Upper extremity composite allotransplantation


  • Upper extremity allografts consist of multiple tissues of variable immunogenicity such as skin, lymph nodes, bone marrow, nerves, vessels, muscles, and bone.

  • Transplantation can restore the appearance, anatomy, and function of non-salvageable upper extremity loss by replacing “like-with-like” tissue while avoiding donor site morbidity and/or multiple reconstructions.

  • Vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA) is not a life-saving procedure but it can significantly enhance a patient’s quality of life. Unlike solid organ transplantation, recipients are otherwise healthy without significant co-morbidities. The risk-benefit consideration for patients must include the potential side effects of long-term immunosuppression – treatment that is necessary for graft survival.

  • The conventional immunosuppression protocols used in upper extremity VCA are similar to those used in solid organ transplantation and have prevented early graft loss, but not acute rejection.

  • Acute rejection in vascularized composite allografts can be monitored grossly, thus allowing for rapid intervention as needed. Acute rejection events, when properly managed, do not appear to impact long-term allograft function or survival.

  • During the past two decades, more than 100 upper extremity transplants have been performed around the world in more than 70 patients with encouraging intermediate to long-term functional and graft survival outcomes.

  • In order to broaden the application of this life-changing reconstructive modality, future research should focus on investigating novel immunomodulatory approaches that aim to enable long-term allograft survival while minimizing the need for life-long immunosuppression.

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Millions of people each year suffer from major upper extremity trauma, resection of upper extremity tumors, or are born with major congenital defects that require many complex reconstructive procedures to repair large upper extremity defects. Conventional management of these tissue deficiencies includes prosthetic rehabilitation or autologous reconstruction, but these modalities are often limited by highly variable outcomes. There are many factors that adversely affect outcomes from traditional approaches, including a prolonged timeline and cost of rehabilitation, multiple surgeries, limited autologous tissue for reconstruction, and secondary morbidity from extensive autologous donor-site surgery. For complex injuries not amenable to conventional reconstruction, vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA) can achieve near perfect primary restoration of tissue defects with improved functional and aesthetic outcomes. VCA is a newly developed focus area in transplantation medicine and combines the time-tested techniques of reconstructive microsurgery with the immunologic principles of transplantation. The goal of VCA is to improve quality of life for patients with significant composite tissue defects by leveraging the plastic surgery principle of replacing “like with like” to optimize both functional outcomes and aesthetic outcomes.

In the US alone, approximately 1,285,000 upper extremity amputations are performed per year. In 2005, there were approximately 1.6 million individuals living in the US with upper or lower extremity limb loss. Of these 1.6 million patients, nearly 540,000 individuals have had upper extremity amputations. Even if only 1% of these patients were deemed candidates for upper extremity allotransplantation, this would mean that more than 5000 patients could potentially benefit from this life-changing treatment. Thus far, only some 70 patients have undergone upper extremity allotransplantation in the past two decades. However, despite the fact that surgical, immunological, and functional results are highly encouraging, the need for long-term and high-dose immunosuppression to enable graft survival and to treat/reverse acute skin rejection episodes remains a rate-limiting obstacle towards widespread application. The risks of immunosuppression are significant and include, but are not limited to: infection, cancer, and metabolic derangements. All these risks greatly affect the recipient’s quality of life, alter risk profile, and jeopardize the potential benefits of upper extremity transplantation. Furthermore, unlike in solid organs, clinical success is dictated not only by graft acceptance and survival but also by nerve regeneration, which determines ultimate functional outcomes. Novel strategies such as cellular and biologic therapies that integrate the concepts of immune regulation with those of nerve regeneration have shown promising results in small and large animal models. Clinical translation of these insights to upper extremity reconstructive transplantation could further minimize the need of immunosuppression and optimize functional outcomes, enabling greater feasibility and wider application of these procedures as an option for upper extremity amputees.

