumption on the liver, it is worth remembering that alcohol is associated with a broad range of complications involving organs other than the liver. These include the central nervous system (eg, Wernicke syndrome, Korsakoff syndrome, cerebellar degeneration, peripheral neuropathy), the cardiovascular system (eg, cardiomyopathy, systemic hypertension), and the gastrointestinal system (eg, gastritis, pancreatitis). There are also serious psychosocial effects of drinking alcohol excessively, such as poor work performance, family disruption, accidents, and violent behavior. In people younger than 40 years of age, problems related to acute alcohol intoxication (eg, road injuries or assault) have been found to be a more common cause of death than ALD. It has been estimated that approximately 4% of deaths worldwide can be attributed to alcohol, of which only 17% were related to liver cirrhosis. Other causes of alcohol-related mortality include injuries (unintentional or deliberate), which accounted for 42% of deaths, cancer (22%) and cardiovascular diseases (14%). In addition to the deleterious consequences of alcohol-related organ damage, the behavioral problems associated with alcoholism have important implications for the diagnosis and management of ALD.

Noninvasive Assessment of Alcoholic Liver Disease

A number of noninvasive tests are frequently used in patients with ALD, both to establish alcohol as the likely cause of liver injury and to determine the severity of liver disease. These include blood tests and various imaging studies.

Blood Tests

Routine laboratory tests are typically normal or only slightly deranged during the early stages of ALD. Abnormal liver tests include slight increases in the levels of serum transaminases and sometimes alkaline phosphatase. The levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) tend to rise more than those of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and a high ASL/ALT ratio (typically >2) may be a useful pointer to an alcoholic rather than a nonalcoholic etiology. Elevations in serum gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) levels and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of erythrocytes are both helpful markers of excess alcohol consumption, particularly in the early stages of liver disease.

There is increasing interest in the use of serum markers as noninvasive tests to estimate the severity of fibrosis. These are widely used in patients with NAFLD, typically in combination with assessments of liver stiffness with methods such as transient elastography (discussed further later). A number of serum biomarkers have been shown to have good predictive value for the presence of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients with ALD. These include: FibroTest, which combines alpha-2-macroglobulin, haptoglobin, GGT, ApoA1, bilirubin, age, and sex; FibrometerA, which combines prothrombin time, alpha-2-macroglobulin, hyaluronic acid, and age; and Hepascore, which combines bilirubin, GGT, alpha-2-macroglobulin, hyaluronic acid, age, and gender.

Imaging Studies

Radiologic assessments are useful in confirming the presence and severity of steatosis. Although ultrasound has been widely used to detect steatosis, it is relatively insensitive when steatosis is mild in severity and also has limited value for quantifying fat content. Other imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy have improved sensitivity for the detection and quantification of hepatic steatosis.

Imaging studies are unable to make a distinction between simple steatosis and steatohepatitis, and this therefore represents a potentially important indication for liver biopsy. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in noninvasive methods for assessing liver fibrosis. The most widely used is transient elastography (FibroScan), which provides a measure of liver stiffness. Transient elastography (TE) is generally most reliable in identifying people who have minimal or advanced fibrosis and is less helpful in the assessment of intermediate stages of fibrosis, where liver biopsy may still be indicated. A number of studies have suggested that TE accurately identifies advanced fibrosis (defined as Metavir stage F3) and cirrhosis (F4) in patients with ALD. The accuracy of transient elastography is reduced in the presence of severe steatosis or active inflammation, particularly lobular inflammation, which may limit its utility in the assessment of patients with alcoholic steatohepatitis. There is also some evidence to suggest that active alcohol consumption itself may result in increased liver stiffness, which resolves after periods of abstinence ranging from 1 week to a few months of abstinence.

In patients who have progressed to cirrhosis, radiologic studies play an important role in detecting and monitoring abnormal nodules (see Chapter 31 ) that may herald the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Histologic features of HCC and other focal liver lesions arising in the setting of ALD are discussed later.

