Vascular Dementia and Binswanger Disease


  • Vascular dementias are a group of chronic progressive dementing disorders resulting from hypoperfusive, occlusive, or hemorrhagic cortical or subcortical infarcts

  • Binswanger disease (subcortical vascular dementia) refers to a widespread small-vessel disease affecting the deep white matter usually associated with systemic hypertension with atherosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis

Clinical Features


  • Vascular dementias are the second most common cause of senile dementia

    • Usually presents in patients >60 years old

    • No gender predominance

    • Estimated prevalence of 8% to 15% of older adults

    • Overall estimated incidence 3.8 per 1000 persons per year; age >80 incidence increases to 6 to 50 per 1000 persons per year

    • Risk factors include older age, hypertension, smoking, diabetes

  • Binswanger disease (note significant overlap with “vascular dementia” noted earlier)

    • Presents in 50 to 60 age range

    • No gender predominance

    • Overall estimated incidence 2.5 to 3.5 per 1000 individuals per year (6 to 12 per 1000 in ages >70)

    • Association with hypertension and atherosclerosis

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