Evolution of upper extremity vascularized composite allotransplantation

Immunology of vascularized composite allotransplantation

Research findings in a plethora of translational models have vastly improved our understanding of the immunologic aspects of VCA. We now know that allografts are composed of different tissues, each with its own unique antigenicity as a result of differing antigen expression and presentation mechanisms. Each tissue type in a vascularized composite allograft expresses different amounts of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and tissue-specific antigens – important factors that elicit a recipient’s cellular-mediated immune response. Antigen recognition and targeting by the recipient’s immune system also differs among the allograft tissue elements due to differential vascular and lymphatic supply. Cumulatively, these mechanisms explain the pattern of rejection that can be observed in whole limb transplanted allografts. For example, transplanted muscle evokes a primarily cell-mediated immune response, whereas skin is known to induce both cellular and humoral responses. Skin and bone marrow are also known to reject earlier and more aggressively than muscle, bone, cartilage, or tendon. Appreciating the relative antigenicity of vascularized composite tissue components informs the development of strategies aimed to attenuate the antigenicity of these components. Furthermore, understanding the relative antigenicity of specific allograft components enables the tail-oring of immunosuppression, thus facilitating opportunities to limit immunosuppressants as much as possible. Over the past few decades, our understanding of relative antigenicity and humeral/cellular immunity has allowed the testing of several tailored immunosuppressive regimens in small animal (rat) and large animal (porcine, canine, and nonhuman primate) VCA models.

Experimental background and scientific basis for upper extremity transplantation

Early rodent limb transplantation recipients immunosuppressed with various combinations of 6-mercaptopurine or derivative azathioprine and prednisone all died from drug-induced side effects prior to onset of macroscopic signs of rejection. Even after the introduction of cyclosporine A, the use of high doses of cyclosporine A demonstrated no improvement in limb or animal survival. In fact, cyclosporine A monotherapy was found to be uniformly unsuccessful in prolonging vascularized composite allograft survival in both small animal and nonhuman primate models. Further studies in nonhuman primate models demonstrated that acute rejection could only be prevented with cyclosporine A when trough levels were 3–4 times the level achieved in human solid organ transplantation – levels known to be associated with significant peri-transplant infections and malignancies.

In 1996, Benhaim and colleagues demonstrated that a combination of cyclosporine A with an antimetabolite (such as mycophenolate mofetil) could successfully prolong rat hindlimb allograft survival. Benhaim and his team pioneered the concept that predictable, long-term, functional limb allograft survival was feasible. Using a similar regimen, others demonstrated in swine models that long-term survival of fully mismatched composite allografts was feasible. Since swine and humans share immunological similarities including the structure of MHC and the expression of MHC class II antigens (on endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and dendritic cells), these findings provided adequate proof of concept in both small and large animal models that human upper extremity allotransplantation was feasible.

Solid organ transplantation innovation has provided critical information about the immunologic consequences of organ transplantation and the efficacy and toxicity of immunosuppressive drugs. The field of transplantation evolved from transplanted kidneys and hearts to livers, lungs, pancreas, small bowel, multiple abdominal viscera, bone marrow, and, most recently, vascularized composite allografts. As expected, the initial results of allograft and patient survival after organ transplantation in the 1960s were poor. Editorials in major clinical journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine , questioned the feasibility and ethical basis of organ transplantation. There was great concern for the adverse effects of chronic immunosuppression, especially the risk of opportunistic infections and malignancies. During the next four decades, due to improvements in immunosuppression and in the management of post-transplant complications, this pessimism abated. Similarly, attempts at upper extremity transplantation, after three decades of quiescence since the first attempt in Ecuador, has also been met with vigorous skepticism. Interestingly, most of the criticism has come from hand surgeons. Most argue that the risks of immunosuppressive therapy are justifiable in potentially life-saving organ transplantation, but not in upper extremity allotransplantation. Furthermore, many hand surgeons argue that the immunological, ethical, and psychological issues associated with hand transplantation still need to be addressed.

The justification for proceeding with clinical trials of upper extremity transplantation using modern immunosuppression has been based on scientific progress on: (1) the availability of novel immunosuppressive drugs that have improved the efficacy and lower risk profile of immunosuppresion; (2) the availability of highly efficacious treatments for opportunistic fungal or viral infections (such as Pneumocystis carinii and Cytomegalovirus ); (3) the development of novel therapeutics for post-transplant malignancies (such as rituximab for post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, PTLD); (4) research on immunosuppressive drug regimens based on years of experience with solid organ transplantation; and (5) the success of human transplantation of all individual component tissues of the hand, including skin, muscle, tendons, vessels, nerve, bone, and joint.