Gross Pathology

The fatty liver seen in the early stages of ALD is often enlarged in addition to having a characteristic yellow appearance ( Fig. 24.1 ). The gross pathology of alcoholic cirrhosis is broadly similar to cirrhosis complicating other chronic liver diseases. In cases where there is continued excess alcohol consumption, the liver may retain a yellow color and greasy texture. During the early stages of alcoholic cirrhosis, the pattern is typically micronodular, reflecting the monolobular pattern of bridging fibrosis and nodule formation ( Fig. 24.2 ). However, subsequent remodeling of cirrhotic nodules frequently gives rise to a mixed pattern of nodularity; the latter is typically observed in explanted livers of transplant recipients who have abstained from alcohol for a minimum of 6 months to meet eligibility criteria for transplantation. On the other hand, livers in patients dying with a history of active alcohol use usually show a micronodular pattern, suggesting that alcohol causes impairment of remodeling and/or regeneration.

Figure 24.1, Alcoholic fatty liver. Postmortem liver with a diffuse yellow appearance due to the accumulation of triglyceride in hepatocytes.

Figure 24.2, Alcoholic micronodular cirrhosis. Hepatectomy specimen obtained at liver transplantation showing diffuse fine nodularity and fibrosis.

Microscopic Pathology

The classical histologic features of ALD ( Table 24.1 ) form an overlapping morphologic spectrum. This spectrum can be subdivided into three main categories: simple steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (or steatohepatitis), and cirrhosis.

Table 24.1
Histologic Features of Alcoholic Liver Disease
Histologic Feature Characteristics Etiopathogenesis Prognostic Significance Comparison with NAFLD
Macrovesicular steatosis Predominant type, starts in zone 3 Accumulation of triglycerides as a result of impaired hepatic fatty acid synthesis Reverses with abstinence within a few weeks
Rare cause of sudden death when extensive
Prominent feature with similar distribution
Microvesicular steatosis Generally mild and occurs in combination with macrovesicular steatosis
Rare cases have severe, predominantly microvesicular steatosis (“alcoholic foamy degeneration”).
Most cases probably represent a variant of macrovesicular steatosis (mediovesicular steatosis)
May be an indicator of persons more susceptible to oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial damage
Mixed pattern of macro/microvesicular steatosis associated with increased risk of progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis Mild microvesicular steatosis may occur in association with macrovesicular steatosis
May be associated with features of more severe liver disease
Giant mitochondria May occur in simple steatosis but usually seen in association with steatohepatitis/fibrosis Another marker of mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress
May also reflect recent heavy alcohol consumption
Presence in simple steatosis associated with increased risk of progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis Can be present, but less prominent than in ALD
Ballooned hepatocytes Present in zone 3; often associated with inflammation and pericellular fibrosis Marker of cytoskeletal damage because of oxidative stress Presence distinguishes simple steatosis from steatohepatitis
May progress to liver cell death by apoptosis or necrosis
Associated with increased risk of progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis (if not already present)
Frequently present with similar distribution but generally less conspicuous than in ALD
Prognostic significance similar
Mallory-Denk bodies Present in zone 3, usually inballooned hepatocytes
Often surrounded by neutrophil polymorphs (“satellitosis”)
Another manifestation of cytoskeletal damage to hepatocytes Presence distinguishes simple steatosis from steatohepatitis Present but not usually as well formed or numerous in metabolic syndrome
Prominent in some cases of drug-induced NAFLD in periportal location
Lobular inflammation Present mainly in zone 3; often associated with ballooned hepatocytes
Mixed population of cells—typically rich in neutrophil polymorphs, which may be abundant in cases of severe alcoholic hepatitis
Response to hepatocellular injury and proinflammatory cytokines released by activated Kupffer cells Causes further hepatocyte damage including apoptosis and necrosis
Promotes zone 3 fibrosis
Inflammation common, with a distribution similar to that seen in ALD
Neutrophils typically less frequent and mononuclear cells more numerous in NAFLD
Rarely more than mild in severity
Portal inflammation Mainly lymphocytes, with smaller numbers of macrophages
Neutrophils may be present in association with ductular reaction.
Usually mild
Mechanism uncertain—some cases may reflect coexistent viral or autoimmune hepatitis, but can be induced by alcohol alone
Neutrophils/ductular reaction may reflect biliary obstruction because of alcoholic pancreatitis or a progenitor cell response to steatosis-induced hepatocyte senescence
Interface hepatitis and ductular reaction both promote development of periportal fibrosis.
May occur as an early lesion in some cases
Portal inflammation with a similar composition common in NAFLD
Generally more prominent in NAFLD, where it more frequently predominates over lobular inflammation, particularly in pediatric NAFLD
Perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis Delicate strands of collagen surround individual hepatocytes, which are typically ballooned.
Present in zone 3; often associated with zone 3 inflammation
Severe cases may be associated with sinusoidal obliteration and hepatocyte loss (“central sclerosing hyaline necrosis”).
Produced by stellate cells activated by hepatocyte injury, inflammatory cells, and profibrogenic factors released by activated Kupffer cells
Perisinusoidal fibrosis may also result from impaired sinusoidal blood flow; not directly related to alcohol
Predisposes to the development of bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis
Sinusoidal obliteration may cause portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis.
Similar changes occur in NAFLD, but tend to be less severe.
Central sclerosing pattern of fibrosis not seen in NAFLD
Perivenular fibrosis Fibrous tissue present in the outer walls of hepatic veins
May be associated with varying degrees of intimal fibrosis and luminal occlusion (phlebosclerosis)
Mechanism uncertain; may represent a localized form of perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis Predisposes to the development of bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis
Some cases occur as an early lesion in simple steatosis, preceding typical features of steatohepatitis.
Not typically seen in NAFLD
Periportal fibrosis Fibrous expansion of portal tracts with formation of periportal and bridging fibrosis Consequence of portal inflammation with interface hepatitis and of ductular reaction Predisposes to the development of bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis Similar changes occur in NAFLD and are likely to have a similar mechanism.
Cirrhosis Initially micronodular
In cases where excess alcohol consumption continues, a micronodular pattern often persists and is associated with features of steatohepatitis.
Abstinence may result in a mixed or macronodular pattern. Typical features of steatohepatitis are also no longer present.
The consequence of progressive fibrosis
Initial micronodular pattern occurs as a result of bridging fibrosis in a monolobular distribution.
Macronodular or mixed nodularity cirrhosis may reflect regeneration and remodeling following the removal of toxic insult.
Leads to serious complications related to hepatocellular failure and portal hypertension
Risk of progression to hepatocellular carcinoma 1%–2% per year
Similar changes and prognostic significance in NAFLD
Features of steatohepatitis frequently diminish or disappear in cases progressing to cirrhosis, which may be mislabeled as “cryptogenic.”
ALD , Alcoholic liver disease; NAFLD , nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver

Steatosis is the earliest and most common histologic manifestation of alcohol-induced liver injury. The fat that accumulates is mainly triglyceride and can be attributed to the effects of alcohol metabolism on hepatic fatty acid synthesis. Steatosis thus occurs predominantly in perivenular hepatocytes, which have the highest concentration of enzymes involved with alcohol metabolism ( Fig. 24.3 ). In more severe cases, steatosis may involve the entire lobule.

Figure 24.3, Steatosis: zonal distribution. Fat droplets are mainly present in hepatocytes in perivenular and midzonal regions. H , Hepatic venule; P , portal tract.

Three main patterns of steatosis have been described in ALD: macrovesicular, microvesicular, and a mixed pattern (macrovesicular and microvesicular) ( Fig. 24.4 ). Macrovesicular steatosis is usually the predominant form and is characterized by the presence of single, large, cytoplasmic fat droplets, which lead to hepatocyte enlargement and peripheral displacement of the nucleus. Macrovesicular steatosis typically predominates, but droplets of smaller size are also frequently present. These are likely to represent different phases in the evolution of fat accumulation within hepatocytes. Fat initially appears in a membrane-bound form localized within the endoplasmic reticulum. As droplets become larger, they fuse and form non–membrane-bound droplets. Although these smaller fat droplets have in the past been referred to as microvesicular steatosis, there is an increasing acceptance that they should be regarded as a variant of macrovesicular steatosis for which the term “mediovesicular steatosis” has been proposed. Instead “true” microvesicular steatosis refers to the presence of multiple tiny cytoplasmic fat droplets, which are too numerous to count and result in hepatocytes having a foamy or clear cytoplasm. This pattern of injury typically occurs in conditions associated with disorders of mitochondrial beta-oxidation, such as Reye syndrome or acute fatty liver of pregnancy, but may also occur rarely as a manifestation of ALD (“alcoholic foamy degeneration,” discussed further later).