Historical development and milestones

The earliest accounts of organ transplantation date to the Chinese physician Pien Chi’ao, who in 500 bce performed a dual-heart transplant on warriors Gong Hu and Qi Ying. In addition, in the Sushruta Samhita , a surgical report written by the Indian surgeon Sushruta who lived around the fifth to sixth century BCE. He describes in detail the techniques of rhinoplasty and pedicled autografts from the forehead, neck, and cheek to restore mutilating injuries of the nose and ear. About 900 years later, the patron saints Cosmos and Damian are credited with performing the first limb allotransplantation. Legend has it that around the year 348, they successfully transplanted the right leg of a dead Moor onto the Roman deacon Justinian, after amputating his cancerous/gangrenous leg ( Fig. 41.1 ). The first description of skin allografting was done by the sixteenth-century Italian surgeon Gaspare Tagliacozzi from Bologna, who in his book De curtorum chirurigia per insitionem (“On the surgery of mutilation by grafting”) described a novel method of nasal and aural allo-reconstruction, where he used skin from the inner aspect of the arm from a slave to reconstruct the nose of a wealthy patient who injured it during a sword fight. In this book, Tagliacozzi goes on to describe one of the first descriptions of tissue rejection, when he discusses the practical difficulty of binding two different individuals (referring to tissue rejection) to one another for a sufficient length of time.

Figure 41.1, St. Cosmas and St. Damian perform the first human extremity allotransplantation. Per mythology, Christian Roman deacon Justinian had a malignant growth on his leg and fell asleep while praying for a cure in the Church of Cosmas and Damian in Rome. In his dreams, the saints amputated the diseased limb and transplanted the leg of a Moor, brought to the church for burial. The patient awoke and gratefully observed a now healthy leg, though black in color.

It took another 300 years before these “practical difficulties” in transplantation began to be elucidated. During this time, advancements in antisepsis, anesthesia, hemostasis, organ preservation and, most importantly, microvascular surgery led to the rapid progress of reconstructive microsurgery. Alexis Carrel in 1902 described the surgical technique of vascular anastomosis, thus laying the foundation for conventional vascular and microsurgery. Carrel successfully obtained the revascularization of experimental organ allografts, but failed to achieve permanent graft acceptance. Carrel attributed this “organ failure” to vascular complications because he had no knowledge of the process of rejection. In 1932 and 1937, the first attempts at skin grafting were performed between identical twins. Again, no mention was made of rejection. In 1944, Hall published the first detailed theoretical account of cadaveric donor upper extremity transplantation (at the mid-humeral level). In his protocol, Hall described that an experienced surgical team within a well-equipped hospital was needed to perform the procedure. Additionally, his protocol included important and innovative descriptions of organ preservation, osteosynthesis, and vascular anastomoses. Lastly, potential complications related to thrombosis and infections were discussed, but, again, no reference was made to the occurrence of rejection. Strikingly, Hall was not aware that Sir Peter Brian Medawar, a young zoologist in Britain, and Thomas Gibson, a plastic surgeon, had made the historic discovery of the immunologic phenomenon of skin allograft rejection that very same year (1944). The challenge of skin transplantation led to the exploration of new frontiers in organ transplantation. In 1954, a plastic surgeon, Joseph E. Murray, with his team members, John P. Merrill and J. Hartwell Harrison in Boston, performed the first successful human kidney transplantation between identical twins. This was followed in 1957, by the first clinical attempt at allotransplantation of an en bloc composite digital flexor tendon mechanism by a plastic surgeon, Erle E. Peacock, Jr. Indeed, it was Peacock who coined the term “composite tissue allograft” to differentiate these transplants that were composed of multiple tissues unlike solid organs.

Our understanding of the immunologic behavior of allografts lagged behind technical developments in surgery. It was only the knowledge gained from landmark discoveries in the past century that facilitated the manipulation or suppression of the immune response, allowing successful prolongation of graft survival. After Medawar’s demonstration that rejection was an immunologic event, the next logical question was: Why not prevent this phenomenon by suppressing the immune system? In the 1950s, corticosteroids and irradiation were used for immunosuppression. In the 1960s, the antimetabolites 6-mercaptopurine and its derivative azathioprine were introduced, along with agents such as antilymphocyte globulin. These drugs were used either alone or in combination with corticosteroids. Graft survival improved but surgical outcomes were dismal because these drugs acted indiscriminately and were associated with severe organ-specific and systemic adverse effects.