Figure 24.4, Steatosis (mixed droplet size). Liver biopsy showing “simple” steatosis, without features of steatohepatitis (same case as Fig. 24.3 ). Fat droplets in perivenular hepatocytes are mainly large, but a few smaller fat vacuoles are also present.

Simple steatosis is generally regarded as a “benign” condition, which has a low risk of progression to cirrhosis and is readily reversible following abstention from alcohol. However, the presence of fat within hepatocytes is likely to be a substrate for the more severe forms of liver injury associated with inflammation and fibrosis. In support of this suggestion, it has been shown that the severity of steatosis in an index biopsy is predictive for progression to cirrhosis. Patients with “pure” fatty and a mixed droplet pattern of steatosis have also been found to have a higher risk of progressing to cirrhosis than those with pure macrovesicular steatosis (28% versus 3% during a median interval of 10.5 years). These differences may reflect a variation in metabolic responses to alcohol, with susceptible individuals having a tendency to develop more severe oxidative stress-induced injury to mitochondria, which in turn predisposes to the development of (true) microvesicular steatosis. The resulting effects on mitochondrial membrane permeability may lead to the formation of giant mitochondria, which have also been suggested as an adverse prognostic feature in cases that otherwise have simple steatosis.

As discussed earlier, severe steatosis rarely results in sudden death. Postmortem histology shows a predominantly microvesicular or mixed pattern of steatosis without typical features of steatohepatitis. Other changes seen include megamitochondria and bilirubinostasis.

The term alcoholic foamy degeneration has been used to describe rare cases presenting with a predominantly microvesicular pattern of steatosis associated with clinical features of jaundice and hepatomegaly ( Fig. 24.5 ). Other changes seen in affected cases included bile stasis and mild perisinusoidal fibrosis without significant inflammatory infiltration. Rapid recovery typically occurs on abstention from alcohol.

Figure 24.5, Alcoholic foamy degeneration. Fat droplets are mainly microvesicular, giving a foamy appearance to the cytoplasm of many hepatocytes. Occasional larger fat droplets are also present.

Lipogranulomas are localized collections of inflammatory cells associated with fat droplets and are thought to represent a response to extravasated lipid. They occur mainly in liver lobules but can also be present in portal tracts. Small aggregates composed only of macrophages are best referred to as microgranulomas. Larger aggregates may also contain other inflammatory cells, including lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils ( Fig. 24.6A ). Rarely, well-formed epithelioid granulomas without readily identified fat droplets may be seen, causing diagnostic problems in the distinction from other causes of granulomatous liver disease. Serial sections usually reveal a fat vacuole in such cases. Multinucleated cells may also have a foamy cytoplasm reflecting ingested lipid. Larger lipogranulomas may be associated with small foci of fibrous scarring (see Fig. 24.6B ), but these are not thought to be important in the pathogenesis of progressive fibrosis.

Figure 24.6, Lipogranulomas. A, Surrounding a large fat droplet there is an inflammatory aggregate containing a mixed population of lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and occasional eosinophils. B, A perivenular lipogranuloma has undergone fibrous scarring (hematoxylin van Gieson stain).

Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

Classical morphologic descriptions have used the term alcoholic hepatitis to describe changes seen in the intermediate phase between simple steatosis and progressive fibrosis leading to cirrhosis. However, steatosis is usually still present; therefore, the term alcoholic steatohepatitis is perhaps more appropriate and in line with the terminology used to define different stages in the evolution of NAFLD. The term alcoholic steatonecrosis , used in early descriptions of ALD, also refers to the same histologic features. As discussed earlier, the clinical manifestations of alcoholic steatohepatitis range from mild asymptomatic disease to acute presentation with jaundice, fever, and signs of hepatic decompensation.

Three main features that characterize steatohepatitis are fatty change, hepatocyte ballooning (typically associated with formation of Mallory-Denk bodies), and lobular inflammation ( Fig. 24.7 ) ( eSlide 24.1, eSlide 24.2 ). These changes predominate in centrilobular regions of the liver parenchyma. Although steatosis is present in the majority of cases, it may be mild or absent in people who have been recently abstinent, whereas other features of steatohepatitis still persist. Likewise, steatosis is rarely conspicuous in cases presenting with florid features of severe alcoholic hepatitis; this may again reflect a period of alcohol abstinence as a result of severe symptomatic liver disease.

Figure 24.7, Alcoholic hepatitis. Many hepatocytes have a ballooned appearance and contain eosinophilic cytoplasmic material typical of Mallory hyaline. There are scattered aggregates of neutrophil polymorphs. Fatty change is not conspicuous (also see eSlide 24.1 , eSlide 24.2 ).

Hepatocyte ballooning probably reflects alcohol-induced damage to the cytoskeleton of hepatocytes and is thought to represent a critical step in the pathogenesis of progressive liver injury. Affected hepatocytes are typically, but not always, larger than normal and become rounded rather than polygonal in shape. The cytoplasm undergoes clarification, largely because of the intracellular accumulation of fluid. In contrast with hepatocytes showing macrovesicular steatosis, where a single large fat droplet completely displaces the normal cytoplasm, ballooned hepatocytes have a reticulated appearance and contain delicate strands of residual cytoplasmic material. In some cases, the latter form larger ropelike aggregates characteristic of Mallory hyaline (Mallory-Denk bodies) (see Fig. 24.7 ). Although hepatocyte ballooning represents a key feature in the distinction between simple steatosis and steatohepatitis, it is often difficult to assess and prone to subjective interpretation. Furthermore, other conditions may lead to hepatocyte swelling and clarification resembling that seen in ALD. These include conditions associated with glycogen accumulation (eg, glycogen storage disease or type 1 diabetes with poor glycemic control) and diseases associated with acute or chronic cholestasis.

Features supporting a diagnosis of hepatocyte ballooning related to fatty liver disease (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) include a perivenular distribution, coexistent steatosis, and the presence of Mallory-Denk bodies. Immunohistochemistry is helpful in demonstrating Mallory hyaline, particularly in cases where this is poorly formed or present in small amounts and difficult to visualize in sections stained with routine hematoxylin and eosin ( Fig. 24.8A ). Proteins associated with Mallory hyaline that can be demonstrated immunohistochemically include keratins 8 and 18 (K8 and K18), p62, and ubiquitin. Loss of membranous expression of K8 and K18 may be helpful in distinguishing the hepatocyte ballooning occurring in fatty liver disease and other diseases associated with Mallory-Denk body formation (eg, chronic cholestatic syndromes) from other conditions associated with pale swollen hepatocytes, such as microvesicular steatosis or ischemic hepatocyte ballooning (see Fig. 24.8B ). In cases of NAFLD, costaining with K8/18 as well as ubiquitin has been found to improve the detection of subtle hepatocellular injury arising from cytoskeletal injury; in particular identifying damaged normal-sized hepatocytes not readily appreciated as “ballooned” in conventional hematoxylin and eosin stained sections. This in turn improved the categorization of cases previously classified as having suspicious/borderline NASH. Immunostaining for K8/18 has likewise been shown to improve observer agreement for identifying ballooned hepatocytes and for grading disease severity in patients presenting with acute alcoholic steatohepatitis complicating alcoholic cirrhosis.

Figure 24.8, Mallory-Denk bodies; immunohistochemical staining. A, In this hepatectomy specimen obtained at liver transplantation from a person who had been abstinent from alcohol for more than 6 months, an occasional ballooned hepatocyte with a residual Mallory-Denk body is highlighted by ubiquitin immunohistochemistry. B, Ballooned hepatocytes showing loss of normal membranous/cytoplasmic expression of keratin (K8), which instead is localized within Mallory-Denk bodies ( arrows ). By contrast, steatotic hepatocytes retain a normal pattern of K8 expression around fat droplets ( arrowheads ) (K8 immunohistochemistry).