In 1964, the first hand transplantation was performed using pharmacologic immunosuppression. Dr Gilbert in Guayaquil, Ecuador, transplanted the right forearm of a 28-year-old sailor who had lost his limb at the wrist level owing to a hand-grenade explosion the previous day. The donor was a laborer who had died of hematemesis (with gastric bleeding) a few hours earlier. The recipient was given heparin, dextran, and a broad-spectrum antibiotic after the surgery and was maintained on a combination regimen of prednisone and 6-mercaptopurine (6-mercaptopurine was replaced 24 hours later by azathioprine). These drugs are considered primitive according to present day standards, and unfortunately, signs of acute allograft rejection occurred after two and half weeks. The patient was then moved to Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, where at 3 weeks, aggressive rejection set in, and the forearm had to be re-amputated at 4 cm above the wrist level. Unfortunately, the advanced state of necrosis prevented any histopathologic evaluation of the graft. This bold and pioneering attempt at hand transplantation laid the foundation to the successful attempts yet to come.

In 1976, another major breakthrough in transplantation came with the discovery of the immunosuppressive properties of the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A. In 1978, cyclosporine was first used clinically in organ as well as bone marrow transplantation with remarkable results. The FDA approved cyclosporine A in 1983. Cyclosporine A, along with agents like anti-CD3 antibody (OKT3, introduced in 1981), effectively reduced the reliance on high-dose steroids for the prevention of rejection. The calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus (FK 506) was discovered in 1987, clinical trials were conducted in 1989, and FDA approval came in 1994. Tacrolimus led to dramatic improvements in solid organ transplantation, allowing highly immunogenic grafts such as the small bowel to be transplanted. The success of the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine A and tacrolimus made them the cornerstone drugs of the modern era of transplantation. The 1990s saw the introduction of novel drugs such as the antimetabolite mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, approved by FDA in 1995) and rapamycin (sirolimus, discovered in 1976 but approved by FDA only in 1999). Combining these drugs with a calcineurin inhibitor was found to significantly reduce rejection and improve solid organ graft survival with a reduction in adverse effects.

Chronology of clinical upper extremity allotransplantation

In September 1991, the first conference on VCA was held in Washington, DC to “determine the clinical feasibility of transplanting limbs in patients with limb loss” and the “direction in which clinically oriented limb transplantation research should head”. In November 1997, the 1st International Symposium on VCA was convened in Louisville, Kentucky to discuss the “scientific, clinical and ethical barriers standing in the way of performing the first human hand transplant”. International experts at the meeting predicted that limb transplantation was not far from “becoming a clinical reality”. Within the next 22 months, 34 years after the first hand transplantation was performed, surgeons in Lyon, France, performed the world’s second unilateral hand transplant in September 1998. In January 1999, the first unilateral hand transplant in the US was performed in Louisville, Kentucky.

Following these attempts, numerous centers in Europe, Asia, and the US have performed over 70 upper extremity transplantations. Most of these transplantations were wrist to mid-forearm amputations, except for two partial hand grafts in China, one partial hand graft in the US, and two cases of above elbow transplantation.

Clinical experience with upper extremity allotransplantation

Program, patient, procedural, and protocol-related considerations

Program establishment and implementation

Creating a hand transplant program is a task filled with many challenges. Solid organ transplantation and hand replantation are time-tested procedures and are now the standard of care. Hand transplantation is the amalgamation of the scientific principles of reconstructive surgery and the concepts of organ transplantation. Therefore, the success of any hand transplant program lies in its ability to foster collaboration between a multidisciplinary team comprised of a core group of hand (plastic or orthopedic) and transplant surgeons, psychiatrists, physical therapists, social workers, and transplantation nursing staff to name a few. Although the transplant clinical process is well established, it is also bound by tight regulations; this may come as a surprise to reconstructive plastic/hand surgeons who wish to start a hand program. Therefore, the experience of the solid organ transplantation members is essential when negotiating through the regulatory process. Such a joint effort can overcome the challenges that are inherent in a complex therapeutic option that integrates multiple specialties during the planning, procedural, and post-transplant phases.

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