Giant mitochondria may also be found in ballooned hepatocytes ( eSlide 24.3 ). They are typically present as globular eosinophilic inclusions of a size similar to hepatocyte nuclei ( Fig. 24.9 ). Needle-shaped forms of giant mitochondria are also recognized. Giant mitochondria are mostly centrilobular in distribution and frequently coexist with Mallory-Denk bodies. They stain red with chromotrope aniline blue (see Fig. 24.9 ), contrasting with Mallory-Denk bodies, which stain blue with this method. Although they typically occur as part of the morphologic spectrum of alcoholic steatohepatitis, giant mitochondria can also be seen in cases with pure fatty liver, where their presence has been associated with an increased risk of progression to fibrosis or cirrhosis. The presence of giant mitochondria appears to correlate with recent heavy alcohol consumption and with more advanced liver disease. Although giant mitochondria are most typically seen in ALD, they have also been described in NAFLD and in a number of other chronic liver diseases, and in the latter they tend to be fewer in number and lack a zonal distribution.

Figure 24.9, Giant mitochondria. These appear as globular cytoplasmic inclusions within hepatocytes ( arrows ) and stain red using the chromotrope-aniline blue method (shown).

Lobular inflammation typically involves a mixed population of cells, including a prominent component of neutrophils (see Fig. 24.7 ). The latter have a tendency to aggregate around ballooned hepatocytes containing Mallory-Denk bodies, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as satellitosis ( Fig. 24.10 ). Cases with prominent hepatic infiltration with neutrophils may also be associated with peripheral blood neutrophilia. Neutrophil binding to hepatocytes mediates cell death by oxidative stress and release of lysosomal enzymes. Other cell types seen in perivenular regions include T lymphocytes and enlarged Kupffer cells, some of which may contain fat vacuoles. More diffuse lobular mononuclear inflammation occurs in some cases.

Figure 24.10, Neutrophil “satellitosis.” An aggregate of neutrophil polymorphs surrounds a ballooned hepatocyte containing Mallory hyaline ( arrow ).

Liver cell death is also thought to be an important component of the progressive liver injury that occurs in alcoholic steatohepatitis. Ballooning degeneration is generally regarded as a precursor lesion for lytic necrosis and is likely to be mediated by alcohol-induced oxidative stress resulting in the formation of reactive oxygen species, which damage cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins, mitochondria and other organelles and DNA. However, in contrast with severe forms of acute hepatitis (eg, viral, drug-induced, or autoimmune) lytic necrosis is rarely conspicuous histologically. In some cases of severe alcoholic hepatitis, florid neutrophilic infiltration in perivenular regions may be associated with foci of confluent hepatocyte loss and fibrous obliteration of perivenular sinusoids ( Fig. 24.11 ). The term central sclerosing hyaline necrosis has been used to describe this constellation of changes. There is increasing evidence to suggest that apoptosis is an important mechanism of cell death in alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, in contrast with the lobular inflammation seen in acute hepatitis associated with viral agents, drugs, or autoimmune hepatitis, apoptotic bodies are rarely prominent histologically in alcoholic steatohepatitis ( Fig. 24.12 ). Studies using the in situ transferase–mediated dUTP nick-end labeling index as a marker of apoptosis in ALD have shown that the apoptosis index may be as high as 30% and that the apoptotic index correlates with clinical evidence of disease severity as measured by the Maddrey score.

Figure 24.11, Severe alcoholic hepatitis with “central sclerosing hyaline necrosis.” A, Liver parenchyma contains a dense infiltrate of inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophil polymorphs. These are associated with lobular disarray and apparent obliteration of sinusoidal spaces. The lack of conspicuous fatty change is also a typical finding in severe alcoholic hepatitis. B, Perisinusoidal fibrosis is associated with compression of liver cell plates and obliteration of sinusoidal spaces in perivenular regions. There is also fibrous luminal obliteration of a small hepatic vein branch ( arrow ) (hematoxylin van Gieson stain).

Figure 24.12, Liver cell death in alcoholic hepatitis. Two apoptotic (acidophil) bodies are present ( arrows ). These are rarely prominent, even in cases with severe inflammation.

In cases of severe alcoholic hepatitis presenting clinically with jaundice and signs of liver failure, bilirubinostasis is frequently a prominent feature histologically. Most of these cases have features of acute-on-chronic liver disease with extensive fibrosis often amounting to cirrhosis. Bile pigment in this setting has been observed in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, biliary canaliculi, or bile ductules. As observed in earlier studies of patients developing severe systemic illness with jaundice and sepsis, the presence of ductular cholestasis (“cholangitis lenta”) is associated with the development of infections in patients hospitalized with severe alcoholic hepatitis.

The most important consequence of the centrilobular hepatocellular injury and inflammation that characterize alcoholic hepatitis is the development of fibrosis, which in turn has the potential to progress to cirrhosis. The presence of any degree of fibrosis indicates progressive liver injury and is predictive of the development of more severe fibrosis. Lipid release from hepatocytes may also be important in the pathogenesis of centrilobular fibrosis by causing mechanical obstruction of small hepatic veins and surrounding sinusoids.

Several overlapping patterns of fibrosis in centrilobular regions have been described ( eSlide 24-1B, eSlide 24-3B ). The earliest manifestation is the presence of activated hepatic stellate cells (myofibroblasts) in centrilobular sinusoids; these can be demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining for smooth muscle actin. This leads to the deposition of collagen fibers within perisinusoidal spaces (perisinusoidal fibrosis), a pattern of fibrosis also seen in conditions where there is impaired sinusoidal blood flow (eg, portal or hepatic venous insufficiency). The most distinctive pattern of fibrosis (pericellular fibrosis) involves collagen fibers completely surrounding individual hepatocytes in a “chicken-wire”–like fashion ( Fig. 24.13 ). Pericellular fibrosis is closely related to ballooned hepatocytes and is rarely seen in conditions other than fatty liver disease. In some cases, bands of collagen develop around the outer walls of hepatic veins, resulting in apparent thickening of vein walls; this pattern is termed perivenular fibrosis and has been defined as an area of fibrous thickening measuring at least 4 μm in thickness and involving at least two-thirds of the perimeter of the terminal hepatic venule. It may result in varying degrees of narrowing of the hepatic vein lumen, sometimes referred to as phlebosclerosis ( eSlide 24.1B, eSlide 24.4 ), and is sometimes also associated with inflammatory infiltration of the vein wall (lymphocytic phlebitis). Foci of perivenular fibrosis can sometimes be seen in a liver biopsy otherwise showing simple steatosis and may precede the development of alcoholic hepatitis. Care should be taken to avoid mistaking normal variation in the thickness of hepatic vein walls or tangentially sectioned vessels as evidence of pathologic fibrosis. The presence of relatively immature collagen (staining positively with a trichrome stain but lacking elastic fibers) as a distinct band surrounding the elastic wall of a hepatic vein branch provides clear evidence of a pathologic process. The term perivenular fibrosis is potentially ambiguous, as the other patterns of fibrosis occurring in centrilobular regions could also be classified as perivenular on the basis of their anatomic location.

Figure 24.13, Pericellular fibrosis. Collagen fibers surround ballooned perivenular hepatocytes in a characteristic pericellular pattern (hematoxylin van Gieson stain).

Fibrosis can also develop within the intima of hepatic venules leading to progressive luminal obliteration ( Fig. 24.14 ; see Fig. 24.11B ). Hepatic venoocclusive lesions are thought to occur as a consequence of reduced blood flow into the hepatic vein and are also seen in cases of cirrhosis occurring as a complication of other chronic liver diseases.

Figure 24.14, Hepatic venoocclusive lesion in alcoholic cirrhosis. A small hepatic vein branch shows subtotal luminal occlusion by fibrous tissue admixed with inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes. Inflammatory cells are also present in the vein wall and surrounding fibrous tissue (hematoxylin van Gieson stain).

The various patterns of fibrosis occurring in centrilobular regions in ALD contribute to the development of precirrhotic portal hypertension. They are also important precursor lesions in the development of progressive fibrosis, which ultimately results in cirrhosis.

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